Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1950)
Access Promised to All Federal Timber Helps Small Owners T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving : MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN gates IDANHA The announcement from Washing LYONS ton last week that Secretary of the MEHAMA Interior Oscar Chapman, had issued MONGOLD regulations for the granting of rights-of-way for logging roads across timber lands under the juris- ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATl HE’S EMPIRE diction of the Bureau of Land Man- agement was hailed by independent $?.5O a Year, 5c a Copy operators as assurance that the smal ler interests in the lumber industry would have equal eccess to this fed eral timber with the larger concerns who have been the principal pur chasers in past years. While no official announcement "While we are told that the regula has been made by school board A strike vote to back up demands in this year's contract which reads tions as finally opproved do not con members, a meeting was re in part, "The driver of the crew form in every respect with the recom of a health and welfare program and trucks shall be a safe, competent and ported to be scheduled tonight, six paid holidays has been scheduled mendations of the 15-man O & C reliable employee. He shall have the April 18th at 8 p.m. Advisory Board which considered in this canyon by the International necessary licenses required by the The Enterprise received the re- Woodworkers of America. sttae for the job. Seniority on a these proposals for more than a year, pert from what is usually con The 40,000 member union has regular job classification shall not we have been assured that the general sidered to be a reliable source. be considered in choosing a man for pressed for better working conditions effect will be to make O &C timber this job. He shall be required to The meetings are said to be open offered for sale accessible to all who and additional safety factors for its know and comply w'ith the Oregon to the public and are usually held members, The vote will be taken State Safety Code in regards to driv The Mill City chamber of commerce may wish to purchase it”, said R. T. I In the grade school. Walter J. Pearson, State Treasurer ing crew trucks. Whenever a driver in Lyons, Friday, April 21st at the met Tuesday evening and enthusi- Titus, in Portland. Executive Vice- j will address an open Democratic IOOF hall and at the Mill City Union is considered by the majority of the v I astic members planned community President of Western Forest Indus crew not to be a safe and competent meeting at 3:00 p.m.. April 16, Vet- wise events. tries association. "In the past, "he hall April 28th, Don Downing, union man he shall immediately be replaced j erans Memorial hall, 5th and Lyons continued, "probably three out of I business agent announced this week. by one that is. It shall be the duty Claiming top interest in Tuesdays i in Albany, Earl G. Mason, chairman While negotiations have been in of the company to have a second man meeting was the wrestling smoker four parcels of O & C timber offered in each crew that is qualified to drive Linn County Democratic Central scheduled for Wednesday evening, for sale w’ent to single bidders, with ! progress since February 20th opera ! crew trucks." Committee announces. Local Demo- tors have refused to grant any con i April 19th, and sponsored by the out competition, because a particular Union officials stated they wished 1 cratic candidates will also be present. cessions to the union. Sentiment of The Mill City council met on Wed Chamber of Commerce. It was the individual or firm controlled the road as the delegates who voted unanimously to make the industry as safe This is one of a series of meetings first time such an event had been nesday night and w'ere faced with over which the timber would have to possible. for the strike vote w’as summed up designed to bring prominent Demo planned for Mill City. Some mem street and traffic problems. be hauled. In recent months, the in a statement made by one delegate cratic candidates to Linn county in bers had already sold more than their A committee from the chamber of Bureau of Land Management has re who said, “There is more security for order that the voters can learn, first quota of tickets. commerce appeared before the coun fused to offer timber for sale unless ; the working man in the health and . hand, the program of each man on Breakfast Hop cil to make the chamber ’ s recoin- j agreements were made with owners 1 welfare program we have proposed mendation of a blanket ordinance to I : the Democratic ticket. of private portions of road systems [ The chamber will sponsor again 1 than anything we have ever gone Pearson, former state representa this year the "Breakfast Hop" of the drain and pave the city’s streets. providing the only access, permitting after." Council members expressed interest tive and senator, was elected State Sportsman Pilot Association on July government licenses to use them to An examination for probational ap The tragic accident last year when in such a program and details of Treasurer in 1948, a position his 16th. They agreed to again serve reach nearest public highways. The a crummy went over the bank near pointment to the position of substi cost for such an operation was in father had held in previous years. free breakfast to the visiting pilots result has been that almost every sale the damsite caused the union to en tute clerk at an entrance pay rate troduced in the discussion. He is the only Democrat on the Board and their passengers. In last year’s has brought several bids for each force new safety rules for the work of $1.065 an hour has been announced Committees from the chamber and of Control and the first Democrate to "hop" 175 planes landed at Davis parcel and timber has been sold at men. Two new safety clauses have by the director of the Eleventh U.S. council will meet on Monday the 17th be elected State Treasurer since 1886. airport for the festivities and air prices well above the appraised value. been signed with the T & H Logging Civil Service region to fill existing to discuss the plan for a specific pav show. It was believed that at least These higher prices resulting from company and is under consideration and future vacancies in the Post ing program. General concensus for as many or more would be present competition are important to the tax Office service at Gates and Idanha, by several other operators. such a program would limit initial inis year. The airshow will again payers because 50 percent of the Ore. Applicants must actually re The clause to care for safer truck be the feature of the afternoon. With stumpage receipts go to the counties operations reads in part "That all side within the delivery of the Gates paving to the city’s main arteries. Congested parking areas and traf pilots attending from every section in which the O & C timber is located. crew trucks or vehicles used for the or the Idanha post office or be bona s of the state last year Mill City’s "Under the new regulations owners purpose of hauling employes each fide patrons of that office. Persons fic hazards again were present on A large group attended the first hospitality became known to many. of private logging roads seeking week be inspected by a competent employed in the Gates post office or the evening’s agenda. A plan was mechanic at least once each week right-of-way across O & C land will and the mechanic issue to the driver the Idanha post office will be con- introduced to mark off angle parking meeting of the newly organized Gates Information Booth With the approach of ideal driving be asked to enter into such agree a written report which shall also be sidered bona fide patrons of that strips in front of the bank building Parent Teacher Association, in the and to prohibit promiscuous U turns recreation rooms of the high school. weather, the chamber industrial com ments with purchasers of the O & C made available to the company and particular office. outside of proper intersections. Thursday evening. Norman Garri mittee suggested to the members the timber with the understanding that the union that all steering apparatus Further information and applica- lights, brakes, tires, etc. were in Pedestrian crosswalks are to be son presided. need of an information booth for the the latter are to pay fair compensa spected and are in a safe operating tion form for applying may be ob painted between the bank and Dawes Mrs Hollis Tumidge was appointed benefit of visitors at the dam site. tion for use of the roads. This means condition. tained from the Secretary, Board of building, and between Stewart’s groc chairman of the planning commit The group went on record as accept that it will no longer be possible for Vehicles failing to comply will be U. S. Civil Service Examiners at any a few strategically located operators prohibited from operating until it is first- or second-class post office, or ery and the light company. Pedes tee. Two other members to serve on ing the suggestion and further plans to cont ;ol the marketing of the pub declared safe by a competent me I from the director. Eleventh U. S. trians will be urged to use the cross I the committee will be selected by are being made to place such a booth walks. Plans for a flagman to reg- i Mrs. Tumidge. This group Will ar at the construcHe' site It would lic’s timber growing on some 2’j chanic. Civil Service region. Room 302, Fed- ulate heavy logging truck traffic this range programs and select projects be manned over the weekend with million acres of O & C lands in wes The union also has included a clause ' eral Office Building, Seattle 4, Wash. summer was suggested instead of a for the organization for the coming volunter help Literature of the dam, tern Oregon." Application should be filed with the previously mentioned trhffic light. the Santiam canyon and Mill City, year. While the proposed regulations had Director. Eleventh U. S. Civil Service would be furnished to travelers. Such been approved unanimously by repre Mrs. Larry Shelton will serve as Region. 302 Federal Offioe Building. sentatives of the lumber industry, musician. Room mothers were ap action it was believed would instigate Seattle 4, Wash., immediately for the labor, agriculture, sportsmen and pointed who will visit the various interest for potential canyon resi | post office position desired. others serving on the O & C Advisory — ----- ----- grades during the month preceding dents. To facilitate better service the Board before they were submitted to Mountain States Power Co. announced the next regular meeting, April 4th. Urges Registration The Red Cross drive in this area ! The grade having the largest number Secretary Chapman for approval, a reduction in line voltage while The city’s business men joined in went over the top as the campaign of parents attending the meeting urging non-registered citizens to reg some of the larger operators and crews remove line hazards this came to a close, chairman Carl Kelly April 4th will be given a picnic by ister as soon as possible. It was felt landowners sent delegations to Wash Sunday, April 16. reported this week. ington in opposition. They were as that better business, better citizens the PTA. Power failures have been frequent A resolution asking County Clerk The drive, was slow in gathering . Refreshments were served at the and in consequence a better commu sured that the Department of the over the last two weeks when falling R. M. Russel to provide a registrar at momentum but in the last moments Interior wished to avoid unnecessary limbs and trees have disrupted the nity would be established were every the Albany Labor Temple evolved exceeded the $750 goal with a total close of the evening by Norman Gar interference with the rights of pri circuit. Logging and highway crews one to take their part in choosing from the non-partisan voter registra collection of $907.38. The money to rison, William Athey, Mrs Gwen vate owners of intermingled lands will go to work on Sunday to remove the political leaders. tion rally at the Veterans Memorial be used in disasters, blood donations j Schaer and Mrs. Burrell Cole and timber and certain changes were several large trees which now en The chamber voted to send a com hall, Albany last Saturday. The and other Red Cross programs was mittee to the city council to urge made in the proposed rules to safe danger the power lines. meeting was sponsored by the Albany indicative of the generous spirit of a blanket ordinance for a paving guard these rights. At the same While the repairs are being made Central Labor Council and is part of canyon people. and drainage program. Were such time it was made clear that the De the service in the canyon will be the program endorsed by Governor Consolidated Builders Inc. gave an ordinance passed the majority in partment would keep to its policy of transfered to a smaller line. In con McKay to stimulate registration. $150 to help send the drive over the any one street could stop the paving assuring access to O & C timber for sequence it will not be possible for Dave Shaw. Democratic candidate top. all who may wish to purchase it. customers to use as much electrical for Congress discussed the Brannan The census taker comes to you to in such a particular section. Chaniber of commerce members "There have been rumors that cer current as usual. Mountain State count you; but if you are going to Farm plan and the CVA. Jim Man. will meet April 25 at the IOOP' hall tain landowners might challenge the officials have asked all customers to in the next election, you must count Executive Secretary A FL told of the new regulations in the courts,” said use as little power as possible on go in person to register, states Mrs. for a dinner and business meeting. growth of co-operation in political Mr. Titus, "but certainly the vast Sunday to prevent overloading the matters of farm, labor, and small Neil Brown, chairman of The League The dinner will be served at 8 p.m. majority of operators, woods and mill small line. business groups. The Linn County Farmers Union is of Wonmen Voter». employees, sportsmen, and others in Full service is expected to be re- Those candidates who win your The right to vote is being impaired making big plans for their old time terested in the wisest use of our pub stored before 5 p.m Sunday evening. by the registration laws, asserted square dance to be held Friday even party nominations at the primary lic forest lands, believe that the new Earl G. Mason. Democratic candidate ing, April 14th in Albany at the new election in May, may be the ones who regulations will contribute to the ob will come through the general elec for the legislature. The fact that Waverly school gymnasium. jectives of sustained yield manage Oregon's population has increased Mr. Earl Mason, president, an- tion and become your public officials. ment and multiple use. If there are The registration drive sponsored by 60G since 1940 while the number who nounced that Mrs Inez Campbell, Are you going to help in selecting "bugs” in the regulation or if they FRIDAY— them’ You have no right to com the Mill City Chamber of Commerce vote has increased only 9*7 r makes chairwoman, has completed commit Timberwolves vs Sublimity. 1:30 are found in practice not to be equi registration of our new citizens an tee plans for the gala affair She plain about the results of an election gained emphasis today as registrars p.m. table to all. they can and should be important task,” said Mason. advised that ample entertainment is if you did not take part by ranting from both Linn and Marion counties I.O.O.F. meeting. amended. Nobody wants the private joined forces to enable every citizen Other local candidates presented booked for the intermission periods. your ballot. Lyons IWA meeting 2nd Friday. landowners to lose any of their rights But you cannot vote if you are not to become a registered voter. were Dave Epps and Hector McPher The Gate Swingers club of Salem will Mill City IWA meeting last Friday but neither do most folks want any The new move will include the es son candidates for the legislature, highlight the speciality numbers with registered, and you are not registered particular group to have special priv SATURDAY— I if you answer "yes’ to any of the tablishment of registration places in Fred Mespelt, J W. Shortridge and costumed exhibition dances. Legion Dance at Legion hall. ileges so far as public resources are downtown Mill City In both counties W. W. Stuart candidates for County Farmer Union families and the pub following questions: San’iam Riders Dance. concerned." Mrs. LaVon Kriever, Linn county 1. Have you moved? Commissioner, and Merle Long can lic are invited to join in the fun. MONDAY— 2. Did you fail to vote at the gen- registrar will establish downtown didate for District Attorney Low heels and comfortable clothing Lions club meeting for the ladies and jeans for the men eral or primary election within the registration headquarters at Vern’s A F. 4 A M No. 180 stated meet Barber shop while Mrs Cline will last four years? IN NEW LOCATION will be the order of the evening ing third Monday. 3. Have you (you girls, that is) make Marion counties downtown spot The Mill City PTA will meet in Miss Daisy Hendricson is now in Admission charges will include re Boy Scouts 7 30 at the Dave Epps furniture store. her new location in the Dawes build freshments 50 cents for adults and < hanged your name ? the high school tonight April 13th TUESDAY — There Is a deputy registrar in your On Friday both registrars will be ing. The space was formerly occu 25 cents for children. at 8 p.m. Women’s club 8 p.m. 1st 3rd Tues pied by Shirley's Beauty Shop Hend- area, and your League of Women In their central locations from » to T Courtney Jr , will address the Santiam Eagles auxiliary 8 p m. Voters urges you to see him or her 11a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. ricson’s store will feature a complete LOGGING DRIVERS REMINDED group upon "The Environmental Re WEDNESDAY — ~ Monday and Tuesday voters Drivers of logging trucks were re- today The deadline for registration > On line of drygoods and fancy work. lationship of the Pre- and Early- Chamber of Commerce Wrestling Miss Hendricson has been located on minded by police this week of a re- to vote in the May primary election 1» may register at the new locations Adolescent”. The program will fea Matches and Smoker from 9 to 11 am., 1 to 5 and 7 to the balcony in Epps Furniture store cently passed state law which re- April 18—next Tuesday ture dances of different countries Lions club auxiliary 8:30, 4th Wed. Registrars in Stayton-Mill City 8 pm It was believed the new quires such trucks to atop at all and will include several couples in Santiam Rebekah 166 1st and 3rd MRS. TOMAN TO HOSPITAL area: Walter H Bell, Stayton; Let- schedule would enable every possible railroad t rowings the performance. The association Wed at 8 p m tie Cline, LaVon Kriever, Mill City; 1 voter to register. Registration closes many drivers Officials believed Mayor and Mrs Albert Toman were will hold their election of officers the Altar Society meets 2nd Wed both confined to their home a part were not aware of the new law and Allura Chance, Gates; E. A Ditter, ’, Inext Tuesday. April 18 same evening. of last week with illness. On Wed were breaking it in ignorance The Sublimity; Mabel Parker, Detroit; ; j Voters may also register at the A delegation will be sent from the THURSDAY— American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs. nesday afternoon Mrs Toman was law requires driver» of buses in- Rella M Schaffer and Adison Vic county clerk's office of the county PTA to the school board meeting Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 p m. taken to Salem Memorial hospital flamables and logs to stop at all kers. both of Idanha; R Bransfield, seat of the county in which they scheduled on the same evening and Lyons. reside PTA meeting at high school 8 pm. for treatment and observation. railroad crossings. meeting in the grade school /.W.A. Strike Vote Scheduled in Canyon, Drivers-Crummys, Under New Regulation School Board Tonight 1 MC Chamber of Commerce Sponsors Wrestling Card Pearson Speaks at Albany Sunday Free Breakfast Promised Visiting Pilots at Airshow This Year Council Discussion On Streets, Traffic Postal Clerk Exams For Gates, Idanha Gates P.T.A. Holds First Regular Meet Electrical Service To Be Limited Sundry Red Cross Drive Goes Over Top in Canyon Political Lu .y „hows Registration Need Voters League Ask If You Will Count Farmers Union Plan Old Time Square Dance (Lnmii-.y turutH: Voters May Register Downtown Locations P.T.A. to Meet Tonight Registration Booths Located at Dave Epps Furniture and Verne’s Barber Shop