Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1950)
Search Begins For Industry In Canyon Serving LYONS, MEHAMA ELKHORN, MILL CITY T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE GATES. MONGOLD The Chamber of Commerce indus trial committee held its third meet DETROIT, IDANHA ing of this year at the home of C. E. Coville Wednesday night to make further plans for canyon industry, it was announced today. it was the concensus of committee Vol. VI—No. 5 MH.I. CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1950 $2.50 a Year, 5c a Copy members that the Mill City Chamber of Commerce make immediate appli cation for affiliation with the United States Chamber of Commerce and thereby put this community in i line to receive the many services i avail- able to chambers of commerce, , which would include aid in bringing indus- try to this community. The tentative strike of the Bell It was also the recommendation of System scheduled for February 8th the committee that the chamber pro Progress on the Detroit Dam will not affect the Mill City office cure a list or directory of the manu- i through 1949 has, in general, been as it was believed this week. THf NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR facturers in these United States. While the strike includes only a ' planned, it was reported recently by Queries have already been sent in INFANTILI PARALYSIS relatively small number of Bell em Col. J. W. Miles, resident engineer search of manufacturers wishing to The contract for ployes. thousands of operators, line, on the project. re-locate somewhere in the west and men, and technicians will not cross the main dam was awarded to Con more particularly in the northwest. solidated Builders, incorporated. In picket lines to report to work. The committee will soon be bom March. 1949, and minor contracts for In as much as the Mill City phone barding those areas of the United permanent operation buildings, temp system is privately owned, as is States, particularly those industries orary construction facilities, reser- Stayton and some other outlying most adaptable to this canyon, with voir clearing, and for a salmon communities, and is not directly af invitations to re-locate here. hatchery were awarded to other con filiated with the Bell system or their A need was revealed for a local tractors during the summer. I union, local service will probably be inventory of available land and on Construction of the main Detroit allowed to continue without inter what basis it might be procurred. In Dam Is 10 per cent complete over all. ruption. All toll calls will of course order that we may place ourselves Accomplishments to date include be eliminated if the strike is carried in a position to attract industries, construction of access roads, comple Kenneth Foster, Redmond pilot out as planned. committee members stated, we must tion of river diversion, and excava lost his course on a recent cross state match the effort and the enthusiasm Freezing temperatures and heavy The "March of Dimes" all-star flight and found Davis air field a tion of about one-third of the dam of our sister cities here in Oregon, talent show Wednesday evening Feb welcome port when gas supplies be snows have set a record during the foundation. To be accomplished dur- many of them making out and out ruary 8, at the Mill City Theatre will gan to dwindle first month of this year that has Ing the fiscal year 1950 will be com gifts of sites. The cities making a feature 15 outstanding entertainment not been paralleled for over 50 years Foster left Redmond January 22nd pletion of the foundation excavation, practice of such a course are the acts, according to Gene Malecki of for a flight via The Dalles to Port forcing hundreds in the canyon out and erection of construction plant, cities gaining new industry today. Salem who will act as master of land and Salem. He left Portland of work and costing property owners including highline cableways, quarry A sub-committee was appointed to ceremonies. The program will start for Salem but missed the Salem field unaccountable loss. Oregon's partially snowbound 1950 and aggregate processing plants, garner information on land availabil at 8:00 p.qi. and no admission charge altogether landing at Davis airport. One pioneer stated he remembered March of Dimes is just getting its concrete mixing plant, and cement ity and suitable manufacturing sites. will be made. After refueling. Foster, took off for only one other winter more severe second wind and will be continued for handling facilities. Pouring of mass A ways and means committee was The roster of talent for the show Salem where he made a safe landing. tgan this year, when in 1898 the a week or 10 days beyond today's concrete in the dam structure Is ex appointed to determine methods of has been announced as follows: The There was some anxiety over his temperature dropped to 10 degrees scheduled closing date. pected to commence in June, 1950. raising funds for promoting potential Neal Twins. Gary and Jerry, of whereabouts when he failed to report below zero. While on several other The salmon hatchery being con Extension of the critical fund- occasions snow in the canyon has raising campaign was announced by structed at Marlon Forks as a part canyon industry. Salem tap dancing youngsters, who his safe arrival in Salem. George Steffy, committee chair took a page from Ted Lewis’ Book This was not the first occasion that been deeper, such an extreme drop the National Foundation for Infantile of the project is 80 per cent com Many Paralysis. It was authorized by Dr. plete. and will be ready for use in the man, wished to make it known to all with the presentation of "Me and My the Davis field has aided in emer in temperature is unusual. people were without water when E. T. Hedlund of Portland, state spring of 1950. the people of the ocmmunity that Shadow.” Bobby Christensen, 4 year gency landings. lines froze and in numerous instances chairman for the March of Dimes suggestions will be welcomed and old dancer and singer who will pre Contracts for clearing of 800 acres broke. Local hardware stores and who described the winter weather as within the reservoir area were urged community co-operation in sent a determined version of “Room plumbers experienced an influx of the "most crippling" he has exper- awarded during the summer. These promotion of this vital need. Possi full of Roses”. "The Dancing Dar business selling pipe fittings and ble industries that might be estab lings”, Barbara Stutzman. Julie ienced in the 12 years he has headed contracts and future similar con. making repairs caused by the frigid lished would again be well received Sharp and Carol Jean Shower, a trio the annual polio drive in Oregon. tracts, in addition to reservuu air. by the group. of rhythmic Salem youngsters. Despite this considerable drawback, clearing, provide for the salvage of Despite difficulties suffered by Mrs. Coville served delicious apple Lennie Dibbern, Salem accord Dr. Hedlund said that public response merchantable timber occurring in the Mill City residents this community pie ala mode with an abundance of ionist, Mary K. Brown, tap dancer area to be cleared. Four hundred BY JEAN ROBERTS had been "nearly up to par”. seemed to receive some special favor coffee. with a comedy twist. Diana Bray, a The Oregon state board of Health acres of the 800 under contract are Despite unusually bad weather the by the weather man. While Salem black-face imitator of Al Jolson. past two years the Elkhorn area has issued figures at the same time completely _ cleared, and the ¿pnatn- suffered from a minus '30.3, Detroit which indi,ated that *950 might bi'der w41 Ue .miab^l in May, 1950. Mar Burke, singer with a take-off on been kept open by the diligence of minus 12. Elkhorn minus 8. Mill City Sophie Tucker in "Some of These a county road crew. Many old tim- | another troublesome polio year in All reservoir clearing will hate been was basking in a plus 3. Days." Betty Jean Mullin and ¡ers in that area however, can recall i the state. The state epidemiologist, accomplished by the fall of 1951. Yes. those were the good old days, Robert Gwinn of Willamette Univers, I earlier times when the community [ CBI Stops All Operations Plans are under way for the con i Dr. Samuel Osgood, reported that 12 remarked. Mr. Sullivan, pioneer rest ity, vocal duet. Carolyn Miller, im was snow bound for weeks, and exist- I Consolidated Builders, Inc., have I cases had been counted in Oregon struction of permanent houses with dent of this canyon, in an interview personator of Beatrice Kay. Vem I ence was a struggle of pioneer life. stopped operations indefinitely until | thus far in 1950 He pointed out attendant utilities and facilities for favored with a rise in temperature, j that only seven had been recorded for the use of permanent operating held this week. ; Esch. Male vocalist, Patricia Whelan Residents then pooled their re I was just a boy, he continued, in singing and dancing "My One and sources and bought a year’s supply Mr. Murray, personnel manager, for a corresponding time in 1949, the personnel, These Include permanent CBI stated they were able to con- [third most severe year in Oregon's residences, which will be constructed 1873 when I first came to this can Only Highland Fling". of staple groceries each fall, consist yon. At the present site of the Mill i during 1950. A contract for the con Sandra Lee Allison, talented acro- ing of several barrels of flour, sugar, tinue operations in the snow but the infantile paralysis annals. City Hotel there was one log cabin, baticwaltzer. Janice Olson and Mrs. cans of coffee, and sacks of beans, freeze necessitated all work stop Thirty-two states-highest number j struction of a warehouse, motor re page, when it became impossible to the only building in the area. Old Elaine Fry two popular vocalists, and to even attempt coming out to move men and equipment over the in history- reported polio case rates ¡pair shop, and utilities in the perma- growth fir covered the entire town Dewey Robinson, piano and guitar In 1949 of more than 20 per 100,000 | nent housing area was awarded to civilization during the winter months ice bound road. site and the first clearing of any and vocal duet. persons put her in 34th place among I Minnis and Shilling of Eugene. Ore- was practically unheard of. size was made by the Santiam Lum Groundhog Sees Shadow the states. Idaho ranked first with a |Ron, in August, 1949, and is now All of the performers took part in Ten short years ago the road was ber Co. which established a mill on the "March of Dimes" talent dis As if the sub-freezing blasts had case rate of 28 5, California was 27th approximateJy 90 per cent complete. still a narrow ribbon of breathtaking I what later became the old Hammond covery shows in Salem Monday and curves closed during the winter not already out-stayed its welcome, with a 24 4 rate and Washington 30th Relocation of the Forest Service De location. All logging at that time Tuesday night, Several Mr. Groundhog added to the coun troit Ranger station in the general of the months and partially repaired in the with a 23 rate. wu done with oxen with eight yoke youngsters appeared on programs try's discomfort. Thursday was area of the permanent houses will be The March of Dimes organization summer by the residents themselves. making up the average number used. during the 1949 drive. Groundhogs day, and certainly the commented that infantile paralysis is accomplished during the winter of It was so rutted that one of the first Sullivan stated that parents con- Accompanying the unit will be: logging trucks attempting to bring little creature had opportunity to see not only on the rise but outbreaks 1960 51. sidered it unsafe for children to be Gene Malecki, master of ceremonies, his shadow as bright sunshine pre are becoming more general than Contracts for turbines and gen. out a load, tipped over in the middle out after dark because timber wolves Howard Ragan, chairman of the the day. Believers in the sporadic. Eighty per cent of the erators for completion and delivery of the road, spilling the logs upon the vailed for roamed the area. Early pioneers county March of Dimes committee, six weeks of 1949 cases were assisted financially in 1952 and 195.1 bank where they remained for many myth will know that hunted frequently with dogs and it E. J. Church, president of the Salem still ahead. winter are Excavation for the Detroit Dam by the National Foundation and its years. was not unusual for wolves to kill Shrine club and last year's commit, powerhouse will be completed in May, chapters at a cost of $31,000,000. At this time the C. and H. Logging Immediate Relief N <>t in Night the dogs. Fishing was good enough tee chairman. Relief from the cold spell was not 1950 The construction contract, Co. undertook extensive road work. to give any angler sleepless nights. and weather however, will not be awarded until immediately in sight With bulldozer and grader working Postal Change Disliked The early residents were not in the latter part of 1950. for comple full time the road was widened and forecasters hinted at a new storm terested in fish smaller then 12 A change in postal service which tion in the spring of 1953. Instal rocked but it was still impassable While the now storm was reported inches and frequently brought a tub I went into effect January 25 at the lation of the first generator at De part of the time. A huge slide to be not too severe in intensity, full home in less than half a day. blocked the road one Thanksgiving, forecasters avoided telling how much Mehama postoffice and other valley troit Dam will be completed In Dec This fishing was said to be done • marooning the community for sev snow if any would fall. Only once offices met with considerable critic ember 1952, and the second generator with ease with nothing but a dry fly. The Parent Teachers association, eral weeks and from then on that ¡thia year has snow melted enough ism from postmasters as well as the in 1951 j The fish, Mr. Sullivan, believed were sponsors of this year's kindergarten, general public. (Continued on Page 8) All exploratory work for the Big area was consistently plagued with destroyed when the Willamette river have asked the school board budget The change of schedule delays the Cliff Dam, which is located 2 8 miles slides was stocked with black baas and the committee for official recognition in outgoing mall to Salem by three below the Detroit Dam, will be com One night Earl Hichman, one of the young trout wintered down stream. next years budget, it was learned hours or more, as it has been trans- pleted in June 1950. Contracts for Mr Sullivan logged in this area today by P T. A. head, Mrs. Robert . owners of C. and H.. climbed out fered to the Bend to Salem bus which construction of B.g Cliff Dam and 1 from his new Ford and left it for years and finally retired when Veness. arrives at 10:30 a.m. and is often late powerhouse wll be awarded early in stranded in the middle of the road the tall Umber got “too far back in Mrs Veness stated that were the due to road conditions on its route. 1951, with completion scheduled for with mud from a recent slide halfway John Boddaker, well known resi- The mail previously left Mehama at the hills”. school board to pay operating cost of early spring, 1953. Yes, Mr Sullivan, those were the the kindergarten, it would enable up on the car doors. A big white dent of Lyons, passed away suddenly 7.13 arrving at Salem in tiime for Peak employment during the year, j truck pulled it and two other vehicles Thursday evening at 7 p.m. at his good old days more parents to enroll their young departure on the noon bus. considering all contracts, but exclud 'to safety i home. Incoming mail is also delayed with ing Government employees, reached sters who can not now afford the At another time a work crummy Mr. Boddaker, was 63 years of age $6 00 a month fee While their are belonging to the Kirsch mill was at the time of his decease He is afternoon mail being held over in 850 The relocation of State High 28 youngsters between the ages of Salem until morning. way No. 222 was completed, except nearly oozed off the road by the survived by two sisters, Mrs. Geo The new schedule is an attempt by for a short section, the construction four and six. now enrolled, a larger however The men ever present mud. Berry of Lyons, and Mrs P P Bier- postoffice officials to cut expend FRIDAY— number could be adequately handled. of which will be commenced in 1950. escaped in time. I.O.O.F. meeting. ley of McMinnville: and three broth itures explains Jack Ryland. Mehama The youngsters have learned clay Surfacing of the completed section is was al- ers. Ben of Mill City, William of The winter of 1943 which SATURDAY— modeling, block building, and recog postmaster. ¡now under way, and will be comple most as severe as the last two, Santiam Riders Dance. nition of numbers and letters. Par found the North Fork road closed Alsea, and Alex of Lyons. Funeral ted in the early summer of 1950. ents with children in the kinder with snow, ice and slides A young services will be held Monday after VENIKON PROVES EXPENSIVE MONDAY— The project as a whole is progress noon February Sth at the Weddle Lions club meeting. garten have commended it. Bob Steele of the State police ing as scheduled, and depending upon couple expecting a baby struggled for funeral home in Stayton A F. A A.M. No. 180 stated meet i In as much as the P T. A. has arrested Russel Clair Lake at Mill timely Congressional appropriations, 12 hours to drive the 15 miles of road ing third Monday already purchased the little chairs to Mehama, tearing up a new set of City. January 10 for illegal posses should be rompleted in June, 1953 Boy Scouts 7:30 and basic equipment it would leave chains and using a tankful of gaso Biffgt r*Better Earthquakes I sion of venison fined $100 in Albany the budget committe with the cost of line. TUESDAY— You'll have earthquake insurance justice court, $4 50 court costs and FIRE AT KENNEDY HOME Women's club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tues replenishing supplies and caring for A good many families left their whether you like it or not if the 30 days in jail. A flu fire called the M/1 City Lions Club Aux. 8 30 p.m. 4th Tues. the teachers salary Clifford Joseph Widmark arrested fire department out Thursday eve- automobiles on the Mehama side of Teague of Oregon cities has its way. WEDNESDAY— According to their recent report, in Idanha for reckless driving. He ning at the home of Mrs Louiso the slide and walked the remaining Christian Church Missionary group VOTERS MAY REGISTER four miles home. Boards were laid during the last 94 years we've had was driving his truck 60 miles per Kennedy. There was no damage meets 2 p.m. Voters, who reside on the Manon across the mud by accommodating more than 100 quakes, and since hour in a 25 mile Zone The firemen responded to the call Idanha Eagles 8 p m. county side of MUI City and who are truck drivers and anyone slipping there are numerous fault lines on the Kenneth Flak Ramsey arrested for and were at the scene in four min Altar Society meets 2nd Wed not registered in the proper precinct off was buned to the hips in the earth's crust in the Northwest, their driving 50 miles per hour in a 25 utes The fireplace flu burned bril THURSDAY— may do so at the home of Mrs C. slimy muck forecast is for bigger and better mile sone He appeared in Breiten- liantly for a short time and firemen American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs. M Cline i quakes in the future. bush justice court on Thursday (Continued on Page 8) stood by. Telephone Strike Not to Interrupt Service Here THE MARCH OF DIMES Amateur Show With Variety Here Wed. Airport Scene of Landing for Lost Redmond Flyer Zero Weather Slows All Local Work Dime March to Be Extended So You Think It’s Tough? Good 01 Days Aid Sought for Kindergarten Boddaker Rites On Mondav (Cuming fcitcnts: 1949 Progress Reported On Detroit Dani