Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1948)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. DECEMBER .’3. 1948 have its Christmas program on the 26th, at 7 pun. There will be a . andle service. "The Birth of Christ,” sev eral r< af’ons and coiigi -ational singing. The public is invited. Alice Gill of Redmond came la-t week and will visit until a of t e r Christmas at the home of her bro ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walter. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nyberg and Christine Fay spent last week in Portland at the home of his brother- in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Al Ward, and his brother and sister-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Nyberg. Carl Ball, Louis Cline and Earl Stahlman left for Oak Ridge Monday to work for the present. They are employed by the Forest Service. Snow fell early Sunday morning, turning to rain in the afternoon. All day Monday there were snow flurries, snowing quite hard in the evening. Mrs. C. L. Farris who recently re turned from St. Charles Hospital in l!.-’ . . * ■ . E don, who had an appendectomy recently are both convalescing at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Richard Hanson. DETROIT By MRS J. A. WRIGHT Mr. and Mrs, Frank Sieenhout Jr. and children, Donna and W.llard, an I I her mother, Mrs. Ora McMasters, vis ited last week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steenhout Sr. and his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs7 Lincoln Gilpin. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Beeson spent several days in Eugene last week, re turning Sunday. When Walter Ball was hunting with his three cougar hounds on the : Little North F 'k last week the dogs got lost from. him. They were found by Kuckenbe:g Construction Co. em ployees Saturday, near Sardine Creek and were turned over to Carl Ball until he could get in touch with Walt who lives at Marion Folks. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Yarborough are sipending Christmas with her parents Mr. and Mrs. P. C, Mains, in Fresno, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Buker expect to spend Christmas at the home of their son-in-law, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomas in Portland. The Presbyterian Youth Fellowship J. Fisher will spend Christmas with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and group will hold a New Yeai’s Eve party in the new recreation roor. of Mrs. Tom Uding of Eugene. the church, with the Mehama boys The play, “Christmas at Goosber- an 1 girls joining. Word was received ry Glen,” piesented by the English this week from the mission school in department of the high school was Blue Lake, Calif., of the safe arrival very well rendered before an audi of the box of toys sent by the young ence of PAT members Friday eve people here. ning. Caiola were enjoyed and the Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fredrickson audience joined in the singing. The sixth grade won the prize for atten and son Stanley of Fergus Falls, dance and the fourth won the mem Minn., are visiting at the E. D. Cooke bership prize. The refreshment com home. Mrs. Fredrickson and. Mrs. mittee was Mrs. Ray Walter, Mrs, Cooke are sisters. Holland Storey, and Mrs. R. L. Tuck er. This was the only Christmas pro gram presented by the school this year. CHURCH OF CHRIST Mis. Ray Johnson spent several Services Every Lord’s Day days in Portland last week visiting Bible School 9:45 at the home of her son, Cletis, and i Morning worship 11 a.m. shopping. Young People’s Meeting 6:30 Evening Worship 7:30 Tom Courtney, Pastor The Detroit Church of Christ will [nt |i$ PYnhiq You'll n*ver hovj tu woó cgoînl Stayton Hardware and Furniture STAYTON, OREGON Ken Golliet’s and W OOI) R Y FURNITURE Philippi Tire Service MARKET NEW AND USED FURNITURE The Store with the Lowest Prices in Town 1605 N. Summer . -»jaaaw—i IMPORTANT NOTICE to MILL CITY W ATER CUSTOMERS SALEM S ANT I AM I GARAGE j MEHAMA ♦ w . Church Activities Due to changing over to larger pipe lines, Mill City water will be shut off Sunday, December 26, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Please poll switches on hot water heater during that time. MOUNTAIN STATES POWER l O. GENERAL AUTO AND TRUCK REPAIR ARC AND ACETYLINE WELDING *». ■». .a, <♦„. <« <♦; —By Jack & Ted WART, the Speed Cop FREE METHODIST CHURCH "The Cl: nh of the Light and Life Hour” Sunday School 10 a.n>. Morning Worship 11:00 Young People’s Service 7 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 Wed. Prayer Meeting 7 ;30 Sun. Radio hour KWJJ 9:30 Donald Hink’e. Pastor North Side Detroit Church of Chnst Sunday School at 10 a.m. Morning worship at 11 a.m. Young peoples’ meeting at 6 :30 Choir rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Tuesday» Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Loren Arnett, Pastor GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST 10 Sunay school 11 Morning worship, Walter Smith. Pastor 11:00 Morning Worship 6:30 Christian Endeavor 7:30 Evening Worship MIIX CITY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Woisnip 11 a.m. Evangelistic Service 7:45 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study Prayer Meet ing 7:45 p.m. Friday Evening 1 Hour Singing and Musical Numbers 7:30 p.m. Welcome, Young Folks. Christmas program Friday evening the public is invited. Treats for the children. Rev. J. S. Watkins and family of South Bend, Wash., will visit Rev. W. W. Wakins and Mrs. Watkins over the Christiras holiday. ..A subscriptiim to the Enterprise i is a year round Christmas gift. YOU HAD JUST AS WELL BE HEALTHS & HAPP’! 1 SILVER PHONE 903 ★ HEMORRHOIDS ★ FISTULA ★ PROLAPSE ★ ITCHING SADDLE SERVICE STATION TRAILER COURT IN CONNECTION 24 HOUR SERVICE »nd other rectal disorders correct ed without hospitalization. Ì n Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-Proctologist 218 N. Liberty. Salem. Ore. Geo. H. Bel! Mill City State Bank Real Estate & Insurance STAYTON <♦> ■»: •»: Arthurs Cafe ■»: •» FREE A friendly place to meet and eat. Chicken in the Rough LET US GIVE YOU a free estimate on overhauling vour motor. All work guaranteed. We can promise you the QUICKEST SERVICE IN TOWN. Information Center. Wright Truck Line ASK ABOUT OUR BUDGET PLAN and pay a small amount each week. Detroit, Oregon 24 hour« a dav Jacob Spaniol & Son i TINNERS and P L UMBERS STAYTON, ORE. Also Estimates on Frame Straightening Mill Citv Cafe Bl WISE--ECONOMIZE Bat at the MILL CITY CAFE .teaks, chops. French fries, chili. CHEVROLET CO PHONE 3188 MIKE’S Septic Service Septic Tanka Cleaned Taaki priced $12 50 and up, and Electric Roto-Rooter Sew er Service. No digging. No mate. Phone 3 9468 or 3-5327........... Rew im Eln St, W Salem SALEM 510 N. Commercial St. BABY BEEF FOR LOCKERS Mill City Meat Market «MB-»* aMM • Gas-Heat. Inc. t«. 4» «• as- <« wc LYON» « <* ~ 3K «■ - aun. p.m. p.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ORDER OF SERVICE Morning 11 a. m. Prelude; Call to Worship: Doxology; Invocation; Gloria; Psalter; Hymn of Praise; Scripture; Prayer; Notices; Offering; Choir; Sermon; Benediction; Postlude. PHONE 3452 ÍI a m. a.m.