Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. JUNE 23, 1919 i City Mr. anil Mrs. G«oikc family are returning this week to their home place in North Dakota. Mr. and Mi«. Charles Wagner (for merly Shirley Bass) are the parents of a girl, Kathleen Sue, born June 6 at Toledo, Ohio. Maternal grandpar ents aie Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bass of Mill City. Mrs. Albert Toman spent the week end in Portland. Mrs. Frank Bass and Mr. and Mrs. Millard Bass and Linda attended the golden wedding anniversary of Mi«. Bass’ brother and sister-in-law, Mr. md Mrs. Everet Cramer of Silveiton on Sunday. Mrs. Don Bingxtrom of San Ber nardino arrived Wednesday evening •„ be with Mr. Bingatrom who i - with | V.ard, Mel Robinsun, Jeaaie H e ath,' FORMER Consolidated Builders, Inc. Mrs. W. 1. Wolverton of Chicago arrived Wednesday to spend the sum mer with the Charles Wolvertoas. Buxz Fleetwood is working at tuie Dan Morrison duplex couatraetion job in Gate«. M r. and Mrs. George Hammond and family and Mr. and Mr«. Ray Burton had a picnic at Silver Creek Falls Sunday. The families aie mov ing to Cottage Grove Sainday where the two men have employment. Santiam Rebekah Lodge No. 166 observed past noble grand night last meeting with Wilma Stewart, noble grand, and Dean Jackson, vice grand, presiding. Past noble grands pi esent were Susie Haynes, Elsie Potter, Ida Fleetwood, Belle Hawkins, Nellie PRICES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY per 49 49 4/ 35 53 49 39 lb. 3 for COFFEE any popular brand per lb. large DRFFF large ninunrTTrc any popular lLd,er c,r“m u I u AR l I brini » the lowest market price« Water melon ... ■p"’“ Santiam Hardware and IMPLEMENT COMPANY BUILD for Happiness BUILD a NEW HOME- Stayton It I 1 XV- 4 LICENSED GARBAGE 7¿ SERVILE I i $1 per month and up Also serving Gates and Lyons CITY ¥ i * DISPOSAL SERVICE Complete Phone 2102 LEONARD HERMAN supply of mt im no ■ \I.BER TDM \N. PROP. Mil.I. CITY CAPITAL A l’ T O ■ ail your ALL GRADES OF LUMBER. I I LET US ESTIMATE YOUR MATERIAL COSTS. YOUR ENTIRE BUILDING PROJECT needs OPEN SATURDAYS Retail Division SALEM, OREGON It's not hard to learn to fl» with a competent inntructor. DAVIS \IRPORT haa engaged the ser vice of Ted Galbraith. Silverton, a licensed flying instructor, who will be at the airport daily each week Cheek with Byron Davis, Mill City Tavern, for detail«. sfe- ta Screen Doors Knotty pine paneling Sheet Rock building PARTS ’Delta Band Saws •Delta Joiners • Delta Table Saws Delta Wood lathes Delco-Remy Shocks Phone 3-9151 Liberty and After hours 2-1593 Chemketa We will run your errands or get y >ur parts for you out of Portland oi Sal m in time that will amin you. Paw-enger Mr Taxi Servire to Salem r -i MILL Il I 1.1. T 0 1’ The Mill City Enterprise ,, crsisix-i» IN * ' ■ PORTLAND —... ... •.•D Maude Davis, Blanche Syverson, Mar . MARRIED MHI City, Oregon. tha Bowes, Blanche Dean, Crisaie I Miss Florence Waiter, foiraei Mill Henderson, Ruby Brisbin, Leola Charles Wolverton, Editor and Publisher I City girl, daKirtar of Mr. and Mrs. Hurt, Vera Hathaway, Barbel Olm | Jeny Walter, was united in marriage Elibeth Wolverton, Buaineaa Manager stead, Frances Merrill, Aliura Charice | Sunday in the First United Presby- GMdie Rain bo, Maty Garrison, Hat | terian Church in Portland to Leroy Entered aa second-class matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City tie Cole and Gladys Lake. A number Farl Wallis, son of Mr. apd Mrs. Orogon under the Act of March 3, 1879. of absent past noble grands sent Eail Wallis of Payette, Idaho. ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING greetings. The Rev. William C. Fawcette was Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and Mrs. Hawkikns, a charter member, officiating pastor. The bride was giv and a Rebekah for 42 years, was pre- en in marriage by her uncle, Jack those received later up to 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the Too Late to Classify section. -ented a 40 year jewel from the Carey, of Mill City. The bride was Earors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not lodge. dressed in the traditional satin, fing be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Members will attend church ser- ertip veil and train. CLASSIFIED RATE vices in a body with the Old Fellows Mis Sylvia Levalley was maid of One insertion for 50c or three insertions for $1.00. Display advertising 40c inch Suaday morning, June 26, at the Mill honor and bridesmaids were Helga City Presbyterian Chuich, as a mem Kfltrm, and Lillian Walter., Flower f : AT I O K AL E O I I O R I A I orial to deceased motthers, fathers, girls were Carol Ann Peterson and Osici servicemen, Rebekahs and Odd Fel Mai alee (kspeland. P ublish lows. Mrs. Wallis was a graduate this Next meeting night will include in year of la»wis and Clark College and stallation of officers. Jefferaon, Linn Coun- had been awarded a bachelor’s de- Hayes and Dora Mae Morford of Le- Earl gree in education. She atended there banon and Violet Beemer of Albany. ‘X Democratic chairman, was, in Mui Visitors at the Jack Carey home on a scholarship. He was a nephew of Mrs. James Swan City Tuesday conferring with party over the week end were Mis. Tony members. Among those attending the wed of Mill City. Kneas of Eureka and Mrs. Archie ding, fiom Mill City were Mr. and Johnston uf San Francisco. Mrs. Louis Rada, Mrs. Barbara Wal- The Kuckenberg Construction Co. Weddle Funeral Home Jack Carey was struck over the ter, Mrs. Sig JepSon, Mr. and Mrs. is having a picnic Sunday for its em •ye by a flying choker Monday at Jack Carey and Phil, and Mrs. Geo. MODERN FUNERAL ite i the Heacox Logging Co. location. The Crook and Dick; also Mr. and Mrs. iployees on the Molalla River, SERVICE cream, cold beverages and water me!- wound required five stitches. Ernest Copeland of Springfield, and on will be served. Stayton, Oregon Mrs. Dale Emery, Clayton and Lar- children and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moi- ... .M ----w— ly of Portland spent Wednesday in riss and children of Salem. .dill City with Mr. Emery who ia w th CBI. They left the same eve RITES HELD FOR VETERAN ning to visit her parents in Eugene. VISUAL FACTS: Graveside services will be held at Mrs. Mildred Feeley and children Dan r Signals of visual ^ efficiency in children: left for Portland Saturday where she the Fairview Cemeterin in Gates Sat Frowning or scowling, holding reading matter will attend summer school. Mr. Fee- urday for Elmer LeRoy Gallea, Pfc., vary close to eyes. ley »»pent the week end there, le’uin- who died Apiil 25, 1945, as a result FOR - - of wounds suffered in action in the ing early Monday morning. AN ANAL YTICAL i»’E EXAMINATION Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Iverson of Sa Po valley in Italy. The service for LENSES LU Pi i'JA’ID lem had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. the former Mill City boy, who enlist - WIDE SELECTION OF FRAMES I led in Mill City in 1942, will be held Waldo Nettleton Sunday. COURTEOUS CREDIT ' » < < __ IkL'T I Ciaig Muir has recovered from th< at 11 a.m. DST. I The Mill City Veterans of Foreign SEE ■ . measles. Wars post will conduct the military burial. Private Gallea was born in Mill City Oct. 23, 1921, trained at Gamp White and Camp Adair and went ov OPTOMETRIST—Office« of erseas with the 91st division in 1M3. Survivors are his mother, Mrs. Et- THE MILL CITY FURNITURE to Mae Gallea, Lebanon; brothers, Every Thursday: 1 to 6 p.m. Gilbeit of Lebanon and Everett of 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. by appointment Sweet Home; and sisters, Sarah .21 .27 1.45 Pkg. ILL CITY GIKI Russell Kelly, Mgr. CALAPOOIA ROUND UP DAVIS AIRPORT CRAWFORDSVULf, ORE. JULY 3 4 SALEM 'IENT & AWNING CO. X. One« again you ar« welcome te the event of events in the valley it ili- l’or Rent By The Month 7» N. Liberty. I SALEM Two big day* of thrill* and ipilli that will keep every member of the family on their tee*. Dance«, »wimming and camping will add SANTIAM WAR SURPLUS A \\\> OXFORDS <IOTHING TFN I » fishing rum.r 1 mil« r«M of Itrtroit to the fun *• let * aM be there WORK SHOE’S HOLTS Mountain States Power Company » tist-sveeoati*» ramavi*» «e»vari ninnili This adret trsetnent u appeanec in .’» news,nepers wirkte company service area» at Linn Benton Po/a T///ae>eoi n Pterion end lone .ounttee