Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1949)
MILL OTTY ENTERPRISE, MARCH 31, 1919 ^ett^^rTiKtenson^uni Mrs. Leon Bennett are working at Mom and Pop’s. CANYON I0 0 « [ E PI IG SERVICE We’ll keep your books and write your letters P. O. Box 421 Mill City Or phone Enterprise office Red Cross Drive Gains About t$360 ha» been collected for the Red Cross so far in the current drive. Thi» is over half of the quota set for Mill City. Solicitation» were to be completed thi» week, and the total will be an- nounced next week. Since the city is also collecting for a r-pirMor fund H wa. ‘ »om. of the Red Cross fund. be applied to that purpose. The ag | Twelve n’.'imberi of the North San- I ttam Wilting Workers Club gather«! ency’» official» in Salem, however, de clared that they could not do that be for their regular meeUng at the ap- cause it might create a situation of „ of Mrs. Uoyd Girod Wed- similar requests from other cities. neoday afternoon. Donations for crip However, several Red Crocs lead pled children and Red Cross were ers in Salem contributed personally voted. Committeemen, fclub representat to the respirator fund here. ives met Wednesday night to plan for Local businesses contributing in future Scouting. clude: A handkerchief shower was given | Beebe Cabinet Shop, Mountain Mis. Louie Sproggus by a number States Power Co., Mill City State , ' Bank, Shirley’s Beauty Shop, Faust of her friends at the home of Mrs. j ,4 Ross, He idricsonla Store, Mill City Jack Gulliford. Mr. and Mrs. Sprog Planing and Processing Co., Silver gus will leave in a ftew days to make Saddle Station, Wood’» Sfbre, Mill their home on the coast. Chicken pox seems to be very much in style. Arlene Woodward is right , Hharmac),t Inn ' Cafe, Mill City Manufacuiing Co., Byers Construction Co., Baker’s Jew elers, Mom and Pop’s, Fleetwood's Grocery, Mill City Enterprise, Ress ler*» Grocery, Kellom’» Grocery, Mill City Tavern, Hilltop Store, and other firms yet unreported. Mrs. George Stewart is a new campaign worker. SPECIAL FRIDAY & SATURDAY Swift’s Skinless Franks Sliced Bacon 3 lb. Swiftning 3 lb. IGA Sno-Krem Fresh Ground Coffee Grade A Ig. Eggs Sugar 39 lb. .49 lb .89 .89 39 lb. .49 doz 10 lb. .89 HILLTOP GENERAL STORE MILL CITY flmuiUHMN For Your Week End Dinners We are making a wide variety of items in addition to the hundreds of baked articals you are accus tomed to see Here’s Just a Few of Them Chocolae eclair«* 2 for Cream puffs. 3 »or Cream horns, filled with divinity icing Apple Turnovers, 3 fur 15c 25c 10c 25c Coffer cakes for your Sunday Breakfast Hot Cross Buns, chuck full Iff fruit Betsy Kriever 1s back in school af ter a tonsilectomy Mrs Frederick Rugh’s Campfire group gave a stork shower for her Saturday in the basement of the Church of Christ The decorations were planned by the girls. Parents and friends were guests. Club to Meet. The Deteroit Women’s Civic Club will have its next meeting Wednes day, April 6. Place of meeting will be announced later. Committees were appointed to plan for the coming of the X-Ray Mobile in June. The committee includes Mrs. Ray Johnson, Mrs. Nolan Raznick, Mrs. Earl Parker, Mrs. Howaid Bald win, Mrs. John Weisgerber, Mrs. Otis White, Mrs. Paul Reynolds, Mrs. Ford Harvey, Mrs. Wilbur Chesnut. Mrs. Vem Alvin, M"s. Huber Ray, Mrs. B. Stoiey, Mrs. Richard Hansen. Mrs. Lloyd Girod has charge of the Christmas seal campai'ni, with Mrs. B. C. Haseman ard Mrs. Ra> John son assisting. Gibb Electric Service CIVIL Established in 1$1» $ Surveying SOLVE YOUR SMALL AREA HEATING PROBLEM Phone 2-2578 164 1- Commercial Salem. Ore. INVESTIGATE AU Depositors Insured op to $5000.00 Under the Terma of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Firs and Automotive Insurance Notary Public. the use of Butane & Propane HEATING - COOKING - WATER HEATING REFRIGERATION Safe - Clean - Economical with a PAYNE MODERN CONSOLE Automatic Appliances Versatility 1» the keynote of this attractive gas-fired space heater. Whether at home, in the office, io a «tore, motel, or c lass rex, m, the PAYNE (.ON* SOLE provide» instant heat, economically, dependably. Gas Heat, Inc. ferae* yew heotlnf worries,■■ SAM BRIDGES, Distributor CALL US TOOAY Phone Lyons 15 On Highway 222 By MRS. REBA SNYDER Lyons, Oregon WHEAT GERM Little Ronnie Floyd is quite ill and is receiving penicillin shots every 48 hours. AMERICA’S Moat Treasured Documents CHECK YOUR GROCERY LIST NEXT WEEK Washington's Account of War Expenses. In our display window Carrots Radishes 2 1-2 SIZE CANS Sauerkraut 2 for CRISP RED RIPE Bohemian Hall Saturday .25 TASTY PAK QET DANCE April 2 Corn Syrup 5 lb SNO KREEM Shortening 3 lb. pail 95 SWIFT’S Lard 4 lb. pkg. NATIONS” » AOVfUlSfO 11 OZ. CANS, OREGON BRA\D Apple Sauce 3 cans for« 2 5 Be sure to order your Easter Hams Early Order Now * BAKERY & FOUNTAIN ENGINEER Construction Plans anti Specifications Light and Power Wiring Guaranteed Work Reasonable rates A Home Bank, Owned and Managed by Home People. G. C. McKinney LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Tomatoes lb. Make our fountain your coffee-roll headquarters Mill City, Oregon Idanha A Self Supporting. Tax Paying Private Enterprise Our OWN Fresh ICE CREAM Mill City State Bank WW/ Visiting over the week end were Miss Jean Cox of Hoquin, Wash., At Ken Golliet’s, Ph. 147, Mehama and her sister Mrs Margaret French, of Portland. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin Smith were host honoring Otto Russell, and Miss Jean Cox, who announced their engageement. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Berry over the week end w^re the Peter Udinig family, and ElsicS'hun- egger of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Fisher, of Forest Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Henness of Gates, were week end visitors at the Major Baughn home. Mountain States Power Company DON’T FORGET OCR CAKES, IN AT LEAST EIGHT VARIE- TIES; PIES:; SPECIALTY HR EADS Don’t forget the pot luck dinner up amongst them thia weelt . Mrs. Warren Stahl, accompanied at Idanha Hall Sunday. April 3. The occasion i» the fi:st anniversary of J A film, to Salem iLnuf.v Thursday for for a a cheekut, checkup, the Idanha Sunday school. He still has an ear infection. Mis. "Rreachinf from Heaven,” w 11 be Albert Snyder was also a Salem cal shown at 2 pm.. No charge. Weekend Portland visitors were ler that day. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaffer enter Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Girod and sons. Mr. an Mrs. Ford Harvey age in tained Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pittam I and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Frank New the valley on business this week. and Albert Snyder Saturday night. The old weatherman really has us DAHLIA bulbs; stalled begonias, coming an going. We iTorft know glads, shrubs, etc. Raleigh Harold whether to store our red flannels in Nursery, 319 W. Washington St., 3 moth balks or to order another sup Stayton, Ore., Phone 6842. ply of fuel. I’m glad to report the snow can’t last 'much longer, how ever, with luck, that is. WtETWOOfii