Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1949)
MILL QTY ENTERPRISE. ^_MARCH 31. 1»4» —J-1'. I'l.kicU CÖ— .-Ki E ¡ E<i Cook« j BUYING AT HOME SPELLS PROGRESS FOR THE CANYON S a n t i a ni FOOD MART SANTIAM SELF - SERVICE L A U N I) R Y MEATS Standard Rates Washing, Drying or Either Workingmen's Bundles Finished Ph. 418 • GROCERIES Margaret NOBLE Janet NELSON DETROIT TAVERN and Trailer Court First in Detroit Still First in Detroit Redd Rynearson Otto Russell Glen Dryden !4 Mi. E. of Detroit NEW SHIPMENT SPRING Washable Rayon Drvroea Sizes 12 to 24 1-2 ONLY $7.95 at— CANYON GARAGE EXPERT REPAIRING SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES P. E- FRY, Manager Baldwin’s Ig. lot near City Park. WOMAN trained and experienced in 3 child care wants HK>y «rung 76c REALTOI.8 FOR SALE—.power winch suitable per hour or $2 fos night. Inq. at Hn- Investment» Ixairincv - Appraisals . 3 We spe.-alixe in a. I type« of -pp:aij- for half ton truck. Complete with terprise. power take-ff, drive shaft, shifting al^See us about your values. Expert levers. New. 300 ft 9-16th cable. J. Federal appraiser Hara testified in L. Taylor,- Detroit, Bx 707. 3 Federal court 88 times on values. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Ph 3-8672 Salem Rm. 202, 317 Court FOR SALE—Spinet piano. Will sac MATINEE \ • » > rifice for quick sale. Cash or terms. FOR SALE—2 Ig butane brooders, Can be seen at Mill City. Write Tall- practically new. Bargain. Clyde^Ro- s William Claire Glen mah Piano Store. 895 S. 12th St, gers. 3 HOLDEN TREVOR FORD Salem, Ore. *3 , .Big As the Lone Star State! FOR SALE—Ideal homeaitaa, with waterand electricity available; lots FOR SALE or trade—Young New 50x100. We do our own financing. Zealand bucks Dan Morriaom Gates. In Mill City, below the dam, in. a lovely valley on the North Saatiam. FOR SAXE—M45 Univesual trailer SMALL HOME EXCELLENT Geo. (Red) Thomas or Wayne Tho house. 26’. 3 rm.-very good nhwpe, si. NEIGHBORHOOD. CUISE TO mas, Mill City, Ore. • rwfrig.. oil heat, propane range. Alan STORE. LARGE LOT. ELEC i FOR SALE — Four acres improved be even at Chandler’s Taaaeo. High TRIC RANGE. SUNDAY and MONDAY land, near Mill City. Ideal boaiaaites. way 9»E A Calapouia st. Albany, Tel Susan HAYWARD Van HEFLIN Will sell all or part. Ted Olsen, Rt. 1, 150-R, oF-writo R. C. Lund, Gen. Del. FULL SELLING PRICE “TAP ROOTS” Lyons. Albany. —>ttt5. 4 $2004.00 TUHSDAY and WEDNESDAY ALUMINUM trailer coach with Ply WANTED—Uaed piana it^ good con iiEKfifflu House For Sale mouth '47 car—iuily equipped to go. 21 ft. Mainline coach, sleeps 4, ma hogany paneled, butane, oil circ. heat er. etc.—a home on wheels. '47 Ply mouth coach, low mileage, all extras equipped with elec, contiols, over Persh Bruce load springs, built in hitch for traii- erhouse. Both are like new and pric ed to sell. Might sell separately. Inq. IS YOUR REFRIGERATOR work basement apt. in Free M e t h o d i st ing right? If not, call PORTER & church. 6 LAU for fast, dependable refrige: a- tor, washer, electric appliance or ra FOR SALE—30 acres along N. San- dio sei vice. * tiam River. Good location for hous ing pioject or industrial site. Plenty MILL CITY of spring water, near Detroit Dam DISPOSAL SERVICE project. Royal Johnson, Lyons, Ore» Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. Rt. 1, Bx 135, Tel. 742 Mill City, 2 3 Weekly pickups $1 per month. Also mi east of Gates in Linn Co. light hauling. WASHING for men. Hand laundry. Leonard Herman Phone 2102 Will Call and deliver. Ph. 2006. 3 DAVIS on Club SPORTING & DRY GOODS Famous Pendleton Shirts We Have Them L. C. DAVIS & SON Wants and Sales FOR SALE -mod. small 5 rm house, near business section. Box 61, Ph. 260, Detroit, or inq. within after 1 p.m. R. J. Mermilion. 3* FOR SALE — Hot water tank, air tight heater and double bed sp ings, free with purchase of gaffers and Fattier gas range and Servel gas ie,- frfgerator, at half jrice. Ph. 1157. Mill City, Georgia Shane, Rt. Box 119, Lyons, Ore. *5 dition. G. L Steffy, P. O. Bx 421, Mill City. 4 ‘Texas’ David M. Reid FOR SALE—Oil cook stove, >75.00 See John Muir. 4 • • Real Estate MILL CITY SCIO BARGAIN < ENTER—4*h2M6 2 Weeks S. of Bridge. on Main St. Bede. Chairs, Tables. Phunbing Fix tares. Heating and Cooking Stoves. Many other item«. Croae in and look »round. We Buy. Belk A Trade. • THURSDAY and FRIDAY Yvonne De CARLO Cornel WILDE Linda DARNELL NOTICE CAR TRAILER for *ale-d6” tires, bed. $30. I*e Baseett, at Mt. States Power office. 4 We will be closed for inventory all day April 1. SMALL AMOUNT of timber, some house logs, some saw logs in ex- change for building road about he- quarter mile. Anyne interested see Frank Rada.Ph. 402. Mill City. 4 S A N T I A M FARMERS CO-OP “PINK DOGWOOD, HOSES”. Ral HOUSE for sale—2 a. mod 6 rm. eigh Harali Nursery, 31» W Wash. home, utility room, hardwood floor, St. Stayton. Ora. 8* fireplace, insulated, elec, water heat er, wired for range, oil floor furnace. Bendix and piano inc., lg. garage, M. G. Rambo. Mill City tel. 1122, 8 SEE MORRISON for carpentering and concrete work. ODD JOBS done Fridays after school mi. west of damsite, Rt 1 Lyons. *3 Free estimates. Sidewalks a special and Saturdays. See Pat Wolverton, FOR SALE—Monarch wood range, ty. See D. V. Morrison, Gates, or Wilma Howe or phone 3425. Also oil burner, circulating heater. leave word with Don Jenkins, Mill BABY SITTING week nights and See Mis. Fred Lindgren. Co. Rd., on City. • 5 Sat. Call before 7:30. Phone 3425 or Ralph Downer farm. FOR SALE — 5 room house Ig lot see Pat Wolverton or Wilma Howe.* 75 ACRES for sale between Mill City 1, I!x, 132A , Lyons. William Atfaey.5 W. of Hilltop Store. and Gates, Linn County side. 5 rm. $$3500 See Max Harlan, Detroit. 8 NEED A TELEPHONE?—Come in nice house with elec, and water, all FOR ANY’ kind of brick work and and see the new Stromberg-Carlson farm buildings, cows with calve*, fireplace, chimney flues, patios. New desk telephone. Highest quality and horses and machinery, incl. tiactor, ¿X '.e.pnir. Free estimate. Tel 1171, approved for your local* phone ser chickens. Very good location. Terms. 5 1919 PLYMOl TH Special Ike- W. Hanna, Silverton, Rt. 3 * vice. At Stifflei’s Radio & Appliance See Joe Novak, Rt. 1, Lyons. lux* Sedan, fuljr «quipped Phone 902 Mill City Don’t Borrow, Subscribe! Oregon Certified Marshall Strawberry Plants Grown in Eastern Oregon Write for Price List Agricultural Research Industries Route 2, Box 72, Payette. ldi.’o ■gMMMPMPa'VVSS*. to » . ««MM TYPEWRITERS CALCULATORS ADDING MACHINES CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. 531 I'ourt............. Salem. Oregon Sales — Rental* — Service GIVE NOW VALUES Geo. H. Bell HARLOW L WEINRICK è s Attorney at Law 318 Broadalbin Real Estate & Insurance Albany STAYTON Tex’s Tavern A friendly family atmosphere prevails SANT I AM GARAGE I GENERAL AUTO AND TRUCK REPAIR ARC AND ACETYLINE WELDING PHONE 34>2 HAY FOR SALE or trade for cattle —Paul Homer 0* | BOY!! Have We Got “IT’! What?? Canyon Property To buy or sell—see “The Women” 1949 LINCOLN convertible. fully equipped. 2995.00 PENNICK & PENNICK Phone 702 1948 PONTIAC Six Sedane«» fully equipped 2295.00 RELIABLE high school girl for baby sitting. References if desreid. Wanda Haney, Ph. 2051. • 1948 CHEVROLET Stylemarter Sedan, fully jequipped 1795.00 ^atë^^ysîêm^^^TIîêë^^ïêtsT HOWARD CORSET SHOP Oil Burners Water Softeners JUDSON’S Plumbing - Heating “Service Anywhere" Tel. 3-1414 279 N. Commercial Salam, Oregon FOUNDATION GARMENTS Special Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery-Lingerie-Dreases-Smocks 131 High St. Salem Ph. 4032 SEWING - DRESSMAKING TAILOR WORK I ALTERING AU Work Guaranteed SF.E WE STOCK all types of Hearing Aid ■ batteries. Radio Batteries, and FI ash- Stiffler lite and lantern batteries. Radio and Appliance Store. 1947 FORD Saper IMaxe. 2 dr. V-8, fully equipped 1*95 00 A GOOD selection of linoleum yard age, 6 and 9 ft. widths. 95c per aq. yd. Mill City Furniture Co. 1948 FORD Super Deluxe with heater 1495.00 1946 NASH 606 Bpdsn with heater 1395.0» RUTH BARNEY Back of La«’ Tavern MIIX CITY Evergreens of all kindM, camel- iaa, rhododendrons, rbae bushes and many others. Fruit trees, berry plants. BILL TIMM NURSERY Phone 3622 MILL CITY The Commercial Book Store Has Everything for Your NOTICE OFFICE NEEDS purse or pocket, your first thought is tor safety. You want accuracy, competence, fresh potent drugs. But, you also want that prescription com pounded at a fair price. Be cause our business is built on just such a sound basis, we cor- dially invite you to try us on v>u. Doctor’• next prescription. Capital Drug Co Salem, Oregon FURNITURE AND BOOKKEEPING SUPPLIES MOVIES of the Gospel will be ahown With a prescription in your 1946 FORD Deluxe 2 do««. with brotar 1295.60 Sunday evening at the Predbyterian Phono >-4534 141 N. Oammarcial St. SALEM, ORE. Church, Mill City, at 7:30 p.m. Th« public is invited. Stayton Hardware and Furniture STAYTON, OREGON EXPERT auto and home radio ser vice. 20 years experience, all makes Guaranteed service. Stiffler’s Radio and Appiance ORVAL’S USED CARS CITY OF MILL CITY, ORE. Near Detroit dam, wants diversified i industries, large and small. Sites, la bor, utilities available. Write for bro- I chure. Chamber of Commerce, Mill City. Ore. List your home« and farms with me. Hav« cash buyers Mill City. Gatea. Detroit, Lyons DAVID M. BEI I), REAL ESTATE IF YOUR FURNITURE look» diab by have it recovered, modenuam: and made like new. Mail us a card giving exact location and I will call with samples and give free etrt.maO of coat. Truck and auto aeata recovered. Pickup and deliv«ry free. C. E. Hen sley, 604 N. lrt st., Silverton Phone 1151. NURSERY STOCK-See or call Tony M iravec. Berry and poultry fem. Rt. i 1, Bx 242. Stayton. Ph. 1483, about I your Waah. ra*p**rry and Verybest 1 bluaberrv plants. Ask for price list-* tentar and Church Street. SALEM. OREGON Prime» »-4TO2 « Chevrolet Owners-this isthe opportunity you’ve been waiting for. So take advantage of it while you can Don’t put triuro needed repair» off any longer. We bar« made it ga mble for you to take care of thia n.-ocaaary wnrk by paying a small aroount roch anonth. W« are running a SPECIAL PRICE on motor repair» on (riavrolrta only. Install piston rings Grind valvro Claws sad aliga oil pan Bara mil hi I i Hu rgip». All gasdwta 5 quarts ail WASTED! THIS INCLUDES ALL THE ABOVE LISTED PARTS AND LA BUR FOR ONLY DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Don't forget to rob about our budget plan. 51» Nartfi UMurorctal Ph. 3-1175 SeWm. Dragan