Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, JUNE 2S, 191» Mr. and Mrs. George Steffy are Thomas J. Courtney with only the building a home on the Thomas ad parents present. The couple are at home in the Colburn apartments. dition. Miss Mary Grant, of Boir» and Mr. and Mrs. James Swan went to Mr. and Mr». M. F. Cordell of Stays, Charles F. Grant, of Springflald, cou Toledo to attend the wedding of a ton are now residing in Mill City. sin» of Daisy and Al Geddes, visited Mr. Cordell is a carpenter for Ad nephew, Robert McDonald, over the lecently at their home. ams Construction Co. on the new - week end. Mrs. Mary Brocklebank of Eugene, The Charles Wolverton» wen pic grade school building. Mrs. Cordell Mis. Marian Clelan of Meridian, Id nicking on the Little Noith Fork is employed at Viv’s Steak House. aho, and Mrs. Grace Marquam, of Sunday and stopped at the Laurence Salem, visited Monday at the Geddes Cliff Ambers Jr. returned Sunday Walworth ranch in the evening. after spending two months with his home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hennessy of sister, Mrs. Robert E. Robeitson of Mrs. Ray Kindler and son visited San Jose, Calif., are visiting Mr. and Klamath Falls. her husband, Ray Kindler, a <'BI ex Mrs. K. L. Hauser. Also guests aie Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swisher and Dolly Schudrum, Mrs. Hauser’s sis ecutive, here lard week. Complaints have been marie to the son, Scott, of Portland have been in ter, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fletch of city council about the »peed on the Mill City for thiee months. Mr. Swi Carson, Wash. river road in the city limits. Frank sher is working for Kuckenber Con Mrs. Lois Walker and Lois Hart, Rada and Ed Kellom have offered struction Co. The Swishers went to her daughter, have gone to San Die to buy traffic signs if the city will I Sisters over the week end to visit go to live. install them. They complain that cars , her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Scott. Mrs. Frank Blazek and Carol Jane go by at 40 to 60 miles per hour. j Mr. and Mrs. Verda Goble an left Wednesday for Nehalem, Ore., and that children crossing the road t nounce the marriage of their daugh to visit her sister. from the trailer court are endanger- ter. LaNay, to William Swan, son Frank Blazek and Ruby Montgom ed. jof Mr. and Mrs. John Swan Satuiday ery went to Elk Lake Wednesday on Mr. and Mia. George Ijdrd were in in the Church of Christ. The cere- | a fishing trip. Pat Wolverton went Portland Tuesdayon business. mony was performed by th? Rev.1 along. Mill City INVESTIGATE P. S. we make 'em to order, too.) MUIR’S BAKERY THE USE OF Original price 182.50 on Full size Butane & Propane HEATING ■ COOKING - WATER HEATING REFRIGERATION Wedgewood Ranges Safe - Clean - Economical only Automatic Appliances $105.00 Mill City Furniture Company Gas Heat, Inc. SAM BRÌI) ¡ES, Distributor Phone Lyons 15 2 weeks Free Trial On Highway 222 Lyons, Oregon No obligations Single Daveno Opening Soon! 695" Daveno and Chair i Sets THE NEW 99». 149»o Mill City Variety Store To be located in “Pink” Mason's new building on Broadway Watch for Opening Date Only Bi It well can boast of such fine construction details in Inn & Irene 0'lx‘ary, Proprietors in popular-priced F U R N I T l R E