Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1950)
* DIMES Newbry Warns MARCH OF T.Xf Drivers Of Road Hazards Skidding danger remains acute as Cold weather and slippery road sur faces continue in many areas of the State, motorists were cautioned by the secretary of state's traffic Bafety division today. • Hard-packed snow and underlying ice cause more trouble than newly fallen snow, the division pointed out, making it imperative that drivers reduce speeds to help offset these roadway hazards. Continued use of Chains was advised where such con ditions are encountered. Drivers were asked to make sure Windshield wipers and defrosters function properly and to swtich on headlights whenever storms or early darkness reduce visibility to 500 feet or less. Obliging Customer FIGHT f * INFANTILE PARALYSIS JANUARY 16-31 Positions Open In Civil Service MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs. Regal of Mill City drove to Newberg over the weekend to visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Hull drove to Fall City to visit Mrs. Hull's sister. A birthday party was held last week at the Russel King home. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Veteto, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mason, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell King. The evening was spent playing canasta. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Means of Sale«!, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Means and family from Stayton were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Swan. Mr. Means was the former grade school principal in Mill ¡City. Mrs. Byron Davis has been ill witfi , the flu. The womens’ auxiliary of the Lions culb met last week at the home of Mrs. Albert Toman. EXPERIMENTAL FEEDING OF BEEF CATTLE REPORTED H— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Will YOU Help? January 26, 1950 I 7 I I fi *.Jj lators to comply or be hailed into court, Buildings erected since the codes enactment and not built to specifications will not be allowed to pass unnoticed. All violators of this code will be subject to arrest and will be cited before the police judge Street Paving in Residents Hands Streets will be paved and sidewalks will be constructed w’here the ma jority of property owners on any one street petition such action. Mi. nority residents will no longer be able to enforce non-co-operation, with the charter of the city now in effect. Some residents recall such non-co-operation and the infamous effect in a recent paving project WAR PRISONERS TO GET BENEFITS Former prisoners of war entitled to benefits under the war claims act of 1948 may obtain application blanks from local veterans' agencies and service organizations, the Ore gon Department of Veterans' Affairs announced this week. Forms received by the state vet erans’ department from the claims commission have been distributed to ' county service officers and to the major veterans' organizations, and are also available from the depart- ’ ment at 305 state Library building, Salem, and 415 S. W. 11th avenue, Portland. Clerk’s Office To Be Open “What’s the score?” asks puzzled 20-month-old Rosser Lee Cottrell, polio victim, from his crib In a San Angelo, Texas, hospital. Help him to a happy answer by con tributing generously to the March of Dimes (Jan. 16-31) of the Na tional Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Inspection of- A manuscript reporting results of The State Civil service commission ' five years experimental beef cattle (Continued from Page 1) announced today that examinations feeding trials at the Malheur Experi- BY MRS ALBERT MILLSAP for Forestry positions with the state four, including one station wagon, Glenn Hearing, Gates barber, dur government will be given in various ' ment Station, Ontario, is being pre- Nearly 1000 bus drivers were I pared by E. N. Hoffman, station su- ing one of the several recent power localities throughout Oregon soon. briefed on the new law requiring Interruptions, was biding his time The three classes listed for exami j perintendent, and Prof. Ralph Bo- traffic to stop for buses and on , gart. This will be the first publica visiting with a neighboring merch nation are Forester I and Timber driver regulations during the period. tion of the Malheur Station livestock ant, seriously bemoaning the fact— Cruiser, starting salary $200. Edu The safety division plans to expand no power—no lights—electric clip cational and experience requirements work and covers the feeding trials the driver training phase of the pro conducted through 1943 47. pers useless—consequently no cus vary, with a college degree in Work at Ontaria has been con- gram while continuing to inspect tomers—when T. R. Burton, local forestry or logging engineering school superintendent appeared and required for admission to the cerned with the utilization of feeds new buses and recheck the old ones. produced in the Snake River valley Some Over-crowding Found asked if he could get his semi Forester I test. Some of the Inspectors cited one case in which monthly trim. Naturally the answer Applications and information may for fattening cattle more important phases of these tests H panel truck with a maximum was no—sorry no power. I be obtained from any local office of have involved feeding ground shelled allowable capacity of 13 students Not to be bested by such trivialities 1 the state employment service or from com vs. com and cob meal and re- was completely blocked by seats and the school man shortly returned with the offices of the State Civil service termining the value of wet beet pulp | could not be epened from the inside a gas lantern and two pairs of commission, 444 Center Street, and certain protein supplements in in any case. Some of the over- ancient hand clippers with which Salem and 614 Mead Building, Port i the feed lot. erowed students were sitting on a barber Heasing managed to continue land The last date for filing is foot rest running between the seats business as usual. February 25. and only six inches off th floor. The POLICE ARREST TWO Wilfred Therrien and Mervin Shu- division did not know this district- maker were arrested by Police Chief owned vehicle was in operation until King this week and charged with one of the parents complained about conditions. disorderly conduct. The division reported excellent Judge D. Shyethe levied Individual I fines at $14.50 and gave Shumaker compliance with recommendations in Is a Topic Most People Enjoy most cases, however. Safety of the a 10-day suspended sentence. children is the primary consideration Liquid nitrogen will quickly chill in all the regulations, and few con a piece of metal to minus 320 de tractors or districts are wiling to I grees fahrenheit. jeopardize lives by operating sub | ------------------------- standard vehicles when they are Enjoy Serving GOOD FOOD United States has more than 2 aware of the deficiencies, Captain million acres of irrigated land. Lansing declared. Council Meet- The city clerk’s office will be open on Monday nights between the hour« (Continued from Page 1) of 7:30 and 9:00 p.m. to enable city to enforce ordinance No. 24, com- residents to obtain building permits monly known as the ‘‘Green River and take care of other city transac ordinance” was brought to the coun- tions. cil members attention. The ordi- i Lippold-Brenner, bookkeeping firm nance prohibits peddlers of merchan ! of Salem, was re-hired to care for dise not raised or manufactured by the city’s books and in addition to themselves, from peddling from door previous duties were requested to to door within the city limits. Such furnish financial statements each peddlers may go to houses within the month. city only with a written invitation. The ordinance does not apply to peo ple who raise or manufacture per sonally their own product. The co operation of the citizens will be needed Is successful enforcement by the police is to be made. Citizens and need only contact the police depart ment. Mill City Hotel Boarding House Buildings Must Comply With Code Laxity will not be tolerated in com pliance with the city building code. The council directed the building in spector, Robert Veness, to notify vio- FAMILY style meals Under New Management Rubber Boots Half Soled $2.50 GOOD FOOD — One Day Service — Dick’s Shoe Service Manolis Santiam Cafe y Thomas Housing Project LOTS, and HOMES FOR SALE IF YOU’RE A G.I., SEE ONLY THE WONDER-WORKING J1 ■ • Kt Today’s Big Difference in automatic washing HAS ALL . lì THESE FEATURES r ' ■ I- ST ■ ì ? KT \ w - -'N ' T- Of • ? • - rX. --1 ' ’’ ' S ■ - Of AAICCD OUl/O rVlIOCfx and the V See this amazing new way to dry your wash fast, fresh and fluffy without work or worn ! • You’ll save HOURS of basket-lugging and clothet hanging work every washday with a Hamilton Auto matic Clothes Dryer. Hamilton lets you do your wash ANY day, any evening, rain or shine. Hamilton gently tumbles clothes tlutfv^lrv in a matter of minutes—turns them out so wrinkle-free that towels, tee-shirts, paiamas, diapers, rompers, corduroys and the like netJ up ironing! 9 The hygienic, heated air in your Hamilton is cleaner than an outdoor breeze—free of soot, dust, smoke—puri fied with healthful ultra-violet rays and sweetened with ozone from Hamilton's exclusive Sun-E-Dav Lamp. More than 100,000 homes enjoy this washday work saver. 9 Com« in for FREE demonstration .... ... OM j Miailt«« give« y,a tki s MEO mv j - ...... ............................................................... SERVICE ta AGIFLOW ACTION Whirlpool'» agitator is scientifically designed to wash more gently . . . more thoroughly! III Tt> A. 1/1AI CT ULTKA VIOLET f A as »5 U FA Hrl r Exclusively Whirl- pool's'Germicidal rays tend to help keep clothes fresh — sweet! Completely automatic operation . . . Flexible timing . . . Handy top loading ...Full 9-lb. capacity.. Whisper-silent, trouble-free performance! Five year warranty on transmission. _ . . PLUS SWEET HOME MILL C/TY PHONE 992 Ì' mi Seven Rinses re use of sudsy water forent ire wash ’ Clot hes are rinsed seven times! liapl I SALES and Suds Miser! Permits See if today of CLOTHES DRYER s Only Whirlpool has MILL CITY