Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1950)
I—THE Mil.I. CITY ENTERPRISE K2'. , MEHAMA The basketball game which was scheduled to be played at Gates on ...i::;:::;::; >: :: :: :: :: :: :: .. :: Friday evening had to be postponed By JEAN ROBERTS due to bad roads and weather. By MRS. J A. WRIGH1 ri « Mrs. Arlie Dickie underwent an Sgt. Gordon Kirsch who has spent On Sunday January 15, 12 inches of Í A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 95c per new snow fell here making a total of emergency surgical operation at the [ the past month’s furlough with his X sq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. 54 inches. This month there has Salem Memorial hospital last Wed parents Mr and Mrs. Ira Kirsch re- Progress for the Canyon 1 turned to his station at McChord FOR RENT—One three-room apart been a total of 82 inches of snow and nesday. She is improving. ment furnished, for couple only. 22 inches fell in December. This is Work has been stopped at the dam field near Tacoma Washington last Beebe Apts. 51tf according to the official weather re- site due to weather conditions. week. He is reenlisting in the air- and Trailer Court force. He was accompanied by hia The wife and children of H. A. ports kept here by Mrs. Earl Parker. FIRST IN DETROIT PERSONALS brother Dale, who returned home the Thompson who works for Michael STILL FIRST IN DETROIT [ The lowest temperature was 9 above WANTED: Information about Byron zero while the average temperature Baker company has arrived from next day by bus. Red Rynearson Otto RusseU and Tally Davis, if alive, and still Glen Dryden living in Mill City, have them write has been about 20 degrees above zero Tennessee and they are making their Courtney Wilson, young son of Mr and Mrs. Russell Wilson passed away to their friends in Dayton, Wyo. Ip this month. An additional four home in Mill City. M inches made a totel of 58 inches and School has been held everyday in [last week after an extended illness. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I will no longer pay any debts con snow is still falling. Residents had spite of the weather. Bulldozers and Funeral services were held Sunday in to shovel the snow from their roofs snowplows have kept the roads clear Weddles Chapel at Stayton. Rev. tracted by anyone except myself. l-3tp AGNESS A. ALLEN every day or the weight would break for the buses. Clyde Freeman of the Christian Corporal Clifford White, son of Mr. church officiated. them down. LEGAL ADVERTISING Due to road and weather conditions f and Mrs. Otis White left from Ham Mr. and Mrs. Keith Phillipps spent No. 13766 bus service has been suspended from [ ilton Field, California, January 5. several days last week at Mt. Vernon, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT He will be stationed 45 miles north Washington. Bend for several days. I have filed my final account in the of Manila. He is in the air force Home extension unit will meet next estate of Sam M. Jurgensen, de On January 15 a Bobcat got into ordinance department. Ont' Mill Ea*t of Detroit | Monday, January 23 at the home of ceased, with the County Clerk of the chicken house of Raymond Bophy Mrs. F. L. Noble left the 7th of j Mrs. Inez Crook. This date was set Marion County, Oregon and the court killing all of his thirteen hens. JEWEL MYERS, Mgr. has set the 11th day of February, January for Champagne, Ill., where 1950, at 10 o'clock A.M. and the Cir When Cecil Fullington reported this she will visit relatives until sometime after the January 6 meeting was postponed. It will be an all day cuit Court room as the time and to Mr. Sophy he got Walt Ball and place for hearing objections thereto his hounds and they trailed the cat in March. meeting starting at 10:30 am with Frank Wilson, who has not been no-host lunch at noon. Giving home and the settlement of said estate. and killed it about 200 yards from OTTO WITT, Executor of the the chicken house. It was small for well for sometime, spent several days sewing a professional look is the ACCOUNTING, bookkeeping, audit Estate of Sam M. Jurgensen, in Salem this week going through ing. Brad Bradley, 1895 Hemlock, deceased. a bobcat weighing only about 7 lbs. I the clinic. It had been rumored here project to be demonstrated by Miss Lebanon, Phone 2133. 3tf BEIJ. & DEVERS, Atty for Exec. The meeting of the Womens Civic ■ that he had gone to the hospital. Eleanor Trindle or her assistant. FOR FULLER BRUSHES and clean Stayton, Oregon I club has been postponed due to I Although he is under doctors care he Still more snow covers the Mehama ing equipment call your Fuller First publication Jan. 12, 1950-5t weather conditions and will not be i was allowed to come home and is i area causing accidents and discom- Brush dealer. Theo. Muysken, Rt. I forts to many residents. Snow 3 feet I held until some time next month. improving. 1. Box 229, Aumsville, Ore. 3tf I deep is reported on Freres hill. It was scheduled for January 18. FOR SALE 1 large Duo-Therm oil Jeeps with chains on all 4 wheels are heater, with fan; 1 30-gal. Coleman very much in evidence along the oil hot water heater; 1 pair ladies Cliff Ambers » Cak'iiator* highway, pulling stalled cars and Typewriter* ski shoes, size 8; 1 Chromalox elec Adding Machine* those that have slipped off into the trie heater. These may be seen at r the Free Methodist Church, north CAPITOL OFFICE snow. 3-3tp side. Phone 1906. EQUIPMENT CO. Myran Fender was unable to leave Just East of Gates 531 Court SALEM his driveway without assistance. LIST YOUR homes and farms with Sales — Rental* — Service me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, Still another jeep was pulling a car Gates. Detroit, Lyons. David M up the hill near Harry Monroe's Reid, Real Estate. 3tf HARLOW L. WEINRICK home. LIPPOLD - BRENNER FOR SALE — New Hampshire and ( Attorney at Uw Horace McCarley experienced a Parmenter Red chicks from 300! Accountants narrow escape when he slipped while egg foundation stock, also Hamps 318 Broadalbin Albany BARBER SHOP Bookkeepngi Service Auditing shoveling snow from his roof. Skid- Cornish fryer chicks, all straight 2nd A Broadway Payroll Reports Income Tax run chicks are $15 per 100. Send ing down the incline he barely missed Hours: 10 to 7 Phones : for circular. Gehring Hatchery & falling to the ground by hooking his Mill City 207 Salem 3-7615 Poultry Farm, Phone Black 193, i leg around a roof jack. Despite the Silverton, Ore. 2tf cold he said that his "pants were FOR RENT Modern furnished apts. smoking. ” by week or month. Winter rates. Heavy snowfall has marooned Mc Lyons Motel, Lyons. 3-3tp j * « Cully Mt. residents for 10 days with BARKIE BARRIE DOUGLAS FIR BARGAINS snow drifted as high as 20 feet in 2- BED ROOM house, garage, nice places. Jim Toome snow shoed out lot $2,500, $800 down. today to get Ercill Wilson of »¿-ACRE, 4-ROOM house, $600 down Mehama to open the road with a cat. total price $3,000. PHONE MILL CITY 2602 or 2108 Phone 1287 Albany or He stated that electric power has 3- ROOM HOUSE, extra good loca ctoHHniansHnHictnnHHHHHnHHnnnn Write been off for ten days, however his tion $2,700, $700 down. HOWARD CORSET SHOP family had solved the fuel problem PENNICK-PENNICK by moving into the basement where Foundation Garments Evenings 702 Phone 1901 they still have a wood stove. Special Attention Given to Fittings CO.. INC. January 19, 1950 ROOMS FOR RENT—Inquire R. 8. Corbin. Hot water tank for sale, very good condition. Inquire R. 8. Corbin or at The Enterprise. l-3tp DETROIT Trade in DETROIT Buying At Home Spells Detroit T avern DAVIS SPORTING & DRY GOODS Famous Pendleton Shirts We Have Them L. C. DAVIS A SONS Canyon Club PERSII BRUCE Canyon Garage Expert Repairing SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES P. E. Fry, Manager OTTO RUSSELL INSURANCE Agency Fire — Auto — Life Accident Phone 1502 Detroit TAVERN The rhe MAPLES Wants and Sales WANTED — Cattle, hogs and sheep Licensed and bonded buyer. Will call at farm. Write Harold E Bnethen, 1550 Lancaster Dr., Salem, Ore. Phone 2-1345. 48tf FOR SALE — Verybest brand blue berry plants. Grown in west for western planting. Write to Tony Moravec Berry and Poultry Farm for price list. Route 1, Box 242, Stayton, Ore. 51-17t-15 FOR SALE—New double constructed stucco duplex. For sale by owner, call The Enterprise. 49tf CBI NEEDS accommodations: Single and double rooms In private homes, or houses to rent. Please list your available space with CBI. Call 3tf Personnel Office, 4202. EXPERT AUTO and home radio service, 20 years experience, all makes. Guaranteed service. Stiffler's Radio anti Appliance. 3tf aMnHnHnHHnnnnnnstHHHiaHUHnnn MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1 per month. Also light hauling. Leonard Herman North Santiam Phone 2325 mDaHnHnnnnnunnHnHHHHnHnHHH SANTIAM GARAGE GENERAL Al’TO and TRUCK REPAIR Arc and Acetylene Welding Phone 3452 VERNE’S WANTED SERVICE POLES or STUMPAGE Standard Pole & Ki ■iirtibi< Ho>>lery-Llngerie-Dre*se*-Sinocks 131 High St. Salem Phone 4032 wmiiihi mi . uli mi mumi iiirnniiiii iiiuiimhi iiiiikii .................................... imi . C. E. Coville RALEIGH HAROLD Real Estate FLORIST and NURSERY 319 W. Washington ‘hone 6812 Stayton. Oregon Weit West Side MUI Mill City Ph. 3407 LISTINGS WANTED FLOWERS GOODE’S FLOWER SHOP Phone Blue 64 B Stay ton. Ore. WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modern Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON MILL CITY Serv ice Station Texs Tavern Mill City 2134 Fairgrounds Road 95c Salem, Ore. Phone 3-7193 Gates, Oregon *1111 mi Ki. iwiu. h .h.iimiMiviiiiiu ni .muni iiut ' i i MILL CITY SHELL PRODUCTS AITO STORAGE BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES A Friendy Family FISHING TACKLE Atmosphere Prevails Blacksmithing Welding Logging and Saw Mill Repairing 24-HOUR SERVICE Commercial Refrigeration Sales and Service Serving Turkey Dinner IHl E. ‘Pink' Mason, Prop. Repair Shop NU-METHOD DAVIS Electric & Tavern Supply Friday, Saturday Sunday COMPLETE DINNER Call George For Guaranteed Cleaning it's the JERRY’S CAFE BlAXCK WEST OF THEATRE |0ln ADAMS For your excavating and dump truck work 3-8 yd. 10-B Shovel 3403 or 88, for Quick Towing Service SILVER SADDLE GARAGE Highway West of Mill City FULLY MODERN EXPERT MECHANICS Welding and Repairing Open Days and Evening* DUDLEY JONES Telephone 903 Mill City y MILL CITY, OREGON Basements, Trench and General Excavating Silver Saddle Trailer Camp Mill City, Ore Phone »03 A Friendly Place To While Away HORNER’S MINERAL and GEM SHOP Moni X Pop's CAFE Private Dining Room Stavton Hanhv; ire ami Furniture Stayton, Oregon CUSTOM CUTTING Agate* to Sapphire* and Ruble* Cut and Mounted to Order DRILLING AND PLACING OF EMBLEMS AND MONOGRAMS ON STONES. Prices quoted on request. Member of R ih k* A Mineral* A**<x-faction VISITORS WFIXX1MI Mill City GAR-WOOD HOISTS and DUMP BODIES Botile« Made to Order lagging Trailer* Your Idle Hours RICHARDS JORGENSEN-STEINKE ’S TAVERN MS Ferry St. Phone t5590 Salem, Ore. GATES 4 mo tk « ao nxw ¿XWfS MMCHINC OFF LIKE *4L 901 ¡MRS TO «LP THE FIGHT AGAINST iNFANTltf AAAALVTlS THAT'S r •M esto ' Little Iodine, Dagwood, Henry, and Mandrake join the March of Dimes FOR FREE HOTPOINT RANGE SERVICE — CALL STAYTON ‘*4R CHARGE FOR PARTS AND MILEAGE ONLY. Faust ami Ross MILI CITY Shux Electric Co. STAYTON