Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1950)
MILL CITY I tured finger while playing in the grade school gym. He was attended by the local physician. Mrs. Don Walker and son Brent Mrs. Kenneth Morris arrived in spent several days in Silverton with Mill City Tuesday to visit her niece relatives. Mrs. Fred Duffy. Mrs. Morris is Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cooke were from Prineville. weekend hosts to Miss Gertrude Shoemaker and her mother Mrs. B. Ramon Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peterson, left Sunday F. Shoemaker, of Salem. Mrs. Jack Colburn has been con for Portland where he will attend Benson Polytechnic school spring fined to her home with the flu. term. Lower Rates on Farmers private passenger cars, after Jan. 23rd, 1950. Mr. and Mrs. “Red" Shipley spent New rates applies, regardless af age Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. of driver or number of miles to be and Mrs. Tony Ziebert and family. driven. Truck and pickups used for farm purposes 15% discount on colli- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lundall of Silver- sion rates. GEO. H. BELL. Insur j ton were here Sunday visiting Mr. ance and Realtor, Stayton, Ore. 4-lt ! and Mrs. George Veteto. They also Frank Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. | drove up to view the Detroit dam J. P. Smith and former principal of I site.. Mill City high suffered a severe leg injury recently while playing basket INFLATION ball. He is confined in bed with a I The worst thing about inflation is cast covering the lower part of his that outrageous prices make us do body. ¡without so many necessities in order Richard Verbeck, son of Mr. and to be able to buy our customary Mrs. Louis Verbeck, incurred a frac- luxuries.—Veneers & Plywood. GREENLY’S Plumbing & Heating I.ET US FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES ON PLUMBING AND HEATING No Job Too Large and None Too Small Ph. 2-7390 Shop and Residence 4260 Macleay Road, SALEM SERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKUPS AT Laundry—Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton Laundry and Dry Cleaning- Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha Dry Cleaning—Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit 163 South High SALEM Phone 3-9125 ...................................................................... __ ............. unii » YODER-MARTIN Construction Co GENERAL CONTRACTORS COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS We Always Guarantee Our Work Corvalli* 1915 » «ih.iiii.niin See Us for All Kinds of. 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE January 20, 1960 Discussion on Commerce Dept Consumer Demand Announce Plans Mutual problem of Western Ore For Census gon livestock association members and food retailers—keeping con- Plans for taking the United States sumption of livestock products census were announced tills week by above prewar levels—will be dis Cornelius Bateson. District 1 Super- cussed at the group's fourteenth | visor, of the bureau of census for annual meeting in Corvallis, Janu I the Salem district. The Salem ary 30. 31, and February 1, Charles district is inclusive of Marion, Clack, A. Evans, Independence, president, amas, Benton, Polk. and Lincoln has announced. ■ counties. Featured speaker will be Rilea W. Mr. Bateson stated the census, Doe, Oakland. Cal., Vice-president, which begins April 1, will take about Safeway stores incorporated. 2 weeks to complete in Salem and Harry Lindgren, O.S.C. extension about 4 weeks in outlying districts. animal husbandry specialist, who He stated that this years census will also setves as livestock association (include five items; population, hous- secretary, says registration will ing, agriculture, irrigation, and begin at 11 a.m. Monday, January 30, drainage. An expert on soil conser- in the Corvallis community center j vatlon will take the census on the building at Fourth and Madison irrigation-drainage, while one of the streets. Standing conunittee meet 112 enumerators for this district will ings will occupy much of the open cover the other information. Their will be vacancies for crew ing day program. leaders and enumerators. Quallflca- This year will see increased sup plies of livestock products, espec j tions for both will be published at a ially pork, coupled with increasing 1 later date. for public favor, according to Doe. Bateson, a farmer residing near Solving the problem of keeping Pratum, wished to encourage cooper livestock products on the move at ation in all phases of the record high volume will reguire producers, taking and stated he would be glad processors, and distributors alike to to speak before any group after the give more careful atention to con- first of February. sumer demands, he adds. BOB CAT AGAIN IN Other speakers include Herman DETROIT HEN HOUSE Oliver, veteran John Day livestock A bob cat, apparently driven from producer and a past president of the the woods by the winter storms Oregon Cattlemen’s association; raided the John Hanan's chicken President A. L. Strand, Oregon house in Detroit on two ocrassions associate director, agricultural ex last Friday and Sunday making off tension service. with two hens and three roosters. Entertainment will be headed by a Walter Ball and his brother Carl horse show to be held in the O.S.C. were called in with their cougar armory the evening of January 30, hounds and were snccessful in trail sponsored by the Benton county ing and killing the cat. Popular - - bacau»e it'« Sheriff's Posse. The program also The right of way may be yours, includes a conducted tour of bams where visitors will see work being but it isn’t worth dying for. done by the animal husbandry and veterinary medicine departments. Fourteen western Oregon county COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC livestock associations will be repre LIGHTING sented at the three-day meeting. The annual banquet will be held the evening of January 31. FREE METHODIST CHURCH “The Church of Light and Life Hour” Sunday School 10:00 Morning Worship 11:00 11:00 Junior Church Evening Sendee 7:30 Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:30 Phone 1906 Pastor Rev. L. C. Gould North Mill City • • • IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday School 10 A M. Morning Service 11 A.M. Evening Service 7 P.M. Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 P.M. Eldon Haley, Pastor • * ♦ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services are held every Sunday morning at 11 o’clock a.m. in the IOOF haU. The Oregon State Game commis • • • sion announced today that the final COMMUNITY CHURCH angling regulations for 1950 will be Full Gospel Preaching set Friday, January 27, 1950, at 10:00 Sunday school 10 A.M. am., In the Portland office of the Morning worship 11 A.M. commission. Tentative regulations Evangelistic service 8 P.M. have been released, and any changes Preaching services Wednesday and deemed necessary will be made at Friday 8 P.M. i that time. Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor Automobiles can run on fuel made ' from wood. Bacteria which cause diseases in j human beings cannot live in honey Final Angling Rules to Be Set Expert Bulldozing Road Building Clearing, Grading and Leveling Masonry and Concrete Work Stayton Blue 162-B • • • FIRST CHRISTIAN CHl'RCH Services every Lord's day Morning worship 11:00 A.M. Young People's meeting 6:30 P.M. Evening worship 7:30 P.M. Tom Courtney, Pastor ♦ • • FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning worship 11 am. Music by choir. Dr. David J Ferguson. Preaching Young People at 6:30 p.m., Mrs. Arthur Kreiver, leader. • • * ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC CHURCH. MILL CITY Mass at 9 A.M. Confessions heard before Mass. Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 p.m. Father C. Mai, Pastor • • • LATTER DAY SAINTS OF JESUS CHRIST CHURCH. DETROIT Sunday School each Sunday 10 A.M. in high school building, Detroit. Priesthood meeting 11 A.M. Zealand Fryer, Presiding • • • GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST 10:00 Sunday School Morning Worship 11:00 Christian Endeavor 6:30 Evening Worship 7:30 Walter Smith, Pastor. DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Warren Knape, Pastor Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship .. 11 am. Youth meeting 6:45 p.m. Youth night Saturday 7 p.m. SALEM LAUNDRY Mill City 1641 Church Activities Stockmen Slate ■ MASTER 8READ Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. 236 N. High Street SALEM WOODBOSS CHAIN SAWS RENTALS SALES REPAIRS HOWSER BROS. Your Power Tool Rental Headquarter* 1410 So. 12th SALEM Phone 3-3646 Floor Covering ASPHALT TILE CARPETING INLAID LINOLEUM Call for Free Estimates EXPERT LINOLEUM INSTALLATION 4 ■ Santiam Hardware & Implement Co CHRIS E. NETTLING * ♦ PHONE 57» STAYTON Baker's Mill City Jewelry ♦ : : : Announces With Pride A Fostoria Franchise ♦ I XMË3SI F MADE WITH OIL...mixes with water! TO THE WOMEN OF AMERICA, THE NAME FOSTORIA MEANS THE FINEST OF CRYSTAL. HAND-CRAFTED BY ITS EXCLUSIVE LOVELI- SKILLED AMERICAN ARTISANS. NESS IS COVETED BY THE HOSTESS WHO ASPIRES TO GRACIOUS LIVING AND CHARMING ENTERTAINING. /'ooms. M/MCU W4U HMM FOR GIFTS, OR FOR PERSONAL USE, YOU WILL WANT TO SEE OUR NEW FOSTORIA COLLECTIONS. ALL EXQUIS ITELY DESIGNED. SUPERBLY HANDMADE YET NOT EXPEN SIVE Magic Roller-Koater Application Right over wallpaper, paint, planter (OME IN AT YOUR LEMURE AND BROWSE AROUND. One coat covers Dry in one hour One gallon does average room Gorgeous new colors gallon Rich suede-like finish «. No “painty” odor 9 Washable' Durable! FRERES BUILDING SUPPLY JrffiT-oll PHONE »15 Stavton BAKERS MASTER nw Popular .baza MILL CITY JEWELRY