Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, Mason, Carol Schiewe, Sybil McCall, ' Margaret ,McCall, Faye Fohsholtx, Maitha Etxel, May Patton, Genev Br EVA FPCT’I FR ieve White, Lois Blum, Pru Saddler, Mrs. Rjy l’h 'nni and Mrs. Orville Mrs. Montgomery and the hostesses. Herrold were hostesses for a showe. The Home Economics Club of the honoring Mrs. Charles McCall (Don na Grier), a recent bride, held at the Santiam Valley Grange held its meet Mehama Clubhouse. After opening of ing at the home of Mrs. Ed Taylor. gifts, refreshments were served to The afternoon was »pent informally, Mrs. McCall, the honored guest, and and Mrs. Taylor served refreshments Mesdames Lloyd Sletto, Marvin Fen to Mrs. Giles W'agner, Mrs. May Pat der, Alex Bodeker, Vernon Smith, ton, Mrs. D. A. Franklin, Mrs. Albert Jack Inglass, Rex Kimsey, Orville Julian, Mrs. Elmer Taylor, Mrs. Jen Glie., Harry Monroe, Orville Ijind- nie Boh-annan and Mrs. Catherine Jul ere, Ira Kirsch. Robert McCall, Elton ian. The Rev. and Mrs. Quirin were Brown, Arch Kimsey, Keith Phillips, Ereil Wilson, Ken Golliet, Barney hosts for the meeting of the Women's Kirsch, J. K. McCall, Dewey McCall, Society of fChristian Service at their O ville Bilyeu, Jack Teeters, Laur home in Salem Tuesday afternoon. ence Teigen, Larry Kimsey, Chris Mrs. Laurence Walworth, president, McDonald, Chet Blum, Elmer Tay was in charge of the business meet lor, Kenneth Kelly, laither Stout, ing, and plans were completed for Clyde Bressler, Giles Wagner, Jock the Fathei and Sons banquet which Allosay, Art Ande sen, Tex Kimsey, will be held at the community club Earl Wol.keil, and Joyce Longfellow, house Thursday evening, June 23. Following the business meeting the Violet Smith, Dorothy Mason, Dar lene Kruse, Hilrra Cole, Jean Kimsey, time was spent doing fancy work for Dolores Mason, Carol Sletto, Bonnie the bazaar which will be held this fall LYONS - BRING IN YOUR WATCH AND LET US MAKE IT RUN LIKE NEW « E < AN \I.SO DRESS IT UP SO IT WILL LOOK LIKE NEW Your old watch can still be made to keep good time il properly serviced. EXPERT REPAIRING AT MODEST COST We haie a large selection of Al l. WORK GUARANTEED >e watch bands, including— CEMEX - SPEIDEL * BRETTON JACOBY • BENDER ‘KESTENMADE HAK EKS \ lili City Jewelry saOXYGEN ____________ ACETYLENE CARBIDE Salem Welding Supply Meco A National Apparatus Lincoln Electrodes & Machines Everything for Welding Fi e Protetti, n Equipment CALL US OR COME IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF APPARATUS AND SUPPLIES John P. Seit«, Mgr. 205 Chemeketa St., SALEM Res. Phone 2-1605 Phone 2-3581 Those attending were Mrs. Walworth Mrs. Jim Lande, Mrs. Alex Bodeker, Mis. Albert Ring, Mrs. Wallace Pow er, Mrs. Paul Johnston, Mrs. Daisy Johnston, Mrs. Minnie Smith, Mrs. Anna Johnson, all of Lyons, Mrs. May Swank of Stayton and Mrs. Sa rah Cookingham of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sletto and Cai- roll left Portland Wednesday morn ing by plane for Nemo, S. Dak., to spend the next three weeks with re latives. Mrs. Florence Wilson, Jerry, Jim mie anil Joan of San Pedro, Calif., were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg. Duane Downing, a recent gradu ate of Oiegon State College, who is now employed in Portland, spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Green of Phi lomath were Sunday guests at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Earl Allen. Mrs. Fannie Saetebier of St. Cloud, S. Dak., arrived in Lyons the last of the week for an extended visit at the home of her niece, Mrs. George Huffman, and family. Recent guests at the home of Mrs. Anna Johnson were her two sisters, of Rickreall. Mrs. Marvin Berry has gone to Cal . ifornia for a short visit with rela- 1 tives. Visiting at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Felix Johnson are his father and a brother, Dan Johnson, of Nas al!,. Wash. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ixrng of Ore gon City visited relatives in Lyons, He is a nephew of Elmer and Amos Hiatt. Mis. Earl Hampton attende I a luncheon ami shower in Portland in honor of Mrs. Richard Jennings of Salem. Mrs. Jennings will be remem bered as Cleta Cralbtree of Lyons. Mis. Olson who had been visiting at the home o fher son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. John MiClurg, returned on Friday to her home in Baker. Mr1 and Mis. Carl McGee of Los Angeles woh had been visiting her sister in Silverton, were Sunday vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Ring. Recent evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Ms. Alex Bo deker were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crab tree of Salem and gtandson Jeffery Lankow of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hampton and little son Douglas of Pendleton. Mrs. Alice Hube: and Mr. and! Mrs. James Swan of Mill City at tended the wedding of a nephew in Toledo Sunday. Miss Imogene Roye has gone to Lebanon where she will be physical eduction instructor in the park dur ing the summer, and this fall will have similar work in Is-banon high school, M . and Mrs. Roy Heineck .spent the week end in Redmond. It was a ' id tseeing and pleasure trip. I he Rev. O. A. Jewel who was ap pointed at the Methodist conference to the Lyons charge, will hold his MILL CITY TAVERN JUNE 23. 19*9 first services Sunday morning, and will move into the parsonage soon. He replaces the Rev. A. J. Quirin of Salem who has been supply pastor since the death of the Rev. R. T. Cookingham. Mrs. George Huffman went to Eu- gene to see her father, George Hub bard who is in quite ill health. Tex’s Tavern MILL CITY Service Station A friendly family atmosphere prevails C, E. ‘Pink’ .Maaon, Prop. SHELL PRODUCTS AUTO STORAGE’ BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES Don't Borrow, Subscribe! BUDGET OF CITY OF MILL CITY, Ore. FOR YEAR 1949-1950 GENERAD FUND Recorder salary, judge salary 720.00 Law enforcement: 3300.00 Police salary 75.00 Board prisoners 600.00 Police car expense 250.00 Misc. expense 450.00 Insurance 60.00 Matron salary 800.00 Police car payment STREET FUND 2000.00 Maintenance and repair 4000.00 Salaries 300.00 Equipment repair 1000.00 Street lights 1741.00 Emergency fund FISHING TACKLE ■r »♦ Modern DANCE * CAPITAL Monumental Works Glenwood Ballroom J. a JONES, prop. MAKE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS NOW 4 mi. N. of Salem on 99 E GLEN WOODRY’S FAERY SATURDAY ORCHESTRA 83 cents, tnc. tax INCOME FOR YEAR 1949-1950 GENERAL FUND 647.00 Liquor 1500.00 Fines 1200.00 Licenses Pinballs, music and punchboards 1500.00 Telephone 150.00 STREET FUND State Highway Commission 5453.00 County road tax 1000.00 Public utilities (light and water) 700.00 EMERGENCY FUND Cash on han d 3106.08 2210 So. Commercial St. Salem Office Ph. 6887 Res. Ph. 6887 1 TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! ; 1 ONLY! 1.00 too 2bo,,s rtgular '2 value regular *2 value ZZ///Z Ht cMMCtit wit> lay Mclaty COLOGNE SPECIAL Ideal Gift far June Brides.. .for Showers fer Graduations! You'll want several — for yourself, for gift* . . . even to stow away for Christmas giving! Choice of 3 exciting combinations of fragrances! Colonial Bouquet a floral blend« Sweet William on the spicy side, White Lilac the true flower scent FOR YOUR PIUMBING NEEDS DETROIT MARKET Copv ylh! 1" C •» 1 Angelas ROOFING Johns - Maniille asphalt shingles applied right over your old roof. Now is the best time to apply your new roof — before your old cedar shingles are all curled up. OREGON. LTD. UNION SHOP ROBERT SKINNER. Proprietor Blue 118B R<*e. 428R STAYTON NOTHING DOWN — THREE YEARS TO PAY ( Quality Repair Parts < Expert Workmanship We Sell and Install CRANE nUMIINO IQUISMtNT MATHIS BROS. RoofingCo 164 S. Commercial SALEM ADJUSTABLE WAIST BANDS LADIES' JEAN’S BOYS and GIRLS SLACKS NEW DRESS PRINTS SHANTUNGS FAILLES Hendricson's Stor e Stop in and See Our SPECIALS Mill City on BYRON DAVIS. PROP. ALL TRAILER HOMES “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY From where I sit... Z/ Joe Marsh GEIGER OREGON Now I'm Going Back MOTOR CO. To High School! USED CARS Bought • Consigned - Sold I Mile Kant of Gatea Near The Maples GIVES YOU THESC 3 BIG ADVANTAGES 1.1 ZIERS I. LIFTS AND LOWERS AT A TOUCH tine Cosmetica and Perfume« Gifts fur Men and Women 50 Cents up K\1 COLBURN. Distributor Mill City. Oregon Studio 200 feet West of Furniture Store Telephone 2606 for appointment V-u .ilt ur lower a Dearborn Plow or any ■Illier Oearhorn Lift Tipe iniplenienl by nieielv moving the hydiaulic rutilrvl lever No «training, no tugging. MJI0MATIC DRAFT CONTROL t< i . i ilomt «oil rendition« the «elected - ,, ■ drpth «a ilt be aui.-nialicall« main . .11. 4 e» vn tn Hr Ids with 11 regular «ui fare. l I • « ■ —» mi COMU"' Let us show you the biggest selection ever.. Qin I 11 m—am Arthurs Cafp AUiUMATIC DEPTH CONTROL • * • .. .......... »My sinvoth «urlaee rnndt- ' ■ • '■ 1 .•••'ttially all «oil condition« I « i l-<- »troth control nme and uniform r . - in '■ pil. is aufiimalit alls maintained. Chicken in the Rough Hutcheon Paint Store Detroit, Oregor SALEM 24 hour« a dav Copyright, I 'W, I nited States Breuers Foundation H< »o Informafitrti t »nt» • ,u7Sq. Cc)oe stocks in tho Wott anil eat 1Ü < hemvkcta Street learning new things is one of my favorite hobbies. from »here I sit. it's willingness to learn from the other person that makes Americans tolerant towards so man? different viewpoints and taste« in things. Just because Buxx Elli« goes for chocolate malted«, while I prefer a mellow glass of beer, doesn't mean I’m right and he'« wrong. Inrid-ntally, next week / m going to talk on how to run a new «paper. from tho largoit A friendly place to meet •’ hen •• n e rfomonatrote ibis grrel f ord Im- on gvur farm.' When I saw light« burning in the High School auditorium last night. I looked in to see what went on. About twenty people.were listen ing to Burz Ellis, the electrician, talk about television. I slipped into a back seat and asked Hap Thomas what was up. Hap told me it was the new Self- Improvement Club. I stayed to lis ten—and learned a lot. Buxx really knows his stuff. Turns out this club meets every Friday night. Each member gives a talk on the subject he knows most about. I joined on the spot because 162 N I Commercial SALEM M ayflower M ilk