Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE; Jl NE 23. 1949 DETROIT By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT A pink and blue shower was given Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ray Waite; with Mrs. Raymond So- phy as assistant hostess, honoring Mrs. Carl Campbell. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received. In two contests arranged by the hos- — weie Mrs. Bud Gesher and Danny. ‘‘The Church of the Light and Life Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stout, A t Han ; Hour” 10:00 son, Carl Ball and Enid Bennett. Sunday school 11:00 Mr. and Mrs. Al Stuber of Sal.m Morning Worship 7:00 were visiting Mr. and Ms. Eric Ny Young People’s Service 7:30 berg Sunday. Mrs. Stu er is the for- Evening Worship 7:30 Wed. Prayer Meeting mer Jo Kushnik. North Side George (Scotty) Scott who has Donald Hinkle, Pastor been in Portland for several months GATES COMMUNITY i etimed home yesterday accompanied CHURCH OF CHRIST by his son, Jack. 10:00 Sunday School Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson left Morning Worship 11:00 here Thursday for Spokane where i Christian Endeavor 6:30 they atttended a meeting Friday an 1 Evening Worship 7:30 Saturday of the Oregon Independent Walter Smith, Pastor. Telephone Assn., returning Sunday COMMUNITY’ CHURCH evening. Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor Visiting Peter Campbell on Sunday Sunday School 10:00 were his mother, Mrs. I,. B. Oa in ji- Morning Worship 11:00 bell of Seattle, and his brother, Chet Evangelistic Service 7:45 7:45 Campbell of Eugene. His mother had Wed. Bible Study flown to Eugene Saturday und came to Detroit with her son. Mrs. Guy Wilson returned Sunday from a two weeks' visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. LADIES a t'HILDRKN'« McCune. Kans. Mr. ami Mrs. J. Cal Schlador had DRESSES as their house guests over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Vern Briggs, her nephew and wife, of Roseburg. The four went to Paulina Lake on a fish ing trip and reported having good luck. C. L. Davis who fell f.otn a chair on Friday will return from the bos pi’al in Bend Tuesday. The Human Race tessts, prises were awarded to Mrs. E. W. Biay, Mrs. Ruskin Smith, Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Joe Wright. Ad ditional guests present were Mrs. Sol Tucker, Mrs. L. L. Rynearson, Mrs. Wallace Mattila, Mrs. Eldon White, Mrs. Lon Eveiiy, Mrs. Pete Peterson, Mrs. James Kub;sh, Mrs. Wellington Rhodes, Mrs. Dick Far row. Mrs. L. C. Davis, Mrs. Tom Fry er, Mis. Howard Baldwin, Mrs. F. L. Noble. Lovely refreshments were served. with favors for each guest. At a meeting of the Fraternal Or- der of Eagles Wednesday evening, thiee men were initiated: Vernon Franse, James P. Cross and James T. Weatherspoon. Wilbur White, son of Lester White, was here over the week end on a furlough from Ft. Lewis, visiting his father and brother Keith. S. T. Carnahan, of Coalinga, Calif., an old time resident, flew to Salem ( Sunday, and thence by bus came here to visit old friends and do som fish ing. He is staying at the C. A. Cles- ter home. Mrs. Joe Leis who suffered a se- le leg injury some weeks ago is still improvin at her home, although upable to be out yet. Mr. ami Mrs. Vernon Franse vis ited Mrs. Harold Champion at Bend Hospital Sunday. The Women’s Civic Cllb spent a pleasant evening at the home of Mrs. whetbar yonn be coarse, J. Cal Schlatlor Wednesday evening. fine, dyed, bleached or Mis. L. L. Rynearson was assistant normal, macbineless per- hostess. Twenty-seven were present, '■ ments will lend it that including guests. The usual order of business was tarried out with M r s. ' ird-to-achiete, Ray Johnson, president, in charge. na ‘ rally- wavy look Rejjorts were made on the success of ■ t. 'y and comfortably. the mobile Chest X-ray tests here. A report on the library showed al most 600 books now on the shelves, with more donations coming in all the time. The next meeting will be the third I Wednesday in July, with Mabel | Moore and Mrs. Archie Mattoon as SHIRLEY LAIRD ¡hostesses. Year books were piesented :«• <«• •»> res to all members. The door prize was Mill City Lodge No. 144, I.- won by Mrs. Crawford, a guest. O.O.F.. Meets Every Friday Bob Dickeky, a Detroit 'high school night. Visiting Brothers Welcome. graduate and son of Mr. and Mis. Frank Dickey, arrived Sunday from I Carlisle, Pa., where he has been sta PRECISION GRINDING tioned in the Army for some time. of lawnmowers; all kinds of He recently le-enlisted and will go tools sharjrened. to the Philippines after a month’s ED L. BERGHOLZ furlough. On his way home he visited (on county road SE Hilltop Store) Mrs. Dickey’s mother, who accom panied him here. Monday Mrs. Char ■ les Haupt, her sister, ariived from ? Seattle with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Booth. NORTH I Bob will take his aunt an I grandmo ther to Seattle and then return heie SANTIAM for a longer visit. TAUERN Mrs. G. R. Dickie returned recently from a visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Har- One Mile Ea,t of Detroit l.i m. Mrs. Betty Nolan and her mother. JEWEL MYERS, MGR. Mrs. Clarice Laddasaw, spent most of the week in Vancouver visiting re latives . Mrs. M. S. Savage, an old friend of Mrs. G. R. Dickie, is staying with BE GOOD her and will help her at the hotel. TO YOURSELF Mr. and Mrs. William Cauble Sr. were here this week packing their AND ENJOY things preparatory to leaving here, THE BENEFITS as his woik for the engineers is com pleted. Monday evening their son-in- OF GOOD HEALTH law and daughter, M r. and M r s. We specialize in the treatment Gene Lafferty of Pasadena, Calif., of rectal disorders. drove in for a short visit. They will No Hospitalization go to the Cauble’s Portland home to No Lous of Time visit. Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Visitors at the Frank Wilson home Nataro-Proctologist last week end were Mr. and Mrs. 1144 Center St. Salem, Ore. Clayton Smith and Mr. and Mrs. \\ nod’s Store Don’t Borrow. Subscribe! Church Activities Larkin of Salem. The Wilsons weie in Salem on Business Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. SHIRLEY’S BEAUTY SHOP , Mrs. Harold (Boots) Champion re- turned home on Saturday from the Bend Hospital where she had under gone a major operation a week ago. She is getting along very well. Her niece, Joan Ramage, of Salem, will stay with her during her convales- cence. Miss Yvonne Estey and Bud Ellis of Philomath were Sunday guests at the home of her father, John Estey. & 1 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH l’relude; call to worship-.doxology ; invocation; gloria; psalter selection; and Mis. Earl Stahlman and hymn of praise; scripture; prayet; son Jim drove to Holley Saturday to notices; offering; music by choir; visit at the Willard Booker home. sermon; hymn; postlude. Lorraine Booker who had spent three weeks with relatives in Detroit re CHURCH OF CHRIST turned with them to her home in Hol Services Every Lord’s Day ley. 11.00 Morning Worship Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Burt drove to Young People's Meeting 6:30 7:30 Waldport over the week end to visit Evening Worship their son Delmar ami family. Mrs. Tom Courtney, Pastor Rurt had .«pent the previous week with their 'son-in-law and daughter, CHURCH OF THE LATTER .. DAY SAINTS Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cruise at their Sunday, 10 a.m. at Odd Fellows Hall home >n Lebanon. A party of friends who spent the FREE METHODIST CHURCH week end fishing at Marion Laki g,. -MF. L - th th. .«I STAYTON - 4Mb ■ - JN 'MB kJ NOI THII IS NOT A SALE! WERE POSITIVELY GOING OUT _ 10F0USINE55 UhwUikOi^' WE WANT PIANOS BAND INSTRUMENTS INSTRUMENT REPAIRING ACCORDION LESSONS * Blacksmithing * Welding * Logging and Sawmill Repairing. Jacquith Music Co 136 S. High St. SALEM GLEN’S BARBER SHOP SELL OUT H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop JUST AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE! BLOCK WEST OF THEATER SO HELP YOURSELF TO THESE TERRIFIC Jacob Spaniol & Son — SAVINGS! TINNERS and P L U M B E R > STAYTON, ORE. IN GATES i.l EN Hl 4RING Prop B — - Salem Laundry SERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKUPS AT Laundry: Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton ..Laundry and dry cleaning: Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe.. Idanha Dry Cleaning: Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit 163 S H g! SALEM ■ «W Ph. 3-9125 ♦ 1 ON FURNITURE - APPLIANCES - HARDWARE - EVERYTHING IN THE STORE! HELP US CLOSE OUR DOORS! Building for Rent— Futures for Solo Capital Hardware & Furniture 241 N. COMMERCIAL SALEM OPEN r FRI. TILL 9 P M