Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1950)
Univ of Oie Library EUGENE. ORE -’l-U • a en • Amateur Show For Dime Drive Here The March of Dimes drive in this canyon will gain an additional boost next Wednesday evening February 8 when an amatuer show will be pre sented at the Mill City Theatre with no admission charge. Charles Kelly, drive chairman reported today Residents of this community are urged to hold the date open for an evening of good entertainment and superlative cause. Most of the talent will come from Salem. The Mill City theatre turned in an offering for the drive amounting to $85, while the Firemans Auxiliary have raised $10. It is hoped that more local organizations will feel the need and make further contribu tions. The small models of "'iron lungs” are now in local business establish ments. They are waiting for your • Dime to Drive off polio. Inspection of School Buses Alert Districts Since August 1, 1949, two school bus inspectors of the secretary of state's office have traveled 15,000 miles into every school district in Oregon, crawled under and over 1252 buses Of every size and description, and at year’s end were ready to re peat the whole process. The last legislature required the secretary of state to adopt minmum standards of construction and opera tion of school buses and to inspect them for compliance. The P ublic Utilities commissioner formerly pre scribed regulations, with state police inspecting buses when requested. The new program is under direction of Captain Walter Lansing of the traffic safety division in Salem. Inspectors are D. V. Price, Mon mouth, and J. O. Byerley, Albany. Moat Buses Meet Standards With the first inspection under the new regulations practically iom- plete, inspectors were able to report that a majority of buses easily met the requirements, with many others .requiring only slight corrections or additional equipment. A few buses were so obsolete, however, that no reasonable changes would render them safe for operation, and have been replaced. Captain Lansing ex plained that the standards adopted are considered minimum, and that manufacturers have been meeting or exceeding them for many years. Mill City Gets O.K. Vehicles inspected ranged from 8- passenger station wagons to 72-pas- senger coaches, and from 1932 to 1949 models. The Mill City school districts bus passed the inspection with minor alterations made neces sary. State inspectors asked that one cracked glass and tail pipe be repaired, school officials stated to day. As many as 13 separate items were listed as needing correction or repair on some vehicles. Wood Bodies Noted Inspectors report a few wood-body buses still in operation. They have avoided condemnation by being in continuous use since before the first regulations prescribing metal bodies were adopted in 1939. Promise was obtained in each case, however, to replace these vehicles before the next school year begins. A majority of buses are owned by the school districts themselves, al though many are owned by private contractors and under lease to the districts. In all cases the district is responsible for pupil transportation, Clackamas county reported the largest number of buses with 108, closely followed by Lane county with 10« Gilliam county was low with (Continued on Page 8) (imiitng turnts: FRIDAY— I.O.O.F. meeting. SATURDAY— Santiam Riders Dance. MONDAY— Lions club meeting. A.F. & A M No. 180 stated meet ing third Monday. Boy Scouts 7:30 TUESDAY— Rockets basketball game 8 pm. Women’s club 8 p.m. 1st. 3rd Tues. Lions Club Aux 8 30 pm 4th Tues. WEDNESDAY— Timberwolves met Aumsville Idanha Eagles 8 p.m. Altar Society meets 2nd Wed THURSDAY— American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs. Serving LYONS, MEHAMA ELKHORN, MILL CITY GATES, MONGOLD DETROIT, IDANHA T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Vol. VI—No. 4 Mountain States Nears Chamber Plans Installation Timberwolves Completion Thirteen of the new mercury- Joint Meet vapor street lamps have been in Play Decisive stalled out of the 14 ordered by the city council, Mountain States offi With Gates Game Wed. cials stated today. A proposal for the joint meeting of the Mill City and Gates Chamber of Commerce with invitations extended to Elkhorn and Lyons was accepted in last Tuesday meet of the Mill City Chamber. The dinner meeting will be held at the Manolis Cafe the sec ond Tuesday of next month or Feb ruary 14th. Members of the Mill City group expressed the need for a greater cooperation and union with all can yon communities, if the Santiam canyon is to progress. George Steffy, chairman of the chambers Industrial Committee made an interesting report to the chamber. Mr. Steffy pointed out numerous possibilities for new industry in this canyon. With Oregon's rapid growth. 39 per cent, in the last ten years and raw material and power potential the Santiam canyon was slated for outstanding development and consistent payrolls in the next few years. The chamber voted to send five dollars to the March of Dimes. The meeting was closed after members were shown colored slides on recent developments in the Detroit dam area. Snowbound Installation of the last lamp is waiting for decision for location by the council. The new mercury-vapor units which replaced the 100 watt type give 16 times as much light as the smaller bulb. The new lights are owned by the Mountain States company with the city paying for the operating cost, which is slightly over 4 times as much as the smaller bulb. More units will be installed as funds become available. Standards Met By Mill City High School The Mill City high five will meet the Aumsville quint n a game, originally scheduled for January 20. this coming Wednesday. Feb- ruary 1st in what will be the deci sive game for the Marion County “B” league championship for 1950. Should the Timberwolve« cop the contest they will be in undisputed possession of first place. An Aumsville triumph would throw the league into a three-way scram ble between Mill City, Aumsville, and Sublimity. The contest prom- lses to be th«- hardest fought of this season and a ca|Mu*ity crowd Is expected with standing room at a premium. In the first inerting between these clubs Mill City edged Aums ville by the narrow margin of one point, S3 to 32. The Varsity game will begin promptly at 8:30 p.m. following the “B" game which be gins at 7:15 p.m. Council Meet Shows Tax Election Need — Pedestrian Struck Down By Auto On Highway J. F. Blackwell of Jefferson, and employe of the Southern Pacific rail road was struck by a car driven by H. W. Werner while Blackwell was walking to work. Blackwell was said to be walking on the wrong side of the road and Weimer had difficulty in seeing him because of prevailing weather condi tions, Blackwell suffered a frac tured leg and was taken to a hos- pital. Federal Aid To Natl. Forest Hiway System The annual report from the Mill City high school has been submitted to the Northwest Association of sec ondary and higher schools and has met approval, it was reported today Oregon will receive a total of by Mr. Bayless, high school principal. $2,753,489 as its share of the Federal The Northwest Association, which Aid Highway appropriation to be includes all of the Northwest states distributed to the states for im- and reaches as far as Alaska, was provement of highway in national originated many years ago to raise forests during the fiscal year 1951. and standardize educational methods. The announcement was made on A dance sponsored by the Salem The standards set up by this organi. zation are higher in many respects Elks club for the crusade against the basis of information received than those of individual state sys polio will be held Tuesday evening, from A.A.A. National headquaters, tems. Mr. Bayless pointed out that January 31st between the hours of accordinng to Dr. E. B McDaniel, the Mill City school has continuously 9:00 and 12:00 p.m. at Salem’s Crys preident of the Oregon State motor passed association standards since tal Garden, the Salem March of association, an affiliate of the Amer ican Automobile association. Dimes office announced today. 1933. The dance, designed for young and "This appropriation is authorized In as much as the institutions of higher learning are also members of old, will feature two orchestras on by the Federal Aid Highway act of the same organization, college en two dance floors. DeSouza's modem 1948. which provides for the distri- trance requirements are obviously dance band will furnish music for button of $20,000,000 among the the modem minded while Pop Ed- states for national forest highways in ’ met by the local school. Approximately 35% of the grad i wards will supply old time dance each of the fiscal years 1950 and 1951.” Dr. McDaniel said. "The ap uates are now continuing to institu j music. Officials to be in attendance will portionment of funds is made on the tions of higher learning. be, Governor Douglas McKay, Sec basis of area and the value of the retary of State Earl Newbry, State land owned by the Federal govern Treasure Walter Pearson and all ment within the national forests in state and county officials. each state. The money will be avail Tickets will be sold at the March able beginning July 1, 1950.” of Dimes office at 409 Oregon build- The motor club official said that The Chamber of Commerce indus i ing in Salem and also at the Crystal national forest highways are selected trial committee, headed by George Garden ballroom. All proceeds will for improvement on the basis of Steffy. met Wednesday night at the 1 go for the March of Dimes. joint recommendations made by state home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Keith highway departments, the Forest to make further plans for bringing Service of the Department of Agri industry into the Santiam canyon. culture and the Bureau of Public The committee members were able ’ roads. to submit reports that gave no small amount of promise for canyon pros perity. They will continue to wel After a short closure due to pre come suggestions from all sources. vailing weather conditions CBI have The primary interest of the commit again resumed operations and will tee at this time is to establish an continue without interruption if the Miss Gertrude Shoemaker, mission- industry that will support a year weather will permit, so stated Mr. ary to the Belgian Congo in Africa round payroll. Plans were made Murray, personnel director. Wednesday evening to obtain an in The new rock crusher equipment for 23 years will speak to the grade dustry to replace the old Mill City has arrived by rail and will be in school youngsters this Friday after, stalled as soon as possible. The noon at 1:45 p.m. it was learned Manufacturing Co. Present at the meeting were C. E. crusher equipment will be used to today. Miss Shoemaker, who spoke last Coville, Bob Hill. Charles Kelly, Geo. produce the gravel when concrete Sunday morning at the First Chris- Veteto. Geo. Steffy, and Allen Keith. pouring begins. The Santiam river in its sudden tian church, promises to bring an in Mrs. Keith served sherry and fruit weekend rise poured over the spill teresting story of African lore and cake to the appreciative group. way provided in the cofferdam but' customs to the young listeners. Miss Shoemaker became available receded in a matter of hours with the Post Office Schedule diversion tunnel again caring for all to the grade school only because she was visiting relatives in Mill City. The schedule change announced by the water. Polio Dance in Salem Jan. 31 BY JEAN ROBERTS Mine Superintendent J. P. Hewitt and other families living at the old Amalgamated mine above Elkhorn who have been snow-bound since New Years day are well prepared each winter prior to bad weather for a period of inactivity when they fully expect to be marooned Not so were a group of miners who were isolated several years ago on Ogle Mountain. Bulldozers, jeeps and power wagons were unheard of at this time when a miner snow- shoed out for assistance with the story that he was one of a group marooned five miles up a mountain trail from the Silver King and ap proximately seven miles from the present site of the Elkhorn Guests ranch. Supplies were needed immediately and horses which had been used previously to freight supplies in to the mine could not be expected to plow through five feet of snow with help. There was no alternative but to establish a human freight line composed of men who would volun teer to carry a 40 lb. pack on their backs and struggle up the trail on snow shoes. Perhaps the best known volunteer was Paul Smith (Mill City's walking man) and a figure not as legendary as Paul Bunyan, but almost as in credible. Others who volunteered for the daily trek were Low and Tant Myers, Charlie Graves, and Ray Sischo. It was a grueling journey up the steep trail battling on snow-shoes and with a heavy pack, the men made it a two-day journey, staying overnight at the mine. the Mill City Post office, to go into Not so Paul Smith, who was effect January 25th, and printed in already widely known for his , last weeks Enterprise, again goes to strength and vitality. Putting a 100 press with one correction, as follows: pound pack on his back he would The arrival time will be 8:55 am. then seize a 10 pound lard pail in and 4:16 pm. Departures will be each hand and start up the trail. scheduled at 10:25 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Not content with this he would re Their will be no evening window turn the same night ready to load up service and start out again the next morn- ing. ently to consume a hot bowl of All winter the trek continued keep soup and after a nights rest was ing the miners well supplied with able to tell his story. necessities via human beasts of He and his partner had been burden marooned for weeks by the heavy Still another tale is told of the snow fall and as he was sick at the plight of a miner who was deserted time his partner volunteered to snow by his partner in a snow bound shoe out for help. A week passed and no help came, another came and mine high above Elkhorn A blizzard of swirling snow was went and still no sign of release from deepening, the drifts already piled I his snowy prison, or from hunger high when Muddy” Sischo who then ■ which was growing more pressing as resided at Elkhorn heard a muffled the small supply of groceries sound outside and cautiously opened dwindled At last out of food and the door as the lone figure of a man fire wood he decided to tackle the staggered through a drift and tot i long journey out to civilization j barely reaching the Sischo home tered into the room. The man was nearly uncenscious I before his strength deserted him. He left the next day for Portland from exhaustion and could not coher ently answer questions as to food or (never divulging his name or that of fire However, he roused suffici the partner who had abandoned him. C. of C. Industrial Committee Meets CBI Operations Resumed at Dam African Story For Grade School Polio Fails to Daunt Her Mayor Reappoints Commission With Minor Changes The city council of Mill City met Wednesday night to cope with new problems and attempted to manage on a city income which proved woe fully small, council authorities stated today. Mill City’s new mayor, Al bert Toman announced his appoint ments to each city commission. Eve ning office hours were established for the city clerk's office. Appointed as police commissioner, the position formerly held by Toman, was Wes Green, new member of the council. The mayor left last year’s appointments stand because funds for the operation of each commis- sion were depleted and a change at this time would throw too great a handicap on new commissioners. Arey Podrabsky remained as sani tation commissioner; Carl Kelly as street commissioner; and Robert Veness, not a council member, was re-appointed as building inspector. Mayor Toman stated his intentions to make a shift in the positions sometime during the spring when more funds become available. Mill City Assessment Lowest Some citizens' hopes have been raised by the recent annexations be lieving that the city income would be increased. Council members pointed out that actually taxes would be lowered. Because of the fact that a specific tax level has been estab lished by the recent vote, the an nexations have simply supplied more people to pay the already established tax. Were the citizens t j Vote a new j tax levy, their individual taxes, it , was pointed out, woul<< not necessar- i ily be greater than last year's, but with additional taxpayers the city's revenue would be increased, enabling the city to meet more of the needs of the community and giving to each of us a nicer city in which to live. Mil) City's tax assessments are now among the 10 lowest in the state. This fact of course may be considered to be an asset in the eyes of some but closer examlnationa makes it evident that were the vot ers to pass an extra tax levy com munity problems, pertinent to so many, could be improved upon. i City Drainage Needed The drainage problems i of the city held an Important place in council discussion. The council I was re- minded of the flooding of Delbert The firs Jenkins new basement, truck was called to pump the water out but was unable to get close enough to the building to be of service. Plans for a drainage system for the lower southwest portion of the city were shown to the council mem bers. The system would include a series of open ditches and culverts constructed in such a way that it could be an entirely closed system at a later date as the necessary funds become available. The council is waiting for another consultation with : the city engineer. Again, additional funds will be needed. Green River Ordinance Enforced The need for cooperation on the part of householders with the police (Continued on Page 8) Rogers Company Finishes Graveling Nlneyaar-eM Doria Nash, her arms encased In epllnte, wears an Impish emlle even though eho hae auffered a severe attack of polio followed by eurgery at a Baltimore hospital. While Dorie and thoueande of other little vlctlmo etricken in loot year'e record polio epldemlce emlle their way back to health, they need your help. For funds of the Na tional Foundation for Infantile Faralyelo are dangerously depleted. Future aid to patients depends on the March of Dimee (January 1S-J1). Give aa much ss you can! The Rogers Construction company, who held the contract for graveling the highway between Nlagra and Detroit completed operations this week and are moving equipment to their job. Stock piles of finer gravel to be used on the fina. surfacing have been furnished. The rock crusher and other equipment is beinng removed to their next location. Many of the employees and their families, who have resided here since last October have moved and left a noticeable gap in several trailer courts and private homes in the Mill City- Gates area.