Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1948)
I MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, DEI EMBER 23. 1948 mwMmwMMwmwwwiMn^. i , i i ■ « ■ «■——« Mr and Mrs. Albert Millsap w ere on business and while in Stayton Salem and Stayion visitors Thursday leaded at the Klecker home. Jo Wish You Merry Christmas Lancefield & Burmester Gates I Mrs. Steve Champ and Jory Larson tar re ital giten by the students of Mr. and Mn. Larry Sh -Ron an! were among those motoring to Al- [Mrs. Helen Kelley i:i Mill City. The daughter B. St arrived at the home' bany Saturday night to at;enj a gui- youngsters all took part in the p û- of her father Saturday afternoon, from her home in San Franeieco ar.d Mrs. will remain over Christmas. Shelton is the daughter of Scott. AT CHRISTMAS Sun ’.ey guests at the home and Mrs. William Pennick we and Mrs. Cecil Parsons and Mr. Mrs. Elmer Currie, all of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Joaquin and Dar- leen have moved into their ne* home which has been under construction for some time. His mother, Mrs. Lau ra Joaqn, will occupy their cibin until her now home, located on the highway, is completed. Mrs. Gwen Schaer and family have moved into their niw hom2. It is a three bedroom house, with all mod The annual Christmas party of the ern conven ences, located two miles Gates Women’s dub was held at the east of Gates on the Linn County home of Mrs. Joe Joaquin Thursday side of the river. Their former home evening. Mrs. William Hirte was as is for sale. sisting hoste.-s. A program of Christ M’s. Ed Teitz* has been visiting mas music, a leading by Miss Geor at the home of rtr daughter, Mrs gia Shane and one by Mrs. Edward Scott Lindsey, :n Porili-ci since Chance were presented, followed by a T anksgiving. gift exchange. Refreshments were Mrs. Charles Smith has ciosed the served by the hostesses to Mrs. The cafe she was operating in Mil! City odore Bui ton, Mrs. Harry Edwards, and is taking a much needed rest. Norman Garrison, Mrs. Clar- Mr. and Mis. E. V. Collins of Es Mrs. Rush, Mrs. Lincoln H enrose, tacada spent several «lays at the! ence home of his mother, Mrs. Lula Col- ' Mrs. Lauia Joaquin, Mrs. Albert Millsap, Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mrs. line. Mr. and Mrs. Collins, who f-z. * Gwen Schaer. Mrs. Charles Rush, several years owned and' opeia'ed a, Mrs. Melbourne Rambo, Mis. Elmer store in Idanha, have purchased a Stewart, Mrs. Harry Keiser, Mrs. Lu grocery store in Estacada ar.d will take possession the first of the year. la Collins, Mrs. Steve Champ, M s. Edward Chance and Miss Georgia Shane. Why? Because everyone (yes, everyone) knows your watch looks swell when you wear a Speidel Weddle Funeral Home MODF.RN FUNERAL SERVICE Stayton, Oregon To One and All Peace Happiness 4 ¿ Mi Dr. S. A. WHEATLEY OPTOMETRIST 145 Third St. Stayton • • • Office hours 6:00 to 9:00 each Tuesday evening. Merry Christina Gerald Garrison, Bill Oliver, Jean Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oliver were at the Clyde Oliver home Sunday. Thurlo Cole, who recentlj joined •he U. S. Navy, is expectod at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. Dur el Cole, in time for the Christ- rr. s holidays. He is stationed at San Li-co, Calif. Billy Mills of Newport is visiting hi-, prandiparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lou !■ 1 , over the holidays. He will be j'/' ed by his Barents, Mr. a.Tj M-s. b " Mills, on Ch-ivtmas. Jackie Oliver is back fh school af- ter upending several days in the Sa lem Memorial Hosipital recovering from secondary infection from poison oak. Mrs. Clyde Oliver is still confined to bed but expects to be up bp the holidays. | Mr. and Mis. Hollis Tu*nidge and daughter Carolyn, Rex H?”ron, Mrs Melbourne Rambo and son George, b,e° ° $9’« ,o. i. r y ’■ 4<nOrf B , Santiam Farmer’s Cooperative STATTON for clean, quick, depend;.! ’e cooking! Christmas a prescription in your purse or pocket, your first thought is for safety. You want accuracy, competence, fresh potent drugs. But, you also want that prescription com pounded at a fair price. Be cause our business is built on just such a sound basis, we cor dially invite you to try us on your Doctor’» next prescription. Water Systems Sheet Metal Oil Burners Water Softeners J U D S O N’S Plumbing - Heating “Service Anywhere" Tel. 414’ 9~9 N. Commercial Salem, Oregon r S Won't V "i a. epr or inviti tien < mJ S' ; ei I,-. < u. Ii-’en to STOP THt M* si' . Sunday luilht» over our !.. al A tat: i? I lead qua iters for th t last minute trift ! Baker’s Jewelry Capital Drug Co Salem, Oregon AMERICA’S Most Treasured Documents NEXT WEEK 1934 PLYMOUTH I dr. sedan. Good Transportation 175 PORTLAND AND MILL CITY CHARLES LOVEE, MANAGER ¡MBMtWMWHIMBiaSMM The American Flag Is En fui led foe Battle for the First Time. In our display window Mountain States Power Company THIS! Tí ATURES \ Self Supporting. Tax Paying Private Enterprise TH! NÍW W« Have a»k«d, through long research, what you want most in y©ui new gai range, and from your aniwe<» we have detigne < a range with oil the leafvre« you demanded It « the 1949 Magic Chai 49 advantage» to Wing yog eaiier and bette* cooking STANDLEY ART TILE SERVICE Drain Boards and Bathrooms. Tub Splash. Beautiful Per manent finish. Stops Leakage. Fireplaces, Front and Hearth Free Estimates Call evenings 29F5 Stayton Ralph Standley Rt. 1, Bx. 17 STAYTON •»: a <♦; We're ns* k> idi ■;. If» absolutely • MW tCHtft TOP COOKINO NfW BiTWt OViN COOKINO NEW MTTtR MCM LINO NEW ECONOMY IOK YOU ÄMtoMa' c lighting Ne« cm »<•<• ponelain bum«« and »rav •*<«•<» arg Hi le. aaa«laggi«a g van haating «ad gaty »© claoa. tad Wlaal rogalo* •iva« V4V OwtOIWQtlC ov©n hoa» control at •ta bait Roawdad c erwart la floo»lng- typa oven for betta« bchlng rat«ht. laiprooed Swing Oaf Broiler. High levai, imoiiela«« Ideal et tac an d evee 1er roasting, leod «vera» Iwp Removable fc>» easy claonmg. Map« Chah coti lar» to operate and ma n- »am And only the new Mac.< Chef can oMer yow to mach for io Utile Y out erott eti valve in 1941 You car ■ ,n<> , intern destinations via California and return -r .r then e of northern U.S. line» for no more rail fare th • y ou pay t • go straight East and bach! We do 1’t bls people r thinking we're kidding when we tell them al •» bargain. It certainly seems like all those extra mile at i scenic attractions—plus the winter sunshine of A Francisco, Los Angeles, Pal m Springs Pnueni* d icson ibould cost a whale of a lot mor • fare. ~*" i ~A3L ob « But it doe... U In fact, if y you can even add New Orle Propane Gas & Appliance The best wav we can prove we no \i I ding ■« with an actual ticket. When v ■ i go F *! your ticket agent to route your ticket East thru C • .1 ,ia Ser for younalf. GEORGE I RREY, Local Agent COMPANY Sit Ferry Street Phone 5098 Santiam Highway 1 Mile South SALEM LEBANON destination is New York, to your t 'n! The f-iendly Saint. Installations, Senira, in Marion. Folk. Linn and Renton Counties. Southern Pat., ic STAYTON