Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1949)
The North Santiam’s Serung the North Santiam Mill City Enterprise Valley VOLUME V. NUMBER MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 21, 1919 ■THlh*nMNM Lyons, Mehama. Elkhorn Mill City, Cates, Mongoid Detroit and Idanha -n~ - tbs »» h > bi . auuhuimii aunau*¡ j » w iii $2.<H’ V YEAR. 5 CENTS A C»PY I Looking Up|Petitions Call _______ ...i For Liquor, and Down the Canyon Beer Hah By CHARLES WOLVERTON Gravel Truck Taken in Jaunt It’s not often that a gravel truck, loaded at that, figures in the stolen car news, but last week out of Gates such a story developed. On the face of it the news was so outlandish that even the man whose truck was stolen didn’t believe it. William Dorsey Harden, 24, of In dependence, who had been visitang relatives in Gates, was arrested ¡at the Dallas-Independence junction 'at about 3:30 in the morning diiving a stolen dump truck. Harden wanted to get to his home and, having no conveyance at hand, decided the dump truck would o as well as any. The true kwas still loaded. When Gordon Weathers, Gates, the owner of the truck, was notified by state police that his truck was gone —it was about 6:30 in the morning- he wouldn’t believe it because he had not missed it. Haiden was lodged in the Polk County jail in Dallas. He is a rela tive of the Harden who created So much excitement in Gates when he held the whole town at bay with a rifle with which he^had.shot a cousin. State police finally apprehended him. Two petitions, one asking the City I’ve knocked off a year or so from Council to ban the establishment of my earlier guess that Consolidated any business selling alcoholic bever Builders, Inc. would be heie ten yeais ages, and the other calling for an or from now working on the Detroit dinace phohibiting the sale of beer Dam after I saw a smaller operatigli on Sunday, were submitted to the of theirs ?Tr-**O»ark. council Wednesday night. Last week Joe McNealy hadn’t even The first one bore the signatures of received the plans for plat. But by 93 residents; the latter ortf had 90. Monday, this week, the forms for the The petitions were submitter! to the foundation were already up on one home and the excavation completed city council by the Rev. Donald Hin kle, pastor of the Free Methodist on three or four others. Church, and the Rev. W. W. Wat The homes will have large living kins, pastor of the Community rooms—not “loving’ rooms as it came Church. out of this i’nfernal lintype machine The petitioners explained that the last week. purpose of the petition to prohibit • • • the establishment of taverns did not Fbrmer Governor Sprague s,panked refer to existing ones, but was inten The Enterprise recently for suggest ded to show the council the sentiment ing that "Highway Engineer Baldock against further ones. had stalled upon the urgent job of As a result of the petition, the coun doing something abcut the hoghway cil tabled indefinitely applications of between Salem and Mill City—that Tony Ziebeit and George Ditter for route with curves so sharp that they a beer license, and a renewed appli must have been a hazard for o: ts cation of Frank Blazek for one. Mayor Harold Kliewer said he did The blame, if any, according t**Mr. Sprague, was wrongly attached to not know wether the petitioners on FREE AIR TRIP the highway engineer, when it was the Sunday prohibition proposal are Spectators next Sunday, and at really the concern of the highway planning to seek a city election on times thereafter at the Davis Airport the plan. commission. will be given a chance to draw a Most of the signers’ names were lucky number for a free airplane However, in actual experience, Mr. Baldock leally initi | es most of the on both petitions. ride, Byron Davis, owner, announced. highway programs, and the commis Mr. Davis said Ted Galbraith, fly sion usually ratifies them. Mr. Bal ing instructor, has consented to take dock chooses not to initiate anything the lucky ticket holder a 15 minute up this way. Instead, he’s concentrat trip. ing on ramming down an unwilling The Civil Aeronoutics Administra Salem the so-called Baldock Plan— tion has placed the local field in it’ which upsets almost everything that Mrs. Lee Ross was elected presi- master plan for impiovement as’a city’s long range planning commis dent of the Mill City Women’s club Class I airport, it was announced in sion has worked out at great effort Tuesday night at their regular meet- Washington this week. The program and for which $100,000 was contrib ing in the recreation îoom of the included 149 Oregon cities and pro« uted. high school. Other officer aie Mrs. R. poses an improvement program of Mr Baldock says, in effect, “Take L. Faust, 1st vice-president; Miss $17.143,000 construction fund foi my plan or you don’t get the Inde Daisy Hendricson, 2nd vice-president; them. pendence Bridge.” Mrs. Charles Kelly, secretaiy; and The low -ftnte of Oregon’s roads, Mrs. C. E. Mason, treasurer. OINN MILL CITY GRADE SCHOOL NEWS as compared with other state’s, is a Miss Viola Hansen, Linn County The hot lunch progrom in the good illustratibn of Baldockism, a demonstration agent, spoke to the Mill City grade school closed Friday. kind of highway planning that makes group on arrangement of living-loom Twenty-three new students have “good-enough” the standard. furniture emphasizing groupings, i enrolled in the Mill City schools in North Carolina emerged as the center of interest, pictures, rugs,'etc. the last three weeks according to an leading state in the South because announcement by Vernon Told, sup its late governor, O. Max Gardner, NO JAIL FOR DETROIT erintendent of schools. The influx is risked a heavy state debt to set up 'due to thenew families for the dam. Detroit won’t get a jail, after all. one of the finest road systems in the Achievement tests weie given to A ruling of Deputy District At- nation. the 3rd,V>th, 5th, 7tii and 8th grades. Oregon prides itself in having a torney Sam B. Harbison in Salem The 4th grade will have theirs this splendid array of scenic attractions ’last week ruled out the possibility week. • —yet it leads visitors to them on of a county jail anywhere except in Mill City grade school lost its narrow gauge roads planned by nar the county seat, The request came league game to Stayton this week by by . _ petition from 40 residents of the a score of 10 to 7. row gauge engineers. The best Baldock Plan for Oregon ¡upper Canyon community, The 8th grade is starting rehears Judge Grant Murphy of the Coun al for its play ‘Feet First’ soon, The would be a highway department mi ity court remarked that the decision male cast has not been chosen yet. nus Baldock. A subscriber told me the other day: made the Breitenbush justice court Tiy-out* are still being held. “Keep on hollering. A squeaky of doubtful value, inasmuch as all wheel is the first toaget the grease.” 'minor offenders would have to be IDANHA BUILDING LEASED taken to the Salem jail. • • • The Tdanha Theater, owned by Ed- Sheriff Denver Young’s resuest for ison Vickers, has beer leased to Van A bachelor is a -man who wouldn’t more deputies in the area—there is Soneren, of Silverton, for a dry goods I take yes for an answer. tone now—was postponed by the court general notions and shoe store. The 1 until the beginning of the fiscal year building will be clsed for 30 days Remember the days when a child July 1. for alterations. asked for a penny? Now his requests start at a quarter and you try to hold him down to a dime. Tl.e only thing you use pennies for nowadays is to get your change from a two- bit article that now costs 98 cents. Mrs. Ross Heads Women’s Clnb Zoning- Plan Sketched by I Commission CBI Takes $145,OOt In Housing Permit The Mil) City Planning Commis sion Tuesday night worked out in broa I outline a zoning layout f< r the town, tentatively designating busi ness, industi ial and resident ial areas. Fire Sweeps J. C. Kimmel, president of the com mission. headed the meeting, which was attended by Roy Beebe, Frank Rada, Arlo Tilers, Ross, Neal Marttala and Charles Wolvert >n, members. Ear! Ragsdale, city recorder, at tended. In bioa outline, the proposed zon ing manped out the following plan: All First Street (Hilltop road), the route of the h.igway. both oast and west of the crossing, and the present downtown area was planned as com mercial. Tn addition Broadway (the Linn County route of Highway 222, also was designated as commercial. Suggested as an industrial aiea is roughly that bound by the main line of the Southern Pacific on the north, the city limits on the east, crossing the river to the Mill road; thence west along the spur of the mill to a point where the river is closest; thence acioss the river to include the Mountain States Power Co. site and the Mill City Planing and Processing Co. All other areas would be zoned as residential, according to the proposal. Homes may be built in areas des ignated as commercial or industrial but would lose certain protection of fered by zoning in specifically resi dential areas. Further study will be mane y tlx commission. Then a completed pro-, posal will be made. The city council then .will call a public meeting, where objections may be offered. After the meeting the next step is to submit the plan to vote of the people. Some misunderstanding has been evident about zoning. Only by the widest discussion and general con- sent can zoning be undertaken. Logger Reports He Was Robbed I Randall shifted furniture from coi- ner to comer and continued building. A goo deal of the lumber was hand- planed as it was impossi' le to get what was needed in wartime. The Randalls also raise beef stock. continuously maintaining a herd of , - to furnish 25 to 30 -white - face __ steers, choice steaks for the table. The lodge is now undergoing le- t h A brush fire blazed through about 15 acres east of Idanha Friday, fan ned by a high wind. The tire spread east from the home of Henry Hietoeit, blistering t^e paint on his house and coming dangerous ly close to several cottages belong ing to Merle Seitzinger. The blaze was brought under con trol that evening by hard work of the fore.-t service, the File Patrol and townsfolk. A careful watch was kept through the night. The Fire Patrol laid six lines of hose from the river and mill pond, Detroit High School furnished many volunteer workers. Student Body Nominates PTA Re-Elects Mrs. Veness Mrs. Robeit Veness was re-elected The election of student body pres- president of the Mill City Parent- ¡dent of Mill City High School will Teacher Association Thursday even be between Lawrence Poole and Er- ing in the high school auditorium. nest Pordabsky. They were nomina- Also re-elected were Mts. Eugene ted last Friday. Gregory, secretary, and Mrs. Irene Other nominations: For vice pres- Podrabsky, first vice-president. New ident Jack Stewart, Ernest Podrab- officer* are Mr*. Ed Goschie, second sky and Leo Poole; treasurer—Ron vice-president, and Mrs. Carl Jones, ald Ragsdale; secretary — Marlene treasurer. An attentive and appreciative aud Verbeck, Wanda Vandermear and Phyllis Timm; advertising manager ience heard Chief Parole Officer Jo Roy. Beverly Timm, MarUne Utewgrt ClajJte of the Woodburn V erbeck, Alona Daly and Iaiwrence Boy's School speak on the subject of developmental factors in the mak;ng Thornley. Elections will be held about a of the adolescent personality. Colorful entertainment was provid month before the end of school« Nom inations for atheletic manager will ed by costumed folk dancers who per be held next year for the benefit oi formed American, Mexican, Scotch, and Lithuanian dances on the stage, incoming f-eshmen. Mr. and Mis. Arey Podrabsky, Mr. The honor roll for the period in and Mrs. George Veteto, Mrs. Rob- eluded the following, by classes: art Veness, and Bert Allen weie the Seniors: Marian King, David Karr, dancer*. PTA PLANS DETROIT MINSTREL Eugene Thornley, John Straight and Sanjlwiches and coffee were serv- A minstrel show and a one act Virginia Jackson. I ed by Mrs. Wilbur Meinert, Mrs. Juniors. Dolores Brewer, I yllis laiuis Verbeck, Mrs. Frank Met rill, play will b<- presented Apiil 28 and 29 at the old grade school build ng Timm, Ethel Skillings and Ronald anil Mrs. Claud Miller. by the Parent-Teacher Assn. There Ragsdale. will be no admissoon, but a free will Sophomores: Wanda Vandei nicer, offering will be taken. and Marlene Verbeck. An Idanha cast will enact the play. Freshmen: Arlone Kuelman, Alona It includes James Gordon, Betty Pit- Daly, Dolores Poole, Leia Kelly, Bob tam, Rilla Schaffer-, Reba Snyder, Shelton ami Daryl Farnien. Warren Stahl, Mary Gullifoid, Frank Mrs. Rosa Roten and her daughter, New and Rosella Vickers. The senior class of Mill City High Mrs. Iaiuisa Romey, have received The Detroit group will include 25 school will present ‘Have A Heart’, a word of the arrival of the body of performers with a variety program. farce in three acts, Friday evening, their son and brother, S. Sgt. Tiney Mill City Lodge No. 180. AI’&AM April 29 in the high school auditoi- Hugh Roten, who was killed in action — Special communication Monday, ium. overseas and will buried Sunday with April 25, 8 p.m. E. A. Degrees. Visi- The cast includes Louis Verbeck as military honors at San Bruno, Calif. tors welcome. —Charles Secy. Ted Watson, Virginia Jackson as Mrs. Roten and Mrs. Romey will Peggy Watson, Marian King as leave Friday to attend the services. Mr. and Mrs. lsrwell St'ffler and Louise Mansfield, Kirk Wirick as Bo They will be joined by Mrs. June Ro family spent Easter in Salem at the Larson, LaCretta Thomas as Fritzi ten and daughter from Tooele, Utah, new home a? his younger brother. ¡Vining, and David Karr as Mark An- the widow. diews. The play is under the direct S. Sgt Roten, 29, was killed in ac ion of Miss Hope Baney. tion at Beaufort, Luxembou g, Dec. T1 e story tells of the trials ___ and 16. 1944, while serving with the 60th I trib auons of Ted Watson as he Armored Infantry. His body .vas re I trie to find a girl to pose as his wife turned on the U. S. Transp< ,t Bar in <■ rder to obtain a position that nev Kirschhaum. seat . modeling. A new dining room, to I he i »anta badly. His real _ wife _ __ has I Sgt. Roten was bom June 15, 1915 20, is being a ide bu’a ne ) \ ,has left him because of a misunderstand at Klondyke, Ariz. He, with his par- ¡ been Tnstalle for cooking, refrigera- ing and when she return* home the ents came to Gates a number of years tion and heating. The Gu estRanch, still a new un difficulties that Ted encounters go to ago. He enlisted in the Army April dertaking, boast of guests from 14 j make an evening of good entertain 16, 1942 at Portland. He was report ed missing in January, 1944, and de states. They expect in the future to ment. Tickets for the performance will be finite word of his death was not re ’ train C I ■ | ••«■VC have OB-ruir saddle nuinv.i horses oil an -• ! <■ a H" pack for vacationists who enjoy this soit | on sale next week by the members ceived unbil June. of the senior class. They will be sold He married Mies June Bevan of I of sport. at the door also. A matinee perform Tooele, Utah, in 1944. A daughter, ance will be given on Wednesday aft- Tina June, whom he did not live to ernoon for the benefit of the stndenta see, was born to their union. of the high school and grade school. Other survivors are his mother, Tuesday afternoon the gills ¡play Mrs. Rosa Roten, a sister, Hrs. Lou ed off their volley-ball tie. The soph isa Romey, and a brother, Amos R. omore« won first place with the ten Roten of Havelock, N. C. ors taking second. Burial will take place in the Golden In intermural football the junior* Gate National Cemetery, San Brun », ' re ahead. There are two more games Sunday, April 24. tn be plaved befo e football is ov^r. Then miied softball will be played. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hornar lacently visited the W. L. Barnes of Turner, and Mrs. Nathan Hill of Fay- formerly residents of Mill City. Aikansas are now residing in Mr. and .Mrs. Newsome and daugh «¡II City. Mr H II i employed by H ters Betty an Patsy of Jordan are O. Montag Co. The Hill* have two new res of Mill City, having ’ ’n« here. Rob and Rex. rented the Nash property. Mr and Mr*. Glen Meeks are the Mrs. Gene Armstrong was called parent* of a girl born April 17th in to the middle west because of the sei ious illness of her uncle who rear- $ < ’« are Mr. and M s. Dick Meeks wi her. 07// Folks Moke Good in Country By JEAN ROBERTS On the bank of the scenic Little North Folk, flanked by the towering Evans Mountain, stands the Elkhorn Guest Ranch, one of this region’s most arresting attractions and a v,- Russ Stafford. Gates logger, report cation spot for city folks. Owned and operated by two gen‘ai ed to county authorities last week that he was the victim of a holdup people, Kenneth and Frances Ran while driving on the highway above dall, this lodge is proof of the fact that city people can come to the Gates. Sufford reported he noticer a car country and make good. Mr. and Mrs. Randall had lived in following him and when a siren was blown several times he drew over to Salem for 40 years prior to moving the roadside, be’ieveing it was the to Elkhorn. Mr. Randall had spent the last seven and one-half year state police. One of the men. Stafford said, got there in the employ of Marion Coun out of t heother car and orde ed him ty as chief deputy sheriff He out of hi», at the same time demand graduate of the law school of lamette University where, as an ing $5. SUfford «aid to him: “I don’t know very much, but I b.tious young man with three know you are not a state cop." Tien dren to support, he attended night he said he felt something pr k rg him school, driving a truck for the P»I*t company by day. in the back. Five years ago the Randalls “My hide ed to Elkhorn, and virtually unaided don’t want 1, erected the modern lodge they now ha’nded over have. The logs used in this modem measure. Tak ng the money, the man joined structure were previously the frame his companions in the car and drove work of the ol Elkhorn portoffice, off before Stafford could get the li | While Mrs. Randall cemented th4 cense number, he «aid. flogs, using a pancake turner, Mr. Idanha Forest The pace of building, as indicated by permits issued in City Hall this week, took a big jump forward, w:th almost $150,000 in construction au- thoriaed. Biggest single permit was g anted to Consolidated Builders, for $145,- 000 for their big real estate develop ment to house key personnel of the Detroit Dam. Foundations were be ing poured for the homes .his week. A $2000 permit to Cail Shields tor a dwelling was issued; Pa'll Warg- nier, garage, $300; Jack Carey, $200, addition to home; C. E. Coville, $100. real estate oftice; Pennick and Per- i ck, $250, real estate office; ana A. V. Herron, $500, addition to home. The Army Engineers will open bids June 15 on two 70,000 horsepower hydraulic turbines and governing in stallations for Detioit Dam’s power house. Estimated cost of the turbines ia $1,500,000. Kin to Attend Gl’s Funeral