Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, APRIL 21, 1949 Buzz Fleetwood and Gale Dorothy caller at the George Cree home. He Easter week end guests at the Al- Joaquin; and Mr». Velma Carey, as i , guest of Tier daughter and family, Mrs. Steve ■ were in h • s . \ a i., Friday night was former owner of the Cree place Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chance, several days ■ bert Millsap home were their son treasurer, replacing and Saturday and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mill- Champ. last week. and is in the real estate business in Mrs. Gale Carey returned home the Lvrou,y left, Taaaday for Portland. The club extended invitation» to Mr. and Mrs. William Athey hav. , sap, Betty and Robert, and Sunday last of the week from the Salem Me traded their trailer house and pickup i guaets, t'.eir daughter and family, the Mill City, Lyons and Meham. Dayton, Wyo., to visit his son Ted. mo! ial Hospital where she had been to Russell ‘Stafford for his sedan. Mr. Mr. and Mr*. Edmund Klecke. and cluts to be their guests at t^e social and daughter, Ruth Howell, emoutel under observation for a week, follow Staffor will live in the trailer on five chilren of Stayton. meeting Thuisday evening, April 28. to his home in Onawa, la. ing a sudden illness. Emmett Dorothy of Detroit had i Mrs. Mike Plant left for Olympia, in the social rooms of the school. property h« ownes in Linn County- Mrs. Fred Stone and daughters, The next regular meeting will be Easter dinner with his sister, Mrs. Mis. Ed Tietze returned Friday Wash., Thursday to care for her Mrs. Dale Mi lee an baby and Mrs. [ | from Portland where she had been daughter-in-law who was injured as May 121, and the new officers will be Alfred Stahlman, ami father, M. W. Robert Mai shall, who are guests at i for several months at the home of she jumped from a thiid floor apart installed. Dorothy. their parents’ home, spent several her daughter, M r s. Scott Lindsey, ment during the earthquake. She suf Attending Thursday were Mrs. El Mr. and Mis. H. D. Queener of i days in Portland last week visiting wh*Ie under doctor’s care. Mrs. Tiet fered a badly crushed foot. mer Stewart, Mrs. Laura Joaquin. Sweet Home and Mr. and Mrs. Stan relatives. Mrs. Lula Collins. Mis. Harry Kei ley Hitchcock of Sublimity were re ' ze has been ill all winter, but seems Mrs. Della Dike of Salem was the | much improved of late. The Gates Woman’s Club met in ser, Miss Georgia Shane, Mrs. Albert cent callers at the G. T Cree home. . Mrs. Alice Burton of Bilyeu Den regular session at the schoolhouse Millsap, Mrs. Edward Chance. Mr». Thursday afternoon. A no-hst lunch Joe Joaquin, Mrs. Steve Champ, Mn. ’ spent several days recently with her eon was served, followed by the bus Theodore Burton and Mia. Velma daughter, Mrs. George Cree. Easter guests at the Cree home iness meeting, at which Mrs. Elmer Carey. Mrs. James Overlock and baby were Donald and Marlene Burton of Stewait presided. NORTH Letters were read frojn Mrs. Edna daughter, Kathrine, who visited for Stayton, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mor OPEN SUNDAYS, 9 a m. -4 p.m. Ross and Mrs. Ruby Horner, past ten days at the home of her parents, ris and girls, Marie and Arlene of SANTIAM presidents of the club, in acknow Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Davis, have Portland. SUNDAY PAPERS TAVERN H. M. Potter of Portland was a ledgment of onvitations to the party leturne to their home in Seattle. , Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Burton and honoring past presidents. Film and Developing. Election of officers was the prin ■ three sons spent the Easter week end On« Mil« East of Detroit Dry Cleaning cipal order of business. Mrs. Elmer Jin I in McMinnville at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Burton. Stewart was elected fdr a second J parent», Burton, JEWEL MYERS, MGR. CANDY - CIGS - TOBACCO Lyle Potter of Portland, Billy Pot term as president; Mrs. Theodore Burton succeeded Mrs. Cecil Haun ter of Mill City, attending school in as vice president; Mrs. Albert Mill California, and Buddy Davis, OSC, I COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC sap, secretary, replacing Mrs. Joe wer ehere Wednesday to attend the James Eccleston funeral. The boy, were close friends. LIGHTING Guests last week at the home of Miss Georgia Shane from Salem were Information Center. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saunders, who 236 N. High St. occupied her guest house for several Detroit, Oregon I days. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cline, Mill 24 hour- a day STAYTON See Ed L. Davis City, spent Monday evening with Miss Shane. Lyons, R. F. I). Recent guests from Salem at Phone 751 Mill City home of Mrs. Lula Collins were daughter, Mrs. Claude Seilard, Mrs. Dale Boyd. Gates LYONS VARIETY Arthurs Cafe Salem Lighting & Appliance Cc Chicken in the Rough Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance MILL CITY TAVERN BYRON DAVIS, PROP “At.the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY OREGON OXYGEN ACETYLENE Mill City Plumbing & Heating Supply Jack Lacey of CBI has moved to the David Reid mote). Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Estenson ar ethe parents of a girl, Barbara Mae, born April 10 at the Salem Me morial Hospital. She weighed 9 lbs., 3 oz. Paul Horner was in Stayton Mon day on business . Mr. and Mrs. James Reed were in Mill City Monday legarding their property. Mr. and Mrs. Dana Church a n u children spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolverton. Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Millsan of Gates were dinner guests also. Miss Daisy Hendricson observed her birthday as a guest of Mrs. Viv ian TIoenig of Salem. CARBIDE Salem Welding Supply Meco & National Apparatus Lincoln Electrodes & Machines Everything for Welding CALL US OR COME IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF APPARATUS AND SUPPLIES John P. Seitz, Mgr. 205 Chemeketa St., SALEM Res. Phone 2-1605 Phone 2-3581 Bill Dots >n LICENSED PLUMBER Phone 2152 Store hours B a.m. to 5 pan. IT’S THEIR THIRD ANNIVERSARY! SALE UNHEARD of values in Home Furnishings. VALLEY NEW & USED 1605 N. Summer SALEM, ORE. Wool Carpet Appliances 145 S. Church, next to Salem Parking Bedroom Furniture Weddle Funeral Home MODERN FUNERAL SERVICE Stayton, Oregon •WAR SURPLUS« 1 * •7 ■»;> ’A TENTS V.-a "Fi . ♦V* <•* BRAND NEW ARMY TENTS. Ideal for temporary housing, water proof, fireproof and mildewpruof. ‘i 1 I Once in Love With Amy Fieddie Martin Perry Como Pussy Cat Sammy Kaye Lavender Blue Perry Como Missouri Waltz Ya Wanna Buy a Bunny Spike Jones Melancholy Minstrel Vaughn Monroe You, You, You Are the One Three Suns Clancy Ixmered the Boom Dennis Day Cruising Down the River Frankie Carle PORTER & LAU 16 x 16 - - $52.50 16 x 32 - - $69.50 * * ★ Smaller and Larger Sizes Available. I In BA LEM 1* “First With What You Want Mast” COMPLETE APPIANCE SERVICE Radio, Waaher Refrigerator and Electrical Appliance Mill City 1884 Stayton 216 WANTED: TALENT - VJ / INTRODUCING THE NEW CRAFTMAfiTER ELECTRICALLY HEATED MATTRESS M AC’S Living Room Funrnitur- Ph. 3-5110 Mattress and Box Spring Combinations as low as NATIONALLY ADVERTISED REFRIGERATORS AND RANGES AT WHOLESALE PRICES BARGAINS In Furniture, Stoves, Dishes Clothing, Housewares .inoleuni AT YOUR FINGERTIPS APRIL 26 ELFSTROMS in salem PRICES IN THE » TRADE TERMS REMEMBER THIS DATE at AT LOWEST for Amateur Show FARMERS UNION SPONSORED BY adm. 25c - 10c April 29th Lyons, Ore. Rebekah Hall (ash Prizes and R. L. Elfstrom Co 340 Court Free Trip See Bob Draper or Luther QWfalBOTB Register at Golliet'r Cafeteria Dinner 6 to 8 O’clock