Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTFRPRISE. JUNE X 1919 —— Idanha Mrs. J. C. Fowler has returned from Portland. The next Engineers Club dance will be Friday, June 10, at the Rod and Gun Club. Harry Rutherford was dealt a hand in cut-throat pinochle contain ing a double run in spades and a dou ble pinochle. There are 35 families living in Camp Mongold at piesent. retume I by way of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Stevens have leased their pioperty at Gates to H. C. Keeler. FOUR NEW ROSES WIN ALL-AMERICA AWARD FOR 1950 B) REBA «NYDER Mr. an«l Mis. Huber Ray left Fri day evening for Klamath Lake where they spent three days fishing, return ing Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hopson and two children of Salem were Saniay ni„i’t and .Monday guests at th? heme of Mr. and Mis. Lae Hopso.i and ....ugh'er. The North Santiani Milling Work ers Club me* Wedne* .ay afternoon w.lli Gladys Streff a.i hostess at her h<> .'e in Marion Forks. Fourteen .l’eiiibe s ar.d three gu -s’ were pre- I i t The June pot I’jca dinner will 'e with Hrs. Bertha Reynolds. Mi. and Mrs. Jerry Pittain and girls and Mr. and Mis. Warren Stoll MISSION BELLS FASHION and children picn eked Monday after noon at Suttle Lake. Introducing 1950's Roses of distinction! These four brand Mr. and Mrs. l«e Hopson took their new “Oscar” whiners will hold places of honor in thou small daughter, Jerry I.yri, to Salem sands of gardens next summer. Fashion, the only floribunda to be treated for un ear infection, chosen, is coral pink overlaid with gold; Mission Bells, a Thursday. hybrid tea, is s .l.-imri colored; Capistrano is a hybrid tea Mr. Savage, of Bend, on his way of soft rose pin'.: Sutter’s Gold, also a hybrid tea, is yellow to Salem on business, stopped for with pink shading. lunch and a short visit with his sis- ter. Mrs. Walter Reynolds and M . have purchased lots are Harry Wil . They arrived last Friday. Also visit- Reynolds. The new Idanha homesite Is a bee- lis, John Ray, Al Cokenour, Lee 1 ing the Bickett family the past week Athel was Miss Adona Cochrane of Salem, hive of activity these days. The site Hopson and Eddie Evenson. belongs to the Idanha Lumber Co. Savage bought an acreage near. All former Elkhorn school teacher. Lenore Wilson and friend, Howard an I consists of 30 lots. Those who have .started building their homes ex Olson, both of Salem, visited her cept Mr. Evenson. 1 Grover Chestnut, who is building ' mother, Mrs. Crystal Wilson, here on his awn land near, has his home over the week end. Elkhorn held its annual last day of nearing completion. The Legion Park and new church school picnic last Sunday. Pot luck hauling cats , site is just acioss the street from the dinner was served, followed by a soft SHOVELS and ball game. There was a good atten- homesite. HEAVY EQUIPMENT I Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward dance, althougth several were absent Salem Heavy Hauling & I and family went Friday evening to because of guests. Visitors at the Carl Longnecker ' McMinnville and on to Tillamook bay Equipment Co. fishing, returning Sunday evening. i home last week end were Mr. and Visiting Even Evenson and Eddie Mrs. Keith Wood of McMinnville. Phones: Plant 34644; Office .39408 Evenson anil family the past week Mrs. Keith is a cousin of Roberta 1405 N. FRONT ST, end were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Even- Longnecker. SALEM son and family of Tacoma. Mi. and | Mrs. David Evenson of Tulle Lake, Calif, and Mr. and Mrs. Orin Dokkin and family of Merrill, Ore. By AMBER RUTHERFORD Fred Brubaker and Bill Cobb weie Mr. and Mrs. Gus Gustafson went week end guests at Kelso, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. John Ray spent the to Astoria over the week end anil re | week end in Sweet Home at the home ported the clam digging excellent. C. E. ‘Pink’ Manon, Prop. | of Mr. and Mrs. Chet Slater and son Verne. SHELL PRODUCTS Mr. and Mis. Ottis Floyd and fam AUTO STORAGE' BATTERIES ily and Mr. and Mrs. Frank New and ZENITH TIRES family went fishing in Suttle Lake Sunday, taking a picnic lunch. PISHING T \CKLE Mrs. Frank New entertained her ' music class and their mothers at tea Satuiday afternoon. Those present were Mrs. Floyd Girod and Alan. Mrs Otto Russell J. B. Gordon and Mary, Mrs. Jack Haxeman and Judy, Mrs. N. Whitten and Cara Lee and Eva Lou and Sally New. The pupils entertained with mu Agency sical selections and weie present a music clef pin by Mrs. New. The Fire mothers were given gardenia cor Auto sages. A luncheon was served. Mrs. New is (riving up her music class. Life FOR HIRE MILL CITY POOL HOLL CAPISTRANO The coveted All-America designation is awarded on the basis of two-year tests made in eighteen official trial gar dens located throughout the country. Only plants achiev ing the highest point rating on actual performance under widely varied climatic and soil conditions are chosen for the honor. The 1950 winners will be available from leading nurserymen in time for planting this fall. Service Station I NOW OPEN BliHards. Pool, Snooker. Shuffleboard Chet Hollinshead Ben Hauck For taxi service call Mill City 2602 or 2108 Wood’s Store Fishing in the Deschutes River ! at Suttle Lake. over the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Godbey purchased Claude Beck and also the Warren a house from Jesse Glosgow and Oard family. ' moved in over the week end. The Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith left Glasgow family moved into their for Clarkston, Wash., May 25 to at new home. tend a graduation and a wedding in Mr. and Mrs. Olney Hawkins vis his family. ited Bonneville over the week end. Mr. and Mis. Bill Shuford and Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Hellwig daughter Billie and the Glen Meier .drove to Portland and saw the Ice family of Salem spent the week end Follies, traveled down the coast and LADIES A CHILI>KEN S| DRESSES Modern ROOFING rtW Johns - Manville asphalt shingles applied right over your old roof. Now is the best time to apply your new roof — before your old cedar shingles are all curled up. Mongold MILL CITY SUTTER'S GOLD Glenwood Ballroom 4 mi. N. of Salem on 99E NOTHING DOWN — THREE YEARS TO PAY Phone .3-4642 — Eve. 2-1647 164 S. Commercial DANCE GI.EN "WOODRY'S I^'ERY SATURDAY ORCHESTRA 83 cents, tnc. tax MATHIS BROS. RoofingCo SALEM WMWT, SELLING OUT INSURANCE ALL OUR FINE FURNITURE.. Accident Phone 1502 Detroit I Elkhorn By JEAN ROBERTS Miss Ann Bergholz, assistant Coun ty Agent of 4-H Club work, was an Elkhorn visitor Wednesday, em oil ing members for the canning project for th,, summer months. She talked to pupils at the Elkhorn school, and visited Mrs. Ray Roberts, local 4-H lander, and Mis. Bill Bickett. Mr. and Mrs. Therer of Ventura, Calif., visited relatives Paul Clise and Day Ellicott in Elkhorn last week. Mrs. Carl Longnecker and Billy ie- turneil from Eugene last Tuesday. The Longnecker« have been busy moving into their house across the road from Frank's mill. M and Mrs. Bill Bickett Jr. and son Terry, from Morton, Tex., and Mis Preson Davis of Levelland. Tex., ' are visitors at th«1 Bill Bickett home. EVERYTHING POSITIVELY Going out of business WE WANT TO SELL OUT JUST AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE! I leadquarters for l ents. Sleeping SO HELP YOURSELF TO THESE TERRIFK <M.EM < rner Fairgrounds Rd and Church 1 SAVINGS ON FURNITURE - APPLIANCES - HARDWARE -EVERY THING IN THE STORE! HELP US CLOSE OUR DOORS! Building For Reul— Fixture* lor *al» IRGROUnD RD> CHURCH ST. GOES NO! THIS IS NOT A SALE! WE RE •WARS Lilli J * ‘J HOW ro SAVE MONEY R CAMPING GEAR 26.5« .12.50 3H.5H .11,50 > Capital Hardware & Furniture 241 N. Commercial Salem OPEN FRI * SAT. TILL 9 PM f