Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1949)
JUNE 2, IMS d t ii c %« e •V ll K a ii s t 1 OFFER REW ARD FOR FLYERS A reward of 41500 .a offered for the location or inf »rmation leading to the lestioa of C j !. A. Y. Smith, Air Force, Col. Walter W Hodge. Army, ana M-Sgt. H E Slugs, Air Force, or their bodies. The reward will be paid by the wives of the men who iiaappeared in a B 26 April 21 on a flight from Hamilton Filed, Calif., to Portland. Glistening snow, which was thought to be the wing of a plane, led fliers to -earch the upper Canyon area two week» ago. Information on the location of the plane and it» personnel. lead ro al- ive. should be relayed to the neareat ranger station. R. I- Bricker, who was with the Harr mond Lumber Company at Camp 17 about 25 years ago, has returned to the canyon and is working as op- < rating enginee. for Consol Ida ted Bu- ilders, Inc. Helen Stewart of Portland is a new employee at the Inn Side Cafe. Earl Hamilton of Portland and R. R Bates of Vancouver, Washington JUNE 2. 1M» 6 per cer.YTnitation, proposed to be e masting of the Chamber * . . , , are new re», lent» of Mill City, the levied for said fiscal year is $26,860 .- latter having purchase.) p.operty of Comment at noon^ M s Meeting Mon 00. Ralph Davis. Both are working for The Frank Blazes- are planning a .. Dated thia 1st day of June, 1949. trip soon to Yellowston Park. <*>* «. » D'*r~ Consolidated Builders, Inc Dave Epps of Sweet Home was in , Attest; Don*« Borm. Subwnbel I <*■*- *•»> -Secretary. Mill City Thursday. He was a gueri Charles C. Kelly, NOTICE District Clerk of SchaU Election Upue the Wuev R L. Robert.-. oon of Increasing Tas Levy Over (Ymirman Board of Directors taunt Limited by Section 11, Ar ticle XL Mate < onatMatson. Manley Robinao. of the Oregon Notice is nereby given that an el State Travel Bureau was to -peak Original ection in School District 129 of Linn- on what a dam will do for a tourist Marion County. State of Oregn. from trade at the regular meeting of the & p.m. to 9 p.m. at High School in Mill City Chamber of Commerce to- said school district, for the purpose 'lay. He was to show a couple of of submitting to the legal voters of I—— ssw—W ■aid district the question of increas ing the tax levy for the fiscal year USED CARS on • of 1949-1950 over the amount limited by section 11, article XL of the Con- I 4H Ford i ton Pickup stitution of Oregon. ’45 Stole baker. 1 ton The reasons fro increav ngsuch levy '47 Frazer, overrive, heater, radio i are: 46 Nash, radio and heater j School bus: »2200.00 Olds, 4 dr. ’ 41 | New building: 10,000.00 •39 Plymouth, 4 dr. I Alteration of buikiing: 3000.00 i New furniture: 8500.00 SHOWER MOTOR COMPANY I Betterments: 1160.00 | Landscaping: 4000.00 STAYTON | The amount of tax, in excess of the INVESTIGATE price the use uf Butane & Propane 182.50 Full size HEATING COOKING - WATER HEATING REFRIGERATION Wedgewood Ranges Safe - Clean - Economical Automatic Appliances Gas Heat, Inc t. Il t< R SAM BRIO iES, Distributor Phone Lyons 15 h b a 2 weeks rree Trial Lyons, Oregon On Highway 222 No obligations MILL CITY FURNITURE MALTS «• «• <■» •»: <«• <«■ -♦*• SEE Photographs ( P. S. we make ’em to order, OF Mil.I. CITY GRADE AND HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION Gerald Garrison in our MUIR’S BAKERY EXPERT REFRIGERATION & ELECTRK SERVICE $ have a studio open each F rida y afternoon in the MILL CITY 2:00 to 7:30 FURNITURE STORE - <♦: ■»> <«• «• <«• •» Re ’LUf&lG'iwi r CHECK THESE VALUES i carefully / WE MONEY ON * EVERY ITEM/ I right down to the floor ... no wasted space. You get increased storage »pace ... 10.' cubic feel with no increase in size. Philco Refrigerator Model 1093. lifomedPesfyn REFRIGERATOR Good Housekeeper» VACU-SEAL VACU-SEAL PECTIN LARGE BOX PHILCC U kj every inch of cabinet space, I Good HouM-k«M*pHn» M.C.P MM VI air* T\ll I nless Interested : À I HIS ( ()| |‘ON is worth 50 cent» on any meat puri hanr of $2.(HI or e-i re. G s*d June 3 I and 5 One < i to ¡Mm per Parson I Lett lice Lemons, doz Grapefruit COMPLETE SHELF ADJUSTABILITY Permits aa unlimited »ariery of arranitements to accommodate of e«erv **ze and thape. ■■Mft K e n G o MEH\ CI I STEEL froren fixwt e t MILL CITY Furniture ( o GIANT FRESHENER AND SNACK BOX Glas«*cuxrted. mot «cold Fred« eoer keep, trui; nd »eaetaNe* freah and ta«n Suck h e< burter. cheese ir 1 tai We- rrarOr«* < ndo.