Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. OCTOBER 13. 1919 DEER HUNTERS SLOW TO REPORT Deer hunters’ report card returns are lagging behind last year, it was announced this week by the Oregon State Game Commission. Almost 3000 cards have been mailed into the Port land office of the Cammisaion, but more than three times that manyihad been returned after the first week of the 1948 season. All hunters who pur chase a deer tag aie required to send in the completed return card. This must be done whether a kill is made or not and whether the tag buyer hunts or not. Early returns always run high in kills as those hunters not having made a ill ueu'ally wait until the close of the season before reporting. To date out of 2,965 returns 2,938 have been reports of kills. Lae, Deschutes, Klamath, and Tillamook Counties lead the list of kills at this time. J J 1 • /S'--- V >«•> ~ ~ ' v -. ~ ... .. ..... - « NEXT Thursday, Oct. 20, there will 'be cfpen house at the new Mill City elementary school, pictured above. The school is 12 rooms, one of the most modern in Oregon. It was built under’ direction of Al Adams, Stayton. a game preserve area. Rex Peery of LaComb, Ore. stopped Mr. and Mrs. Ray Steiner of CBI in Mill City Wednesday. He was presented Sunnie Hoffman with a fo merly with the State Forest Ser Byron Davis and Benny Bennett re birthday party Saturday, October 8th. I vice on Monument Peak. He is now turned from the Alsea area without Fifteen high school students attended employwl by Hammond Lumber Co. a buck. Just below Mehama they saw Sunnie was seventeen and received I Mrg Doris Brooks of Lebant,n visited her brother, Roland King who one not far from the road—safe in i any beautiful gifts. The refreshments were prepared by js CW)kk at Viv>s Steak Hous(, Mrs. Steine. Ail the boys lavished Mr. and Mrs. James Meyer» are »:• ove her two angel food cakes. the parents of a daughter, born Attending were Sue Mikkelsen, Bev Friday at the Salem Memorial erly Barton, Dick Downer, Bill Hoff | pital. man, Jo Anne Johnson, Pauline Ma W. E. Gray sold his home son, Lawrence Thornly, Bill Mikkel- Sen, Jo Anne Hoffman, Bill Howe, ■ week to Gordon O. Knox. Mr. Don Norton, Dick Nichols, Wanda van Bud Mattson had been living there demeer, Clyde Richards, and Mr. and but have moved to Roseburg. Knox I is employed by CBI. Mrs. A. P. Hoffman. Mrs. Elsie Potter and Mrs. Curt i Mr. and Mis. R. C. Corbin, parents Cline were forced off the oad on a of Mrs. Don Sheythe, have bought curve near Stayton last week, their the Presbyterian manse and already car striking a telephone pole and turning over. Mrs. Cline and Mrs, suffered minor injuries although at i first it was thought that Mrs. Cline j had broken two ribs. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill were called an I brought them back to Mill City. Miss Alice Smith is teaching music to the upper grades while Mrs. John Feeley takes over the fourth grade ! in the afternoons. 1 fill Al a Cart ¡Dinners Short Orders i The playground equipment was school „ grounds to the southeast side LYONS of the new school near the city 'park. Mrs. George Laird spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Portland. Mill City PHONE MILL CITY 2602 or 2108 have moved in to it. The house has . Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Ash last Sunday. been remodeled an<l each room has a separate entrance, as has the up- LEASES VIV’S STEAK HOUSE stairs, so that roomers can have pri- ! Mr. and Mrs. Roland King have leased Viv’S Steak House fiotn Mrs. vate access to their quarters. Mi. and Mrs. Dudley Jones and Leslie Mullins, the transaction tak Darrell drove to Redmond Sunday to ing place Tuesday. Mr. ami Mrs. King have been in visit Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lake and family. Mill City about a month and came Dave and Harry Barnhardt visited | here from Sacramento, California. CAFE BAKER’S Mill City Jewelry MOVES TO THE BEAUTIFUL NEW BANK BUILDING You are cordially invited to visit us at our new location Monday, October 17 The Mili City Enterprise MriJ City, Oregon. -a» <«• •»> -s» -as- -as-