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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1906)
o S o HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1900 CORRESPONDENCE. 0 BARRETT. F. C. Sberrlolrs new bonne is now finished and the family have moved intn tlmir uiautdun. We I see not looked tliroiiRli the new home jut, tint we are iiiformod that it U Huihiikij on io gyle sad we give ( red it to .the con tractors. M visit lo the home of our eon at Coonoll, W'BHh., was pleasant. I hIho visited at Melsa. my former place of business, and had several invitations In nmne bank and open up in bust ness. but I said ymi have too much diiHt and too many storms and too small crops lor me. As 1 piet'ei to live In a land whore we can raixe all we need. There were niai.y inquires about Hood Hiver, One rnnn asked "la it true that you can iai such berries ard apples?" lo pnne it J left a few specimens of our choke hp idea on the counter of the hanks at (Jonmll. the printintf ollice and the store at Meac, J. II. Urolf and wile hnve moved from I'rnor Mount Hood let lenient into their l.e home, lately Uic.--i.iui from Mrs. K. IiikhIIs on Kockford uv enue. so we extend to jirnther Urolf and wife the fieedom of Kockford, trusting they may have many years of pleasure in their new location. The Kev. Jones, presiding eldei of the M. K. ohuroh, and the pastor, Key. Hnreoher. of Hood Kiver, were nailers at the Ko kford on Xhnrsifay last, just in time for dinner. Cull twain Elder Jones and ilrothui Hpreeher. The East liarrett school house is nearly onimileted and will be occupied in a few days when the merry laugh of boys and girls will be heard as they weud their way to and from sotinoi. It Is under protest that I make this statement but what can a fellow do when snob men as J. J. Gibbons, John Ilelme. J. II. Urolf and It. V. Ishoe- maker threaten to ao down to the tilanier oftloe and tell Mr. Kill tor that I had bummed it from Wallulit to Umatilla. Well it was just this way Having about thiiteen hours to lay over at Wallula 1 and three others de cided to walk 27 miles so we started out to step the ties, and don't you forget it you will nevei catch me step ina railroad ties again. Man alive I was so tired befoie we arrived at Umatilla that 1 could hardly mako a wlsirle. In fact so played out that I could not carry my empty grip, hut the boys helped me and after a foot batb and a cup of oofloe I got to the depot, where they laid mo out on the bare floor for four long weary hours and In due time I arrived at Hood Kiver a sorry looking object, too stilf to get up to the Mount Hood lintel, but 1 did get to the phono and culled up my wife and what do you think? bhe did not know me and 1 said : "Wife, this Is Knocb." lhon she recognized the voice and when 1 told uiy pitiable experience to thou four men they just busted with laughter and said tbey would toll the editor If I did not, so this is the truth and in the presence of a notary puiilio 1 swear it to be the truth. Enoch itruy ford of Kockford store. ODELL. Mr. Ennos, Misi Raz, Mrs. Ehrck and Miss Urandall are In The Dalles to attend the annual oouuty institute for teachers In session October 10, 11, 11 Tho three flint mentioned are Udell's elllclont corps of teachers while Miss Craudali represents Dukes Valley in the same capacity. Mn. Pease, of Minneapolis, Minn., nil aunt of Mrs. Eunes, is visiting the family of H. J. Eunes. Kemk Lodge expects to have work iu the seooud degree Hatiuday night aud requests a good attendance. W A. Lock man aud family are at home In their owu house and lhos. haoey has moved into his also. W. (J. Ehrok his moved In the looms back of Lacey's store. A wedding Is ropoited for last Sunday, Walter Willi man aud Maggie Owens. These young people are well known and their friends wish them a long, happy aud prospoious life. Apple picking is now tho order of the day. The dunce given by lloy Musslkor in the J, O. 0. F, hall at Udell Friday night was well attended and enjoyed by l)08e present. Kev. (. S. ONen, wife and daugh ter left I lood Kiver r'liday for The Dalles and expect to leave there Mon day for their journey to Diamond Illuir, Wis., Kev. Olseu expects to preach iu the church of which he is pastor next Sunday. Will Ktrong in home from (loos county where he has been seveial months. M. Hawthorne well is 70 feet depth. E. L. Kleiner shipped wood the first of the week. Miss Lurliue Fisher is staying with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood and will go to school at Odell this winter. . (1. W. Lalterty is building an apple bouse lbxJ'J fool. Udell's German class is advancing under the able instruction of Miss Maigarct flaz. Kev.- 'Troy Shelley preached one of his good sermons Sunday morning. Mrs. Guy Talmage sang a solo in her usual pleasing style. , Kev. Morehouse, or huinck near Wsinic, preached Hucday evening. The O. E. hail a good meeting Hun- day evening. A special song by Mob Urandall anil Miss .Naomi liojd nun one by Albert and l'eroy Shelloy helped to make a pleasant evening. Win. Conway, of the First National bauk,of Vancouver, and bis wile, will be here today tn lie llie guests of Mr. and Mrs. KohwcJI Shelley during the fair. Mr. Conway ami Mr. Shelley are old time friends. BIN'iEN. As yon have received no word from this corner of tho uoild jou ii.iMl. think Kingen asleep, as n certain rn respondent from Hood It.ver tu the l'ortlaud Journal remarked, it had been in the past. Hot such is not tl.i case and never was. The people of Kingen took verythiug very quiet and watched for theii opportunity, and when this opportunity came tbey were uot slow to take advantage of it. This way lliugun post ollice was es tablished, though all the neighboring olllnes opposed it. Also a school dis trict was granted, though White Sal mon strongly opposed it. lly I he ellorts of the people of Kingen the telephone line was brought across the Columbia, and the people of Kingen were not asleep when J. J. Hill came down the North Kauk. The hammer and the saw have been at work all summer, six dwellings have been completed and are occu pied. The two story building of Geo. Ccleman is finished. Mr. Coleman will use the upper story for a dwell ing and the lower Hoot for a billiard hall. The place is open for business and Mr. Coleman will be glad to meet his Hood Hiver friends. Mr. Swan, the sawmill man, is putting up a building -HxTjii, two-story high. It will be completed iu a weok or ten days. Kingen school commenced October 1, with Sam Neidigh as teacher. Mr. Nnidlgh is considered one of the best touchers in Klickitat oounty. It will bo a six mouths term. The Kingen school district will be, In a year or two, financially, piobnbly the best situated district in the coun ty, now having an assessed vnliiatiou of $:ili,IKlo and tho town just starting; and then we will have four miles of first class railroad loshlos side tracks and other railroad property. Surely school matters will not be a burden to the tax payers of Kingen, as it is in some other districts. lly the way did you sen last week's Enterprise? Some one must have stepped on Krother (linders corns, or may bo a hollo v tooth troubled him. Kut why he selected the Kingen school and Mi. Hnksdoi ffor comments of his troubled fadings Is pretty hard to ao count for; but no one at Kingen feels oil ended and all will be glad to In hi of Krother Cinders' recovery. UNDERWOOD Mr King is touching the Cheiiowith school. U. II. Cromwell Is teaching a short term of school at Mill A. Mis. Amos Undeiwood is very poorly. -i. Mr, Henderson has built a cabin nu bis homestead on the hill. J. C. Mclnnes, realstUe agent of White Salmon, has bought a part of the Moriety place and is having it divided into small tracts. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olsen have sold their ranch on the hill to K. O. (lod dard. He has had it surveyed and divided in smaller pieces. Thls'prop erty joins his property on the south and gives him a much finer view. Mrs. Luthy and daughter, Kosa, re truned Friday from a few dayr visit in Portland. Dr. Diimble is attending the young man at Mrs. Hamilton's, who is. quite sick with typhoid fever. Olef mil Aarcn Snrseu have been unable to enter toho'il on account of sickness, Chas. Itosenkrauz U slowly recover ing from a very severe attack of lum bago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Euthy. 11. Susk was n passenger on the boat for The Dalles on Friday. A beai was seen on Keeley & Du lloise's ranch last we k. Miss Kalherine Kelendork entered school Monday and your correspond ent now bas a partner in the ninth grade work, which we understand is the only ninth grade iu the county. We have but twenty two enrolled as yet. Have ready your tin pans, horns and cow bells, it is whispered they will be needed iu the una future. Kev. Chapman nf I he Latter day Saints belief, of Hood Kiver, spoke in the school bouse Sunday at 11 a. m., also In the eiening. Mr. Davidson and son, of The Dalles, are visiting at the laurh of Keeley & DuKoise. Mr. and Mis. Marsh, of Portland, spent Saturday and Sunday here. The people of this county have call e l a mass convention iu Stevenson October 11 fcr the purpose of nominat ing an 'nilependent ticket, they being veiy disatiatled with the political ring. The U. S, fish commissioners have been visiting the hatchery here. I hey are now catching plenty of salmon. T'ln Indians are drying and all to got her it is an interesting sight. Our school commenced last Mon day. The nintb grade was added and new biackourds installed. Prof. Kol lock comes well reoommended, bavin been principal over sixteen teachers, but on account of failing health is unable to take charge of so laige a school. Underwood people are indeed fortunate in securing so able an In structor. Mr. Cash bas been rustling around for some of our products to exhibit at the linod Kiver fair. What he has secured has been grown wi'hout Irri gation. Our people tdiould have tak en more interest and done what they coo Id to advertise our country when an nppoihunity was so near. The young people had a pleasant little dunce at the hall Saturday night. Mr. Knapp and grand daughter. Selma, have returned from the Wil lamette valley where Miss Helma lias been picking hops, and which she is convinced is much easier and more profitable than picking berries. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Thornton have a Hue new girl at tlio'r home. CRAPPER. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Claienco Fosburg, on October 4th, a girl. Mrs. Siuioutoi), of Hood liivo, is visiting iu this neighborhood aith hur sister, Mrs. Fosburg. The gentleman who bought the S. Johnson place has had the old bu Id iug moved back aud Is making prepa rations to erect a larger house in front of it. Mi. Gano has the stone ready for tho foundation. The farmers here are so huty at the present time harvesting their apples and potatoes that very little else is go ing ou that is worthy of mention. The potuto ciop ia fairly good. The apple trees have made a very satisfao tory growth and general improve ments are being carried on bh fast m can be done with the limited help. There is a great demand for hands in tliia vicinity. Yet notwithstanding the scarcity of help Clapper is keep- P 3C 30C 3SC 3C SOUVENIRS 1 OIF1 Hood Rivep Val The Finest Souvenirs of Hood River and Valley ever put out on sale at our store NOW Price 35 Cents Or Three for One Dollar While they Last See them in our Window The Tab na Cold Habit The old cold goes; a new one quickly corals. It's the story of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking-cold habit. It strengthens, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about it. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold lor over sixty years." A AIM ffiftiiufaalurar of 9 BARSAPABILU. ' PILLS. 1 HAIR VKJOt. W bar ao uorata I W publUh th formula of all our madlolnaa. yers R. B. BRAGG & CO, OUR LINE OF HEAVY SHOES Shoes for Men and Boys Keep the bowels regular with Aver' Pills, Just one pill each night. ing up with tbe procession and will le on the map in tbe future. It is already so thickly settled as to sug gest the idea of a tire company and electric lights in addition to our It. V. I), and telephones. Indians Shoot at the Yakima Agent. V'esterday afternou while riding in from Kort Simcoe Major Jay Lynch, superintendent of the Yakima Indian reservation, and Dr. Westphulo, the agency physician, were shot at by a oio 'd of drunken Indian. Xbe bul lets did uot take effect, but several of the leaden misiiles passed dangernni ly close to tbe two men, as they whipped up their horses anu hedl.u... the infuriated Hiwaubes. Agent Lynch and tbe doctor weie just enterng Union (Jap wben they met the Indians. Dr. Westphal Is if the opinoQ that they were Umatilla Iiidnna en route home from the bop fields. They were permitted to pans by without any trouble oocuring, Lul after driving pant the li rHuiis a riist ance of probably KX) feet, suddenly a pintol shot rang out n:d Revernl oth ers followed in quick surcessiou. Major Lynch put tho bud tethe horses and runie for tbe city ou I ho run. It was thought at tl-ht that tbe I idians were Ml owing tbem, bt luck ily thulr nppieheusions from this suiiioe were nut realized. Major Lynch says it wi uld be imro aible for him to reoognizu any of the Indiana, but he expects to make a thorough investigation uhin ho ret urns to tho fort tomorrow. Yakima liepnblio. Weather Report. D. N. liyrelue, local weather obser ver, reports the following for tte month of Heptembor: Dale Main- Mini- I'rec'p mum nana llat'n 1 74 M 2 80 47 3 HO ft 4 711 51 6 7f 6'J 6 78 111 7 ;n IW 72 IW T H lid !' 10 tiH III 11 7.'i :w I'J Ill 411 51 l:l l.l M III 14 U) 51 7ii in lill IS t Ili 70 ,S 17 M Ait I 15 Hi Hi l!P M .,1 M 711 I1 ' W 77 M I 22 T.i . 21 71 T U -il 14 as : 1 4ft i 77 1 M ! J7 70 i ftTi iH 7:1 :I7 i '.'!! :i 41 1 :ill 7'' 4j i J.. Character of UAy clear clear clwr clear : part cloudy ..part cloudy cloudy ....part cloudy clear . .part cloudy clear cloudy cloudy cloudy cloudy etrai , clear clear clear clear clear cloudy cloudy cloudy clear clear clear clear clear clear We can recommend to our trade with the assurance that our line of Shoes will give the best wear and most satisfaction of any line of shoes on this coast. Ask to see the Grand Rapids Shoe. We carrry them in high, medium and low tops for.loggers, cruisers and general purposes. El Real Underware for Women and Children are exceptionally nice flitting arid wearing'garments, as well as mod erate in price. We have it in silk and wool, Fleece-ribbed, Cotton and Wool ribbed, both in 2-piece and Union suits, from 25c a garment up Underware ELITE Underskirts Buy Elite underskirts. They have all the qualities of silk and wear much better at less than half the price. DrP fifinfK as are extreemely popular. We are 11 Cjj UUUUj 0ffermg exceptionally low prices in all Dress Goods, and we invite your in spection. We are sure you will readily appreciate the values we are offering. 0 KEIR CASvS SMITH IHiOl'K DC KKLIANLK DIU'GCIST W IU"U " 'mimm- "i Hoy Kills His lirolher A sad accident it was, indeed, that oc.tiired last Saturday morning about ten miles above Tygb, when two little boys, agod D and lespeotvely, were out biintng wit ha shotgun. The oliil ilmn were those of John Grossman and the older one wars carryng tbe gun. Seeing a bird be raised the gun to shout and just before pulling the trigger his younger brother ran in f runt of the gun, receiving the full contents of the charge Xbe arm was shot olf and a very severe wound received In the back, fiotn the effects i f which be died the next morning at 8 o'clock. The father was working In a Purging camp Bt llreen Point, Hood Kiver valley, Bt whioh place he was reached tiy telephone tailing 'him f the fearful accident. He reached 'mine late Sunday evening finding the ioy dead. t he liee. foe's Aililhlon on the Market. We have placed in our bands for sale, all the lots heli inning to II. C. Cue in Cue's Addition to Hood Kiver. Lois will In- wild at the price of $2(X) and up for tho next .10 days. This Is the Iw'H opportunity to secure Iota in this beautiful portion of Hood River ever offered the public. The number in limited and the choice should be made early. One lot with bouse, was sold last week. Five lota and bouse were sold yesterday. Two more to-day. They will not last long at these prices. For further information see W.J. BAKKH & CO. Table Linen If you are in need of some real nice Table Linen and Napkins see our line. We can please you. i We AGG&CO have just received a car load Water Pipe of Keep the bowels open when J . u 1 II I J 1 . - 4. nave a com anu usn a guuu remeuy io allay the inflammation of the mucous membranoes. The beet is Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It contains no opiates, moves tbe bowels, drives out the cold. Is reliable and tastes good. Sold by Williams' Pharmacy, . - . 1 liropt tr'Mm T hn tnitiif W rt . , 1 1 : ; j. x 1 i 1 All freight consigned to points ool""1' vVwijr. n c me Bumuir iu m WDOiesaiG Tpa! "&fiEta j Priw8' We can savo yu moy- AI have a full line of iy billed at least Bfteeia minutes be-. fittings and the largest stock of garden hose in the city. J. W. West, Agent. lYTrV TTf IV T i r wmw . mvKiwrN x ami in W. Y. LARAWAY Dr. of Ophthalmology mmvm (lasses Made to Fit v I'lidor-stands the Kyrs their l)efeHtf, ami their relation to luimaii ills ROOD RIVER, OREGON Vit i in -ii iii ii m mm m C r 1 an A rXA rl Sa-I y' I W5"i 4l I WVv.NvO Bl Woimils, ttralses And Hums. liy aplring an sutisepio dressjuj to wounds, bruises, burns and lik In juries beiore inlliiinnsKiou efto in, tb.iy may be hmled without matnt. tion and in about nne'tbird tbe time re piired by the old treatment. TWs Is the greatest discovery ami triumph O modern surgery. Chaniberifi' 1'iln llalm acts on this eanie pttnsi pie. It it an antiseptic and wkeS) an piied to such injuries, causes then to heal very ipiickly. It Uo aliava tb pain and sorenets Wid urevtuiU MS danger of Mood ptdMtfiiU. Keep a Dottle or t'aui lialiii In your aoureas. it will save you tinrftnA niitcej, tot to mention, the inoouvenieiice and MiScriug such injuries entail, for t-le by Kier & Cues, Notice of Sale of Bonds : Notice ! hereby given 'that the Hoard of Pi rectors of the Hood Kiver Irrigation DIs-, trlct, In WatK-o County, Oregon, will Hell ' the bondH of Raid dlHtrtot In the Hum of f m.OOO, on Thurridtiy, the Mh dity of Octoler, l'JOft, at the hour of two oYlocIci p. in. t the office of the Board of hi- rectoru, st the renUUnee of J. II. Nhofinuker, , In rtald District, and that Healed proposulu for wild ImhhIh will be received by hhI i Hoard at j mild place for the purchuHe of khUI bondn until j the uay and hour above mentioned, at which time the Hoard hhall open the propound and) award the puu-nHHeottue iKna lotne ninem teKponttiuJe bldiler, the Iloard reHervfng the ritfht to rejeel imy and all bids. HldH to be accompanied by a certified check for Ave percent of the aiuouut of the Bondhfor wtiicb j Lite bid ht submitted. ; Hatd bondsisiall be payable In United States j gold coin In t n h i1ph, vm IoIIowh, towit: At the piiHtion of eleven yearn, five per cent of tim whole number of said bond; I twelve yearn, nix per cent; thirteen yearn,; Keven per cent ; fourteen years, eight per cent ; ; fit teen years, nln yrrcent; ntxteen years,, ten ner ceut: seventeen years, eleven ier I cent; eighteen yean, thirteen per cent; nine teen yenrs, flfteeo per cent; twenty yearn, sixteen per cent, and shall bear lute rent at the rate of six ner cent ner annum, payable semi-annually, on the first day of January aud Juiy of each year. The principal and In- lereHi snail oe payaoie ai me piace ueMignaiea In the bondH, and bidders are given the 0D lion of having nald bonds payable at I'WHand, Orecon. or ew York City, N. Y.. and Id bondH will be Isnued in accordance with the election of the succesHful bidders. Maid bondH sliall be earn of the denomina tion of not less than SlOO.uO and uot more it..m'tSllS unl iball hit nuiMtlulila in furm and coupons for I he intereat nhali be attached to each tuid tineu d- tne secretary. Dated mi Hood Kiver, Oregon, this 17th day ofMepfemher, im, J. li. Shoemaker, 2(i-oW Secretary HOOD RIVER TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. TICLET OFFICE FOB THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Phone 131. True-to-Nam Nursery- Have for the ci'iniuf tvAwn's plant inn a lew thousand choice NeVtowns, Spit zmi lurijr and a few other leading varictien for poleniwrs. Cherry. Dear, and peach of the leading varieties, atiapted to thi-i locality. All buds ttui , Scions used iu (iroiusattt carefully sciifwii troin vieoroos. rroliho trees. I' wiiHons have liecn unable to supply nu ueniar.ti ami our stock tor this sea son is limit d. Would therefore sug. xet yon tile orders t an aly daa to get ebo n. rtock.'B. 8. Gaftigsn. I'lumc farm, i s ;i4). (let your chickens for Sunday t Mdiuitv liros. diowf light tmmm TAKE NOTICE Bgiiuiiiig M. 1st, '06, nil day lighting will 1 chargod for at the rate of 1 emits fx candle mvtor per month. Hours from :W a. m. to 4 : iu p. m. Hood Etactrk Uglt, Powr ii Wttir Ci Mount Hood Store W. a GRIBBIX. Proprietor. ury uoods Ammunition Boots and Shorn, Hardware Graniteware Hay Grain Flour , Feed Full line of Groceries 1i buy from PlKtofT Direct msmoreoKr prlcfairtc. ih CO tTLAND.Om. ..Livery, Feed and Dravinir.. BTRANAHANS ft RATHBUK. Hood River, Ore. Horws lioiitrht, sold or exchanged. TlegMire parties can secure tirxt-class rigs. Special attention gin to moving furniture an pianos. We do ewwything linrses i do. R. D. GOULD, NUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating Mi jobbing promptly attended to. PI