Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1950)
5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE April 27. ISSO LEMHL PACE Gates Womans Club Elect New Officers Presbyterian Society Hear Deanha P.T.A. Meets For Election of Officers Southern Speaker Tuesday The regular monthly meeting of the Miss Dorothy Foster, instructor at Deanha P T. A. was held in the grade A party honoring the newly elected I the Cotton Plant Presbyterian acad- school Library Monday night, April FRIDAY and SATURDAY officers and new members of the | emy in Arkansas, was guest speaker 24. Election of officers for the year Grange Holds Dinner, Dance at the meeting of the mission group 1950-51 were President. Jeff Boyer: BARRY FITZGERALD Mother, Daughter Banquet Gates Womans club was held at the at the Mill City Presbyterian church Vice-president. Mrs Herman Payne; A dance and dinner was held by LON M c A llister and home of Mrs Albert Millsap, last Secretary. Mrs. G. Humphrey; and SHIRLEY TEMPLE the Santiam Grange Friday night at By Service Society Thursday evening Mrs T. Burton, i on Tuesday. Miss Foster, a negro, stated that Mrs James Gordon. Treasurer. the Grange hall near Mehama. In outgoing vice pres, in the absence The program topic of the month Nearly 100 members and friends Mrs. Jim Lande was hostess for 1 of Mrs. Elmer Stewart acted as mas , the mission school has helped negro were present for the evening’s enter the meeting of the Women’s Society ter of ceremonies for the installation j young people carve out their success | was "Cultural Value in Community Education". Russell Hoyt spoke on tainment. Dancing was enjoyed by of Christian Sendee. of the new officers. Mrs. Edward ' in life The first Presbyterian mis- an orchestra and the Grange fur The regular routine of business was Chance, president; Mrs. Wilson Park, i sion school was established in 1866 Cultural Literature". Guest speaker I carried out with Mrs. Laurence Wal- and has now grown to accommodate | of the evening was Dr. Paulin of the nished dinner for the guests. In Technicolor vice-president; Mrs. Glen Hearing, Willamette University who spoke on Tony Moravec, Grange master, | worth presiding, and Mrs. George secretary; and Mrs. Floyd Völkel, over 500,000 pupils. ■ Clipfell lead the devotions. The nom- the Art value. The service was opened with con stated they plan for a political rally st NDAY and MONDAY treasurer, who were presented with at the next meeting. The rally is 1 inating committee presented the fol corsages Mrs. Lula Collins and Mrs. gregational singing led by Mi’s. Don Mrs. Hoyt's second grade room won Academy Award lowing for nomination of officers: the attendance prize. Installation of ald Sheythe; prayer, Mrs. Gladys planned for candidates from both Winner! Mrs. John Hargreaves, president; Edmund Davis, the members present Chance, vocal selections by the the newly elected officers will be the parties. Mrs. George Huffman, vice president; who had been in the club longest and church trio, Mrs. D. B. Hill and Mrs. fourth Monday night in May. BRODERICK CRAWFORD Mrs. Glen Julian, secretary, and Mrs. Mrs. Burton and Mrs. Millsap, both Trask The scripture was read by freshments were served by CHURCH VISIT PENITENTIARY [ outgoing officers were also presented Mrs. James Swan. Clyre Bressler, treasurer. seventh grade mothers. Several Mill City members of the state 90 and 9 men's organization of Plans were made and discussed for corsages. Music was furnished by Refreshments were served in the | the Christian church were visitors at the mother and daughters banquet Mrs. Larry Shelton and Mrs. Millsap. church recreation room after the IT WASN'T KNOWN the state penal institution on Mon which will be held May 9th. Various Mrs. Burton and Mrs. Shelton assis meeting. Representatives were pres- s In an article in last week's Enter committees were appointed. At the ted the hostess who served refresh ent from Mehama. Lyons, and Mill day. prise it wasn't known that the plow The members drove to Salem on close of the meeting Mrs. Lande ments to those mentioned above and City. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Mrs. Norman Garrison, Mrs. Laura Miss Foster spoke to the school that was termed “stolen" had been Monday night to attend a regular served refreshments. GREGORY PECK Joaquin, Mrs. Kay McKarty.Mrs. Joe bought and paid for some time In ad business meeting at the First Chris children later in the afternoon. in Joaquin. Mrs. A, D. Johnson. Mrs. tian Church and later were shown vance by the party that took It Dale Stubbs, Mrs L. Masoner, Mrs O. through the institution by the offi First Meeting, Election Home Extensionist Meet at Lyons T. Parker and Mrs. Ed Kadine. cials. By V.F.W. Auxiliary § The Home Extension unit held their Diplomacy is the art of letting The V. F. W. Auxiliary, No. 4270, meeting at the community club house X X Warner-Pathe News someone have your way. installed the following officers for the n Friday with an all-day meeting. X .term: President, Mrs. Arnold Syver- Plans were made for a cooked food THURSDAY son; Senior Vice president, Mrs. Rose sale to be held at the Brassfield X X llonk' of the Famous Daly; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Mary store Saturday morning. The pro X I’.T.A. BENEFIT SHOW FISH AQUARIUM LUNCH For Guaranteed Cleaning Champ; Chaplain, Mrs. Waldo Carter; ceeds are to be used for a scholar «X Guard, Mrs. John Clark and Flag MRS ALBERT MILLSAP COUNTER ship to send some 4-H club member 5 bearers, Mrs. Charles Mason and Mrs. Have you ever seen a dream walk to summer school at Corvallis this it’s the Specializing in j Frank Barney. Mrs. Waldo Carter, ing ? Well, you can see one rising, | summer. A sack lunch was held at « j past president was installing officers. board by board, shingle by shingle— the noon hour. The project of the x « Sandwiches Milk Shakes In Technicolor The social meeting will be held at our dream of a club house—a club day was making lamp shades, with « Chill Ice Cream Sundies the home of Mrs. Waldo Carter, April house which will house the Gates Mabel Downing and Helen Johnston, « a Pie a la Mode Doors open at 7:20 PM. Soft Drinks 27. The group will make table covers Womans club. j the project leaders. Those making Complete show can be seen any x The building will also be a com and afgans for the Veterans hospital 'lamp shades were Evelyn Julian. Gar 24-HOUR SERVICE CLOSED TUESDAYS time up to 8:30 munity house which can be used by nett Bassett, Alice Huber, Margaret at Roseburg. x lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ' other organizations in the commun Kunkle, Helen Salchenberger, Ger X On Illway 222 East of Mill City Mill City No one can walk backward into ity as a meeting place., It will be a trude Wiedman, Alta Bodeker, Mabel x’ Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! the future.—Old proverb dream house made possible by four Downing, Virgene Scott, Betty John >t X X X.X X X X X X X X X X X X long years of hard work by a handfull ston, Bee Hiatt, Helen Johnston, of members of the Gates Womans Alice Elwood. Mrs. Crowell and Mrs. club, who in spite of setbacks and O'Neal and Rose Thayer of Stayton discouragements, have kept doggedly was a guest of the afternoon. on, accumulating a few dollars at a Those taking the rug making held time toward their building fund. a special meeting at the community The house has a floor space of club house Monday afternoon with 54 by 32 feet and is of frame construc Evelyn Julian, project leader. “We Aim To Please" tion with concrete foundation. The Mrs. O. A. Jewell will be hostess large recreation room will be centered for the meeting of the Women’s So FOR FREE ESTIMATES by a fireplace with the walls finished ciety of Christian Service, Tuesday in sheet rock above a wainscoating of afternoon, May 2. Mrs .Bartlett of EVENING APPOINTMENTS I combed plywood. Large windows on the Chemawa Indian school will be SEE I three sides give the room light and the guest speaker of the afternoon, PHONE 5951 GATES I cheer. The club and dining room is and will give a talk on Alaska. included in an alcove at the west end j of the house where a modem kitchen j will be equipped with range, steam grateful to all those who have helped PHONE 503 table and other conveniences. The them in any way; to Albert Millsap who started the ball rolling by do plans call for men's and women's rest 5 rooms, and a ladies’ powder room, nating a fractional acre for the build UHnHnnHHnnHHHnHnHHnHHMHiotHHHnncnnnHnnHnnnia ing site; to Tex Allen, C.B.I. engineer | with lounging facilities. SALEM who drew and donated the complete The exterior is to be white with a 141 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4534 i red composition roof. A background plans for the building; to Warren Var- of large fir trees adds much to the coe, C.B.I. engineer, who has planned Has Everything for Your attractiveness of the site. Through and estimated the plumbing; to Nett the efforts of Tex Allen, approxi i Richards and Harold Wilson who will mately $200.00 worth of top soil has turn over a $250.00 U. S. saving bond been donated and delivered, with | which was purchased from the sale of iron during the war; to Harold which to fill in and level the grounds scrap Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Wilson who has also volunteered to for lawn and shrubbery. dress the floors when finished and to The ladies of the club are deeply the business men and individuals who have made cash donations to the fund. The building fund was started In I i May 1946. The first money was oI earned by a group of younger mem 0 bers who, armed with rakes, spades | o0 and scythes, cleaned the Fairview ■' cemetery and deposited the $75 00, 0 0 I thus earned, as the initial contribution 0 0 Phone 6103 2nd and Broadway toward the fund. At the end of the j 0 tt H first year the club had a bank balance of $588 90 A second years | »BBnaHnnHnHHnnHnBnnHnB»nHnnHHH»HBnnnHHHnnnnnnHnnHnnni 1 effort Increased the account to over a thousand. Thirteen hundred six teen dollars had accumulated at the end of the third year,,and this last | | year, $556.59 was earned and added. Most of this amount has gone for I lumber, material and wages. We are starting the coming year with re and roadability. newed Interest, with fresh enthus- I Hi low, box-section frame with five cross iasm, and with a courage bom of members gives extra strength and rigidity. The advanced engineering design provides achievement. The Story of Seabiscuit All the King’s The Paradine Case SHAKE SHACK History Of Gates Clubhouse Told Scott of the Antarctic NU-METHOD NOW OPEN! Mill City Plumbing & Heating I'eiHie's Beauty Salon MARTIN J. HANSEN THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE ? I OFFICE NEEDS Visit Us in Our New Location BUILT LIKE A BATTLESHIP Shirley’s Beauty Shop low center of gravity and unusual stability. * BUT WRAPPED LIKE A GIFT Study period: The time when a teen-ager is changing from one radio program to another. . Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! For the second year in a row, the New York Fashion Academy has awarded Ford its Gold Medal as "Fashion Car of the Year." This Good NEWS! PENNEY’S of Salem, Oregon EAßft ?! V i\ IF >5 THEB!G ECONOMY PACKAGE! With its low Rr»t cost, low upkeep and high resale value Ford is the new standard of value. And in the recent Mebilgas Grand Canyon Economy tun, ofAcicHy supervised by AAA, a ’50 Ford ”5»x with Overdrive won the eco-o-ny championship of its class —the 3 full-t’ze can in the low-price Fe’d. r ' ‘ 'irggir ©¡sow“’oi/w toto FORD DEALERS Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton nntiittnmmiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii>"|""||>«<iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii TO HEALTH Every member of your fam ily needs at least a quart a day for vigorous health.... Order an extra quart of Mayflower — Today! will be open every Friday night until 9 p.m.