Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1950)
EDITOR! Al. We Agree T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL (TTY DETROIT ELKHORN Some one once said a good news paper is one that is written for the <■ ATES good of all the people. Hi \NII \ The author was absolutely right. LYON 8 In any normal circulation there will MEHAMA be college graduates and those with MONGOLD little formal education. There will be those whofavor and those who op pose every political action. Some ON tut : SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE readers will think for themselves and others will want their thinking done for them. It is simply the old adage Vol. VI—No. 16 MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL »0. 1950 $?.50 a Year, 5c a Copy that it takes all kinds of people to make the world. The newspaper at tempts to serve them all. On a few occasions, however, there are subjects on which everyone will agree. To be sure the occasions are few and far between but the law of averages must have its out. At a special election, held Friday, Now the editorial objective of this April 14th, Gates became an incor With members from each organi The Mill City school board had writing is not to give any of our porated city. Towns people voted by zation in the community, plans were offered to the community for lease readers opportunity to cry persecu a two-thirds vote to become incor discussed Sunday for a community the old grade school building to serve tion, or on the other side to make porated. Last minute effort is being 1 recreation center. as a recreation center for the youth. denouncement for lack of stamina but made to get suitable men up for of The proposed plan was instigated Plans for some type of center have is rather trying to find that near In fice at the May 19 primary election by the city and was aided by a school been under consideration for some tangible middle of the road wherein : for the administration of the various board proposal. Mill City’s Mayor time. I offices to be filled. The city hopes we might all agree. Toman sent letters two weeks ago to YVere the old grade school to be When the taxpayers hear the word i to benefit from the incorporation by the person in charge of each church, placed in service, it was pointed out, a more adequate water supply, fire of unionization many will set up a lodge, club or other organization to certain repairs would be necessary. defensive train of thought and refuse I protection, street improvements and meet at the old grade school on Sun The building is constructed in such to hear any further comment. We traffic control. Building restrictions day the 16th. A good representation a way as to permit removal of some believe that actually no one has any are expected to be set up in the near was present. petitions to facilitate larger rooms. future. objection to a union high school be Citizens were enthusiastic over In a routine business meeting Tues muse it offers so much by way of such a plan for the community’s opportunity to our young people. day night the Gates Chamber of Com [ youth and felt every opportunity Objections have usually stemmed merce submitted their suggestions ' should be investigated. Questions for councilmen in the newly incor from disagreements with personali were raised, however, as to the re porated city. ties or procedures, seldom if ever quired cost for renovating the old To be placed on the ballot will be with the end objective. building to a satisfactory standard. Norman Garrison, Floyd Völkel, Ned The Mill City Lions club neared Some type of a new heating plant Older citizens will recall that union I Richards. Albert Millsap, Fred Burt- completion of their plans, in Monday would be required as well as exten ization has been discussed for years; ler, Walter Brisbin and Gilbert nights meeting, for their amaJtuer sive remodeling. that schoolboards have been in favor Weathers. show to be held on Thursday evening, While no estimates were made as of such a move and will probably While the nominees will not have April 27th. to what such a cost would be, a com continue to be in favor. We could I time to complete registration with The show has promised to offer a mute was appointed to make such continue such testimonials for an the county clerk in time for the May variety of entertainment and fun a determination. other ten years and be no closer to | primaries an election for the council Previous plans for such a project Entertainers with marimba, piano a new school than we are at this members will be announced at a later date. accordian, novelty acts, baton twirl- had included a smaller building near moment. ers, cowboy guitar acts, and a sketch the city hall to house a library and You see, we must first agree in | artist are already signed for the show. recreational center. writing that the majority of the peo The present suggestion of the city’s This years talent has been drawn ple want the new school. Now we*re from Stayton to Detroit. All pro would leave the governing board in such a vote taken it would not be ceeds from the show will go to help the hands of the people and would indicative of additional taxes, school finance the way of the Boy Scout be operated as the citizens felt best. locations, school design or any other Valley Forge trip. argumentative point we might dream Democrats in this area were re Mr. Collins from the Oregon Educa up. It would only mean that we minded of their rally scheduled for tional association was the guest would have accomplished the first Friday night, April 28th at the Man- speaker at Mondays meeting. Mr. step in obtaining latter schools. olis’ Santiam Cafe at 7:30 p.m. I Collins pointed out to members, Ore- That middle road of which we The rally for a democratic victory gons crucial need for school enlage- wrote would be that very simple year, will be sponsored by the East ment and urged the support of the agreement that we want the school. Marion County Democratic Commit- An unofficial count of the census "childrens bill”. Then other problems could I m * worked , tee Chairman Don Peterson announced in Mill City this week revealed a Mr. Harrison Caughey. specialist in Increased birthrate and immigra out in their own turn. ' this week. Candidates for the gover- administration was given a contract Parents and Scout leaders had tion has caused such an expansion in population within the city proper of You agree? Fine, we thought you , nor’s office to precinct committeemen to serve as Mill City high school’s cause to be concerned Sunday after between 1.800 and 1,850 persons. the schools as to make some addi would. How do we express our opin have been invited to attend, and we new principal, in Wednesday nights noon when two scouts were reported The new count has shown the rapid tional means of support imperative. ion on the subject? It could be done I are assured that most of them will meeting. missing on a hike to the north fork ' The Basic School Law passed in 1946 growth of Mill City since the time in this very simple manner. School be present to tell the voters of their of its incorpoiation. In 1947 a count Mr. Caughey will assume his duties over the Gates hill. to furnish 50 percent state aid is now boards who have not yet taken this I qualifications and to support their in the fall of this year. He is at pre of the city's populace listed 1,223 The T^h grade boys, Tom Stewart, I furnishing only half of the proposed citizens or an increase today of one- action would need only to call an candidacies for the office which they sent employed in an administrative son of Bill Stewart, and Kenneth An I amount because of the influx of pep election of the district’s taxpayers i seek. position at the Siletz high school. third in the last three years. drews, son of Mr. Teal, were taken . ulation. to complete the ; tirnary hilt essential The Mill City precinct, which ex- The new principal is married and County Chairman Luis Martine- to the top of Gates hill at 6 o’clock I tends about half way to Gates and step. Such an election is not a dif I-ally of Salem will be present and he has two small children. Sunday morning where the boys were ficult thing after all. Mill City ac reports that capacity crowds have also west of Mill City Included 1,056 left off to hike to a friends house complished the feat with no great been turning out all over the ocunty residents in 1940 and today is nearly in the Elkhorn district. The boys difficulty some time a\o. With the at rallies already held. J trippled with more than 2,700 resi were to call their parents upon ar unionization the new district would dents. Registration in this part of the rival and when they failed to do so be set up and a five-man board It was believed that the next few county and according to reports from I a search for their whereabouts got elected to handle its affairs. I years would anticipate the present The Mill City Chamber of Com most of the state showing registra underway. w figures as the canyon continues its Certainly it is our American demo tion as running high for the Demo Young Stewart’s father, was first merce will med Tuesday evening 1 growth. cratic way of living. Why not drop cratic party in many cases as high as Don S. Miley has accepted the April 25th for a dinner and business us a letter or a postcard to The two to one in their favor. Now that position as superintendent of the to set out in search for the boys meeting at the I.O.O.F. hall when he discovered he had let the Enterprise or to your local school registration is over for the primaries, Gates high school. The dinner, to begin at 8 p.m., will boys off at the wrong road. His board telling of your viewpoint ? Miley, who has been head of the be served by Dewey Flatman. it is the voter's duty to meet the can search discovered their trail and led didates and become familiar with commercial department of the Stay through the woods through four feet Speaker for Tuesday night’s meet what they stand for so that .they can ton high school for the past two years of snow. He was forced to turn ing will be Col. C. C. Davis, resident taught in the Gates high school prior engineer at the Detroit dam. It will make their choice on May 19. The annual junior-senior play was back and call for help. Every citizen interested in securing to the Stayton engagement and is The youngsters in the meantime be the first time that Colonel Davis presented in the auditorium of the Mrs. Miley will the best possible candidate is invited well known here. had realized their plight and were in has spoken to a Mill City group. He Gates high school, Thursday eve A large enthusiastic crowd to attend and bring a pot-luck dish not teach this year, though it is re best of scout fashion looking for their will speak on the progress and work ning. ported she has volunteered to assist gave high praise to the performance They encountered ex ing conditions at Ithe dam site. The Oregon World War II veterans’ along for the dinner to be served at in dramatics and music, if needed. destination. A capacity crowd is expected lo of the cast. The play. "Henpecked tremely rough terrain in one case farm and home loan program, in the Manolis cafe. Coffee, cream and Howard Means, who taught the sev young Stewart fell over an incline of attend the meeting. Henry" a comedy with three acts and sugar will be furnished. Please mark augurated in the fall of 1945. has enth grade in the Stayton schools a prologue was entertaining from be gone over the 5.000 mark in numbers ' April 28th on your calendar and plan as been engaged by the local school approximately 50 feet, breaking a ginning to end. The cast as follow«: new rifle and giving him considera of loans granted, the State Depart on a salad, hot dish, sandwiches, or board, as coach. Means is the son Henry Hyde, a meek and mild fellow, ment of Veterans’ Affairs announced ’ cake to round out a palatable pot- of a former Mill City grade school ble bruises. George Child; Erilla Hyde, his domi i luck Privileges of the cafe will be Not knowing that several search this week. extended before and after the meet principal. neering wife, Carolyn Brejcha; Ellen ing parties were combing the area The state veterans’ loan is available The grade school teachers have all for them, the boys finally made their ing The cafe dining room will be Hyde, their charming daughter. Lor Mill City ’ s parents and teachers to any veteran who resided in Oregon renewed contracts for the next school way to their original destination on , open the entire evening ena Devine; Ixittie Hartigan, the maid met for a spirited evening last Thurs prior to World War II service, who year. Mrs. Riley Champ. 1st grade; the Little North Fork under their Mis. Winifred Booth of Detroit is day discussing school problems and who forgot to remember, Idabelle served 90 days or more and was Mrs. Letha Bently, of Lyons. 2nd own power. Blackbum; Mrs. Ace Bliss, a neigh vice-chairman; Loretta J. Ziebert, electing new officers. honorably discharged. The loan act grade. Mrs A T. Barnhardt, 3rd and bor, Cleta Masoner; Ace Bliss, her Their "outing” was not under the provides for a four percent loan, not Mill City, secretary; and Mrs. Ken 4th; and Mrs Gwen Schaer, who has Mr. Norman Jensen, FT A commu to exceed 75 percent of the appraised neth Randall of Mehama is treasurer been made principal of the grade sponsorship of the Boy Scout leaders tee chairman appointed to investigate husband who used his head, Jimmy Carey; Kurt Little, who is deter value of the property and not to ex of the Eastern Marion County Demo school will also teach the Sth and 6th recent school board discipline matters mined to marry Ellen, Marlin Cole, cratic district. ceed $6,000 Current policy limits gave his report to the association. classes Eda Rogers, a movie actress, Eileen the repayment period to 15 years or Some parents expressed strong dis It is reported there is yet one va Eccleston; Gladys Rogers, Eda’s approval with the discipline policy in less. cancy in the high school to be filled youngest sister, Donna Rhae Athey; some cases. Veterans interested in the loan pro T. R Burton, who has been super Pauline Rogers, another sister, Bar New officer« for the 1950-51 school gram were advised to see their local ' intendent of the Gates schools for the bara Haun; William Cripps, strictly year were chosen. Mrs. Kenneth county service officer, or to contact past four years has expressed a de Appraisals by some 19 applicants Crosier was chosen to fill the presi a man of business, Albert Ziebert; the Department of Veterans' Affiars, At the Democratic rally in Albany sire to be nearer his parents, whose exceeded expectation on some 17,000 - director. Mrs Bowling, high school .305 State Library Bldg . Salem, or on Sunday. Walter J Pearson, state home is in McMinnville and who are 000 board feet of timber auctioned dency. Other officers elected were teacher. Donald Bengston, 1st vice president; 415 SW 11th Avenue. Portland. treasurer, emphatically declared he quite aged and in impaired health. in Portland by the U S. bureau of The following are tentative dates Fredrick Rugh. 2nd vice president: woflld appoint his successor in event Both Mr. and Mrs Burton will be land management, A P Collins, dis for activities scheduled during the Miss Hope Baney, secretary; and missed next year by their many trict forester, reported. he is elected governor remainder of the school year: Mrs Charles Harmon, treasurer. The timber appraised at $205,215 friends in this community. April 21st -Junior-Senior banquet Pearson went on to discuss state ( The 74 members and guests en- sold for $310,690 May 12th- Open house and field finances by pointing to the undesir FRIO AY— The largest tract went to Willam joyed the program of dances fur- day. grade« I to 8 ability of building up surpluses In Jean Roberts Improving I.O.O.F. meeting nished by Mr« Robert Veness. and ette Valley Lumber company of Dal May 19th Variety «how 1943 and again in 1945, the people Lyons TWA meeting 2nd Friday Adelbert Allen, and the refreshments May 21 Baccalaureate. repudiated a sales tax passed by the I The Enterprise expresses its deep las foi timber near I^ebanon. Mill City IWA meeting last Friday May 26 High achool picnic Freres-Frank Lumber company of that followed the meeting in the legislature. Each time there was est concern over the accident of Jean school recreation room. June 2- Commencement ' exercise«. SATURDAY— ample income to meet all state ex Roberts. out><anding Mehama corre Lyons, bid the price for Douglas fir June 5 I-ast day of school, award Legion Dance at Legion hall. penses In fact, stated Pearson, the spondent for several years. up to $27 per thousand and $7 25 aw mbly at 2:30 p m 1943 legislature also passed the | Mrs Roberts, her husband and part for hemlock on a Little North Fork Santiara Riders Dance Walker plan for returning a part of of their family were crossing an in tract east of Mehama The timber MONDAY— the income tax while the 1947 legis tersection near Stayton when their was appraised at $41 716 and sold at Lions club meeting. lature raised the income tax only to car was hit broadside by a car travel A F 4 AM No. ISO stated meet $73,584 ing at an extreme speed have the next one lower it again An organizational meeting of the ing third Monday Collins said additional tracts of O. Mrs Roberts condition ia «lowly im American Legion Auxiliary will be The Mespelt road program, pre When the Walter L. Peterson« re Boy Scouts 7 30 proving and «he was placed in a full & C. grant land would be made avail held this Friday. April 21st at 8 p m sented by Fred Mespelt. candidate for cently bought a tract of land in the able at two months interval« through TUESDAY— at the Mill City Legion hall county commissioner highlighted the body cast this week. She will be Swift addition they Inherited with Next «ale will be Women's club 8 p m. 1st. 3rd Tues discussion period and received strong confined to the cast for the next »ix out the year. The meeting will be open to the land an old plow Santiam Eagles auxiliary 8 p m. June 13 endorsement Unhandy and inade months mother» wives, slater«, and daughter» Now it seems that the new owner» Because of the unfortunate accident quate registration facilities in Benton of Legion members and veterans. had tried by several mean« to have WEDNESDAY— Mehama new« has not been printed KINDERGARDEN TEACHER During Friday nights meeting the the old plow hauled away but all to Lions club auxiliary 8 30 4th Wed. and Linn counties were blamed for in The Enterprise We regret our Mr« Stafford, former grade school new auxiliary will elect their officer« no avail. Santiam Rebekah 186 1st and 3rd the’low percentage of registrations temporary loss and hope for her teacher. Is at present in charge of the for the ensuing year. among newcomers On a recent dark night some villian Wed at 8 p m speediest recovery Information on transportation to succeeded in stealing the old plow kindergarden sponsored by the Mill Dave Shaw, candidate for congress Altar Society meets 2nd Wed In the meantime The Enterprise City P T A. the meeting may be obtained by and all of its scattered parte. The spoke bneflv. Other candidates TH! USD AY— Mrs Satfford has been highly calling Delores Holllngworth. phone Peterson wish many happy hours of present included Walter Shelby, El would be happy to hear from some American Legion 2d and 4th Thur«. mer Sahlstrom and Ear! Mason, legis person who will be willing substitute praise«! by P. T. A. officials for her 505; Judy Ragsdale, phone 3518; or plowing to the thief and only ask Gates PT A let Thursday 8 pm Dori« Jensen, phone 3551 lative candidates ability in handling the youngsters that he not bring it back for Mr» Roberts Incorporation Okayed By Gates Citizens THE AMERICAN WAY Recreation Center Discussed for Old Grade School Building Lions Club Advances Plans for Show East Marion County Demos Meet April 28 Caughey Signed For High School Principal Census Shows City Increase Lost Scouts Object Of Sunday Search Mill City C of G Plan Dinner Meet Gates Selects New Teachina Staff "Henpecked Henry" /«eli Received In Gates Veterans loans Pass 5,000 Mnrk Mill City P.T.A. Hold Spirited Meeting Democratic Rally Held Sunday In Altany Timber Sales Exceed Appraisals (£ nntiiiii fcnruts: American Legion Plans Auxiliary Organization Stolen, Thank You