Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1948)
Knitted Wool Baby Set CLASSIFIED] DEPARTMENT —————————— RABBITS & SKINS WANT LIVE BABBITS’ 4 it». up. rub- bit »kins, hides, wool, moluiti-. can- c.tra. live poultrj. Rubv & Company, 935 8. W Front. Portland. Oregon MISCELLANEOUS Scrub to Coaching Star Baby Set IUST about the most adorable knitted bonnet you've seen—it’s made of kitten soft blue wool with pale pink pompons. Or use your own color scheme. Matching thumbless mittens are trimmed with tiny pompons. Simple knit ting even for a beginner. • * * To obtain complete knitting instructions and stitch illustrations for Baby Mine set (Pattern No. 5804) send 20 cents in coin, your rtame. address and pattern number. SEWING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK 530 South Wells St. Chicago 7, Ill. Enclose 20 cents for pattern. No________________ . Name Add real Best Time to Stop Rodent Losses Is Before Storage The best time to prevent losses by rats and mice in farm storage is just previous to the actual stor ing of produce. Before storing vegetables, ap ples. or other farm produce, give the storage room a thorough cleaning—both inside and out. Check windows, doors, ventila tors, and floor drains to make sure they are constructed so as to pre vent rat and mouse travel. Farm ers should remove all lumber piles, broken boxes, tall grass, weeds and refuse from areas surround ing the outside of the storage building. PRACTICALLY every on« of the * long parade of great football coaches has come from good or better football players — Camp, Haughton, Rockne, Little, Crisler, Bierman. Neyland, Thomas, Hick man, Voigts, Yost, Heisman, on and on indefinitely. I can recall but one exception. His name is Bill Alexander of Geor gia Tech, one of the top coaches of all time. Alexander headed north from the red clay hills of Georgia to accept the accolade of the Touchdown club of New York. Today he is Georgia Tech’s graduate manager, having turned over the coaching reins at Tech to Bobby Dodd after direct ing the destinies of the Yellow Jackets for 25 years. But the important Grantland Rice point is this—Alex ander was never a college star. He was on the scrub team at Georgia Tech in 1907, 1908 and 1909 before he became John Heisman's assist- ant in 1912. Bill Alexander, physically, was never quite equipped to be a college star. But, mentally and psychologically and emo tionally he was far beyond most of the greatest players the game has ever known. He knew football. He knew the physical side of football. But, bet ter than most, he knew the value of deception, of using speed to match weight and power. When John Heisman left Georgia Tech in 1920 to go to Pennsylvania, Alexander took over and set up a brilliant record for the next 25 years until he turned over the job to Bob by Dodd in 1945. In that time, Old Man Alex had won seven conference champion ships—he was named the coach of the year in 1942—and he had baffled and bewildered more rival coaches than anyone I know, with lighter, faster, smarter working material. It was lack of weight and power I that bowled Tech over this year. Bill Alexander is football's leading philosopher. He has known the game from the front line for over 40 years. He has a marvelous sense of humor— an amazing understanding of values. Here’s an Alexander story that- goes back exactly 20 years to 1928 ' and explains Alex: Georgia Tech was playing its final game of the season against Notre Dame. This game meant staying home or going to the Rose Bowl. “How are things?” I asked. “How would I know,” Alexandei said, “I haven’t seen the team in three days. I’ve had 122 tickets to collect and deliver to old grads. Sav, who’re we playing?” • • • INKL’rCS By Jarvis BIBLES — Coniplet* line Christian book, and supi’llvs. t'at.ilo*: on re- <1 rir’s Book Store. Balllngham, Washington. EGO PBODICERS—See the Wright egg cleaner In operation, clean* 1500 egg. per hr PAT NASH SUPPLY CO 907 S B. Clay. Portland. Ore. VS 4731 Wholesale and Car Loll HARDWOOD FLOORING ASPHALT TILE HAROLD H. NEVIN CO. 4346 S B. Balmont PORTLAND 1«, ORiaOM DIESEL POWER UNITS NEW 210 11. 1’. AT A OF onto IN Ab COST MORE than just a tonic — it'« powerful nourishment! SCOTTS EMULSION iV/w ro/yic Check that Cough from a cold Before It Gets Worse — and get well quicker with the NEW FOLEY'S The .VEW FOLEY S HOSEY * TAR contain« one of the most important cough treatment developments in years, one that ACTUALLY HELPS SPEED RECOV ERY. Also soothes throat, checks cough Ing Also delicious, non-narcolic. does not upaet <tige«Tion But most important. A’fc’W FOLEY S Ae/ps you get veil quicker from co-gh du« to cold At your druggist WNU—13 51— 4£ Kidneys Must Work Well- For You To Feel Well 24 hours CTsry day, 7 days rvery »Hi, never stopping, th« k'daeys 41 tar wasta matter from tha Mood. If mors people were aware of how tba kidneys must constantly remove sur plus Auld, eieess acids and other was*« matter that cannot ta tha Mood without injury to health, there would bo better understand ng of rfcp the whole system is upset «be« kidneys lail to furct¡on properly. Burning, ecanty or too frequent urina tion so met.mee warns that something to erroag. Ten may suffer nagging back ache, headachee, diseinaee, rheumatic pains, up at eights, s*HLng Why not try Dose's Pillt'. You will be using n medicine rernmmeadad th« country over. Deaa's stimulate the fune- tfoa of th« kidneys aad help them to *ash cut poiooa is araste from the Mood. They contain nothing harmful Get Doss s today I ee with confident At all drug stores DOANS PILLS 4 There have been many stories told about the Four Horsemen of Notre Dame since they rode to vic tory over 20 years ago, sweeping the plains from Army and Prince ton to Stanford at Palo Alto. You may remember their names —Harry Stuhldreher at quarterback, weight 154; Don Miller and Jimmy Crowley at the two halves, around 162 and 164; Elmer Lavden at full back, 162. Some of the main arguments that always break out when their names come up are: “What did they all do? Who did the blocking? Who did the ball carrying? Who did the kicking? Who did the tackling?” This was undoubtedly the great est pony backfield, pound for pound, in football history. The average weight was around 160 pounds, There wasn't a man on the job at 165 pounds or higher. Yet it ripped, ran and passed its way from coast to coast with a series of victorious thrusts. One of the main arguments start- ed when Don Miller, now a high- toned Cleveland judge, stopped me before the Army-Navy game a year ago and berated me soundly for picking him as a blocking back. “I never blocked a guy in my life,” Miller said with much indig- nation. I told this to Elmer Layden, recently. Layden laughed. “I'll tell you the truth.” he said. “We all had to block. We al) had our blocking assignments, even bowling over the two ends, help ing take out a tackle, or han die the secondary. “Stuhldreher was probably the best of our blockers, but we had tc block. Miller, Crow-ley and I han died most of the running. Stuh! dreher did the passing, but we were more of a running team than a passing team. We all had speed I could just shade 10 seconds—say 9*i for the 100, and the others were about the same. I did the kicking.” Also the pass interference, I sug gested In the Stanford gam« against Ernie Nevers and others Layden intercepted four or fiv- passes, running two intercept or back for touchdowns. IK ACTION BUCKNER-WEATHERBY 1741 1st Ave. South EL 5103 Seattle 4, Washington M \ Pvt -• - iih I Guns 30 22-250, Ackley improved swift. 12 fe Automatic, Ammunition 30.06- K0 or 16V gr 8 mm. 7 62 Russian 33.50 box 2'». Write your wants. GEORGB I*. GOSNBY, BOX 73 DAYTOM, WASHINGTON FI RS. Deer. Elk, Cow and other skin« tanned, made into Coats. Gloves, etc., to your measure by oldest established manu facturer in West. Also buy hides. CHFRVENY TANNERIES 1127 N.W , lVth Ave. - Portland, Ore. j j By Ed D^dd (‘IIBlSTltAS srKClAL, Corkrr I'uu- pl,-« S. WBBP1HG WILLOW XBNNBLS. Union, Or.jron. FOB SAI.1: Magnificent Great Dan* pupplea. Blurs, blneka and apotted. Intelligent, looabl* and xuitrd*. J. Sowell, 3019 B. Grand, Spokane 10, Washington. MACHINERY & SUPPLIES NEW 30 M circular GMC l>les<-l and electrio mjll. All new machinery. Hlmonson turner, heavy duly car riage, 60" opening, Hte<l aaw husk. f>4" saw». V-belt drive, 2 acres iiond, 13 acre« on approved harbor, million ft, timber, unlimited amt. available, log* available less than 220 per M. ideal location, heart of last virgin timber stand in Oregon. Box 1S7, Brookings, Oregon. 2 DOGS. CATS. PETS. ETC. c.ET a Black Labrador for Ml® Chrtet» mas from Lak. Band Or.ill. K.n-, Box 672. Sandpoint. Idaho. REAL ESTATE—MISC. Pcc’flcTroctor & Equipment Co. 60 ACRES, all irrigated, plenty of wa- ter, two 2-be<lroom( modern home«. 80 ACRES, in under Irrigation, good well, 2-bedroom, Hemi-modern home. 160 ACRES, 70 under cultivation, in clude* 10 acres of Apricots. (*<»m- pletely equipped. Good improve ment«, has o0-hvad Dairy Barn, plenty of open rang-’ Exclusive Implement, i'ump and Ap pliance agency, building und inven tory. Owner has space, plus 3237 on monthly income from rentalw. Atuat ell, due to ill health For further information E. J. EBB!., KBAL USTAT» BKOKBH, Box 996, Moxee Lake, Waehlugtcs. AUTOS, TRUCKS 4 ACCESS. 41 FOIL- STOCK TilCCK with rack. IV bed, L'-apcd axl«-, new mota*, ileal*-- .’lid radio -I'loo Clive. Mo- Lean. rt. 3, box 604, Albany, Ora, Old Alonay-CorvslUa Hlway. HELP WANTED—MEN Farm and Construction . Equipment Both Used and Reconditioned EXPERIENCED Ford mechanics for m rthern Sacramento Valley. Good setup for right men Roy C. Ford, Ford Dealer, Corning. CaUf. International Tractor Allie Chalmers Tractors Caterpillar Tractors Case Steel Whsel Tractor* »nd T>. C. tl»nera«drs. IS# r, »'I II. P. l>l*sel Engines. I, yd. *, yd Crane* EXI'RRIENf’ED Body man by long established Fnntiac dealer. Steady employment at II "5 hour pin- -j- «■ itlon pay and laundry allowanW Bill Spike. Inc , Chehalis, Wash. A. H. Revitalizing Crackers If breakfast cereals or cracker» need freshening, crisp them in the oven. They shouldn’t be over-heat ed. so us* only a warm oven. 110 Markat St. San Francisco. Calif. Usefulness of Hogs Hogs are by far th* most valu able farm animals for converting waste and by-product* of Ute /»rm into marketable products. Year’* Coal Supply A single train long enough to carry • year’s output of coal in the United States would stretch sis times around th* earth. Railroad Stations There are approximately S9.W1 railroad passenger stations and 61,- 929 railroad freight stations in the United States. The Purdy Company Phon* YU icon i-eaag SEEDS. PLANTS. ETC. l:i* i.iii.i'.i; . 1 ' ~ i Lest varieties, lowest prices. Send f„r 23th anniversary price list Bber- hardt Blueberry Narserlsi, Kt. 1, Olympia. Wash. BLUEBERRY P I. A .'. T s W.-st.-in grown for western conditions. Of. faring all new proven varletlee. Visit or «rite Yerybest Blusbarrisa, Gat«, Wash. LIVESTOCK BEGISTEItED COMING 2-y*nr-old Potted Hereford bulls Also som* cow Popular blood lines Folmsb* h Grass. Fomsray, Wash. TsL Sl-FB SPECIAL Hardening Cast-Iron James Olive was granted a pat ent in 18«3 for hardening cast-iron so as to greatly Improve its wear ing and scouring qualities. H**a Not l.ylu’l ■ Th* Woman lion tamer had bet beasts under perfect control. Al her summon* th* flerc**t lion cam* meekly to her and took a pfec* of sugar out of her mouth Th* circus crowd marveled—all except one man. "Anybody could do that,” ba yel led from th* audience ” “Would you dar* do It?” the ring master retorted acomfully. ’Certainly,*' replied the man In th* audtencs. "f can do it Ju*t a* van »« th» lion can “ I I h 1. e I- t. e 8 8 I. 11 e e i 2 CHOICE 5-a. io tracts, piprd, In the l..»lstou Orchards. All in fruit ami barrios. Albert J. Melener, R 9, Box 716, La Wilton, Idaho. S tarts down , holding thrusts it into sisters BACK NOME AGAIN * \. with I cow, 55 chickens, bldgs fair, household goods, gd drilled wall, hot and cold water. Nr 1 towns Write for detail* D. B. Da- var, rt. S, Winlock, Wash. 421 S. W. Taylor, Portland 4, Ors. •735 E. Marclri«! Way - Seattle S, Mask. Telephone; I.Ander 7JOO end 180*» 7th Avenue. Euftne. Orefoe Telephone: Eugene 2341. \ j I j ' 17 WANTED TO HKXT. iiOOD grain, dairy farm by Washington State collrge graduate, Hxperlencrd dairy, stork and grain farms. Have some dairy stock. KAY McMANWIS. COVi ORBGON LARGE STOCK Or Crawler Tractors, Crane«* Shovel«, etc. Equipped as Desired. Tborotsfhiv Reconditioned end Gaarenteed. Paym«nt« arranged to auit your job Contract or Rental Option. By Gluyas Williams | 30.ACRE farm. Grade A farm, 3- r< om house with running water, other buildings and creek through Ian.I Rudolph Kllnke, Rt. 3. Bon 177, Enumolaw, Washington. All modern colors and patterns In linoleum, Asphalt tile, Rubber tile and Plastic linoleum. Free infor mation and literature. CONSULT US ON ALL OF YOUR ■ 24 4 10-ACRE ranch 7-room modern house, basement, wired for two elec tric ranges, large barn holds 10 cows, garage; large chicken house; wash house, outsida cellar cistern. dv< p well, lawn, shade trees; won derful view; 5*4 acron grapes, fam ily orchard, ’a acre raspberries, 5 acres pasture, S acres alfalfa, 2 acres open ground. On main high way. Two miles town on mall route, school bu*. milk route. Good I IV 312.600. 37600 down Wye Brothers, Route 1, Prosser, Wash ington. TO RENT OR LEASE Logging and Construction Equipment Requirements MOTHER FARMS AND RANCHES 45 ACRE irrigated dairy or stock farm on highway 730. 7 ml las west McNary dam (construction). Alfal fa crop land, sublrrlgated pasture, modern 3-bdrm. hou e Large barn. H. C. Warner, Irrigon, Oregon. YOUR WIED« FOR FLOOR COV EKING FULLY SUPPLIED HERE Acme Linoleum Co.* j j ■ MQPERN auto court, fishing tackle, groceries, 2-pump service station, on ll< acres between Three Rivers and V. s. Highway No. 101. Grosse I over 317,000 last year. 330,000, with 387uu down. your own terms. Year- a round businvs» on Big Nestucca anti Three Rivers. Completely stork« «1 and « quipped Address. Coast Highway Cabins & Shell Sta tion, Hebo, Oregon. CANADI4N FAWMt—Writ« Ut t<r Hl KI IN FORMATION on farm t«t(l«mant opt>orli|n»d»»- F»rtil« «oil«. Hraionablr prie«J. C. F. Com- nail, Canadian I'ariflc Railway, Vancouter. D.C. TA XIDEHMY si PPLIlS. tblIM ' - ¡ling Wholesale leather jacket mfg. Mohr’s Studios, 15641 Pacific Hlway South, Beattie, Washington. SAYS HE’LL PROPir IT OUT ANDDRAWIN6IT HANDS, WONDERH^i WAV AND 5Ht CAN CATCH IT, BACK SreR'SAVlNA HE CANT HELP TEASING SISTER FLATLY VETOWj SHE'S 60.-.-I lOTELL SISTER,«? SHE H>M PLAN • FOR S XL1\ Saddle, harness and h I p shop in Eastern Oregon cow town. No competition. Reason. health. Box 810, Jordan Valley, Oregon. MAKE an offer! PT-1‘3 Fairchild— new license—low time—radio. Con tact Robert Xarr, 230 4th St . Brem erton, Washington. Phone 201. COAST AUTO WRECKING <<»,. parts for most late models. N< w low prices 8580 8. B. Davision St.. Port land, Oregon. SU 2394. GETS IT. SISTER SHRIEK PRETENDS HE’S 60IM6 START'S DOWNSTAIRS ING NOT TO OPEN IT, HE'LL TO THROW IT DOWN TO AS SISTER CALLS TO SPILL EVERYTHIN6 HER, SISTER S CREAM- BRIN6 HER DOLL'S SUIT IMâ HE’LL BREAK IT CASE DOWN TO HER BEAFTY 61101’ West aide Low rent. Good equipment 3650 00 comp, with ► ippliee. 708 8. W. Xing, Port land. Ore. DAIRY, STOCK to POULTRY FARMS Write the man who has had 45 years Agricultural Experience in the coast area of Oregon and Washington. Farms from $4,500 to 3150,000. Can give vou EXPERT advice C W Laughlin, Real Batata Broke» Astoria, Oregon and Cathlamet, Wash. you simply put your head dowh LIKE THIS, SNORT, AND THEN CHARGE AT ME/" NEXT DOOR MAKE YOVK OWN E CREAM Counter ice. Urtd Mag salt. Merchandise l»oard«. Phnna HR. 531 4. owner 2471 N. W. fTth Ct., Fort land, Ore. HOME BUILT FARM FREBEER8 Sa\e 50% or more by building vour own iieeser or cold room, tfeml in formation on type and aixv of box desired and a lint of recommended equipment with prices will be sent. Free plans, instructions and infor mation. EMORY M STRONG Rt. 4, Box 54, Vancouver, Wash. “ it ' s easy / The Four Horsemen helps you ward off colds—helps you jet well faster-and helps you keep toing strong when your diet needs more natural A AD Vitamins! Scott’s is a HIGH ENERGY FOOD TONIC- rich in natural A4D Vitamins and energy-Luilding natural oiL Try it I See how well yoa feel. Easy to take and digest Economical Buy today at your drug store I MEDICINK cannot cure arlhrttls or rheumatism, book by pronuneut meiBcul doctor tells ho« liissy chronic allm.dls are cured by dl.-t Hl. hi ,- Writ. ri.A A. Billots, ■panel*. Wash. BUSINESS & INEST. OPPOR. BETTER HEALTH! • H«m*rrh*tes • a*«rel and Cel*« Ailments • Ga,tri< Ul—r Trast«d without Hospital Opav «Lon Wrtta eresil tor FIT! dawrlpttra Bock'.»« MosHar toraa** fwUen I* M. to J P. M. trnmtf ■ rWariXrr. tmUr 7 to 9 Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC PSyttaian and targaon H I Coma. I B im.,Ja and Gr.M Venue Talar‘■—a BA* F»16 I-xCa».« 14. osaoon i