Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1949)
Serving the North Santiam Valley The N orth Santiam’s Mill City Enterprise VOLUME V, NI MBER H Looking Up Joe Ziebert and Down Crushed to the Canyon Death by Log By CHARLES WOLVERTON $2.60 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A C«PY MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 7. J949 SOPR i.NOS AND < ON I R Al K'S TAKE BARBER SHOP LAURELS The Santiam Barberetts, including Mrs. Don Sheythe, Mrs. Lee Ross. Mrs. Shields Remine and Mis. Bob Trask, walked off with second hon ors in a quartet contest in Leslie Junior High Sbhool in Salem last week. The contest was sponsored by the West Salem Lions Club. They were the only women’s quartet com Joseph Ziebert, 35, owner of a log peting. ging truck concern, was instantly The Agony Four of OSC won first killed Monfray afternoon when he was plrce. Second prize money was $25. crushed by a log from a loade : truck at the Freres-Frank operation on the Little North Fork. Witnesses said that a tiuck had just been loaded and was being diiv- en slowly to a nearby site, prepara tory to installing binding chains on George Ditter vs as appointed Cub the logs. Mr. Ziebert was making an Scout master this week to take the examination of the truck from the place of George Veteto, who resigned side when a log on the second tier n a special meeting called by Har broke loose. Three logs rolled off, old Kliewer, committee chairman. one pinning his body against another Present at the special meeting truck, witnesses said. were, besides, Warien Howe, Mrs. Mr. Ziebert was born in Prelate, Marvin Dart, Mrsfl Clayton Balti Canada, Sept. 4, 1913. He is survived more, Mrs. Lawrence Kanoff. Mr. and by his widow, Mrs. Ruby Ziebert, i Mrs. Arey Podrafcsky, Mi. and Mrs. and thiee children, Richard, Robert Alton Haun and John Muir. and Kenneth, all of Mill City; his Next executive meeting will be on parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ziebert, April 114 at the Clayton Baltimore Gates; brothers, Tony of Mill City, home. Erick Soderberg, Scout exec bert, both of Gates; sisters, Rose- utive of the Cascade area, will be Harden, Sublimity; Barbara Doran present. and Frances Hallam, both of Salem, and Mathilda Greule, Sacramento. Mr. Ziebert had lived in Mill City for about six years and had develop ed a large log hauling concern. Mill City. Gates, Mangold, Detroit and Idanha Building Boom On Spadework Getting Under Way at Dam $30,000 Permits In Week It’s hard to figure what makes a politician tick, sometimes. Take, for instance, toe case of R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer. In a few months, the finest route through the Cascades, a tough huidle! Work on the Detroit Dam got un ) with applications. The CBI staff has from any direction, will be ready fori der way in a few minor developments been forced to extend their woiking traffic. The North Santiam Highway this week, but for the most part hours far into the night because of lrom Mill City to Bend and Redmond marked time awaiting clearing, grub so many interruption« ol salesmen will offer firstrate driving soon, be Almost $30,000 in building per bing and the completion of access and job applicants cause the fedeial government’t cash Don Gesseier, in change of the Ni mits were granted in the first week roads into the rough terrain. went into building the hardest por A big caterpillar tractor carved a agara branch of the Salem Building of operation of the building code, it tion, between Niagara and Detroit. i temporary road to the base of the Trades Council, said al.eady enough But Mr. Baldock still is thinking men have registered to supply con wae announced this week by Earl damsite this week, fyork of clearing in terms of a vague future on the Ragsdale, city recotder. and grubbing the heavy timbeied ar tractors for a year or longer urgent question of providing a use- Biggest single construction unit is Job-seekers should register, by ea was we 1 ! under way with Byers able entry to this key route. He says: the new Hilltop Store. A permit for Construction Co. as subcontractors. person or mail, with the Niagara of “Eventually the omportant link $10,000 building was granted to Al fice, he said, and to state their work Russell Hoffman, general superin will have to be improved.” That is bert Tomon, proprietor. tendent, was at the dam site or in the classifications. as far as he. will go toward a duty One other business establishment The Permanent« Cement Co. of engineeriig office here neaily all last the state owes the people of the Can was granted a permit. Hickel and week. Gilbert Shea, one of the prin Portland said this week that it had yon, the federal government which Becker, who are building on the for won the contract for 1,200,000 bar cipals of the Consolidated Builders, has spent about five million dollars rels of cement for construction of the mer Rhoda property, were giv«’ on the state’s own road, and to the Inc., also was here. $2000 permit. ! Some clearing of ground for the Dertoit Dam. Trucks will begin to Detroit Dam contractor, whose diffi The remaining permits were for culties are multiplied many times by 25-unit housing project in Mill City move the big order to the damsite residence«. They are: next year. having to use a made-over cow path was accopliehed. Oliver Burke, $2500; J. T. ’*'•»-» "Many of them,’’ Geesner said, “ar Meanwhile the contractor and offi to get to the construction site. $2000; Jhue Johnson, $2000; Gladys Hero’s what Mr. Baldock says of cials of the American Federatioi of rive here broke. They live in trail I Ake, $2000; John Peltier, $2000. Highway 222 between Mehama and Labor building tracks, were swamped ers and make-shift houses. They all A $7000 permit was granted to expect dam jobs but it will probably Mill City: Harold Bennett for the construction be a year or more before thr y are “The existing road between Mil) Eight grade school and four high City and Mehama on the Linn Coun- ! all hired. Much of the equipment of a bunker that will be part of a school teachers signed contracts for needed to work with has not even ■ eardy-mix concrete plant on land ty side, is, however, a pretty good the next school term ihrs week, it acquired from Louis Kanoff. [arrived yet. ” road. In portions it is as good aa the was announced today by Vernon S. Besides these, there are many ap rest of the highway into Salem?1 Todd, superintendent. plications for peimits, perhaps total He’s absolutely right. There is lit Not returning are Mrs. Elliott, 8S A total of $450 was collected in the ing as much as those already grant tle choice between the 60 or more grade teacher, and Coach Stephen current Red Cross drive. ed. curves between Mehama and Stay- Beck of the high school. The contract There may be an additional sum In Gates, the C. J. Montag & Son Judge Donald Sheyth ’ s city court ton and the 50-odd curces on up to of High School Principal H. R. Bay when all the workers couipl -te their Construction Co. has moved equip Mill City. It’s like saying that a had a heavy docket this week with less is as yet unsigned. ment on the oak grve recently pur- „ ■Those signing eror.acts to ret are reports. skunk doesn’t smell -any wonae"than six cases. They weie: . .\n old established business chang In thanking the community for «• as-.« fnn Albert Millsap and has Lester Warner, drunken driving, are: Mrs. Catherine Lyon, let grade, a civit cat. ed hands this week in Mill City. begun constrtJction of an eight-unit $250 and costs. He was charged with Mrs. Edith Stafford, primary com support, Mrs. Charles Wolverton, lo Says Mr. Baldock: Fleetwood’s Grocery was sold by cal chairman said that thero had “This project has not been placed ramming his car into the side of one bination, Miss Zeta Prichard, 2nd, Floyd Fleetwood to Mr. and Mrs. motel. A portion f the ?and will be The used for a ga uge and shop. Montag on the highway program by the com- owned by Chief of Police J. T. King. 5|ist Sigrid Grimstad, 3rd.Miss Al been a very good response consid William Stewart of Delatke. John Timstead, $115, costs; David ice Smith, 4th, Mrs. Fern Sletto, Sth, ering the employment situation here Stewarts took charge Monday. As was successful bidder on the Bonne mission.” He’s waiting until the day when Castle, $15 and costs; John Neff; for Mrs. Dora Rogers, 6th, Mis. Mildred and the fact that the drive for funds sociated with Mr. Stewart are foi»r ville transmission line from Lyons for a respirator was concurrent with folks travel by 'helicopter and don’t feited $25 bail;; Wendell Senstrom. Feeley 7th, •one, Jack, Toni, and two who are to Detroit Construction plans were being set the Red Cross drive. $4.50 costs only; Robert Short, $17. St wart, need highways. High school: Frederick Rugh, so Other businesses contributing to married, C. W. and C. R. them as up by Telmer Iverson, Mill City, an If we were pleading a special fa- I Their families will join cial studies; Miss Hope Baney, Eng the drive, not previously mentioned, employee of Montag vor for this Canyon, thre would be i lish and music;; Mrs. Edith Mason, are the Security Benefit Assn., Mill soon as housing is available The motel will include three du some excuse for putting the Mil! City ' Mr. Fleet wood, who «aid he has home economics; and Vernon Todd, City Furniture Co., Stiffler's Radio plexes and two single dwellings to Mehama route on the “eventual” I no immediate plana except to catch | mathematics. and Appliance, R. L. Haecox Log schedule. But we’re not. And if Mr. | ging Co. and Martin's Trailer Court. up on his fishing, started in business I Baldock had the vision normally giv- I here many years ago. The grocery County achievement tests were en a puling infant, he’d see that the store was developed from another Members of the Mill City Garden given the thirl, fifth and seventh project is statewide in its usefulness. Club were disappointed but not de grades Wednesday and Thursday. business be started in the same build 1. It is vital to the growing com feated when they heard a report that Other giades will be tested later in ing in the IOOF Hall. munities of Bend, Redmond and Mad their first project, to beautify the the year. Buzx Fleetwood, his son, and Har A fund to finance a street lighting ras, and other eastern Oregon cities, highway bank above the business sec Oren L> Morris, 67, died unexpec old Kliewer, both employees of Mr. system for Detroit was raised last to have a goo route into the Valley. tion, had leceived a report of poor not connected with tedly Wednesday at the home of his The Mill City grade schoo tied Tur Fleetwood, are week, and work will begin at once. It’s just as urgent for the Valley, too. soil condition. ner in a three-inning softball game daughter, Mrs. Fred Duffy. He was the new store. A committee composed of John Ar 2. By developing an alternate trans Msr- George Laird, who tested the soil Friday. The score was 9 to9. Thia bom in Mehama and lived in ** The Stewart* have had loti« as- Cascade route, the heavy burden of and gave his report to the Club last week they play Gates there. sociation in the grocery business and thur and Otto Russell raised the mon ion County most of his life. ey for construction of the lighting traffic on 99E can he relieved, in the Thursday evening at the meeting in Funeral arrangements have not have owned several stores. The lineup: syaem, and merchants will pay the route to California. Dick Kanoff, c; Tommy Kanoff, p; been announced. the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Albert coft of about $2.60 per month each 3. Even before the dam lias begun Toman, said it was little more than Alfred Ward, lb; Dick Syverson, 2b; Besides his daughter he is sur- RESSLER GETS LICENSE extensive construction work, thre al sand and would have to be rebuilt L. Podtabsky, ss; Charles Keeuar, vived by five sons, Lee of Salem, A license to handle packaged beer to maintain it. The eyatem will have 29 lights on ready is a two-fold increase in use before anything could be planted. 3b; L. Fleetwood, roving fielder, Her Roy of Mill City, Jack and Waynard ami other beverages was granted on of the route. • . Mis. Charles Dolezal, president of bert Hampton, If; R '-hard Verbeck of Portland and Elvin of San Diego, Wednesday by the State Liquor Con about three - fourths of a mile along the highway and two lights that will 4. Heavy materials for the dam the club, received a letter from Mark cf; Vernon Christenson, rf; Elton Calif; five brothers, including Bert trol Commission. light the street at the int.-rsaection cannot be hauled over No. 222. The Astrup. state highway landscape en Gregory, relief pitcher and fielder. Morris of Mill City, two sirters and There is one other package license bridges won’t take the loads. gineer, asking the local group for several grand children and great in the Canyon—Ted Gillespie's in Id to the high school. Paul Reynold«, nranager of th? Id 5. The state already owns most of an appointment to discuss the pro grandchildren. anha. anha Power Co., will donati half the the right of way for the Mehama- ject. Mrs. Dolezal, Mrs. Fred Grimes labor required in »the installation. A Mill City route. Mrs. Elmer Shaw ami Mrs. Curtis i Detroit man will help him. We have proposed before tl at the • will confer with Mr. Astrup Donations were received from res state undertake the grading of a new ' and --a report their conference at the idential property owners as well as route immediately between the two ' next meeting at the Dolezal home ' businesses. The town, when the lines town, but that final surfacing of it Thursday evening. 8 p.m., April 28. I To Mis. Melbourne Rambo. Gates. are completed, will be lighted from could be delayed until the bulk of Topic will be when and how to [ April Fool's Day is no joke. I Friday morning Mrs. Rambo, her the pavement entrance to Detroit to heavy load« for the dam has been plant gardens. the Rreitenbush crossroads. carried through. The route then could ---------- _ and _ her mother, Mrs. Twenty-seven were present at last j two children The development waa authorised does be a truck detour for the time being Thursday’s meeting. 1 Steve Champ, motored to Salem State Highway Engineer R. H. | two town«. The road, he «aid, Mr. Baldock'« figure of $750,000 is where Mrs. Champ was to entrain Baldock said this week that the long- not have bridges strong enough to and initiated by the newly formed exaggerated. We think he knows that 1 tor Seattle. Arriving at the station. awaited construction o f t h e North support heavy equipment hauled to Canyon Commercial Club. A sidewalk program al«o has been the route wouldn’t cost that much. It Mrs. Champ discovered she was min Santiam Highway between Mehama the Detroit Dam site. It also has an wa.« a figure calculated lo scare off us her billfold and all her money. and Mill City isn’t even on the sched abrupt hill at the Mill City end, he planned, both for Detroit and Idan A new map of Mill City, w th com Phone calls to Mill City bank failed ha. those seeking to have the state fin pointed out. ule for this year. ish the job the federal government plete street names, will be ready to locate the missing cash. Finally Said The Statesman: Agitation for omprovement of the Work began this week on a large has done for Oregon by building the soon, the city council has ann >unced. a call home assured ffrr that the bill portion has cropped up from time to “The big improvement in stieets auditorium for the new grade school The street designation program fold was an the dining table. Mrs. route through the gorge. and bridges contemplated by the was compleM by a council commit ' (hamfi continued her journey on bor time, Mr. Baldock said, but has been highway commission for Salem, how serving the upper Canyon area. consistently refused by the commis Ground was broken on the site, tee headed by Robert Veness. 4-H ACHIEVEMENT DAY ever, also ap;>ears to have slowed up rowed capital. sion. just north of the grade school build The names will follow an alpha- TO BE HELD APRIL U Shopping Tnished, Mrs. Rambo a new Mill City Mehama road. ” Completion of the new Conat ruction was delayed be The Mill Oty 4-H Achievement (betical sequence. b<g:nn:ng with the called on a Salem relative. As she Mr. Baldock estimated the cost of ing. highway above Mill City will bring cause of the long winter and heavy Day program, under the leadership 1 name Ash at the river on the Linn was leaving, baby Laura Jo became I the seven mile stretch at $770.000. traffic down the broad new route and snow, • of Mrs. Floyd E Johnson and Pat-1 County »ide and ending with K ng- impaled on a nail protruding from throw it into a narrow bottleneck in The structure will be 88 by 124 ricia Cree, will be held in the high wood— the old county road, : the screen door, suffering a painful M il City and below, the Statesman WH 4T ABOUT UP TO NOW? feet and will be connected to the •chool recreation room April 14 at North-south streets will be in nu- knee wound, and was rushed to a «ported Tuesday. > Mill City renters were somewhat school by a covered walkway. Com I doctor, 2:30 p.m. merical sequence. "Eventually, Mr. Baldock. .__ to read that this area was pletion is scheduled by Aug. 15. . . ” . , said . . I «u prised Achievement pins ami cards will be As Mrs. Rambo was returning to .... Street ’igrnf will be oreied and in- the important link will have . to be 1 i ... . . in the regions in which rent , « included presented to student.« who have com stalled at an early date; Gates, she rounded a curve in Fox improved Th» existing road between EDITOR'S KIN HONORED pleted the requirements for their Valley. A osw ambled across the Mill City and Mehama on the Linn was decontrolled. projects. i highway. She tried to stop, the car County side is, however, a pretty ' The news was pubili-hed in the Lt. Col. Wallace I. Wolverton, army Demonstrations of each project will ¡BROKEN P'RT STALLS MILL slithered all over the road, avoided good road. In portions it is as good daily papers this week. be given by club members The pub a collision but spanked the cow with as the rest of the hirhway into Sa- : It’s news up here that there ever chaplain, brother of Charles Wolver The Idanha Lumber Co.s search was any rent control here to decon ton. editor of The Enterprise, waa lic is invited. the rear bumper. Neither cow nor lem." for a flywheel to replace the one that cho«en thia week by the Army Chief trol. car was damaged Marion County Judge Grant Mur broke apart in a recent explosion of Chaplains to deliver the Decora E J. Clay is rent representative Mr. and Mrs Loren Chamberlain The cow didn’t know it waa April phy pointed out Monday that the ex tion Day sermon in Westminster in this are*. He must# never got out visited one day last week at the home there so far has been futile. isting road has two glaring faults Huber R«y. manage-, left early on First. Abbey in England.. of her daughter and family. Mr and ■a •a a medium of travel between th« of Salem. Monday to investigate two more Mrs. Talbott st Grand Ronde Ditter to Head Cub Scouts Part of School Staff Signed Up Red Cross Collects $450 in Drive City Judge Fines Six Fleetwood Sells Grocery Store Garden Club Project Slowed Oren Morris Dies April Fool Warn’t Funny Baldock Puts Off Highway Till the Sweet Bye and Bye Detroit Adopts Street Lighting