Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, Gates Horner’s aMndT«L Shop CUSTOM CUTTING Agates, to Sapphires and Rubies Cut and Mounted to Order Drilling and Placing of Emblems and Monograms On Stones. Price« Quoted On Request. Member of ROCKS A MINERALS ASSOCIATION Visitors Welcome Mill City A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle hours Richards Tavern I an i Mrs. Ed Davis, has returned to lun iBr<js were placed in seven eetab- Mili ---- Ci - ’v. and Jerry's Tavern. Rah- jj. t school at Oregon College of Educa he F .i •_ f '¡a pare it* fr»m DSC 1 liarhments .including the Innside Cafe, a ds’ Tavern, Mick’s Midway < afe, and Mr*. Robert Levon. A pic»* tion in Monmouth. dinner was served. vherc te ha”, conpleted his freshman Les’ Tavern, Viv’s Steak House, in and The Maples in the Gates area. Keith Henness left last week for Mm. Johnson and her daughter, Foiest Grove where he is employed year. mtitnuiuiiiiiiim at Mr. Mr?.Hare id Wilson re- I Mr». Robert Levon, returned Wed in the logging industry. He is the tamed Fril’ty fr<jnr * D'P GCut nesday of teat week from San Fran son of Mr. and Mm. Glen Henness. Bank, Mont., and a vi’i’ to Yellow cisco where they spent ten days at Mr and Mm. Claude Rebham of stone Park Mrs. Levon's home. Dallas spent Friday at the horn« of The annual meeting of the Ceme- Mrs. Gwen Schaer and Mrs. Riley her daughter and husband, Mr. and teiy A'--’1 was held fol'owing the Champ, both teachers in the local I Mrs. Norman Garrison. school election in Gates -Monday eve grade school, are attending summer Mrs. Til.mon Rains is visiting at ning, Mrs. Gale Carey presiding. Commercial and Residential Builders the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joe Mrs. Melbourne Rambo was electsd Toephfer in Coon Hollow. director for a term of two years. Mrs. Expert Bulldozing Raymond (Pete) Smith was a Velma Carey was re-elected for three Road Building guest at the home of his brother and years and Mrs. Glen Henness will sister-in-law, Mr. and Mis. Charles again serve as secretary-treasurer. Hearing, Grading and Leveling l Smith, over the week end. Masonry and Concrete Work Charles Smith and Howard Far- UNION ORGANIZER HERE men were fishing on the Mackenzie Mrs. Irene Rickart, business agent JUST EAST OF GATES WE ALWAYS GUARANTEE OUR WORK last week and returned with the lim for the Salem Culinary Alliance, No. it. 452, A FL, was in Mill City and other Stayton Blu« 162-B Mr. and Mis. Harry Edwards vis Canyon towns organizing workers in ited in Bellingham, Wash., for sev several restaurants and taverns. Un- eral days this week and while there attended a family dinner. Guests at the home of Miss Geor gia Shane during the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Don Miley of Stayton. Sunday visitois were Mr. and Mrs.’ Riley Champ and Mr. and Mrs. Ed mund Davis. Saturday evening Miss Shane and Miss Daisy Hendricson of Mill City were dinner guests at the Al Geddes home in Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap and ' Mr. ami Mia. Paul Davis were dinner I guests Father’s Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Klecker. Miss Janet Klecker who had been visiting at the home of her grandparents re turned to her home with them. AT LOWEST Miss Helen Wilson was hostess at a picnic dinner at her home Satur PRICES IN THE day evening of last week. Her guests VALLEY were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harris, Mr. and Mis. Jack Scott, all of Mill NEW & USED City, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wil son and two children and Don Carey, Mrs, Velma Carey attended the commencement program at Oregon State College in Corvallis. Her son, 1605 N. Summer Norman Carey, was among the grad SALEM. ORE. uates. Mrs. Carey remained in Cor vallis until Tuesday at the home of ■» M r.and Mrs. Norman Carey. Thurs day, accompanied by her son, she Wool Carpet went to Hood River to put chase a new car. Appliances Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schultz of Living Room Fnnrnitun- Wheeler were over-Sunday guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Bedroom Furniture Mrs. Gerald Heath. TRADE Mr. and Mrs. Minnie Everton has l £ TRIMS returned to the home of her daughter, X Mrs. Burrel Cole, from Yakima, for Ph. 3-5110 in extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hennes an I Mi. FAMOUS and Mrs, Major Buughn of Detroit ent three days last week fishing AHO rout oit> tisi , at Diarr.rnd I<ake. BARGAINS t oe i M Mrs. Laura Joaquin ansi Mrs. Vel- In Furnitur«. Stoves. Dish.- PIUS TAI in t Carey have been e r ployed by the Clothing, House» ire- new owneis of the Gates Cafe. Mrs. Carey is cooking and Mrs. Joaquin M A C serving. Edmund (Buddy) Davis, son of Mr Il IW UN Illi IRt UH lUI'll'.l IIU'NIt'tln IIBw*i Father’s Day was vL*«'*-*- -• *•** e:al homes here Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Johnson entertained at her home honoring Mr. Johnson. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hughs of Portland, Mrs. Gwen Schaer and family, Royal Johnson JUNE 23. 1*49 Yoder-Martin Const Co GENERAI. CONTRACTORS THE Clifi Ambers M aples The fire Sale of the Year! NEW LOW SALE PRICE ON THE TIRE THAT BUILT £ GENERALS REFUTATION FOR HIGH AND SAFETY AT YOUR FINGERTIPS 85 ★ LONG Muff GE ★ EXTRA SÏ.7ENG7. ] Randall's Elkhorn Mill ( ity 1834 Stavton 21.. ★ SAIJTY TRACTION Guest Ranch “First With What You Want Most ' COMPLETE APPIANCE SERVH I Radio, Washer Refrigerator and Electrical Appliance * DOUBLE GRIP TREAD Breuk/dit Lundi * EASY RIDING COMFCR. Dinners J- F. ULRICH U) REALTORS Investments - Insurance - Appraisals We specialize in all types of app aia- ul^ See us about your values. Expert Federal appraiser. Have testified in Federal court 33 times on values. Ph :t Mi72 Salem Rm. 202, 317 Court MST PAY pun i MW 1IU Otto Uli TO PAY Russell IF VACATiö« TIRE SALE General’s Lifetime Guarantee CAR IS ON THE HORIZON I *• F .. tinaiirr il uilli ili«* aiti of bank « redil. Stop and shop at i: ». nil u«. ><•♦* u< betöre you lake deliver*. SPARES Trodad in on n»w Genere! Supe' Squeegees Some driven a few blocks, «orne ■ f«w mil««. Yours now at vemsational saving* Alvo guaranteed used tires. TO Shop BARGAIN FAMOUS MAKES NEW CAR TAKE OFF5 rAÛ/ ?V/0 » off new HIE PRICE J. I lori liest fashion in coats PHILIPPI TIRE SERVICE suits and dresses Pay one half. charge one half 115 N High St. S XI EM DEPOSIT IXSVR^N. F Mehama