Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1950)
T he MILL CITY Quips & Quotes By PHIL McNOTE Regan, Regan, R.egan, as they speak of rain in the fatherland, de signed to spoil a few picnics and save a thousands crops. When you have a tendency to tire of the moist material just remember the grain, the gardens, and our biggest crop, our forest. The rain helps to save them all. As a youngster I used to play a little game of make believe. With my friends we would go to the cem etery and try to imagine what the world would be like if all the people represented by the markers were with us again. Even as children we knew that parents would rejoice if little lost ones were regained, that children would be playful if mother or dad could come back. In our young thinking we would try to imagine what our world would be like if we had the great leaders of yesterday. This week, a little older and I hope a little wiser, I tried the game again. The setting furnished ¿he only differ ence. Things were as quiet as the graveyard of which I spoke as I walked through the old site of the Mill City Manufacturing plant. With the great timbers standing in rever ent silence, they represented well the grave side markers. Here was the setting of a thousand nostalgic memories. The great machinery is no longer present. Now the mill is dead and the parts that gave her life have been taken away. I tried to imagine her in full opera tion once again. I stood in the saw yers place, walked where the great power rolls were located, pictured the carriage with the rachet setter and the doggers; Oh, I stood in half a hundred places and envisioned a hundred men at their task. They were a happy group. The mill was a part of their town. The commu nity prospered because of her. I walked through what must have been the saw filing room. I saw the benches at the edge of the mill pond. I listened to the men talk as they ate their lunch in the shade in the summertime and stood close to the great boilers when the weather wras cold. I could see that a hundred families were happy because the mill was an important part of their life. I looked at the great tomb and tried to imagine what the town would be like if she were alive once again. But more than the past I thought of the future ... of the time when the dam w’ould be completed ... of the families that have stayed with and made this town. How perfect the picture would be, the mill in op eration, the happy workers, the se cure families. Would any cost or effort be too great for a picture as perfect as that? Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN <■ \ I I B ID A N H V ENTERPRISE ltons MEH AM \ MONGOLI» ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 8. 1950 $2.50 a A'ear, 5c a Copy Citizens League Picks Jensen For School Board Candidate With an objective of better com wishes and a “we'll do as we please munity development and government attitude". representation, community residents With an assurance that the most formally organized a citizen’s league immediate way to alleviate the situa tion would be to have a member on this week. The committee formed upon the the school board willing to fairly rep advise of state P.T.A. officials and resent the community, committee others, elected officers and clearified members made their nomination for their objectives. Filling the position the election the 19th of this month. of chairman was Mrs Robert Veness; Norman Jensen, resident of the vice-chairman. Mrs. Ruth Lamphaer; community, and employed with the secretary, Mrs. Wilson; and treasurer, CBI was nominated to run for the vacancy created by the expired term Mr, L. Verbeck. The citizens met together after re of board member Bill Shuey. Shuey cently published problems involving had been appointed to the post to I the school board, had raised ques- fill the unexpired term of Willis Pot tons in their minds. Committee mem- ter, who returned to the armed serv ers told reporters this week they ices. Jensen had gained considerable wished their objective to be made popularity in his work in the PTA. clear. They stated they had organ He became known as a man not ized not to necessarily criticize the afraid to stand for his convictions I school board or insist upon their re and had demonstrated an unusual Pictured above is the scene of the forest fire which threatened the Detroit dam area last week. The photo moval. Their objective, as taxpayers amount of fairness in previous PTA was taken from the south side of the canyon near the aggregate blns at the dain site. was to uncover the truth. If, they investigations. Jensen, a veteran of (Photo courtesy Bob Veness and Capital Journal) continued, their actions are proven to World War II, has been an active be a discredit to the community and worker in the American Legion and the people whom they represent; then has taken a position of leadership their immediate removal would serve with the Explorer Scouts. the best interest of the community. On the other hand, if they have been I unjustly accused we desire to be the The budget for the 1950-1951 fiscal first to vindicate them Low' humidity in a tinder dry for Babler Brothers construciton com est threatened the canyon with a pany of Portland neared the comple year for the Mill City school district One member stated, in a personal blaze that might have equaled the tion this week of a resurfacing con- 129-J which had been altered since interview’, that as she saw the prob great fire of a quarter century ago. tract of highway 222 between Mill its acceptance by the Rural School lem citizens might have been happy District board of Linn county was to comply to the board’s wish to sell had not loggers and construction II City and Gates. The Mill City Lions club proved the workers in the area joined forces to The road which had been damaged classified as illegal this week by any property in question or to meet fact of its community mindedness bring the threat under control. by the heavy traffic, received a new County School Superintendent J M. other wishes had they been notified. this week when it delivered a check The fire started from a slashing pile oil mat for 3.83 miles. In addition Bennett and a new budget was ae- The strongest objection was raised in for $200 to the local Boy Scout of the apparent disregard of the citizens ficials to help pay the way of the which had been burning under obser to the new oil mat the highway manded. In a letter to School Board Clerk Boy Scout to Valley Forge, Pa. vation but was thought put out when shoulders were to be repaired in sev Charles Kelly, Bennett said, "In Lions ciub secretary, Jack Colburn, the low humidity and high winds made eral places. said the funds had been raised the fire danger imminent. The flames Babler Brothers won the contract checking over the published budget of School District 129, 1 find it is through the efforts of the amateur were discovered burning out of con with a low bid of $12,893. show and other community contribu trol at 3:40 a.m. Friday by Consoli A State highway crew were busy improperly made out. ... It will tions. The Valley Forge trip to be dated Builders Inc. They made im with jackhammers this week widen be necessary that you make a new made by some Boy Scout of the Mill mediate report to the Forest service. ing the top of the abrupt rise. The budget . . Portland—Dispelling a current er- City troop was deemed a worthy and According to a state statute passed Weather conditions aided the slight repair at this point was ex roneous belief on the part of the gen flames as they swept down the can pected to facilitate the heavy, traffic by the last legislature a board known eral public, Capt. G. E. Lawrence, desirable objective. Lions club mem yon in the reservoir area. Humidity with greater ease. Logging com as the Rural School District Board, officer in charge of the Portland Ma bers stated the purpose of their orga dropp.d b ..• 30 percent at 4 00 a m. panies havte placed a flagman at the te be voted upon by the legal voters rine Corps Recruiting . office, an nization was to further community All logging operations must cease bottom of the hill to aid in traffic and to consist of five members shall nounced that the Marine Corps Is ac goodwill and aid -wnn?”nity develop act in supervisory capacity over the cepting applicants for immediate en ment. It was believed that the Boy 1 when the humidity drops to the 30 control. boards of the entire county. It Is listment. Captain Lawrence further Scout aid would be a positive devel ' percent mark. Winds of 30 miles an l their duty to oversee each districts’ stated that, as far as is now known, opment of character and well devel hour with gusts to 50 miles drove the ! budget in as much as the new legis this policy will remain in effect for oped characters would be able to flames out of control. Shortly before I make the greatest contribution to lation directs all of the taxes to the an indefinite period. the fire reached the construction site j any community, Townspeople ex- central rural board. The law was proper, high winds drove them across j To qualify for enlistment in the passed with equalization in mind and ! Marines, a young man must be be- pressed pleasure that a community the broad new Santiam highway into Communities from Mehama to timber on near-vertical mountain richer districts would help the dis . tween the ages of 17 and 28, of good of this size could make such a contri bution. Idanha will join in the festive spirit sides. tricts with low evaluation. In con Estimates are that the amount ot sequence the Rural School District moral character, and must meet the Also helping in the financing of the in this year’s air show sponsored by For four hours Friday morning the required mental and physical stand trip was The Mill City Enterprise the Mill City chamber of commerce I highway was closed to traffic as fall blood needed for the entire nation is Board in analyzing the budget of 129 ards. which donated $1.00 out of every and scheduled for July 16. ing trees and rock slides created ex 3,700.000 pints each year. Our com cut some $16,000 from the proposed The current enlistment period is munity’s needs are a part of this budget. The amount approved by four years and accepted applicants $2 50 subscription sold by the Boy Highlighting the big show will be tremely hazardous conditions. total. this board was $119,000, which was are sent from Portland to the Marine Scouts. the selection of a queen to be chosen Forest rangers reported in an on the Gary Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Our doctors want to be certain in harmony with the 6% limitation from the entire canyon. Each com spot interview Friday night that over Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, Walter Peterson was selected by the munity or organization was urged by 100 acres had been burned. They be that they can get all the blood they established by state statute. where they are given a 10-week chamber committee members this lieved the flames would be brought need to save the lives of the ill and The original $119,000 will be taken j course of recruit training. On com Scout executives to be the troop’s injured. The Red Cross wants the week to select their princess for the under control late Saturday after from the county tax fund and any pletion of this training, they receive representative at the Valley Forge royal court. Princesses will be se noon if good fortune was with them. people in our community to know I amount over that figure must come 10 days leave prior to assignment to summer camp. Young Peterson has been In Scouting for three years lected by vote sales. Votes will cost , They praised the co-operation of the that our blood program furnishes by increased taxes from the Mill City their first duty station. and is now in the advanced Exployer 5 for 25c or will sell for 25 for $1.25. i entire canyon in the battle against them this blood and that any patient district. It will be necessary, if the Wide opportunities for furthering Scout group. He will join other Each organization in Mill City should the flames. All logging companies in who needs a blood transfusion will not! voters pass on the budget to raise their education are offered all Ma Scouts from the Northwest in Salem have their candidate for princess se the area sent their crews to help in have to be worried about whether or , the districts’ taxes I to garner the ad- rines through a number of service on the 20th of this month where they lected and entered by July 17 to com the fight. C.B.I. and the Army engi- not he can afford it. With your gift ditional $4,400. schools, as well as through the famed will embark on a trip through Wash of blood and with the gifts from plete for Mill Citys’ candidate for ; neers, also sent crews, the forest The items asked for in the extra Marine Corps Institute, which for the ington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyom your friends and neighbors—we will queen. i service officials said. amount were not i approved by the past 28 years has offered free cor ing, where they will take a side trip keep pace with our scientists. July 1 will be the deadline for the When newsman talked to fighters rural district board respondence courses in nearly 200 through Yellowstone National’ Park. The blood program sees to it that selection of the princesses. For two at the fire front via short wave radio The budget declared illegal was fields of knowledge. Interested young They will then tiavel on to Omaha, weeks preceding the show, July 1 to their report that the terrian was ex no one will be allowed to give bloo<i published in last week’s Enterprise men may secure full details about the Nebraska, Chicago, Illinois, Detroit, 15 candidate will urge their followers tremely difficult seemed the under if his own health is endangered; no1 and the corrected budget that may b«' Marines by writing the Marine Corps Michigan, and go through the Domin to take up the victory banners and statement of the year as the press blood will be used until it has passed voted upon appears on page seven of Recruting Station, Room 208, New U ion ot Ontario on the way to Niagara elect them as queen. The queen will man later climbed to the fire scene. rigid tests. Every person between this week's Enterprise. S. Court House, Portland. Falls and New York After a day in b selected by her majority of votes Older men dropped out in the hour the ages of 21 and 60 will have his the world’s largest city, they will go at a dance Saturday. July 15. long climb up the mountain side. chance to save a life. And when new on to the National Jamboree at Valley THERt h W.L ALWAYS BE A WINTER/ One logger, with 25 years exper- discoveries are made—when our doc Such a plan will enable any candi Forge tors can accomplish even more with date from any community to have ience in the woods, told newsmen it While at the Jamboree, they will equal opportunity to be selected as was the "roughest country” that he the help of blood—we will be ready have oppoi tunili« a to see many of the for them. had encountered. Such conditions the ruler of the airshow and break nation’s historical points of interest i called for extieme courage and stam Thursday, June 29th. between fast hop. in and around Valley Forg, and Phil Other recreation plans are under ina as crews sought to bring the and 8 p.m.. at the Presbyterian adelphia. ir control. Left in the wake ation room. Mill City, a Red way for the big week in July. On the return trip, the e Scouts will • were only the chared re- mobile unit will collect blood i through Washlngti on, D. C.. econd growth trees between voluntary donors. Volunteers a maha, Nebraska; er, Colorado; 3 years old. Great snags, quested to appear at the abov< alt Lake City In Utah, u nd San Fran •ly 4 feet through and left nnd place whether or not they before returning to t Salem. cat fire of 1924. thundered had an opportunity to sign THURSDAY— >und as the high winds and pledge cards. Call or telephon« American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs. to t ept through the canyon. Jack Colburn for further inforir Gates PT A 1st Thursday 8 pm. Canyon Joins Forces Gates-Mill City Highway Surfaced To Subdue Fire School District Budget Declared Illegal Marines Accepting Enlistments Now Plans for Air Show Queen Announced Gifts of Blood Are Needed for Bank (L’lilllitiR t1iri;ti: FRIDAY— I.O.O.F. meeting Lyons IWA meeting 2nd Friday Mill City IWA meeting last Friday s ATl’RDAY— Mari-Linn PTA turkey dinner at Rebekah hall. Lyons. 5 to 8 p m Santiam Riders Dance. MONDAY— Lions club meeting. A F. & A M. No. 180 stated meet ing third Monday. Pre-School uinic To Be Held June 14 >0-000o-oooooooooc o o oooooocooc n o o oooCH?0-0-000 5000000000C M ti o Who Car* Vote? Marion County Public Ice will hold a pre-sci he Mil! City grade set icsday. June 14th from I 30 p.m. Free check-up, shots and Immuni- Rations will be given to all pre-school children Including babic ■a. Mrs. Clayton Mm Arthur K Baltimore, » and ■ fr with With school affairs arousing a high interest arming th«* citizen* reports were being circulated this week that only a privi!<<♦•<I Would be eligible to vote. Ac ording to an act of the State legislature in 1949 the law relevant to qualifications of voters was amenried. Property owner whip, which was previously necessary to qualify a voter wav done a away with. The new Oregon law provide* that any duly registered voter, who is a resident in the district, can vote in any school election of what- TUESDAY— ever naturr. that is, election of directors, voting on approval of the Women’s club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tues Santiam Eagles auxiliary 8 p.m. o budget, or bond issues for any purpose. It will mean that every interested registered voter will he eligible Senior Scouts 7:30 p m. to select a new hoard member, decide upon the budget, and other school edni . sday — business in the election scheduled t« he held In the high school on Lions club auxiliary 8:30, 4th Wed. June 19th for board member and to vote on th«- supplementary budget Santiam Rebekah 166 1st and 3rd on June 30th. Wed. at 8 p m. phone 2003 Mil Ht MEE BY THE "Street Corner” coming. Father’s Day June 18. New spuds. 10 lbs 39c. Trailer hm>w «’75 w Altar Society meets 2nd Wed V « Tu,