Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1950)
ELKHORN LYONS Delegates were also appointed for January 19, 1950 the Farmers Union State convention to be held in Salem on February 21, MISSIONARY HERE • * • By ELSIE MYERS 22 and 23 in the Veterans of Foreign Bv EVA BRESSLER FROM AFRICA COMMUNITY CHURCH Ed. Ingram of Sweet Home, whom Wars building. The Mari Linn P T.A. held their Miss Gertrude Shoemaker, Mission Full Gospel Preaching it was reported last week, sighted the meeting at the Rebekah hall Friday After the meeting refreshments Sunday school 10 A M. ary to the Belgian Congo In Africa evening wreckage of an airplane while cougar were served by the ladies. with a fair crowd consider- Morning worship 11 A M. will be the guest speaker Sunday hunting in the Cascades, is a former Treva Sue Bickett has been con Evangelistic service 8 P.M. ing the weather. The sixth grade morning during the eleven o’clock Elkhorn resident. Mr. and Mrs. In fined to her home this week with a Preaching sen-ices Wednesday and i mother* were hostesses for the even- hour at the First Christian church. gram resided for a year in the sum mild case of chicken pox. ing. Some discussion was held on Friday 8 P.M Mill City, it was reported today. mer home of Mr. Keene. They are ! sponsoring either the Girl Scouts or j Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longnecker Miss Shoemaker, having spent ¡Camp Fire Girls group. Following I the parents of Elton Ingram who drove to Stayton Monday where they • • e several five year terms in the Congo ¡the business meeting Mr Paul Acker- built the house in which the Dooley were dinner guests at the home of FIRST < HR1STIAN CHURCH returned to the United States only man from the public relations office family now live. Services every Lord’s day Mrs. Longnecker’s parents, Mr. and last month. Her address promises to of Portland gave a very interesting He reported his find to the Mc- Mrs. Paul Payton. Later that even Morning worship 11:00 A.M. be one of vivid interest and the pub talk. His two boys who were with j Young People’s meeting 6:30 P.M. Chord air field in Seattle and it is ing they drove to Silverton where lic is cordially invited. him furnished piano and clarinet j Evening worship 7:30 P.M. rumored that this may be the plane they spent the night with Mr. Long- | music. Refreshments were served Tom Courtney. Pastor for which a substantial reward was , necker’s mother, returning home at the close of the evening. • • • offered a few weeks ago. Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Toland received j FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Elkhorn school board met for Mrs. Louie Ray returned home Fri- j | an announcement of the marriage of the last time Thursday night to settle day from Oysterville Washington Morning worship 11 a.m. their granddaughter Carletta Wagner all matters of the district. School where she had been for a week car- j Music by choir. of Medford to Max Killingsworth Dr. David J. Ferguson, Preaching district No. 115 officially became ing for her daughter and three grand-1 Young People at 6:30 p.m., Mrs. January 10. He is a Jet pilot navy part of Mill City district No. 129 J. children who had been ill. officer and they will make their Arthur Kreiver, leader. on January 3rd. School will continue The garage at the home of Mr. and Actress Helen Hayes, whose 19- home in San Diego. Calif. Mrs. Kill- • • • year-old daughter, Mary Mac- on in Elkhorn however until the close Mrs. Steve Dark collapsed from the ingsworth is the daughter of Mr. and Arthur, died of polio last Sep- ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC of this year. Mrs. Earl Wagner who lived here for weight of snow this w'eek. Only tember, has accepted the poet of CHURCH, MILL CITY national chairman of women’* some time several years ago. Mrs. Bill Bickett, Carl Longnecker and slight damage was done to the rear Mass at 9 A.M. activities for the National Foun Wagner is the daughter of Mr. and • Ike Myers atended Farmers Union of the car. Confessions heard before Mass. dation for Infantile Paralysis. meeting in Mehama, Friday evening. Mist Hayes will enlist the par Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roberts and Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 p.m. Mrs. Toland. The railway mail service announces I ticipation of women volunteers In The main subject under discussion family were callers at the Bill Bic. Father C. Mai. Pastor the 1950 March of Dimes appeal a new schedule for the morning and • • • at this meeting was the R.E.A. kett home Friday. and In the year-round service pro gram of the National Foundation. This subject was very ably handled LATTER DAY SAINTS OF JESUS evening mail in Lyons, to be effective January 25. It will leave Lyons at Scraps of soap bars may be put by Mr. George Late of Sublimity, ( URIS I ( HUKCII. DETROIT who was formerly a member of the into a jar, with water added, and the Sunday School each Sunday 10 A.M. 10:45 instead of 7:30 in the morning, and come in at 3:53 in the afternoon Earl Allen mail carrier was unable resulting soap jelly will be useful. R.E.A. board. in high school building. Detroit. instead of 6:45 in the evening. The to make his route with his car Mon- Priesthood meeting 11 A.M. day and Tuesday. But with the aid Zealand Fryer, Presiding morning mail will come in as usual at of Floyd Bassett and his power 8:30 and the afternoon mail will leave wagon they got the mall around on at 4:05. GATES COMMUNITY Funeral services were held Sunday a little later schedule. CHURCH OF CHRIST Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Putman afternoon at two o'clock from the 10:00 Sunday School Weddle funeral home in Stayton for spent the week end and Monday and 11:00 Morning Worship Tuesday in Monmouth with relatives. 6:30 Courtney Ercille Wilson who passed Christian Endeavor LOTS, and HOMES FOR SALE away Friday morning following a Miss Shield Baltzer student at Wil 7:30 Evening Worship long illness. He was born September lamette University in Salem spent SANTIAM Fraternal Order of Ea IF YOU’RE A G.L, SEE Walter Smith, Pastor. 4, 1948. He is survived by his par the week end with his parents Mr. gles 2745 meets at Rod and Gun Club ents Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson, and Mrs. Art Baltzer. in Idanha each Wednesday 8 p.m. 30 DETROIT < KRISTIAN CHURCH two brothers Dana and Floyd and one and Mrs. Lloyd Free returned Mr. Warren Knape, Pastor sister Kathleen, grandparents Mr. and home Saturday evening from Minne- ^^^^Mill City Lodge No. 144, L- 10 a.m. 0.0.F.. Meets Every Friday Sunday school Mrs. Floyd Boyington of St. Peters sota. Mrs. Free was called there 11 a.m. Morning worship burg, Florida and Mrs. Rillie Mason early in November by the death of night. Visiting Brothers Welcome. 6:45 p.m Youth meeting of Dallas. Rev. Freeman from the her grandfather. Mr. Free left here 7 p.m. Youth night Saturday Christian church of Stayton officia the 15th of December making the JUST ARRIVED— ted with internment at the Fox Val trip in his car. After being stranded Ladle* and Children’!» Umbrella* FREE METHODIST CHURCH Bath Towels — Apron* ley cemetery. Pall bearers were Paul in Bend, they made the trip over the “The Church of Light and Life Hour” Gerath, Olin Spiva, Luther Stout and Santiam pass Saturday getting into Handkerchief* Sheets — Embroidered Ca*es 10:00 Ira Kirsch. Sunday School SERVING THE CANYON AREA Lyons about 7:30 in the evening, tak Tablecloths 11:00 Morning Worship Mrs. John Jungwirth was hostess ing most of the day to make the trip, PICKUPS AT 11:00 Junior Church for the meeting of the Alter Society 7:30 held at her home last week. A short with the highway closed to most Evening Service Laundry- Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton Balcony Epp’s Store 7:30 business session was held and plans traffic with deep snow and a blind Wed. Prayer Meeting Laundry and Dry Cleaning— Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha 1906 were made for the card party and ing blizzard. Phone Dry Cleaning—Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit Pastor blanket raffle which will be held at Rev. L. C. Gould North Mill City 163 South High SALEM l’hone 3-9125 the Rebekah hall Sunday evening ... COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC January 22. Following the business IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH meeting the afternoon was spent in LIGHTING Sunday School 10 A M. formally and Mrs. Jungwirth served ■ Morning Service 11 A M. refreshments to Mesdames Frank - Evening Service 7 P.M. I Lichlightner. Doc Jungwirth, Pat I i Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 P.M. Lyons, Francis Jungwirth, Merrill Eldon Haley, Pastor Brassfield, Clarence Jungwirth Phil 236 N. High Street SALEM ... GENERAL CONTRACTORS I lip Pietrok, Herman Free, Mike ■ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Schwindt, Bob Free, Mike Fink and 4 COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS Services are held every Sunday Father Schneider. I I i morning at 11 o’clock a.m. in the Santiam Valley grange has post ■ Expert Bulldozing IOOF hall. poned their meeting for Friday night January 20 due to the deep snow it Road Building is impossible for the members to get Clearing, Grading and Leveling -- there. The conferring of the third REPAIRS RENTALS SALES Masonry and Concrete Work and fourth degree as planned will be ■ held at a later date. I Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bridges are ex We Always Guarantee Our Work pected home the last of this week after spending the past two weeks in SHIRLEY LAIRD Your Power Tool Rental Headquarter* Mill City 1641 Stayton Blue 162-B Corvallis 1915 I California—some people know when to pick there vacation missing all SALEM 1410 So. 12th Phone 3-3646 Phone 2603 this terrible weather we’re having. A dinner was held Sunday at the MILL (TTY home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnson. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mr*. Wallace Bevier and son* of Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bassett of Corval LICENSED lis, Mr. and Mrs Floyd Bassett and Cecil and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh John ston, Kathryn and Kenton. The oc- cassion honored the wedding anniver ASPHALT TILE CARPETING saries of Mr and Mrs. Bevier and Mr. *1 per month and up INLAID LINOLEUM and Mrs. Johnston, and the birthday Also serving Gates and Lyons anniverssaries of Dale and Cecil Bas Call for Free Estimates sett. EXPERT LINOLEUM INSTALLATION' MILL CITY School was closed in Lyons Monday DISPOSAL SERVICE and Tuesday due to the deep snow, PHONE 2M2 the buses were unable to make the LEONARD HERMAN rounds even with the aid of chain*. Church Activities MARCH OF DIMES Thomas Housing Project JANUARY 16-31 G.E.THOMAS,Mill City Hendricson’s Store Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. YODER-MARTIN Construction Co. WOODBOSS CHAIN SAWS BEAUTY SHOP BOWSER BROS. See Us for All Kinds of. Floor Covering GARBAGE SERVICE Santiam Hardware & Implement Co CHRIS E. NETTLING PHONE 574 STAYTON' LITTLE ILLS MAKE For Cold Weather GET AN • True, that ’'little Uiaee«’’ you’re been mentionin' in ■ n offhanC way, may •erm to amount to much— iu»t a few faint aymptotnt. But, neglected, th«»» "little Illa" can lead to big bill» for doctor», medicine», etc; not » mention nee<ll«»» »uffcrmg ■nd lot* lota of prectoua time. Cooault a Doctor now—- you’ll eave by it in the end. And. of courte, we hope you'll bring hi* prescription to ua for careful compounding. Atlas Heavy Duty Battery Weed Tire Chains Perma-guard Anti-freeze ALLEN KEITH Capital Drug Co Salem fGAS STATION MASTER two - -!»<« Í it •