Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, OCTOBER 13. 1919 ~ pon. Mrs. Minnie Smith, Mrs. Alice transferred to the Portland depot. Huber, Mrs. Daisy Johnston, and the Mr. Hilton spent Tuesday and Wed Rev. and Mrs. O. A. Jewell. nesday in Lyons with his family. The Mari-Linn P. T. A. will hold Fred Lindemann has moved to their meeting at the Rebekah halt on newly built real estate office. He Friday evening, October 14th. A speaker will be present from the Ore ! been occupying an office above gon College of Education at Mon | Heinick grocery store. » 1 Mr. and Mrs. Rex Julian left mouth. He will show the film “Human W Growth”. Every one is invited to at last of the weekk for Los Angeles, tend. Those with children bring them Calif, where he will be employed. The Julians have lived several years in along as entertainment will be pro vided for them in another part of the Fox Valley. building. Don’t Borrow — Subscribe! Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and son Cecil spent the week-end in Klamath Falls at the home of her sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Johnson of California have bought the Harry Kunkle farm west of town. HURRY Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Naue and dau ghter Ruby, with Mr. and Mrs. How ard Naue visited relatives and friends in San Francisco and Oakland, while Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Naue and Ruby visited at the home of his sister at Richland. Mr. and Mrs. Garmin of Florence were in town Monday looking after business matters. Mrs. Garmin is the granddaughter of the late Mrs. Eliza In Furniture Store be th Doni son. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker spent the last of the week at Pendleton, iwmnirTnimpnM!HnrTi!i’HHmH?itHUidjimniu»nnjnu«inwnj»rIiin'tfn:.’ii'i’.'’uti'iintnu®i where they were the guests at the ........................................................ ‘ 'home of their (laughter and son-in- Better Vision Means Happier Leisure law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hampton. Mrs. Wood Oliver left Sunday for Eye care will return dividends for Shawnee, Oklahoma where she was ; every penny it coats. called by the serious illness of her One pair of eyes must last us a life -• sister. time. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gisler left for Don't force them beyond their ability. Hear the new If you can’t see you can’t road. If I California Sunday. They will visit various cities while there. you can’t read you can’t learn. If you Mrs. Clyde Bressler and Mrs. Wood can’t learn you can’t earn. Take the Oliver were hostesses for the meeting best care of your eyes. of the Womens Society of Christian Service held at the community club house Tuesday afternoon with a good crowd in attendance. Mrs. Lawrence REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Walworth rwas in charge of the busi Offices at Mill City Furniture Co. ness meeting and the devotions were led by Mrs. George Clipfell. Plans Open Every Thursday 1 tn C P.M.6 P. M. to 8 P.M. by appointment were made to have a tamale social to ’ Eye examination * Glaasea fitted, be held at the community club house Thursday evening. October 13 with * Eye glass adjuatments ’ Broken lenoe* replacé the following committee in chargge; General offices at TenBrook Jewelers, 313 W. 1st SU ALBANY Mrs. Alice Huber, Mrs. Lawrence Walworth, Mrs. George Clipfell, Mrs. Walllace Power and Mrs. O.,A. Jewell. World's fastest record changer Plans were also made and discuss ed for the annual bazaar which -will ... new 7-inch record—distor be held November 7th. tion-free over 100% of playing Mrs. Willard Bartnellm, Mrs. Wall ace Power, Mrs. Jim Lande were ap- ' surface. BIG SAVINGS for you! pointed the clean-up committee with Mrs. Minnie Smith as kitchen custo dian. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kimery. Mrs. Wallace is a cousin of Mrs. Kimery. Earl Ross of Portland is serving By EVA BRESSLER as extra man at the Lyons Southern Mr. and Mrs. Oidin Wallace and Pacific Depot. Walter Hilton who had Gahy of Salem were Sunday guests been the agent for some time was LYONS I SPECIAL JUST ARRIVED! One Week Only 30 New Designs All Wool Sweaters Parachute Silk fuur i>anel" Rain Hats English Boots 2.98 3.49 49 13.95 in IIALLMARK T1 CARDS Playing Cards aK Santiam War Surplus HALLMARK CARDS HALLMARK 11 CARDS HALLMARK r CARDS Also Canasta Score Cards IALL/AARK 11 CARDS Porter & Lau RCA VICTOR SYSTEM OF RECORDED MUSIC Dr. Mark Hammericksen today’s Blitz Weinhard A donation was made for the Max ine Cushing Memorial fund. Week of prayer and Self Denial will be ob served October 25 to31 with special services to be held at the church on Sumiay evening, October 30 with the Rev. Jewell, Mrs. George Clipfell and Mrs. Wallace Power in charge. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Bressler and Mrs. Oliver served light refreshments to Mesdames Floyd Bassett, Wallace Power, Albert Ring, D. A. Franklin, Willard Hartnell, Robert Fetherston, Oral Toland, Geo. Clipfell, Jim Izinde, George Huff- Ynan, Lawrence Walworth, Glen Ju lian, Roy Heinick, Orim Elwood. Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Hubbard, Mrs. Ana John- Mptributed by Gideon Stolz Co. and IMPLEMENT COMPANY 330 Court St Salem, Oregon FOR SPENDING CONTROL ...PAY BY CHECH. Thenyou will have a record of each, payment Youll know where you are and where you’re $oin$ welcome jrour account Porter & Lau I Santiam Hardware Edward Williams LIPPOLD - BRENNER Accountants ‘Bookkeeping Service ’Auditing •Payroll Reports ’Income Tax Phones: Mill City 207 Salem 3-7615 Mill City State Bank MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. Don’t Borrow — Subscribe! Quality job printing at the Enter- BUILD for Happiness BUILD a NEW HOME Stayton Complete supply of all vour Screen Doors Knotty pine paneling Sheet Rock ALL GRADES OF LIMBER. Stayton Hardware and Furniture STAYTON, OREGON MM building needs OPEN S VH RDAYS MATERIA! LET IS ESTIMATE YOUR COSTS. YOUR ENTIRE Bl ILDING PROJECT KELLY LI MBER SALES CO Retail division Russell Kelly, Mgr