Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1950)
■THF .MILL CITY ENTERPRISE April 27, 1050 SPORTS PACT Inter-School Track Meet Wednesday Lost Treasure Theme Of Assembly Program Mill City high school has scheduled The National Assemblies of Los an inter-school track meet on Wed- Angeles brings a story that while nesday, May 3 at the high school being educational and inspirational in field. all the finest sense has one word to Boys from all of the classes will label It: "Suspense”. Brought to Mill City high school on compete in three field and five track events. Competition will be held in April 27th by Vinson Brown, Natur- By THAD ROBERTS War veterans with disablities of 100, 220 and 440 yard dashes; 880 alist, Explorer and Author, this The Mill City high school team I yar and mile runs. There will also legend of a famous treasure with its 25 percent or more may purchase Oregon fishing or hunting licenses for dropped their fourth straight game, be a 400 yard shuttle relay composed amazing modern aftermath of adven fifty cents, or combination fishing last week to the Chemawa Indians of four runners from each class. ture, death and struggle against what hunting licenses for one dollar, the by a score of 23 to 5. On Monday the boys and girls from seems to be an uncanny power in the As in their preceeding games the the high school will compete in tennis dark halls of the tropical froest pre Department of Veterans’ Affairs was advised this week. They must have Timberwolves had a couple of bad in playoffs. They will compete in boys sents a thrill-packed story. been Oregon residents for one year nings. This time it was in the second singles and doubles; girls singles and In one story the listeners learn Immediately prior to applying, ac and third frames when the Indians | doubles; and mixed doubles. about the history of Panama, the cording to the Oregon State Game scored 15 of their runs in these two In the preliminaries the winner will wonderful gold work of its Indians, commission, which administers the innings. ! be decided by the winner of one set. the strange and terrifying fate of the act. Mill City did most of their scoring The finalist will be chosen from the Spanish Army that vanished into the Application is made through the in the last inning when they scored 4 [winner of two out of three sets. jungle mountains, the sack of Panama game commission at 1634 S. W. Alder, runs. City by Sir Henry Morgan and his Lawrence Poole homered in Portland. Forms are available from this Inning. Mill City started well buccaneers, the fate of Panama dur the commission, or from county vet In the third inning when Roberts and ing its dark age, the amusing dis erans' service officers, county clerks, Hoffman singled, Gibson walked, and covery of a clue to the lost treasure, and the state veterans’ department at Muise was safe on an error for the the dreadful fear of the natives for 305 State Libray Bldg., Salem, and Timberwolves first run. However, | The Girls Athletic Association of the demon that supposedly haunts 415 S. W. 11th Avenue, Portland. the next two batters struck out to the Mill City high school have sched- the forest, the man with the jaguar’s Those who received the special en(j the threat, uled a canyon playday this Saturday face, the native method of clearing licenses last year need only submit Mill City travels to Gervais for from 10 am. to 3 p.m., ., Miss Hope the forest and how It ruins the land, their old licenses as evidence, the ! their fifth game of the season this | Baney announced today. 1 native foods, habits and customs, and game commission said. New appli The' association has' Invited high the dramatic attempts to find and Thursday. cants must: Mill City— AB H It 1’0 E school girls from Gates and Detroit seize the Lost Treasure against the 1. Obtain a disability statement Roberts, 2b ............ 4 1 1 3 0 to join in the day’s recreation. The terrible barriers of trackless jungle, from the Veterans Administration Hoffman, lb ______ 3 1 1 1 2 day’s events will include general rec- fierce men, and titanic cliffs. Gibson, rf ...... _...... 2 0 1 0 P reational games, softball, tennis, and regional office, Portland. The listener literally feels the 1 2 0 " I folk dancing. gloom of the jungle. Suspense car- 2. Submit a witness’ notarized state Muise, p .................. 4 2 Poole, ss ____ 4 3 1 2 1 A pot-luck dinner will be served ries him through every minute like a ment as to residence, along with the Law. Baltimore, cf ......... 2 0 0 0 0 evidence of disability. If the veteran Thornley, c ............ 1 0 0 5 3 at noon. The plans have been so en- chip on the waves of a roaring rapid, is applying in person at the commis Shelton, If ............... 1 0 0 1 0 thusiastically received that an annual Yet Mr. Brown weaves humor into his story like a thread of gold to leaven sion, he should bring his own witness. Podrabsky, 3b ___ 3 0 0 3 1 play day has been suggested — the deadly seriousness of desperate •J Maritala, cf .......... 2 o 0 0 1 adventure. The quarrel of Domingo Í Syverson, If ............ 2 o 0 1 0 Montenegro and the old jungle man, I Goble, ph* .............. 1 0 0 0 0 Claude Brown; the boy who traded a 29 7 5 18 7 $1000 emerald for a four dollar watch because it "ticked”; and the time the • Struck out for Syverson in 7th. Chemawa— AB H R I’O monkeys trapped the gold hunters BYRON DAVIS, Prop. Williams, lb ...... . 2 1 3 0 on the cliffs; these are laugh pro Hawk, 3b 2 2 1 0 voking. “At the Bottom of the Ilill” Belgard, 2b ........ . 3 2 3 0 Born in Reno, Nevada, Vinson Matt, ss ........... . 2 0 2 0 MILL CITY, OREGON Brown sailed as a seventeen year old Thorpe, rf 3 0 1 0 boy on a voyage to the Orient, trav .. 3 2 2 0 - • ■ i W. Yallup, If eled by sampan up and down the Red Plummer, cf ...... .. 3 2 2 0 ■KMÍ ZMBMBM River of Indo China, dove for valuable Davis, c . .. 3 2 4 20 Wells, p .............. . 5 3 3 0 sea shells in the crystal clear waters E. Ironpipe, lb ... 2 1 0 0 of the fairy islands of Kamfa. He, O. Yallup. 3b ..... 2 0 0 0 spent two and a half years with three [ 0 0 0 0 Pete, 2b different expeditions in the jungles of Unive, ss __ ___ . 1 0 0 0 Panama and Costa Rica. He was, SERVING THE CANYON AREA Marksin, ss . 1 0 0 0 lost in the forest three times, caught ( Dixon, rf .. 1 1 1 0 Malaria, nearly died in a tidal wave, . PICKUPS AT H. Ironpipe, If . 1 1 1 1 and spent adventurous hours collect-1 Reed, cf . 1 0 0 0 I-aundry Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton ing wild animals, insects, reptiles and Lee, cf . 1 1 0 0 Laundry and Dry Cleaning— 36 18 23 21 sea shells. He homesteaded his own Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha R H Dry Cleaning Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit 7 Mill City 001 000 4— 5 PORTLAND FAMILY HERE Chemawa 278 114 x—23 18 163 South High SALEM Phone 3-9126 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schilling and Batteries: Muise and Thornley son Van from Portland have moved r; Wells and Davis. to Mill City this week, where Mr. Schilling will be employed in the Epps furniture store. The Schilling’s were former Mill City residents during the war when Mr. Schilling was employed by the Southern Pacific railroad. They will make their home in the Jack Colburn apartment. Disabled Vets Get License Reduction ChemawalndiansRoll Over Timberwolves ranch in an unknown forest, living i like the old pioneers, and learned to love the mysterious and beautiful heart of the tropical wilderness. He has written two books, "The Amatuer Naturalist's Handbook", published by Little, Brown and company of Boston, and a biography of John Paul J ones j (a school reader), published by Whee-1 ler Publishing company of Chicago. | He is now working on a new type Biology Text for high schools, and a book on Panama. He recently re ceived his Master's Degree in Biology from Stanford University. G.A.A. Plan Canyon Playday Saturday Lay Your Pistol Down I NOTICE! IN ORDER TO PREVENT POWER SHUT-DOWNS, SUCH AS HAS BEEN EXPERIENCED IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS. THE POWER WILL BE SWITCHED TO MAKE • True, that "little illnee." you’.« been mentioning in an offhand way, may n«.1 •eem to amount to much- just a few faint symptoms. But, neglected, these "little ills" can lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; not to mention needless suffering and loss of precious time; Consult a Doctor now— you'll save by it in the end; And, of course, we hope you'll bring his prescription to us for careful compounding; I Surrender! NEED LARGE HOUSE Furnished or unfurnished Want Butane Gas. CALL AT ENTERPRISE OFFICE PRESCRIPTIONS Faust Ô* Ross RED AND WHITE STORE FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS MILL CITY TAVERN SALEM LITTLE ILLS FRYERS “A” GR.ADE. Colored, each .... SLICED BACON. SWIFTS COFFEE, R & W, 1 lb. tin 15c 2 lb. tin QUAKER OATS. QUICK or REGULAR 3 lb. pkg. MALTO-MEAL. Enriched Whole Wheat Cereal Z lb. pkg. CHEESE, DARIGOI.D PROCESSED 1 lb. tin SALMON, WiufhaniH. Alaska Red Sockeye PENNANT GOLDEN TABLE SYRUP Di lb. jug ORANGE MARMALADE, King Kelly 1 lb. glass APPLE JELLY, Standby, 12-oz. drinking glass LETTUCE, Large Solid Head 5 lb-. NEW POTATOES, California White » MORCROP FERTILIZER LILLY SEEDS $3.00 1-5 quart O extra price . 1^ fine. t/fyr ex,ra gfih The gin that's made with O IMPORTED BOTANICAL Sunday, April 30 U It* ' VÄJJT»?0 ,u'w LOGGING ( REWS CUT OUT SEVERAL LARGE TREES WHICH NOW ENDANGER THE POWER LINES AND WALKER’S« GIN ♦0 pro»f Di-'fa Item 10ON Amerson groin. Hirom Walk.r & Son» Inc, farlo. III. SERVICE TO SANTIAM CANYON COMMUNITIES. cA5HioNeo quality THE PUBLIC IS ASKED TO CO-OPERATE BY USING AS LITTLE ELECTRICITY AS POSSIBLE SO a Z REAL, 0L° • <- CAN 06 — Pl$TlNCf''/É £ y ^7" A yeov FlTTtHG FLA v 0R THAT SERVICE WILL NOT OVERLOAD THE SMAL LER LINE USED DURING THIS OPERATION FULL SERVIC E SHOULD BE RESTORED BE- FORE 5 P.M. SUNDAY EVENING. a . MOUNTAIN STATES "A IÍLF SUFPOXTING. TAX PMWZ A COMPANfô^ ÍNTíXPXlSt « Two guides to a great gin A SMALLER LINE ON NEXT WHILE ( REWS WORKING WITH HIGHWAY AND .29 .79 .69 .17 .19 .19 .10 .25 JUST TELL TH 6 ; ou imperial » Imperial it made by Hiram Walker. Blended whiskn s„pri.,,t ~°* grim ne..tul sp.n» rlkcr & Six» I ik . Peons. Illin. 10 £ PINT J FIFTH I I I i i i ♦