Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. MHMl TRADE « DETROIT I ___ ________________________________ — Í li CANYON GARAGE EXPERT REPAIRING SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES P. E. FRY. Manager DAVIS SPORTING & DRY GOODS Famous Pendleton Shirts We Have Them L. C. DAVIS & SON Wants and Sales SEE MORRISON for carpentering and concrete work. Free estimates. Sidewalks a special ty. See D. V. Morrison. Gates, or leave word with Don Jenkins, Mill City. FOR ANY’ kind of brick work and fireplace, chimney flues, patios. New or repair. Free estimate. Tel 1171, John W. Hanna, Silverton, Rt. 3 * SCIO BARGAIN CENTER—Ph28F6 2 blocks S. of Bridge on Main St. Beds, Chairs, Tables, Plumbing Fix tures, Heating and Cooking Stoves. Many other items. Come in and look around. We Buy, Sell & Trade. • FOR SALE—1 set Book of Knowl edge Encyclopedias; also 4 year books, all for $65. A $90 value; 1 Duo-therm oil range, $140 value for $70. Richard Hansen, Detroit, phone 1348. 3* WE STOCK all types of Hearing Aid batteries. Radio Batteries, and Flash- lite and lantern batteries. Stiffler Radio and Appliance Store. • Sa n t i a m FOOD MART MEATS • Margaret NOBLE GROCERIES Janet NELSON DETROIT TAVERN and Trailer Court First in Detroit Still First in Detroit Redd Rynearson Otto Russell Glen Dryden ■ ■ i HARLOW I.. WEINRIfK Attorney at Law Albany 318 Broadalbin - Tex’s Tavern A friendly family atmosphere prevails SATURDAY Tim HOLT in •GUNS OF HATE” and Weismuller - O’Sullivan ■TARZAN’S N. Y. ADVENTURE Baldwin’s List your homes and farms with me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, Gates, Detroit, Lyons. DAVID M. REID. REAL ESTATE Salem. Oregon I * [ptfÿtirrioos *•••••• .. .a Listings Wanted FOUNDATION GARMENTS Special Attention Given to Fitting» Hosiery-Lingerie-Dresses-Smocks 131 High St. Salem Ph. 4032 C. E. & L. R. Coville Real Estate Brokers iti itti ‘>iiti»i ini uN'M-tui mt oi NEEDED! LISTINGS OF REAL ESTATE FROM MEHAMA TO GATES. IF YOUR FURNITURE looks shab INCLUDING: by have it recovered, modernized and made like new. Mail us a card giving Bruce Persh —Homes for sale or rent exact location and I will call with —Business property, buildings samples and give free estimate of and sites cost. Truck and auto seats recovered. —Vacant lots IS YOUR REFRIGERATOR work Pickup and delivery free. C. E. Hen —Small acreages ing right? If not, call PORTER & sley, 604 N. 1st st., Silverton. Phone LAU for fast, dependable refrigera 1153. tor, washer, electric appliance or ra- FOR SALE junior size boy’s bike, I dio sei vice. Real Estate $25; .25 automatic pistol with 2 boxes I MILL CITY shells, $25. See Mrs. J. O. Herron. Rt. MILL CITY I. - .... a 1, Lyons, Ore. 4 1500 WATT. 110 volt, D. C. Kohler DISPOSAL SERVICE light plant, and ’ H. P. Motors, S P E C .1 A L S Garbage, ashes, trimmings. etc. battery charger, all $100. Albert Mill Weekly pickups $1 per month. Also 2* 8 A. Large modern house, completely sap. Gates, Ore. light hauling. furnished. Room for apartment up Leonard Herman Phone 2102 FOR RENT- Johnson Electric floor stairs. Electric pump, barn, chicken polisher. Will really put on a protect ACCOUNTING, bookkeeping, audit house. ive coat of wax! $1.00 per «lay. Also ing. Brad Bradley, Ph. 2133, 1895 G.E. Tidy sweeper with all attach Hemlock, Lebanon. • 4 rm. house, modern, lot 50 X 100. ments. Excellent for cleaning car and ODD JOBS done Fridays after school clean, only $4500. housecleaning. $1.50 per day. At STIFFLER’S RADIO AND APP1.1 and Saturdays. See Pat Wolverton, Wilma Howe or phone 3425. * 3 bedroom modern home, completely ANCE STORE, Mill City, furnished, piano included, 2 large lots FOR SALE- House trailer 23 feet, FOR REFRIGERATION service call FHA loan available. sleeps 4. See B. D. Bumgarner, Lyons, Al Laue, through your local opeiator. USED Range in fine condition. Call New 2 bedroou hoce, 1 A. of land, Ore. P. O. Box 107A or 3 miles east Al Laue. Refrigeration Sales and partly furnished, only $5800. Veter- of Mill City on Linn county side. Service, Salem, Ore. * ans or FHA loan. IF YOU HAVE a treasured picture, David M. Reid New 2 bedroom home, lot 50 x 100. Will carry veterans or FHA loan. New 3 bedroom home, best of loca tion, lot 85 x 145. Will carry veterans or FHA loan. WANTED IMMEDIATELY— Beri> 2 bedroom, modern, lot 50 x 100, good Pickers by Joe Shmitz, Fern Ridge. location. !• About 5 A., 350 ft. h'way frntage, FOR SALE- Stationary laundry tubs. fair building, plenty of water, elec Mrs. Frank Bass Mill City, Linn tricity. A good investment. County side 24* DEAR BUM and Deadbeat Please 7 rm. modern home, double garage, return the last hatchet you bort owed 7 lots, best of location, terms. from L. C. (Doc) Craft. 1 1 A. on h’way, large house. Make FOR SaLe- Modern home. Mill City, excellent rooming or boarding house. Oregon on River road. C. E. Hall. We have 5 houses, owner out of town FOR RENT—Johnson Electric floor says sell. Let us show you and make polisher. Will really put on a pro us an offer. tective coat of wax! $1 per day. Also GE Tidy sweeper with all attach We have many more good listings, ments. Exc. for cleaning car and Call and see us. housecleaning. $1.50 per day at— PENNICK - PENNICK Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance Store Brokers j SPINETTE piano for balance due. Phone Mill City 1901 Evenings 702 Write Credit Dept., Wills Music Store, Salem, Ore. 0* A GOOD selection of linoleum yard age, 6 and 9 ft. widths. 95c per sq. yd. Mill City Furniture Co. FOR SALE 5 acres, with 5 room house. Hot and cold1 water, elec., some fruit, barn, on county road, 1 mi. SE of Gates. Louisa Romey, Rt. 1. Box 129, Lyons, Ore. 4 | FOR SALE—5 acres with 4 room house. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, running water, elec., fruit trees. 1 mi. SE of Gates. E. J. Wrigglesworth. Rt. 1, Box 128, Lyons, Ore. 4 Now see the world’s fastest record changer at /t's RCA Victor’s sensational new system of recorded music snapshot of children, animals, land scapes, seascapes or photos, also min iatures, get them hand-tinted, to bring them to life. Contact Mis. Mary E. Alexander, P. O. box 185, Gates, or call at Tucker house, S. side of tracks, in Gates. 4* O There’s never been anything like it. Come in and hear the new, low-cost distortion-free records played on the world's fastest rec ord changer. 7-inch non-breokable record plays as long as ordinary 12-inch. Find out about the many advantages of the amazing new RCA Victor system and its great BIG SAVINGS for you I FOR SALE- Cow, fresh June 1st. See Frank Bass. Linn Co. side of Mill City. Play it yourself today! USED refrigerators. Good Bargains, Best Condition, Al Laue Refrigera tion, 2350 Seate, Salem. All You Have Waited for ...and More Jeep 39.95 Player attachinen for any radio— I 95 San be hxii in operation at th« MM < ill Iheatre PORTER & LAI! II VROI.D KLIEWER, Manager APPLIANCES RADIOS -SERVICE MILL CITY PHONE 1884 I The Commercial Book Store lias Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Chevrolet Owners-this isthc opportunity you’ve been waiting for. So take advantage of it while you can Don’t put thoae needed repaint off any longer. We have made it poa- wible for you to take care of thia neoeaaary work by paying a »mall FOR SALE—Wall telephone in good condition, cheap. Call 1107. Capital DrugjCo Don't Borrow. Subscribe! • .»»*a URGENTLY HOMEGUARD V’enetian blinds, cus tom made, Flexalum or steel. Equip ped with automatic “Levalor.” Ask for free estimate. Phone 5O4B. West ern Store. Stayton. 2* • VI hen you have a | scriptHHi to be compound» there are some points <> which you wish aaaurane Aou want capable, con« entioua compounding. Yo want fresh, potent drug \nd you want to pay a fai price. Right? Then, frankb w e have the asrvirr you seek «ill vou tty us with yo< Doctor'» next prcscriptioi CBl needs accomodations: single and double rooms in private hmes, houses to rent. Please list your available space with CBl. Call Personnel office. 4202. • HOWARD CORSET SHOP FOR SALE—2 b’room mod. house, utility rm. and garage attached. See Clarence Estenson, Mill City. 2 ..TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY.. Mark STEVENSRich ard WIDMARK THE STREET WITH NO NAME” THURSDAY and FRIDAY SABI .Wendell COREY M AN-EATER OF KI MAON Canyon Club WANTED - - Small sawmill, suiuibl- FOR FULLER BRUSHES and dean for three or four men to operate. K. equipment call your fuller bruah deal Theo. Muysken, Rt. 1 Box E. Hennemm, Lyons, Ore. Bx 328. 2 er. 229 Aumsville, Oregon. BUCKING HORSES and roping 1930 REO TRUCK trade for cow. calves wanted for Saddle Club horse T. E. Baker, Rt. 1, Lyons. PH. 7242, - :o v June 19. Contact Bert Karr, Rt. 4 2 IMiaiMMMKaMMWWIUiWLMJL 1, Bx 44, Lyons, Phone 251. WUtCHMWUi»> EXPERT auto and home radio ser vice. 20 years experience, all makes. Guaranteed service. Stiffler’» Radio and Appiance SUNDAY AND MONDAY John WAYNE in THREE GODFATHERS” Riderail» JEANS and HICKORY SHIRTS NEED A TELEPHONE ?—Come in and see the new Stromberg-Carlson desk telephone. Highest quality and approved for your local phone ser vice. At Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance Phone 902 Mill City .......................... illllUWJIi JUNE 2. 1949 amount each month. We are running a SPECIAL PRICE on motor repairs on Chevrolets only. Geo. H. Bell Install piston rings Grind valves Real Estate & Insurance STAYTON S ANT I AM GARAGE GENERAL AUTO AND TRUCK REPAIR ARC AND ACETYLINE WELDING PHONS $4»2 Throw away your old standards of comparison ____ ____ __ trucks. when you ___ see ___ the new "J There has never been anything like them before. They combine Jeep stamina and performance.^ low weight and high payload in a design that new from the ground up We invite you to check them, tea ture by feature, against anything else in their field. i lean and align oil pan Burn out brent herpipe. All gasket» 5 quarts oil THIS INCLUDES ALL THE ABOVE LISTED PARTS AND LA BOR FOR ONLY $49-95 DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Shower Motor Co STA5TON Don’t forget to ask ab out our budget plan. 510 North ( ommrrrtal Ph.3-3175 Salem. Oregon