Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1950)
Date Changed For Appearance Of Bloodmobile Appearing two days earlier than originally scheduled, the bloodmobile will be in Mill City next Tuesday from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Presbyterian Rec- reation room. Donors are asked to note the change in date. Those having pre viously donated blood are requested to bring their cards with them. It will save time if their blood type is available. Those who have not had an oppor tunity to sign Donor Pledge cards and wish to donate a pint of blood may appear at an^ time and will be taken as soon as possible. Refreshments furnished by the Red Cross will be served by the American Legion auxiliary. The American Le gion is sponsoring the bloodmobile in Mill City. The following have signed Donor Pledge Cards: From Gates — Bill J. Ader, Mrs. Arthur Cox, Alfred C. JSttlin, Mary J. Haun, Lola Henness, Billy B. Moore, P. L. Mulligan, Ruth M. Philbrick, C. O. Redmond, Inez B. Redmond, Lloyd Shackelford, M. C. Shumaker, Mary Walker, Ida L Fleetwood, and Carmen Stafford. From Lyons — C. W. Catherwood, J. E. Clark, Mrs. G. S. Crowell, Eugene M. Miller Jr., Dorothy Nye, Ervin S. Peterson, and Mary Ella McGrath From Mill City—Elmer O. Angle sey, Mrs. A. E. Armstrong Jr., Mrs. (Continued on Page 8) T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY Menon El KHORN GATES IDANHA LYONS MEHAMA MONGO1 I' ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEW AY TO THE HEART OF NATURE'S EMPIRE Vol. VI—No. 25 Roy Hewitt Urges Citizens To Act In Local Affairs MILL CITY, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1950 THE AMERICAN $2.50 a Year, 5c a Copy Shuey Wins by 46 Votes As Hundreds Jam Polls OF COURSE WE VE ÖOT A Mill City citizens were urged LOT OF PROBI EM TÖ S1RAI6HTEN take an active part in community OUT IN THIS COUNTRY, fairs by Roy R. Hewitt, Democratic but tuat ^ not ire way to nominee for congress from the first DO IT - WE MUST WORK AND Oregon district, in an address at the BUILD 1Ö6ETRER/ theatre last. Thursday evening. Hewitt made no direct reference to !a Rolling in votes at the rate of two the local school board issue, but em- minute for more than 90 minutes, hasized by anecdote pertinent fea William B. Shuey defeated Norman tures of the situation here. At one I C. Jensen 187 to 141 in last Monday’s point he used the illustration of ap school election. proaching a county official and offer Parking and highway problems of By his victory, Shuey retains a seat ing to buy the court house. Mill City were discussed in an on- on the school board. the-spot special meeting of the Mill Jensen, a resident of the city for The congressional nominee bitterly City council last Tuesday. ’ only a year, was sponsored by the assailed those who through fear of personal consequences fail to do their The state highway department has newly-activated Mill City Citizens’ submitted plans for'paving the high- League which has been Investigating democratic duty of participating In local government. He pointed out way on the Marion county side at j conduct of school affairs Shuey had the support of the pres that the way is open for such par the foot of the hill. These plans. ih ticipation. i which would be backed by state funds ent board and those who have in p ll I 1 . complemented by city contributions, dorsed the actions of the board. “It is the right of everyone to know s! ‘T The heavy vote evidently surprised required the city to enforce parallel what is in the public records,” he in •,fi i * ; • ; both the victors and the vanquished. parking and other regulations in the sisted. .. I area. Such a plan would drastically The supply of blank paper ballots ran Pointing out the consequences of reduce the number of cars which out and many voters had to write failure to perform this elemental could be parked in that area at any their choice on the same ballot which function, he indicated that unless citi contained the name of L. O. Gorman, one time. zens do the job themselves "a Hitler” Gates—The Boy Scout troop No. 45 will do the job for them. This pe- It was decided to ask the state to unopposed candidate for the Linn is being represented at the National nalyzes the progress of mankind, revise the plans to permit angular County Rural School District board zone 2. Gorman received 202 votes. Boy Scout Jamboree at Valley Forge, Hewitt indicated. I or forty-five degree parking. The public meeting at which the Pa., by George Hill Burton and Jon About ten business men in addition election was held was orderly and "Human life develops to its high- Arnold Burton, sons of Mr. and Mrs. est point when human minds are to the council members participated well - conducted. Voting proceeded T. R. Burton, according to latest free,” he declared. in the discussion. smoothly for more than an hour and word released by Gale Carey and Dick *'For II hat soever a Man Someth ... ” Mayor Toman announced yesterday a half. Opinion - expression was presented [ Parker, local Scout leaders. The that the state intends to erect a tri- as the elementary condition for the Both sides expressed pleasure at Burton brothers have been active in [ angular island at the road junctioh the large turnout, since last year a existence of a democratic form of Scout work, both being first class j on the Linn county side at the ap director was elected by a vote of 22 government. scouts. proach to the bridge. to 15. Turning to the value of a good edu George, whose age is 14, completed With twenty-foot sides, the island "If. we have generated genuine his freshman year at Gates high cation. Hewitt illustrated his point by I would contain road signs pointing in (interest in the conduct of school af- school, where he took active part in examples in his personal experience the three directions and would have 1 fairs, we have done part of our job athletics. He earned his basketball where insanity and criminal conduct Among 44,000 youths converging on Plans for the second annual Mill anyway,” said a spokesman of the cement curbs. resulted from an improper childhood. letter this past season. [ City air show are moving ahead Valley Forge. Pa., this month for the | Citizens' League. ---------------------------- The extremely narrow balance of Second National Jamboree of the | rapidly, offiicals announced yester- I Jon was graduated from the eighth Jensen wasn’t the only casualty of grade this spring. He is past 13, but the human mind was demonstrated Boy Scouts, Gary Peterson, 15-year- | day. , the heavy vote. Board member Ra The comparative old Mill City high school junior and _ue to size and agility, was consid in several ways. “The show we plan for Sunday, mon Roberts, one of the beginning ered one of the stellar members of inexperience of the human being as Explorer Scout, left Tuesday from [July 16, will be bigger and better registrars, couldn’t keep up the heavy a rational thinker was pointed out by this year's grade basket ball team. Salem. | than last year’s,” Byron Davis, owner | pace of registering the flood of voters. He too was awarded a letter for the a vivid presentation of the very few Gary, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal of the airport announced. The victorious candidate. William B. season's plav. , venerations that have passed since ter Peterson, was selected early this i Already plans for an open air Shuey, took his place listing the The trip takes the boys through I man attained his present mental month as Mill City’s representative breakfast hop on July 16, the morn-, Mill City’s $20,784.84 budget some 26 states and will require 24 growth. Even the acts of men re at the Jamboree. The Mill City Lions [ ing of the air show, are nearly com ' 1950-1951 will be reviewed at a public names. Jensen was among the first to con hearing Friday at 8 p.m. in the city days including the seven spent at the garded by their fellows as the most club contributed $200 toward financ pleted, Davis added. gratulate the winning candidate. hall. Jamboree. Many side trips have been rational of creatures are sometimes ing his trip. "A definite program for the cele During the early stages of the Included in the budget is an ex arranged to augment and add inter illogical as illustrated by other ex Prior to his departure, Gary and bration will be announced early in ! penditure of $8,475 for law enforce- count, it appeared that the vote would amples the speaker used. est to their travels. his fellow scouts from the Salem area July,” Davis promised. be very close. At one point, Jensen George and Jon expressed their Considering the lateness of the hour were served dinners in various Salem Meanwhile, the princess ticket sale i ment and $10,100 for streets. had tallied throe to his opponent’s gratitude to the local Scout commit and the fact the speaker was brought churches. Gary had his dinner at the moves briskly ahead. Mill City’s four • Sources of income for the city in- two. On three occasions he was tee, leaders and all those who helped to Mill City under last-minute ar First Christian church candidates have been selling tickets l elude an estimated $2,000 from fines, within two votes of the leader. With make their trip possible. i $1,500 from licenses, $1,500 from pin- rangements, a large crowd was on since Monday. Each received five Gary’s contingent of cross-country 117 votes counted, Shuey’s margin hand to hear him. Hewitt’s appear travelers will ride 400 strong across hundred tickets. Each ticket is i balls, punchboards, etc., $700 from was only 60 to 57. ance in Mill City was sponsored by the nation in a special train. The valued at ten cents and counts five ■ liquor and $150 from telephone. At the final oount, Shuey had 57 the Citizens’ league. group will stop off at Yellowstone votes. The state highway commission is percent of the total vote cast to Jen A. F. of L. Endorses Hewitt park. Boy’s Town. Nebr., Chicago, Mary Jane (Sunnle) Hoffman, Jane l expected to allot $7.000 for the street sen's 43 percent. Bob Veness, who At the American Federation of La Niagara Falls, New York City and Peterson, Phyllis Timm, and Luella 1 fund, while the rest of the $10,100 had not been nominated, received one bor meeting in La Grande last week. other points of interest on their way Mason are the four princesses. They ’ street fund budget is met by esti write-in vote. Rov R Hewitt was indorsed by that east. The group will enter Canada are sponsored by the American Le mates of $2,200 from the county road Candidate Jensen-expressed thanks Dr. Bohus A. Benes, former west labor group for the position of con from Detroit to give the boys an op gion and auxiliary. Chamber of Com- ■ tax and $900 from public utilities. for the large vote he received in his coast consul for Czechoslovakia, will gressman from the first Oregon dis portunity to visit another country. i merce, high school and Lions club 1 According to the budget, $1,500 is first campaign for public office. After be a visiting professor at Willam trict. From June 30 to July 6. Gary will .and auxiliary, respectively. on hand in cash. his victory, Bill Shuey thanked the ette University this summer. Purchases of the tickets are re be at the Jamboree in Valley Forge, crowd that stayed for the count. Nephew of the late president of historic site in Pennsylvania. On his minded that the tickets are for vote "I'd like to thank the people for Czechoslovakia, Eduard E. Benes, the return trip. Gary will visit Washing getting purposes only. Of the money their show of faith in my Integrity,” visiting professor has been teaching ton. Salt I^ake City and San Fran received half goes to the organization Shuey said. at the University of California and sponsoring a princess and the other cisco. Shuey’s victory had been loudly ap San Francisco state college specializ half goes to the Chamber of Com The entire trip will last 24 days. plauded by his supporters. ing in political science. merce to support the breakfast hop. Dr. Benes’ colorful career includes The hard - working princess sales Salem’s Arrow Transportation Co. Landowners in the Santiam soil service with his uncle at Geneva when has filed an application with the Pub ladies receive none of the money for conservation district are sched- Eduard Benes was one of the League lic Utilities Commissioner for a per [ themselves. uled to vote Saturday on a proposal of Nation’s leading statesmen. As an mit to authorize motor common car The deadline for the first ticket to enlarge the district. officer in the Czechoslovak army in rier transportation of passengers in sale is midnight, June 30. Polling places will be established at exile, the nephew did both radio and regular route scheduled service be A second ticket sale will begin on Oswald Hirte was re-elected to the newspaper work supplying informa tween Salem and Detroit on Oregon Sales of E bonds in Oregon for the July 1. Two types of tickets will be the Mehama women’s club and at the Gates school board last Monday with Stayton Grange hall. Polls will be tion to the Czech underground. (Continued on Page 8) state highway 222. week ending June 10 totaled $868.- opened from 1 p.m. to 8 pm Absentee a total of 31 votes out of 38 cast In At Willamette. Dr. Benes will teach A public hearing on the application 267, according to figures released ballots will be sent to all landowners. the annual school election. "International Politics” and "Com will be held before Commissioner by the Portland branch of the Federal A special levy of >15,000 for Im Reserve Bank to Mr. E. C. Simmons, The election takes the place of the prehensive Study of Modern Com George H. Flagg or an examiner rep proving school grounds, enlarging the state chairman of the savings bonds vote originally scheduled for June 10 munication and Their Role in Nation- resenting the commissioner on Mon school kitchen, building a garage and The original election date was can and International Life of Peoples." day at 10 a.m., in Room 210, Public division of the treasury. Oregon has making other necessary improve thus achieved 38 percent of its quota celled when errors were found in the He is scheduled to deliver at least Service Building in Salem. ments was unanimously approved. for the Independence drive which ends one public lecture on the campus this legal description of the proposed The application, dated May 31, also July 4. L. O. Gorman received 38 votes for A bountiful seed year is in the addition. summer. asks for a similar permit between Sil member of the Linn County Rural These figures represent an increase making in the vast Douglas fir forests verton and Sublimity via a Marion of 15 percent over sales for the pre Announcement of the cancellation school board. county road. The service it author vious week, indicating that the drive of Washington and Oregon, according and the selection of the new election Elmer Klutke will serve as chair- ized would provide for passengers is gaining momentum as it progresses to W. D. Hagenstein, forester engi day was made last week by Howard man of the Gates school board for neer for the forest conservation com only between the Detroit Dam, Big Gilliam County continues to lead the Cushman, secretary of the Oregon the coming year, succeeding Hirte. THURSDAY— Cliff Dam and the Labor Union Office state having achieved 127 percent of mittee of the Pacific Northwest For state soil conservation service. In the vote for director Mrs. Ed American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs. [ at Niagara, on the one hand, and its quota. The largest single increase est Industries Tiny, inch-long green Cushman urged those using the ward Chance received four votes; Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 p.m. i points and places on the routes, in during the last week was scored by cones now thickly cover hundreds of absentee ballots to place their return Mrs. Elmer Steward, two, and Harold cluding route extremities on the other Douglas County with a 33 percent millions of trees throughout the addresses and the I amount of acreage Wilson, one. FRIDAY— gain over the previous week. region. They will grow and ripen hand. on the outside of the envelopes. He 1.0 O F meeting. According to Sidney L. Stevens during the summer emphasized that a hundred "yes” Lyons TWA meeting 2nd Friday. county chairman E bond sales in Mar Conditions are ideal, Hagenstein votes are needed for the move to Mill City IWA meeting last Friday ion county had reached 29 percent of said, for excellent reseeding during the county’s quota. The county ranks the coming fall when the cones ripen. pass SATURDAY— Cushman urged those using the 19th among Oregon counties in the Loggers burned lots of slash last fall Santiam Riders Dance. Although a large vote «an ob absentee ballots to place their return bond drive competition. and large areas of forest stubble are tained at last Monday’« election, MONDAY— A drivers license examiner will be addresses on the outside of the envel ready for natural seeding many Mill City residents were un Lions club meeting. BRUM.EH ELEfTED SCHOOL opes He emphasized that a hundred In Mill City Tuesday, June 27, at the able to vote heraiHw of failure to ’’We have one big worry today," yes votes are needed for the move Fire hail between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. A F. A A.M. No. 180 stated meet DIRE4TOR AT LYONS the forester said “Only fires, caused to be adopted. register. ing third Monday Persons wishing licenses or permits Lyons — Sam Bridges was elected by man's carelessness, can spoil this Due to the Maj primarie«, rrgtn- Boy Scouts 7:30 Officials handling the election in to drive are asked to get in touch for a three-year term as director on potentially fine seed year. Every t ration was cloned for 60 day« TUESDAY— the Lyons school board by an 88 to user of our forests should be on the Mehama are E<1 Taylor, judge; with the examiner well ahead of the prior to the school hoard election. Wagner and Dorothy scheduled closing hour in order to 41 vote, last Monday His opponent alert to prevent fires and should Blanche Chamber of Commerce 8 p.m Citizens desiring to register can was Carl Mansveld. Bridges replaces observe every possible precaution all Draper, clerks, and John Lambrecht, assure completion of their applica Women's club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tues no« do so at the Mill City Enter alternate Luther Scott is superIn- tions with a minimum of delay. Vernon James who retired from the summer long.'* Santiam Eagles auxiliary 8 p.m. prise office. board after serving ax chairman the "Nature will plentifully reseed tens ten dent of the election. Senior Scouts 7:30 p.m. Registration ran also be made at WE HEE BY THE ADR: past year Persons having questions on the of thousands of acres this fall.” the WEDNESDAY— Mrs. Artbar Krtesor'« residents «a issue should contact one of the IS*' can. forest leader pointed out. "AU man Up for discussion at th« meeting Lions club auxiliary 8:30, 4th Wed. the Uss county side and at Mrs. persons: Steve Dark. I« ft. Trailer »250 was the running of school buses and has to do is protect these naturally following Santiam Rebekah 166—1st and 3rd ( Hrii. M CHae-a residence tk, Pillow* Mr. seeded forests while sun and rain and Wilson Stevens, laither Stout, Ike the improving of school grounds Wed at 8 pm Marion county side Bang up Fourth coming. Th« school budget was approved 4 the good earth grow more crops of Meyers. Ambrose Dealer. Chet Blum Altar Society meets 2nd Wed Tony Moravec or John Neal. to 1 by the voters usable wood." City Considers Offer of State To Pave Street Voters Support Member Of Present School Board By 187 to 141 Margin HP i’wo Gates Scouts Win Eastern Trip Local Explorer Scout Air Show Contest Commences Travels Competition Keen Hearing on Budget Set for Tomorrow Czeck Professor To Teach at Salem Salem Firm Wants To Serve Canyon Vote Due Saturday May Enlarge District Bond Sales Slow In Marion County Gates Renames Hirte To School Board Post Seeds Plentiful In Fir Forests (inmitui fcuri’.tii: REGISTER NOW Drivers License Tests Here Next Tuesday