Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1949)
* MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. OCTOBER 13, 1949 skinner. Tvots tookk a nice two point buck back to Sweet Home. Bily Longnacker missei two days of ¡»-hool this week due to sore throat and cold. Ker noth Randall, owner of *’ <• Elk- Horn Guest Ranch has lx n ck the past week. rhe North lork mill re-opened on Tuesday afttT being ck»t><. the past ten days fo. repairs. Mr. and Mrs. Donald S> ultz and children, Mr. am Mrs. C .Leffler and children, all of Scio, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Louie Ray. Jackie Bickctt received 88.00 last week as se-cond prize in her 4-H can- | rung 1. business trip. Mrs. Paul Davis entertained Mrs. Harry McKey ami son at dinner last Sunday while their husbands were on a hunting trip. They didn’t bring h»me the bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards, for mer owners of the court, are leaving this week for an all-winter trip to warmer climes, California an ■ Ariz ona. They have lived here since the sale of the place to Mr. ami Mrs. Aum*. Santiam Trailer Cuort. Gates. By M r . Wilson Park Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Vo’.kal ha >a- guest- Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Cal Pat ton from Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Don Reeves called on the Park family Monday evening. Jerry Völkel spent the week end on the coast, salmon fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Atkinson an DAfJÜtROUÜ nounced the birth of ababy son, Ro 0WIVINO xA/MfN WOWW’tO bert Frank, Oct. 7. They also have AT MARTIN’S ROD-WIAR* O* 5LCEPV two daughters, Colleen and Donna. Mrs. A. B. Peterson left Monday By T. igger Howard for the Emanuel Hospital, Portland, Del Mathews moved to North Rich where she will undergo an operation land Sunday to join his wife who is Tuesday. We wish her a speedy re teaching school there. covery. A baby shower wws held in honor This inviting party-on-a-tray is a treat for the host» Mr. and Mrs. Barney Helt and son of Jane Kilbourne Monday evening as the guests when the occasion calls for informal, easy-to-do r Rickey spent Saturday night with his at the home of Mre. Floyd Kilbourne. rnent and it’s ideal for lazy Sunday afternoons on the porch, » for parents in Mt. Angel, and Rickey She received many gifts from her backyard and patio get-togethers. The menu features crisp err era topped with sandwich spreads and cookies set in contoured rings on remained with his grandparents for friends. It was a combination show a wooden cheese tray or your most decorative Lazy Susan. High er and farewell party as she is leav a week’s visit. lighting the tray party are tall, flavorful glasses of delicious, old- Mr. and Mrs. Jack 1 Hogan and fam- ing for Hawaii Wednesday where she fashioned lemonade to appeal to young and old alikei and now t> s a modern, quick-and-easy way to prepare this favorite drink without ily and Colleen and 1 Donna Atkinson will join her husband who is in the any squeezing or fussing. visited Mrs. Frank » Atkinson in the navy. A new concentrated lemonade base is now available, in grocery General Hospital in < Salem Sunday. Bobbie and Evans Yates and Todd stores, packed by the citrus growers themselves and homogenized to Bert Eskleman was i a Sunday guest and Bill McGee went to the show at insure dependable, fresh fruit flavor. In convenient, small sized cans, this Real Gold lemonade base is << onomical because there’s no waste of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Völkel. Stayton Sunday night. and your beverage is ready to serve in a jiffy. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Wood Happy McElvain was entertained Simply pour a small-sized can of the lemonade base into a quart ward and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson to by a group of friends Friday night pitcher, add ice cu> • s ar.u fill the pitcher to the brim with water. Stir briskly and the lemonade is ready to serve. No sugar is needed. in Portland in honor of her birthday. our court. Mrs. A. T. Barnhardt went to Al It is a ritual of the group to give bany on business Saturday. a dinner to each member as his birth Mr. ami Mrs. David Luck spent day falls due serving his favorite Saturday shopping in Salem. dish. Can you imagine what Happy’s flu. All of the trailers are in process favorite is? HAMBURGERS! Bernice Johnk spent Tuesday in Sa- By MRS. MILLIE B1CKETT of being moved from the old location Mr and Mrs. Fid Getz arie visiting lem getting their car adjusted. Mr. and Mr®. Ike Myers are now Jim St. Clair motored over to the to the new unit, to permit recon Mr. and Mrs. Carlson. They are mov driving a new '49 Chevrolet. Butler’s Trailer Court, Gates. struction and improvement of the ing to Detroit from Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. G. Davidson had Miss coast Sunday. Richard Mitchell, Edward Romey, Evelyn and Claud Miller had as Bab Van Eaton, all of Gates, spent Elizabeth Everson of Portland as a Jim Reid, formerly of Mill City, old site. This will increase the size guests, her- pairenis, Mr. and Mrs. R. | the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Carl week end guest. was a visitor in the court Sunday. of the court 100 per cent. W. Schroll of Sweet Home, Sunday I I-ongneeker. The boys have spent the Dick and Dorothy Long motored tn Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Johnson spent Shady Fir Auto and Trailer Court. they drove to Eugene. Salem Friday evening. time looking for a buck. No luck vet. Sunday in Albany on a combined bus —GATES Nellie and Aaron Miller’s daugh- Ora Hauser is still in California, iness and pleasure trip. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. We haven’t had any news from our ter, Luella Henderson and small son Bill Bickett were Mr. and Mrs. Toots The condition of her son-in-law is Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hanson were court in The Enterprise before but Ronny are here visiting from Au- Billington ami family of Sweet Home not favorable. Sunday evening visitors at the Lynn Art Durham' has been ill with the Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson we are here and enjoy reading about bimn, Washington. They plan to stay and Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Newsome ourselves ami our friends here and a couple of weekks. of Mill City. MMS are former residents of the court. She in the other courts. We haven’t much The McCabes went to Salem Sat- is a former dancer and professional Typewriters Calculators news thi6 time but will do better af urday and brought back a new awn ice skater. Adding Machines ter we get started. ing for their trailer. Lankins spent the Mr. and Mrs. CAPITOL OFFICE iWe live in a court set in a large Ralph Jetton and Deb Stewart of week end in the Lebanon area hunt- EQITPMENT CO. grove of fir trees just south and west Stewart’s Grocery store went deer ing. 531 Court SALEM of town, and think it is a very beau- I hunting Sunday. They had no luckk. J. L. Shum is a nei*- resident. He tiful spot. The court is not large, but . Alice spent the day with Mrs. Stew Sales — Rentals — Service <1 . ■ s is formerly of Roseburg. He is a cat- watch us grow! 1 art. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Johnson had Les and Harvey Parks really en as their guest for a couple of weeks joyed themeelves Sunday. They went her daughter. Miss Betty Low from to the new Santiam Cafe and had Sandy. dinner. They said the steaks were Mrs. Rex Hull, Mrs. Johnson and out of this world. daughter, Betty, were Salem visitors MILL CITY Tuesday on a combined pleasure ami Don't Borrow. Subacmbe! Quality job printing .it the Enter prise. .a Dr. Leslie J. ( arson OPTOMETRY Announces the opening of his pro fessional offices for the practice of in all of its |M mks of visual care 1991 FAIRGROUNDS RD. m.2-4074 8 A LEM, OREGON Elkhorn Trailer Courts VEP REfkFCCiJ DAILY I Kellom’s Grocery MASTER Popular- l»c< „„„ il' on one piece or a whole roomful and pay out of income : Hr Look, Folks ’ <»■ i I f Our own ’948 Chrysler Windsor 2-Door Sedan Driven only 15,0!)0 miles. Fully equipped. New car guarantee. ONLY 2295.00 Come in . . . S*e M’. Williams, Saks Mauager Salem A et »mobile Co 5 N. Commercial Phone 8-4117 Want a Surprise? We’re betting our EXT.» \ SI’El IAL offer for vour car on a new Al j 'C' I KV or LINCOLN will really throw you .»it h ’ s just for a short time It v n’t h i t to dr >,i n for a I »ok, will it? Wea mean business! Y(X R I.1 H. ' I < ■ >:- \ '■ • IF ITS AN AGNEW D’ ’ L. IT’- A GOOD DEAL" AGNEW MOTORS ll9 E. FIRST ALBANY OREGON DAVENO and (?7Q CHAIR .... 'N Mill City FURNITURE CO MILL CITY. OREGON OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8 F