Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. JUNE 23. 1949 ? » I nimm» TKADE IS DETROIT BUYING AT HOME SPELLS PROGRESS FOR THE CANYON EXPERT REPAIRING SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES P. E. FRY. Manager DAVIS SPORTING &. DRY GOODS Famous Pendleton Shirts We Have Them L. C. DAVIS & SON SATURDAY’ S a n t i a m FOOD MART CANYON GARAGE MEATS • Russell Hayden Jennifer Holt TRAIL OF THE MOUNTIES” Glen FORD Evelyn KEYES ■THE MATING OF Mil.I IE” GROCERIES Janet NELSON Margaret NOBLE SUNDAY AND MONDAY Cary GRANT Franchot TONE •EVERY GIRL SHOULD BE MARRIED" DETROIT TAVERN I Red and Trailer Court First in Detroit Still First in Detroit Rynearson Otto Russell Glen Dryden rOR SALE — New modern 5 room holse and Vi acre lot. By owner. In quire Aumsville postoffice. 6 Baldwin’s FOR SALE-—New 120 Bass Galenti accoidion. Phone 1914. 7 WANTED—woman or girl as com panion. Lydia E. Vinton, L. Rada's Cabins, No. 5 5 FOR ANY kind of brick work and fireplace, chimney flues, patios. New or repair. Free estimate. Tel 1171, John W. Hanna, Silverton, Rt. 3 • SCIO BARGAIN CENTER—Ph28F6 2 blocks S. of Bridge on Main St. Beds, Chairs, Tables, Plumbing Fix tures, Heating and Cooking Stoves. Many other items. Come in and look around. We Buy, Sell & Trade. * FOR SALE—Royal Anne PIE cher ries. Ready after Saturday. Royal Anne cherries will be ready by July 1. Mrs. George Cree. Ph. 924. 6’ on Bruce Persh LOGGING TRAILERS Jorgensen Steinke’s 543 Ferry St. Ph. 2-5590 Salem, Ore. INCLUDING: OFFICE NEEDS FURNITURE AND BOOKKEEPING SUPPLIES —Homes for sale or rent —Business property, buildings and sites —Vacant lots —Small acreages 141 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4534 SALEM. ORE. David M. Reid SPECIAL Real Estate MILL CITY' KSMOMMI REDl’CED PRICES ON LARGE assortment Early American maple fin. bedroom furn. Beds, chests dresses, vanities. Priced right. Green stamps. Salem Home Furn. Co., 137 S. Commercial, Salem, Ore. 5 Reconditioned WATCHES RICH honey colored nylon velour da- venpott and chair. $229.50 reg. 5 yr. guar. Sale price $149.88. Gr. stamps. Salem Home Furn. Co. 137 S. Com mercial, Salem, Ore. 5 They are in good runnin g condition FOR SALE — house trailer, 25 ft. American. See George Hollingworth, Gates Trailer Court. 5 and a real bargain at— 12.50 USED sewing machine, $39. Used Coldspot refrigerator, 6 cu. ft, $79. Mill City Furniture Co. 7’ I These watches carry a «-moths gaurantee. Trade-ins still cheerfully accepted. FOR SALE late cabbage and flowei plants, 15 cents doz. See or call Joe Novak, Ph. 784. 5 FOR A SQUARE DEAL COME TO THE FOR SALE 5 A, good building site, with water and elec, available, cheap. Joe Novak, Ph. 784. 10 A., county road, year round spring fruit, school bus, electricity, daily pa pers, no building. N. L. Pennick, Si mi. E of Gates, S side of river. Ph. 702 * Square Deal Hardware Don’t Borrow, Subscribe! COMPANY 263 Chemeketa SALEX Septic Service Septic Tanka Cleaned Tanks priced $12.50 and up, and Electric Roto-Rooter Sew er Service. No digging. No Phone 3-9468 or 3-5327.......... Raa. 107» Elm St, W. Salem Colgan Construction Co P.O. Box 497 Phone 3422 MILL CITY. OREGON 2 MILES EAST ON PKA1RI E ROAD MARKET SPECIAL 10 acres, 5 room modern house on highway. $1500 will handle. 1 ‘iA, 4 room house. Hot, cold water, good location. $2500. $800 down, bal. I like rent. Chevrolet Owners-this istheopportunity you’ve been waiting for. So take advantage of it while you can Concrete Mix EXCAVATION and DUMP TRUCKS H\\l PENNICK PENNICK Phone 1901 1 1 1 1 2 FOR SALE — Cutest brown cocker pups you ever saw. N. S. Lanphear, Next to Shake Shack 5* SANT I AM GARAGE GENERAL AUTO AND TRUCK REPAIR ARC AND ACETYLINE WELDING PHONE taz Ï BY HOUR OR CONTRACT 4 A, no bldg, just off highway. A good building or business location. I BODIES MADE TO ORDER List your homes and farms with me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, Gates, Detroit, Lyons. DAVID M. REID. REAL ESTATE 24 A., 5 rm. house, school bus. Hec county road. $2200. $1300 down. Salem. Oregon and DUMP BODIES Has Everything for Your 4 A., shop. $1500. $500 down, extia good location. Capital DrugjCo GAR WOOD HOISTS • uniai—in NWMKaMMwrnMinffl mimth MMNMraMHi • W hen you have a | ■criptica to be compound-- there are some points <>• which you wish assurane- You want capable, con- mtioua compounding. Y-- want fresh, potent drs: \nd vou want to pay a fa- firice. Right? Tiren, frank I « W e ha » e the sew ire y oa seel. 'X ill vou try «« with voi Iba-tur'« nest Jirearription C. E. & L. R. Coville Real Estate Brokers FROM MEHAMA TO GATES. JERSEY seat covers. Dark colors. Green, blue. wine. For davenports. $6.95. For chairs, 3.95. Large Viny loid eov. hassocks. Red, green, blue. Sp. priced, 5.95. Green stamps. Salem Home Furn. Co. 137 S. Commercial, Salem, Ore. 5 Albany Listings Wanted The Commercial Book Store FOR YOUR holiday fryers, call 702 evenings. Pennick’s, 3*4 mi. E. of Gates, S. side of river. 7* 318 Broadalbin • FOR SALE—Filestone 7‘a HP 1948 mod. outborad motor, fine cond. Sold for $186.00 new. Buy this motor for $85.00 cash. Call or write Barb’s Sporting Goods. 175 S. High. Salem, Ph. 3-4555. 4 - LISTINGS OF REAL ESTATE IF YOUR FURNITURE looks shab by have it recovered, modernized and made like new. Mail us a card giving exact location and I will call with Garbage, ashes, trimmings. etc. samples and give free estimate of | Weekly pickups $1 per month. Also cost. Truck and auto seats recovered. I I light hauling. I Pickup and delivery free. C. E. Hen Leonard Herman Phone 2102 sley, 604 N. 1st st, Silverton. Phone ACCOUNTING, bookkeeping, audit 1153. ing. Brad Bradley, Ph. 2133, 1895 FOR SALE- junior size boy’s bike, Hemlock, Lebanon. • $25; .25 automatic pistol with 2 boxes FOR SALE—good milk cow. Guein- shells, $25. See Mrs. J. O. Herron, Rt. sey-Holstein, givink3lA gal. milk per 1, Lyons, Ore. 4 day. John Kunkle, Lyons, Ore. 1st house E. of Fox Valley school 5 FOR SALE — In Mehama, acreage with 5 b’room mod. house, dbl. gar age, small barn, chicken house and Don’t Borrow, Subscribe! yard, family garden, grapes, berries, NEED A TELEPHONE?—Come in nice shade trees. Close to Mehama and see the new Stromberg-Carlson schoolhouse. Fine location to build desk telephone. Highest quality and houses to rent. See owner at place. approved for your local phone ser Edith R. Philippi, Mehama, Ore. 5 vice. At Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance Phone 902 Mill City WOOD for sale — Alder, maple and fir. Glen R. Mattson, Rt. 1, Lyons. 6 FOR SALE—saddle and horse, $40. 4 ml E of Lyons. Merle Devine, Rt. 1, Lyons, Ore. 6 FOR SALE—30A Multiplex overhead FOR SALE—16 ft. factory built mod. trailer, new rubber, Good condition. Price $550. Joyce Edwards, Bx 86, Detroit, Ore. (across from postoffice. 5 Attorney at Law NEEDED! MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE ments. Exc. for cleaning car and housecleaning. $1.50 per day at— Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance Store FOUNDATION GARMENTS Special Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery-Lingerie-Dresses-Smocks 131 High St. Salem Ph 4082 FOR SALE — Piano, fair condition, $25. Call The Enterprise. • FOR FULLER BRUSHES and clean equipment call your fuller brush de-al- Box er. Theo. Muysken, Rt. 1 229 Aumsville, Oregon. HOMEGUARD pure asphalt roofing, the finest money can buy. Check t^ese prices: $7.95 Sqare Butt Shingles, 216 lb. 5.93 Hexagon Shingles, 168 lb. 1.93 Smooth Roll Roofiing, 45 lb. Smooth Roll Roofiing, 45 lb. 2.47 Smooth Roll Roofing, 65 lb. 2.91 Slate Surface Roll Roofing, 90 lb. 3.11 Staggeied Edge Roll, 105 lb. 3.92 4.42 Asphalt Brick Siding, 105 lb. 15 lb. felt paper, 324 sq. ft. 2.43 30 lb felt paiper, 216 sq. ft. 3.24 FOR SALE red raspberries and saw, with attachments. 2 linoleum Phone 504B, Western Store, Stay black caps. Exc. for freezing and jam. rugs, like new. Ph. 1318. Mill City, 5 ton, Ore. s’ John Kunkle, Lyons, Ore. 1st house Lyle Roberts. E Fox Valley school. 5 FOR SALE — Fresh Guernsey milk. EXPERT auto and home radio ser vice. 20 years experience, all makes. WANTED—Space for tiailer at pri Del fvery every evening. Cows double Guaranteed service. vate home, for couple. A. J. Miller, tested recently. See George T. Cree. 5 Stiffler’s Radio and Appiance Gen. Del., Mill City. 6 Mill City or Tel. 924. FOR SALE—1948 Overland 27 foot A GOOD eelection of linoleum yard trailer, terms. A. J. Miller. Gen. Del., age, 6 and 9 ft. widths. 95c per eq. yd. Mill City Furniture Co. Mill City. 6 FOR RENT--Johnson Electric floo- FOR SALE—10 acres, home lathed polisher. Will really put on a pro and plastered, house modern, hot and tective coat of wax! $1 per day. Also cold water, bath, on h’way 3 mi. W. 5 GE Tidy sweeiper with all attach of Mill City. E. E. Miller. HARLOW L WEINRICK URGENTLY THURSDAY and FRIDAY Danny KAYE Virginia MA.Y’O “A SONG IS BORN” of all kinds HOWARD CORSET SHOP FOR SAIF—ItsHP air cooled wa terwitch outboaid motor, ideal for rubber boat. This motor has been 32.- 50. Must be sold this week for $20.00. TOP SOIL for lawns. Fill dirt, river Contact us immediately. Barb’s Sptg. run gravel and rock. Trevor Stayton, Goods. 175 S. High, Salem. Ph. 34555. at Stayton, Ph. 688, or Mill City684.’ 4 FOR SALE—Spinet piano. Will sac MIMEOGRAPH paper, 75 cents per rifice for quick sale. Cash or terms. ream, while it lasts. The Enterprise.’ Can bee seen in Mill City. Write Tallman Piano Store, 395 S. 12th st, Salem, Ore. 5« ..TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY.. Ida LUPINO Cornel WILDE Celeste HOLM Richard WIDMARK ’’ROAD HOUSE” FIREWORKS Wants and Sales CBI needs accomodations: single and double rooms in private hmes, houses to rent. Please list your available space with CBI. Call Personnel office. • 1 2 lol -I IS Illi I MU- I \SSORTMENT O1 I"" PRICED RECONDITIONED WASHERS AT HOGG BROS.? ALL WASHERS GUARANTEE D, Automatic 37.50 1 Thor, with automatic pump «9.50 «9.50 KENMORE I>6I14..d.M bGMr.anoe 1 Voss, white porcelain tub 59.50 2 Speedqueen, white porcelain Kenmore 79.50 tub, one with pump 69.50 Kenmore, white pore, tub 2 Maytag (late model, white por Montgomery Ward white por celain tlb with automatic pump celain tub with automat:- 99.50 69.50 pump Maytag, large wringer roll» 99.50 «9.50 4 Norge, whit porcelain tub 79-50 «9.50 5 Maytag Zenith, white porcelain tub Don’t put those needed repairs off any longer. We have made it poe- Mbla for you to take rare of thin neeeeeary work by paying a small amount each month. We are running a SPECIAL PRICE on motor repairs on Chevrolets only. if Install piston rings Grind valves ( lean and align oil pan Bum out brentherpipe. All gaskets 5 quarta oil THIS INCLUDES ALL THE ABOVE LISTED PARTS AND LABOR FOR ONLY DOUGLAS McKAY CHEV ROLET COMPANY WILLAMETTE HUIT S LIUIIC I Don’t forget to ask ah out our budget plan. SALEM S. Commercial 310 North Commercial Phone 3.9149 MH Ph. 3-1175 Salem. Oregon