Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1949)
Ü MILL CFTY ENTERPRISE, APRIL 21. 1919 Idanha By MRS. REBA Mrs. Wayne Smith Creek left Tuesday by neau, Alaska, to visit ROSES-IN-SNOW CAKE • Inspire smiles from Mother with this dream ot > gift Roses-m-Snow Cake two snow-white layers, tncltingly tender Frosted with creamy, rich icing. Covered by a mantle of coconut snowflakes, crowned with a life-like crimson rose Order yours now Get free copy of Mother’s Day "Take-It-Easy Dinner" by Betty Crocker and a Roses-m-Snow Cake fiesh-baked by— MUIR’S BAKERY By Jack & Ted WART, the Speed Cop AZv è/S' to \ooaof P DKW US L/CC.VSf 1 ? ftiCKbur 7 ( \ p W/veff’; 77x? 'Ou Htbb. ''/»sZTA-cf ¿oiády fP'S OQEPM *. ./ y . ?HMIvey5 5UV4Ä sxooir I SILVER PHONE »08 The Mill City Enterprise were Mrs. Byron Bates and Donald. film was shown. Mr. and Mrs. Herschell Manasco Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Morgan of Mill Mil City, Oregon. and family of Sutherlin were week City, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stavang, end guests at the homes of Carl and Carl and Wayne, Mrs. JoHanna Sta- Charlee Wolvarton, Editor and Publisher var.g of Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry Manasco. Elsbeth Wolverton. Business Manager Mr. vnd Mis. Sol Warpentin and Edwards of Scio, an Mr. and Mrs.Mar- Ur, Edwards, Carroll and Dale. family, .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Quiring Easter services began bright and Bntered as second-class matter.November 10. 1944 at the post office at Mill City, and family and Rev and Mrs.^Worth, early Sunday morning in Lyons with Oregon under the Act ol March 3, 1879. and family, all of Dallas, spent Eas ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ter with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiebert 7:15 mass held at the St. Patrick Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and Catholic church. Special Easter serv- and Ha.old. . vimivik - t ------- -------------- - Mr. and Mrs. Buck Storey w e e r lices were held at the Lyons Methodist those received later up to 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the “Too Late to Classify’ church following the Sunday school section. Bend shoppers Saturday. Error, in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaf hour. be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Dr. Roy Fedje of Salem held com fer Easter Sunday were Mis. Schaf CLASSIFIED KATE fer’s mother, Mrs. Hefley, and bro munion services at the Lyons Metho One insertion for 50c or three insertions for »1.00. Display advertising 40c inch dist church Thursday evening. Rev. ther, Allie Fox of Salem. The Easter sermon delivered by 1W. E. Schubert, a returned mission NATIONAL EDITORIAL Rev. Worth and piogram by the Sun- ary from China, was present and ASSOCIATION Olido gave a very interesting talk. •day schoo were enjoyed by many. 1 f V Lyons is also on the list Mr. and Mr's. Hennie and family ? U B 11 S Hjí of Tuele Lake, Calif., spent a few building with three new homes, a new restaurant east of the Lyons Food days at the Eddie Evenson home. six months for the date hereof. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hamilton and Market and the new school house for the estate of Anna Margaret Diwald Dated this 31st day of March, 1949. Steinbom, deceased, ana have quali the recently consolidated district 29J son, Mr. an Mrs. R. L. Tucker and August Steinhorn fied. All persons having claims ag family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cannon •which is ibeing built south of town on Administrator ainst the estate of said decedent here the highway between Lyons and Me swtl son and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lem Atty, for Administrator by are required to present them, with ing and family enjoyed an Easter hama W. H. Bell, Atty. proper voucheis, to the office of Wal Oral Tolans who has been ill Mrs. picnic on the Metolius. Stayton, Oregon Mr. an Mrs. Jack Gulliford and at her home is reported improving. ter H. Bell, Stayton, Oregon, within Miss Wilma Lambert who is em- sons were week end guests of re at the Lyons Food Nfrlcet has been latives in Aumsville. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gordon and confined to her hme fr several days family were visitors in Portland with due to illness. The Mehama extension unit will idatives the week end. Mrs. Elbeit Brown was taken to hold its meeting at the Women’s club the hospital' in Salem by ambulance house Thursday afternoon, April 28 after a sudden illness Sundry. Mr. with a plastic ware demonstration. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Boring spent Brown accompanied her, and no re port of her conition W been learned. the Easter holiday with relatives in Sol Tucker, assistant scoutmaster, Sweet Home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead and took a group of Scouts to exploie the lava caves. Boys enjoying the sons spent the week end at Burnt trip were Earl Lady, Dixie Goodeve, Woods with her parents. The Home Economics Club of the Gerald and Jon Tucker, Quinto Fin ley, Gerald Vickers, Dick Woodward, Santiam Grange held a meeting at Sonny Nygaard, Jack Bennett, Sonny the hall with a very small attendance Mrs. Paul Smith left Monday for Walker, John Mcfhtyre and. Merle James. Transportation was furnirhed Califoinia for a visit with her sons. The Percy Hiatts and Amos Hiatts by the Idanha Lumber Co. were Sunday dinner guests in Albany of the Harry Elmers. Mrs. Catherine Summers and daughters of Portland ar« visiting j her mother, Mrs. Catherine Lyon. | By EVA BRESSLER Judge and Grant Murphy of Salen Faith Rebekah lodge held their were Sunday guests of their daugh meeting at the hall with the follow- ter, Mrs. Clarence Jungwirth, and officers in the chairs, Helel McClurg family. Mr and Mrs. Norman Johnson of noble grand, Frances McCarley vice grand, Garnett Bassett secretary Portland .-'pent Easter with her par and Beulah Lewis treasurer. The reg ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. ular loutine of business was carr^ Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. out, anil delegates were elected to Clyde Bressler. attended the Rebekah Assembly of. A total of $66 was realized at a of Oregon to be held in North Bend in PTA card paity held April 2, May. Elsie Myers was recommended I NOTICE TO CREDITORS | for district deputy president. Dele- ’ NOTICE HFRVBY IS GIVEN that gates were Elsie Myers, Beaulnh Lewis with Mildied Carr and Effie' 1 have been, by the County Court of Heineck as alternates. Jean Roberts Linn County, Oregon, Probate De was appointed drill cupta.n to re partment, appointed administrator of place Hazel Lewi who is untole to serve due to ill less. At the social CANYON hour the committee Mabel Hass, Effie Heineck and Helen Andersen carried out the Easter motif with their refreshn nts and table decora tions. Mehama and Jordan Farmers Un We'll keep your books ion will present an amateur progr.i 2 MILL CITY auiiuauuiiumii and write your letters at the Rebekah hall Friday n April 29. Cash prizes will be awaid- P. O. Box 421 Mill City ed and there will be a trip for two of Or phone Enterprise office the winners. Mrs. Ercille Wilson of Mehpma will be the accompanist. The women will serve a chicken dinner be WHY WAIT? KOKMMMR tween six and eight p.m. Anyone LICENSED wishing to »rpear on the prog: am Ix'arn to Danee now may contact either Bob Draper, rt. 1, Lyons or Luther Stout ,rt. Stayton. Modern - Old Time - Latin - Hop I Relatives gathered at the home of i Mr. and Mrs. Maivin Edwaids to $1 per month and up help Mrs. Edwards celebrate her An instructor from Merlaiye Also serving Gates and Lyons birthday anniversary. A wiener Dancing School of Salem, is roast was enjeyed and those present MILL CITY now available to you. Ö The North Santiam Willing Work- : era Club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Opal White as hhostess. Eleven members and four guests at SNYDER of R ig>p l> tended. It was voted to give the caf- plane for Ju- ' eteria of the new school a new clock her daughter. and a dozen tea towels an ,$25 to help on hot lunches. A forest reserve SADDLE SERVICE STATION TRAILER COURT IN CONNECTION 24 HOUR SERVICE offers a complete line of major appliances Automatic Chef electric range 289.95 Master Chef electric range $249.95 Super deluxe refrigerator 299-95 229.95 Master model refrigerator Super deluxe washing machine 129.95 Zenith special washing machine 89-95 8 cu. ft. home freezer 289.95 Zenith to the buyer means the quality is higher LYONS HILLTOP GENERAL STORE It's not hard to learn to fly with a competent instructor. DAVIS .AIRPORT has engaged the Ser vice of Tesi Galbraith. Silverton, a licenced flying instructor, who will I m * at th«1 airport twice each week. Check with Byron Davis, Mill City Tavern, for details. DAVIS AIRPORT GARBAGE SERVICE AMERICA’S REPORT OF CONDITION Of the MILL CITY STATE BANK, at Mill City, County of Manon. Oregon, at close of business April 11, 1949. ASSETS I «ans and discounts (including $1477.58 overdrafts) »31»£24.48 United State« Government obligations, irect and guaranteed 668.999..*» Obligations of States and political subdivisions Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances 178.b86 Bank premises owned »10200 00, furniture and fixtures $3;»»5.50 14.496.a0 Other assets TOTAL ASSETS »1,209.096.39 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations Time ivposits of individuals, partnerships and corporation- Deposit« of United States Government (including postal savings) Deposits of States and political subdivisions. Other deposits (certified and officers’ checks, etc. TOTAL DEPOSITS »1.13223079 Other liabilities TOTAL UABI1JTIES «4312^3 368. 193 .6 2 10,666.53 130.490.39 3.577 92 5.999 54 1.138J30 33 t KPITKI \CCOI NTS Capital 25.000.00 Surplus 25.000.00 Undivided profits 20.866.00 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 70.866 06 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 1.209.096 "9 STATE OF OREGON, County of Marion ss 1, D B. Hill, caahier of the above named bank, do solemnly sweat ♦ hat the above statement ts true to the best of my knowledge and belief. D B Hill. Cashier Subecr<bed and «worn to before me this 19th day of April, 1949 (Seal) D B Hill Jr Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires 4 24 50 CORRECT ATTEST: C. F Mason. Mildred L. Allen. Frank Rada. Maxina Hill. D rest rs Most Treasured Documents DISPOSAL SERVICE Inquire at Kings Trading Post halfway (retween Mill City and Lyons. Phone •102 LEONARD HERMAN NEXT WEEK CAPITAL Writing of the Star- Spangled Banner. In our display window Mountain States Power Company AUTO Miss Murphy, Instructor from Merlaine Dancing School PARTS • Delta Band Saws •Delta Joiners •Delta Table Saw* Delta Mood loathes Delco-Remy Shocks hone 3-9151 Liberty \fter hours 2-1393 Chemket.i SALEM. OREGON Self Supporting. Tax Paying Private Enterprise (¡EKÍEK Santiam Hardware MOTOR CO and SPECI \I OPENING SOON Nili TRAILER HOMES • so USED CARS Bought * Consigned • Sold 1 Mile East of Gate* Ne«ir The Maples IMPLEMENT COMPANY Stayton LOY & HOBBY SHOP 133 N. Ceatmaretai V