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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1906)
0 i 6-i : P ; 1-1 3 HOOD RIVER, OREGON, OCTOBER 4, 1906. VOL. XVIII. 21 in SOCIETIES. HOOli COMMK.IICIALCMJB Mewls every second Miimlay in ecu monin at p. ill., in the club rooms over Jackson's store. II. K. IMVIIkion, Pre. A. I). Mok, Hccrelary. uTiTTTi 5nTi. il moils: NO. 106. A. F. and A. M. Meet Haturday evening on or before each mil IWHIll. A.s. hlowkks, w. si. I. McDonald, Secretary. HtHltl RIVK.R (It APTKK NO. 27. K. A. M. Meet Bret and tlilrd Friday nights of eaca month. v. mcdonai.d, it. r. A. I). Mok, Hecretary. UllTL'l) CUlUTITR Vn ftR O P.. H Meets second and fourth Tuesday evening .. r ... ... I ' ...... .... a..mIiiiHu B.ImIIIIHI oi eaeu mourn. iflnui. nF,i..-j ";"' Mkh. T. .1. KINNAIRD, W. M. Mas. Th khkha Casts KB, Secretary. nil i.'U'ii,i)K l.rilHiK NO. 107. I. O. O. P. Meets in Kruterual lull, every Thursday night. 11. c. urn, n. u. J. R. Kkkmk, Secretary k'lik-N KMI'AMPM KNT. NO. 48. I. O. O. V. Kegulur meet Ina second and fourth Mondays Ill fulfil IIIOIIIII, . t H C. km ith, Scribe. .i.nt.-i Hi.''l.' . LI I.LVlUL'k' I1TU1R NO Kl, 1. o. o. K.-Meets flrsl and third Fridays In uauu inonin. Mrs. E. W. Udki.l, N. O. Mrs. Doha Thomson, Hecretary. WAIKoMA I.OIKJF. NO. 80, K. OK K- M. elH In K. in f. IihII every Tuesday nigM Tnos. K. Johnson, J. C. V. C. BiiiH'K. K.ofR. aud 8. li Dll-L ll I'lUP Nil 1U4 M. W. A Meets in K. of P. hall every Wednesday night. t,a.AIB, v.i., 0. II. DAKiN, Clerk. Ui,ii uivkx rinrl.h: NO.frtl. WOMEN OK WmidcrKft-Meemat K. of I, hall on the ti island Third Fridays of each month. Mm McKkynomm, U. N, F. W. Mi', Clerk. 1 I I' L'Iilj I I ,L. I I 1 1 I I.1 XI IV ItU A li IT. W Meets tlrst and llilrd Saturdays of each IIIOIIlll. r.n. in.auw,. n. K. It. Bkaui.kv, Financier CHKSTKKtSHUTK, llecorder. Ol.KTAAHMK.VltlH IU. 11B. UBI1H1' 1IW- .na.-Meeii tbellrsl and third Wednes days, woik: ecoad aud fourth Wednesdays Artisans iihii. i. . i nu.iw.-, . 0. P. 01, much, Secretary. COl'liT ii olMUVKlt NO. , FOREMTKKS ....l ..nil 1... trill Mllll. (it mi ; icHj mecu. wevA'uw i""" ,n iii each inoii'h in K.ol P hall. Hun ec a F. rou'rs, C. K. K. 0. Hhosics, K. C. (1ANHV I'OMT. NO. iti.O. A. R.-MEKTS AT A. o. U. W. hull, second and lourth Halur dm of each month al 2 o'clock p. m. All li 'a It. iiii-niln iK invited to meet with us. M A.nKiNNKU, Commander. Tnnm vs lioss v.l.,nlant. JJAKHV W. H.C., No. Iti-MEETS SECOND Mll.l Ji Ullll SHI limit; s 01 eacu uiuuiu iu l. I tt . hull ul 2 l. III. Ki i kn Hlount, President. GKKiiit on H. IniiI.ks, Secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. WU9, R. N . A. ,m is hi the K.ol P. Hall on the second and fourth Fridays ol each month. M as. carrik Bkosius, O. Mrs. Ella Imkin, iti-corder. J. F. WATT, M. D. I'liysiCIAN AND SURGEON, 'i'elepuuues: Office, 281; residence, 811. HlJKUKON O. B. 4 N. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to lr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly nnswei 'A in town or country, liny or Night. TeWphones: Kesldcnce, 611: Ofllce, 813. otlice In the llroslus Building. E. 0. DUTRQ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office and Kt'sitlonce over First National Jiank, Hood River, Oregon. Phone Main 871 DR. J. EDGINQTON, Physician and Surgeon Oflice over the FirBt National bank. Office phone HSI. lies, phone 7HX1, M F SHAW, M. D. Oflice in Jackson Block. Office pliooe, No. 1471. Residence, No. 693. UR. M. H, SHAUP tR- Ebna B. SUAKH Osteopathic Physicians (Graduates of the American School ol Osteoiwthy, Kirksville, Mo. Otlice mid Residence Huxley Cottage, River street. Phone 2.rt Hood Kivkr. p C. JiltOSlL'S, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON 'Phone Central, or l-'l. Offloe Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.J 2 to 8 and 6 to 7 P. M. H. D. W. PINE0,D.D.S. DENTIST Ckowh Kriikib Work a Spkcialtv. OHiee over Piret National Bank Telephone Main 311 C. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Telephones : Otlice 283 ; residence 1045 Otlice over Butler Bank, Hood River, 0rk. " M. E. WELCH, LICE.NHE1) VE1ERISAUV Sl'R(JE0S Is prepared to do any work In the veterin arv line. He can lie found by nailing ator Ph'-nliig to Clarke s riruit sture. A.JAYNK LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYER. Will Practice in All Court. Office wlrh leo. 1. Ciilhertson A Co. Voir lections. Atvstmots. Hettlrment of Kiates. HOOD K1VER. OKEi.N. SENECA F. F0UTS Attorney at Law Broslus Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. J0II N LELASD HENDERSON ATTORN KV-AT-I.AW, ABSTRACTER. NO 1 .'VI. 1 . ...... l-iTATK AUENT. For S3 yearsares.deotofo egonana Wasb- . , Manv twin MllArtMIM in lEe.1 Folate mstters. abstractor, eareher of titles and agent. B4fartlon (uaraalMl or SEE J. il. HE1L6R0NNER &C0. FOR Fruit Lands, City Property, Investments, Fire Insurance, Burglar Insurance Accident Insurance Our List of MnrgaiiiK in real estate will interest you J. H. Heilbronner & Company Fruit Lands, Real Estate and Insurance (.round floor new Davidson Bldg. HOOD RIVER and PORTLDNI), ORIS. Hood River Studio -KoR- First-Class Photographs We hBve ttie latest In mounts and can en large vonr IMiotns In cravon. Platinoid or Hepla. Hallsfaction ifuarauleed. W. D. ROGERS, Prop. BON TON .Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection 0. B. GRAY. 50,000 WELL BRICK 350,000 Building Brick For Sale at the BRICK YARD A. T. ZEEK. I) R. JONES, Dentist Crown and Bridge Wort Teeth Without Plates. Treatment of dineaaed teetb mid gimiB. Ultlue Brosiue Building. Phone 1033. WOOD FOR SALE. am prepared to furnish mill and slal wood, alno other kindg of wood. I have a new steam wood saw and an. prepared to do sawing. Also do genera team work. FRED HOWE. riione 121. H. SEYMOOR HALL, Surveyor. I am ousllfled and prepared to do all kin of nraMlasa laud surveying. Accuracr guar aotaea. 1 nose wno wish nrac-ciass wort aoir Mdrew B. K. P. Hood River. Phone NJsl, rjS.HTAKI.EY, RIlHUITH, K. O. BI.ANCHAB rres. virn. ...... V. C Rhwk. AhsI. Cashier. ; The First National Bank OK HOOD KIVKR, OltKUUN. Capital $50,000 Surplus, $ 18,000 MABLE E. PAULSEN STENOGRAPHER Orlice: Room 15, Brosius Building, HOOD RIVER, ORE. P. M. HALL-LEWIS k CO. Civil and Architectural Engineers and Surveyors Msk. surveys, plans and estimates for new er, light snd power snd rsllwuy. plants, and furnish, subject to approval, plans, specifica tions ana estimates or an classes 01 miliums; public, private and mercantile. Hpectul at' ten Hon (Ivan to economic snd slow-burning construction. Accuracy aud economy guar anteed. DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER. OREC.ON. S. H. COX Contractor and Builder fiVM Atn Xitimatmi Jvuaua. FREDFRICK it ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates furnlihad oa all kindi of work Phnnua- Arnold, Main M. simont6n&sons Architects and Builders. Ilceorallre Pullltinif and Paper Uimiiriiijr Plaint furnUhcd, Kutiiuaten care fully niHile, HOOD RIVER, OREliON. E. A. JEKOME, Architect Having had aeverai years' exiM-rlence In drafting and building. I would respectfully solicit s part of 1 lie patronage of Hie people ol Hood River who anticipate building. Terms reaon:ible, a id satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice at residence on Heights. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUII.DEH Phone 7ti Figures mid estimates furitiehed on all kinds of huilding and contracting. ASSOCIATION iif MrXiiniiflle. Oregon, will ineureyour property at 00 jier eent lesi cost than any oilier insiitiition. V. r. KU?, ripeciw Agent,, Hood River, Oregon GOVER. TMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for ligation some choice aunle lands and tlmu.ur claims: also rellmiiilshmentH aud land to script. Call on or address. Wm. f. hand, Kes. Pliuno 376. Hood River. Ore. Shepard & Franz HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Are in correspondence with all parts of the United H.atea and ure in good posi tion to sell your Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Orient Fire Insurance Co. JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all onler for granite and marble work, monuments, t millstones, etc. Also contruct for all kinds f stone masonry, con crete, etc. McEWEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Prom tit sales and iiiiick returns Wholesale dealers in all kindi of First and Produce. Consignments solicited 129 Front Sttree, Portland, Ore. Eureka Meat Market McGUIRE BROS., Props. Dealers in Fresh anil Cured Meittn, Ijtrd I'oultry, ITUits and egetniiles. rnee Delivery. Phone Main 35. J. A. TILLMANY Violin Lessons Inquire at MT. HOOD HOTEL Cider, Champagne Cider, Genuine Champagne, Vinegar, Wines from grapes and miall fruits. A loo! ol from cereaU, vegetables, plants, fruits and wood and vaiualile recipes. Send $1 for book giving practical information tow to make them. LEO . A UK I., P.O. lUx IW4, Portland, Ore WANTED Hrlxlit yomiK men and wohikii of kuiuI. Ins: Ui prepare for liuslnesH hm imui- (irapliers, bixikkeeiiers, anu ti iixmiili oii'in. toraai gisiu saiiiries. wine unuiy lor in cstaloiiue Ui Polytechnic College, 80612thSt. Oakland, Cl. The lurirHHt iind best eiiilii'd school of himl ness training, Hliorthaiul, Typewriting, Morsv Telegmpliy, Civil, Kleetrlcal, .VivhumoHl and Mining r.nsiweeriiia, it n'mu ki nuu An;ui tectiiral drawli.g west ol New Vork. -(Notel Young men ami women of this vicinity should not lull 10 wnie tin calulogiie, Hinting what course they prefer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States land OIHee, The Iinllen, Ore gon, Aug. 10, It. Notice Is hereliy given Ihsl In coiniillaiii with tlie provisions of Hie net - u r i,a a isrs. iiin.i .a .... 01 I.OUKI w - .. , . ... .. o.. ... 1 lor the sale of tlmtier lands in the states of . Hiiii'ium, vicftv.., .....'.. Territory, " as extended toail the 1'uhlic lind lsles oy act 01 auii, PAUL HAU.-1.KWIS, of Hiaid HI ver, count; of Wasco, Mule ol Ore gon, lias tills day died In tins oitlce his sworn statement No. tfMtt, tor the utrliitse ol Hie Hfc;,.4IS W'4 ailU Iir.,T -4.tii -.:im. ii, ion u- slilii 1 norm ranne lu e., vt . M , and will oiler r... uhrnv Hi..!, the luntl smiirhl iw 111. in III1N.II HlfHU" . vatuuble lor the timber iii' Mma- tut'iiHiii tlian for agricultural purposes, ainl to cMutillNti i.iu ni..iii ui ku I t Imiil bi'lon. I tu1 Ili'UlKlt.r ami nnTi i.i.i.i.v t.w.. , oiiiNoveuibir li, luoti. lie names as wltuesses n il lain I''. Kiind, li K. Morse, .1. H. Heilbronner, A. J. Iierliy, all of Hood Itlver, Oregon. i.....Ai.,... ... 11. u 1 unit llli;.. Ill I lit. hi. II,... Ilr... Ally aim o ii".. t n.m.., 1 i.u Dl...vM.ili.iicrlliiMl mini, ure ri'ii nest. ed Ui tile theirclalms In this mllce on 01 lie- tore tliesilIU Sill uay 01 nutennsT, wnm. UIIH1I.'I T V . .1 .V aiiiniii ""I'.i'1! sO-n:t Ktnisler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ITnlted Htates Land Orlice, The Unites, Ore., tin m. num. Notice Is hereby alven that, in compliance with the provisions of Hie act nl UmKresaof June3, 1S78, enlilled "An act for ine saie 01 iiiuuei lonuo ti. ..' ... . ...1- fornla, Oregon, Nevada, and W itli I iikIuii Ter rllorv." as extended U all Ihe ruiilic Land slates, by act of August 1, ML', I In- following named persons have 011 Aprils, lHli, tiled In thlsoltlce tlielr sworn Btateuienis lu.wn : MAI UK A. KAIKMANKM, of Kent tie, county of King, In Ihe slule of Wasliingtoii, worn suiienicnt .o. win, lor the iiiilclnlse of IlieHlCk ol sei'lllin S.j. town. ship 1 north, range U east W. M. CHAHiiKS J. FAIKIIANKS ofHeatlle, county of King. .Mate ol Washing- ton, sworn suueineui .u. 101 ine pui- chase of the yjHZH, KK'4K'4, section it, snd N W"4sWV4 sct:t4uu :!.', lowuslilp 1, norlh range 9 c, W. M. t hat they win oner prooi 10 snow uihi me lands sought are more viiluuhte tor the tliiitjcruudslnne thereon thai) fm ai$rlculliiiii purposes, and to establish their claims In 411 nl Ih mis before the Kcgister and Receiver. at the land oluce, In The Imlles, Oregon, 011 November li, I'lUii. They name the following witnesses! Nils ', Olson, ol 1'orlland, Oregmi, Mamie A l ali bnuks and ( harlea J. tulrbuliss, of Seattle, Wash lug Ion. Any und all persons claiming adversely any of the above described amis are recucsieil to Hie theirclalms In this mllce 011 or before said (Ith day of November, mm. sti-iiS MICHAEL T. NOI.AN, lleglster. SUMMlNS. In the Circuit ourt 01 tile amte of Oregon, for Wasco county. Kmma Hobliison, Plalnlill', VB. ('has. U. 11, Koblnson, Defendant. 'Cp ('has. U. 11. Hobiiibou, defendant above nameo. In the uameoftlic state of Urivon, you are hercbv reouired to annear ami answer Ihe complaint tiled against you lu ,lbe above en tilled cause 011 or before the expiration 01 six weeks alter the date of the first publication of this summons, as hereinafter staled, ami in case you full to so;apiicr and answer stint Complaint, the plaintiff will uiiply lo Ihe OOliri lor l lie renci prayeu lor 111 ner roiu Dlalnt. niimelv : for a decree of the court dis solving the marriage contract between the planum and defendant, ami granting 10 ine iilaliilltf thecare and eiislodv of the minor child of plalnlill anil deleudaul. This summons Is served upon you by pub lication thereof for six weeks in the lloinl lllver Glacier, by order of the court lade on the 1st day of September, ltMJii, and ou are required by said order of the court to appeal snd answer the platntffl"scomiilalnt on ur be fore six weeks from the date of the first pub lication, which date is the Bill day of Septem ber. l'.HXi. W. II. WILSON, iioK Attorney for Plalnlill'. NOTICE OK FIN'AU SETTLEMENT In the mailer of the estate of Harvey J. Hyr kett, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has tiled hlstliial report aud account as ad ministrator 01 Hie estate 01 liarvey j. nry kelt deceased, and that the county court of the Slate of Oregon, for Wasco county, tins apisiiuted Monday, the 5tll day of November, ltmii. at the hourol len o'clock a. 111. of said day as the lime, and Ihe county court 'room in the county court house In Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, as the place for the hearing of said filial reiort. All persons hav ing objections to said report are hereby no tified to tic present at said time and place and present sucli objections, if any there be. tiatca mis inn uay 01 neiiiemoer, isssi. k. O. Hl.ANi'HAH, s!3 Administrator ADMINlHTHATOll'S NOTICK The undersigned has ft led his final account with the County Court for Wasco county, Oregon, in the 11 atter of the estate of liavld YWshart. deceased, ana notice is uerebv g ven to all persons Interested In anid estjtto that the court has appointed Monday, October iM, li, at z o clock, at the court house al Ihe liallca, Oregon, as the time and pltui; for hearing objections to said final account and lor the settlement thereof. H. If, H KSS, Administrator of the estate or David Wlshsrt, de ceased. ADMINI.STKATOU'8 NOTICK Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been, by order of the Honorable I'otiutv Court of the slate of Oregon for Wasco county, appointed administrator of the estate ol rims, Husey, deceased, and all persons having elslins against said estate are hereby notifb d to present the ssine to me at the Mule While Nlore at Udell, or the olllceof .layne Iierh In Hood lliver, Oregon, properly verillid, within six months after the date of the first publcatlon of tills notice. KOHWKLL HHKI.I.KY, Administrator of the Estate of ( has. it. Husey, deceased, limed ISepi. l.ilb, l'.W 2u.oIs For Sale One team of horses, weight lltli pounds each, well broken, single or double, and 12 years old. 'lood harness and :P4 Hhiii wagon, wide tires, with rack. Price till. Terms. Will take two or three gisid milch cows as pari payment. Write to or inquire of ('. W. l'earins, Cascade Ixicks, Ore. Jssif BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. A variety of good residence property ty at prices and terms to suit. (iood buys for $.ri00, , 700, tKoO, $1,000, 1,300, $1,4(X), $1,600, f 1,750, f t,K) or any price you want. Two-story house near high school for only $1,600. Several good residences close to busi ness for sale cheap. Fine two-story residence with two low, choice location, only f.'.ooo. New two-story house, Hix rooms lie, sides pantry and hath, only $',H10. Whole blocks and acreage property for sale on easy terms. Finest residence lots in the city cheap, (iood investment. Large list to select from, including (food orchard land and farm prow;rty. Come and e-e us. Onthank Otten Hood River Oregon CITY WILL HAVE NEW FIRE TRUCK PROVIDES BETTER PROTECTION New Coin pan j- Mill lit Plnceil on the Hill Other ltiMncs of Import mice Coiislilercil. At the meeting of the cii.itiiiiii council .MoiiilaynoiiiiiKlloo,l Kiver's governing Innly pi net nvlly deoldcd tu ptirclmsu 1.1! itiontil li.e ttppHraltis to. the towu i; ml appointed u coil iiiittoc with power to act in the mutter. Il has long ti t ;i considered it (iit-t im, ot the mi t vital iinpcr uncu to the city that better lire protection li provided and the decision of the coiincilmeu is being heartily endorsed by tuxpuyoiH. The intentioii in In purcliHsu u hook mid la hlor truck with cheiniciil Httacliiiii iit that will he both serviceable, light und ciiu In moved (tiickly when uoinled. The meeting was called to unlet with Mayor mowers in the chair nun Messrs, Watt, Hhinclier, Mue, Morse and Recorder Nickelsen ireaeut. 1 Ik reading ot Use nun tea ot the pre vious meeting wore rend tttid approv al. Mayor lilowors then stated Mutt iif- te some consideration he hud come to the conclusion tlml the uiiioiiiit ol $"J,f00 voted by council it the lust meeting from oilier funds to the road fund had perhups lieou extiavngiitil aud that he hint so far only Higned wai rants to the amount ot ?l,.iiH). He found upon investing inn that so much money tnken I nun the gi'iieini fund might perhaps niake it necessarj for the city to imrimv money lor il. contingent expenses hefuie it con.- menced to receive nuv noi revenue. He thought the streets ouuht to 1 1 repaired, but thought also that tin proposition to piirnlin.-c tidiltl iniiiii lire nppuralu shoclil lie acted upon ut'il wanted to know what council 1 1., ,'ight ahiM.l ' In- i utter. Air. Mtitso a, kill the may 11 nhttt th., presenl t 1 nil it ion of tlm niy'. nuances ere ami In1 one, 'till Ihe re coi.lei' to iMud the report of lln 1 it treasiner, which is as IoIIuwh : Aiiionnl in genernl Itiud, 1,1; 111 sitiver fund,; in ruud 1 u 1 u I , l,l:U-ls, water lund, jiT.'lt. Witi rants are out standing against thu sower funil to the am lint ol .:t,.titl and tin i-m is still several payments to l paid in mhli (inn to tills, 4ftui l.lui I'ouilillu lit' l.ho ronnrt. Mr tlorae suid timt the streets ouglil to he fixed up and he thought the mat ter of new fire Hppaiulus could lie takeu cure of us well. Mr. Moe suid that in his opinion what the city needed most ul present was to have its streets repaired in some way permanently. Hint' while there were no doubt a good many things the city needed such as fire Hppuratus'aiiil inoie light, he thought the most imperative need wuh to have the streets at ieust repaired before the bad weather set 111 so that tliey would at least be passable, He did pot think $l,.riK) was enough money with which to do it and do it right, which was the main thing, as the town was get ting to where Ihe strectt must, be per niHiiently improved. Councilman ntitt sanl lie was very much lu Invor of having t lie si reels attended to. That they were gradual ly netting worse and worse and that the time had come for tee city to make permanent improvements upon its thoioiightavirs em! that whalevei wo''k was done should be executed with that idea in mind. Mr. lllaiicher was also very decid-I ed in his opinion on this point ami called the attention of the mayor ami council to the many hud places in the city's streets that if they were not re- nali'ed would Ijd III such a 1 million iiy spring that they would be impassable Mr. Morse also said Unit II possible the streetssliiiuhl be prepaired at unci as another rain would ticiko the roads! leading to the boat landing ami the 0. K. A N freight house in such bail condition that they could be reached with ditllculty. Marshal (iatiuor, who wuh present, addressed the council and said that it was impossible to get men to work on the streets at present, as there was such a demand lor labor that there were no men idle. He said ho did not think it advisable to attempt to make any permanent street improvements this lull, lout li the streets were plowed up they would become mud holes and remain that way all winter. l'o make a permanent, improvement with Krpvcl or crushed rock would cost, he thought, Jtnch more than coun cil had to spend at this time. I ; 1 1 v Engineer Henderson called council's attention to t he diingerotis condition of the roud lending to tin- bout landing at the cn-d, side of the the river where the new railroad bridge is being const 1 ueled ami sacl that it should be seen to tleif the ! railroad couiniiy make it tale ami I leave the romt in as gomi cnmiii.101, j aH they found it when the hi idge is Mulshed. I be marshal i"id st n i l committee was instructed to looh after the matter. The special committee at pointed to Imiuire inlo the total cost of the sew er and the amount of money needed to finish paying for it, repotted that it had consulted Mr. Henderson 1 11 the matter, us he had all the data at hand to furnish the information and Mr. Hendersun, who was present was asked to state what, it would cost to to make the inquiry. He couldn't tell exactly but would do it as cheaply and probably better than it could be done elsewhere on uccoiuit of the fa cilities which he possessed. The mo tion to have It done was carried. The ordinance raising the inar shal'a salary to fiKl per month was brought up and passed the first read ing. The committee appointed in re gard to semiring gravel for use on the city si treets reported several lo cations where it could be obtained al various prices, but Engineer I lender sou suid the city owned a street which was practically of 110 use to it, hoi ig located where it ran olt into Indian creek and that he thought all the Krxvel necessary, could be obtained there. Mr. Henderson whs asked to act with the street committee in in vestigating the matter, and a report will be made at the next meeting. Mayor llloweis called tie attention of council to the fact that W. K. Mlieets, chief of the tiro department, was present and wanted to address it in icgard to obtaining a new tire truck and ho was given the attention of that body. Mr. Sheets mado a btrong plea for added lire protection, saying that the engine in use in the dewntuwn part of the city was too heavy to be of much use without hoises which were not always availa ble, put tic in. 1 ly at night. He said by placing the heavy machine ou the bill and piocuring a lighter one tor the business section the whole city would thou be protected as the heavy machine could t o very easily brought down elf the hill, while it was almost impossible to take it up. He stated that the full section being almost lev el it could be used to advantage up there as well,;and the lighter apparat us could I 0 taken up too if necessary. lie is in favor ot a hook and ladder truck with two ten gallon chemical tanks also and which lias laddets long cnouuh to reach to the lop of nnv building at pieseut in the city. The city novv hail 110 ladders for use in case ol lire and it was something that should be provided, us sooner or later there would lie a serious need of them iind an adeipiate apparatus should be pt ovided lor protecting Hie city iigiiuht soi ions loss. Judge Hem. or sou augmented Mr. Sheets' talk tor added lire protection and ou motion if Mr. Morse a resolution was carried referring the matter to the commit tee 011 lire and water with power to act. The llnance committe audited a number of bills and the council ad journed. thinks He Has Located M ut hint Pocket John Thompson, a prospector, who litis just returned from Ihe country back of Mount Adams, where he wat induced to go by the story in the .Iniinrnl that gold had been found 1 herd this summer ly two young men Alio were taking their summer vaca t ions at Trout Lake, says that he has located some of the richest, specimen! if gold, cupper and lead ore that evei 'tune out nl the state of Washiiitgon iiul timt ti e country thcie is full ol jifiispecl ui s who are making similar Minis. Ihe spccimiiif lis he says w lb ue placed on exhibition at Vancouver. I hoinpson thinks he has located tin oliice witeie Nathan Mathiiis of Tin Dalies, or KiMirt, as he was known 111 I'oi I huiil, was af work and when he got the gold that made him rich anil that, it is about three days' jour ney from Trout Luke. Ho says about hi miles nmlhaiirt of Mount Adams, in the nighhnrhond of a body of water known as Salt lake, he found an exca vation 11 feet deep anil li feet wide that had been made by mining tools and that he discovered it by accident while prospecting tor other parties. Kock taken from it he states showed iinmistiiki'ble evidence of gold but as he was working on a salary lie decided to lot thu location of his find remain unknown until lie could return aud work it tor himself. He will not give any information that would lead to its discovery and says that ho expects to return there in a lew days and in vestigate thoroughly. Thompson says that the country in the vicinity ot Salt lake is oveirun with g"ld aeekers and Hint they are all finding speci mens of Mihiable minerals, some of which ure so rich that they have paid the expenses of the tinders for mak ing tite trip. A party of six left Whito Salmon today for the vicinity of the gold ex citement and ntiiei expeditious will leave tor there during the coming week. Journal. Where Is i' Savage. For some weeks past, in fact for a month, his tiiends have been interest ed as to the wliei'onboiits of Frank Savage, who was given a vacation from his duties at the W. W. M. Co. V mill about six weeks ago, and with the exception of one instance, has not been heard Irotn since. He lelt with the intention of going to Collins to remain a week at least, lint, it is un derstood, was there but u day. Wbere he went iiiiui there is not known, but he was afterward seen by a Dal es lady it Long lieaidi. She, however, had no 'onveisatiou with him ami therefore can give 110 light 011 thu subject of his disappearance. Savage had been accustomed to write to his grandmother, who lives in the valley, every week and over a week ago she wiote to the warehouse company lo impure about him, which proves that he was not wi'll his peo ple at that t ime. i he question is, whht could have become of him? lining a young man of excellent character, with no bad habits, I'lid having nothing to cause him to disappaer without acquainting his friends, makes the case more mys ti iioiis, though to a few of his friends I o dropped a word or two which led 1 hem to Hunk he had some intention of reiiinining away, but why, is the question. Some have suggested that 110 has been shanghaied, but that the ory does mil serin to be adhered to. When he left he is known to have n:td fJ in ills pocket, lie has a bank accent v, iiicli has not Imcn touched i;pl beside has money coming to him on salary. II he had any intention of not comingd. ack, l,e nut In no urr nge iiienls w Inch wuiil-l indicate it. Aside I rum the mystery connected with his ilisiqipainnce, anxiety is felt because of the hti,'li t steam in which his employers and friends hold him. No informal 1011 has bee 1 received from his people as to whelhel they are making special eifort to locate him. Chronicle. Feruling (irewrV A asocial Ions. A Fruit (itowers association will soon be formed in the towns of lleuv ertown, Leeih ille and Hillaboio. The assoc. at ion will i completed and in working order before the end of the week. On (Iclobei 'Jlth a meeting of the Fruit Urnwers' association will lie held at lieavorto.Mi ; al lieedville on the; Hillsboro, the iith, and at Idlest Drove 011 the -7th. An An I'm I Coinrli Cured. " I'w.i veins hl'o our little ifirl had a i,.,iel. id 1,111-11 1111,11 in. which left her Willi an awful coiih. She had spells ,,1 cm, rMmr inf like one with the whooping cough and some thought she wonl I not get well at all. We got ,a bottle of Chamtie lain s i-ougii iiem !edy wh'cli, acted like a charm. She I stopped coughing and got stout and j fat," writes Mrs. Ora liussanl, liiu I baker., 111. This remedy for sale by ' Kier & Cass. GREAT ACTIVITY IN REAL ESTATE HOOD RIVER RANCHES IN DEMAND Investors Make Purchases for Heln vestment and AUo for Further Development. Sales of reul estate at Hood Kiver during the last few days auureuate in the uioghborhood of 00,000 aud more property bus changed hands lately at big prices than at any time in the history of the valley's development. I loth strangers aud old . residents are buying laud set to trees, partly un proved and unimproved aud tl.i re seems to be a general scramble to get Hood Kiver's renowned apple laud at present prices. Heal estate men are kept busy showing prospective buyers over the valley aud each train sees several new prospectors iu search of apple orchards 01 laud alight here looking for information. The largest sale roported is that of the til 111 of J. 11. Heilbronner & Co., who sold the ranch of Simeon Copple near Odell Jto Cooper & Walt her, ot Hie Dalles for $'20,0tm. The property consists of HO acres with an orchard that will crop lu the neighbohrood of i 1,700 worth ol applet) this year and a young orchard that will be in bearing in a short time. The othei land is in hay and grain and the buildings ou the place are excellent. Mr. Copple has reserved the right to the apples 1)11 the place this year. It is said to be Mr. Walther's intention to remove nis family to his new possession and take up his residence theie. The Allien-lieuhuui company have piirchust'd the ranch of Frank Chan ' ler near liclmont, cona'stiug of 70 acres, 00 ot which is set to apples mil three to prunes aud the hula 11. e unimproved, ami it is said that tiny v ill cut it up into small t lads ai.d re-dispose of K,. The Alboe-lh 11 In, 111 company is in tin reul estate busiiitsa 111 Portland and expect to handle the property lroin there. If. II. Albee, of ihe above Unit also bought the 4'2-acre ranch of O. K. Custuer, part of which la in apples, a small tract in straw berries, three acres in hay, three in pasture and the rest unimproved, lor tvhich he paid $15,000. H la tindi r atood that Mr. Alhee has bought aa tin investment, lioth of these sales ar ranged through J. Adrian Epping the well known singer and diroctor of an acadomy of musio, who but recently bought a ranch lu the valley uimseir. Jas. Hunter, Salurday, made public the sale ul ten acres of his ranch to A. Howard for $:I,8U0. Part of the pur chase is set to trees and the rest cleared. S. Johnsou, whose property adjoined the Barrett school house, sold 11 acres to Conrad Franz, ot Ta 00 m a, last week, for which he la laid to have recieved a good price. Other sales which have been made iu various para of the valley will foot up a total of from $7,000 to $10,000 and activity iu the realestate world is looked for for several weeks. It has beeu reported that O. L. Vauderbilt was ottered $100,000 for lieuhih Land and the Watt property, which be purchased last spring, but that he refused to take it because the sale included a $15,000 crop of apples which will be gathered from the two places this year, Mr. Vauderbilt is said to hold his property above the figure of $100,000 Hat. tleorge 1). Culbertson & Co. teport the following sales made by them 10 oently : Twenty acies East Side near Pine drove, owned by A. Graham, to li. F. (jerking, Hood ltivei. Considera tion, $5,1100. Twenty -live acres near Pine drove, owned by Jos. liaison to Dr. E. L. House and 11. J. Miller, Portland. Consideration, $1,S00. Ten acres 3)4 miles on East Side, owned by Halph W. Orel way, to Mar tin Angel, Taooina, Wash. Cousider taiou, ei:i,:too. Hundred and sixty acres in seotiun 17, Tp. 1, N. K. 11, E. W. M., owned by E. U. Kogers, to Jaeger liioa., Portland. Ten acres near Leu 7. on East Side, owned by Lawrence Hilliuiau, to II W. Dudley, Portland. Consideration, ij: i,i too. Hundred and Bixty acres in section 17, Tp. 1, N. It. 11 E., owned by Kog ers and llartwig, to Jacob Schmelt zer, Hood Kiver. Ten acres near White Salmon, own ed by L. C. Wood, to Hik Field, of White Salmon. Consideration, $'2,000. Small liny voms illg Pa! a toes. Jest think of an 11-yeai-old boy growing illli pounds ot potatoes from lu notinds of seed, says me I'.vening Telegram. That's what Kohert rvnlerietn, ct I ,11 1 111 I I'M I' 11 lis. Ellas done the liatt summer, without assistance from any body. He prepare:! I lie son, piaiiteu l.)ni seed, c ultivated the plants and re cently gathered his harvost. Samples ot his potatoes era the en vy of every boy who Has entered ex hibits iu the potato growing contest to be decided iu the city hall today. He placed Pi potatoes on exhibition. Six were the largest to be found in 1 ij ....i,. I, Thuv iivoraLSod eikrht inch es in length ami three inches iu thick ness and weighed on an aveiage 01 1 '4 pounds apiece. The other six pota toes were what he thought would bo the best sellers in the market. They wero about half the Bie ot the largett ones. I.'rmilr Seidl. a little Vi-vear-old (ietman boy of Troutdale, exhibited the next largest potatoes. Severul 01 t.iu ivuiuliAil hh much us those of Koh ert Ktiieriom, but they did not aver age quite ho large, it was saia ny ma school teacher that he was a poor boy and worked very hard lu his garden. The results from his labors showed that he must have applied himself dil igently. Human Timber Cruiser. The only woman timber cruiser v e have ever beard of is operating in Crook county up Ochoco. She Is Mrs. Mary Vauderpool, of this city, aud can locate a section comer with unerring precision. Mrs. VandeipoU is working in conjunction with Uut le Jimmy Elliott, and is invaluable when the prospective claimant is of her owu sex. Prinev le Keview.- po cnarge o e o