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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1906)
o o &00D EIVfiR QLAOifcR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 190d SE3 RY2UNG FfiLK PAPER COVERED BOOKS. The Way Bora or GlrlM Caa Heblaa Tuein la lota. Tliere comes a time when every boy or girl has some eberiHlied book be or he would like to preserve, but cannot do so very well bet'nnw the coter Is ot paper. If the book had a good cloth binding It could be easily saved, but with only a paper eorer It Is a hard matter to keep It from coming to pieces If much handled. It Is very easy to make a 'good, stiff cloth binding by the means of glue, cardboard, cheesecloth or muslin and a little Ingenuity. First get the exact size of the book. Then procure a pasteboard box and cut from It two covers one-quarter Inch larger all around than the edges of the book, ex ' I FT I SIDE !& SIDE (1L COVER j! COVER I i I li :l I PHEPAltINO TUB COVERS. cept at the back, where they should be even. Now cut a one-eighth Inch strip off each of the back edges of the cover and then lay the covers on the pleoa of cloth, each one-eighth Inch uwv.y from the space equal to the thick uess of the volume, which Is shown by dotted lines, Fig. 1. Cut the cloth around the covers, leav ing one and one-half Inch margin'. Paste the cloth to the covers In this position and then turn them over the margin, which Is also pasted down smoothly. Cut a third piece of card board the same size as the back of the volume. Paste this to the cloth, and when all parts are thoroughly dry glue the back of the volume firmly to the pasteboard back, as shown In Fig. 2. If the paper cover of the book still remains you can cut It out neatly and paste It on tint front side of the bind lug, as shown, and the same can be done with the paper title back, both parts being removed, of course, before the pasting is done. Thus If you pick out a color of cloth that In harmonious with the color and design of the paper cover you will have quite aB attractive looking a volume as you could buy for double the money yours cost. OUR NATIONAL FLAG. The Star, the Stripes and the Red. White and nine. The name of Mrs. Betsy Ross is so Intimately associated with our national flag that the belief that she designed It has become common. It seems to be true, however, that she made the first one ever floated. Briefly stated the facts are as follows: Washington was called to Philadelphia from York In June, 1770, to advise with congress on the state of affairs, and during that vis It he was requested to make sugges tions as to the design for a flag. Accom panied by Colonel George Ross and Kobert Morris as a committee of con gress, Washington called on Mrs. Betsy Koss and asked lir to make a flag from a drawing that they showed her. The drawing was a rough one, and Washington, at Mr. Boss' suggestion, remade it. One of her suggestions wag that the stars should be five pointed instead of six pointed, as they were in the original drawing. The flag thus designed and made was adopted by congress. The thirteen stripes symbol' Ized the thirteen colonies. As to the colors red, and white, It Is likely that they were used because the army flag had been red and the navy flag white. The blue field with white stars repre sented the sky, with a new constella tion. The Imprisoned Toad. You have nil heard stories about live toads thnt were found Imbedded In rocks, where, It was said, they might have been for years. Naturalists say that these stories are either myths or exaggerations, for the toads could not possl'ily exist for an Indefinite time under such conditions. They have, however, considered the stories of suf ficient interest to warrant them in test ing their truth. It Is said, for example, that a French naturalist Imbedded a toad In plaster of parts and found It alive at the end of twenty-eight months. Wo all dislike to hear of such experiments with living tilings, for they are not without an element of cruelty, but the cause of science some times requires that they should be made. What la Iff There Uvea a perfect chatterbox upon the manti'l shelf; It talks and talks the livelong day, though only to Itself. When not a soul la in the room, I've very often found, Twill tittle tattle ever on In ona unceaa- Ing round. You'd think 'twould be content to keep appointments of Its own: Vou'd think It might leave other folk and their concerns alone. But, no, It hurries one to school, to bed It even dares To Interfere with grown up folk In all of their affairs! A Girl's War. Have you noticed that when a W bas short aklrts she Is always teasing to have them lower, and the very day she sets them lowered sh starts to boltf them up?-Detrolt Free Preta. Its Finish. . The Governess What happen when the mil kUlad the goose that laid the golden egg, Margie? little Margie W I ru his goose was cooked. A man of Integrity will never list to any plen against conscience, Tospa, The Adirondack takes. One of the most striking phenomena of the Adirondack region Is the carry ing lower of the human voice In still weather upon the lakes great and small. Persous ashore easily bear tbe ordinary conversation of others who are so far out upon the lake as to be Indistinguishable, and as a great many Adirondack visitors habitually violate the law touching the slaughter of deer all such offenders are extremely care ful not eveu to whisper a word that might betray their guilt when rowing upon the lakes. A "Gold Brick" of Old Tim. In one of the Tell-el-Amarna letters, written during the eighteenth dynasty, the king of Babylon accuses Ameno phls III. of Egypt of sending him a mass of base metal for gold. He says, "The twenty mtnas of gold you sent me contained, when melted down, only five mtnas of pure gold." London Post. No Competition. "What do you consider the most memorable occasion In your career?" "Once, at an evening performance," answered the great tenor, with emo tion, "all the boxes were occupied by mutes. I shall never forget that night." Minneapolis Tribune. Her Cooking. Young Wife How do you like my cooking? Don't you think I've begun well? Husband I'm-yes. I've often heard that well begun Is half done. Punch. Sarcaatle Swift. It was Swift who warned a friend who was extolling the air of overtaxed Ireland: "ninth! if they hear you say that, they'll certainly tax the air." Reduction In Flour and Feed. Special cash price on Flour aud Feed ut warehouse. Bran f 14 per ton; shorts, f Ni per ton ; Hour, $4 per barrel, 1). McDonald. Not for your dealer's sake, nor for Benson's take hut ftr your own sake get some of. Benson's Fancy new potatoes. They will makw you sinile. McGuire Bros, make their own leaf aid under their own brand. High Grade I High Price- Pttlud in Full Mitnri Votthi lAfoljErlK ne. RtracT on Mtrit J. A. Folger & Co. San Francisco Bautifullr located in Portland, Orefon, often umur pasted facllltici (or th cul ture and education of yount women. Special opportunities in Music, Art Langruatrei and Liter attire. Well equipped Phyiical and Chemical Lab oratories, Herbarium and Mineral Cabinet The tnrLrnt and oldest Ladies' Seminary in the Pacific Northwest, it enjoys a national reputation (or im part in f the best physical, mental and moral train ing and developing true womanhood. Equips soi - ally and educationally (or the most exalted sUt on. Confers Academic and Collegiate Degrees bv State Authority. Interference with convictions of non Catholics is scrupulously avoided. Academy is idrally located, amid inspiring scenic advan tages. Social opportunities such ss are available in no other city on the Coast. Buildings large and commodious. wslHiKMed. heated and ventilated; d rniitories arid private rooms supplied with all modern conveniences. The institution if liberal and progressive without sacrificing the character and traditions of age and achievement. Terms modest. Satisfactory references required. Write fot announcement booklet. Board and tuition $180 u year. Address Sister Superior. St. Mary's Academy PORTLAND, OREGON, U.S A. We pay 4 on rime depoiitt, current rata on uvingt accounts, receive deposit ubjed to check, and do t general bank ing buwnen. You can have the advantage of strong bank at your very door by wing the mailt. Send in your deposits. Acknowledg ment w2l be sent you by return muL Saving! account received from one dollar up. Opea aa account with at and Mat now atpidly it will grow. I FRANK WATSOK R. L (MtHAJaV Vss M W. H rtAH. imam I C CATOVC1 Aal Iaa ftasa.T (Trust (fotnpatm ir r u ni" Z7AaM.9T. KOSITLANO, A Young Mother at TO. "My mother lias wddenly been made young at 70. Twenty years of intense Buffering from dyspepsia bad entirely disabled htr, until six mouths ago, when she began taking Electric Bitters, which have complete ly cured ber aud restored the strength and activity sbe bad In the prime of life," writes Mrs. W. L. Oilpatrick, of Danlorth, Me. Greatest restore live medicine on the glole. Set Stomach, Liver aud Kidneys right, purities the blood, aud cures Malaria, Iiilliousnessand Weaknesses. Wonders tul Nerve Tonio. Price 50. cents Uuarauteed by Cbas. N. Clarke. Ironing Board. I have just made bp an assortment of these necessary articles, also have the material to make them to order. Experience bas taught what kind give the best service, also what to make them of to preveut warping, checking or extracting pitch. Yours for anything in the oarpen teiing line. F. G. COE, Opposite O. B. Hartley's Rob. Phone 571. HMI Oregon Siioip Line amo Union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Dailv Through Pullman standards and tourist Imping cars dally to Omaha. Chicago, Hpc ksne; tourist sleeping cars dally to Kansas City: through Pullman tourist sleeping car (perannsally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining chair cars (seam free) to the Fast dally. Union Depot Leave. Arrive. Chicago-Portland Special for the Kiul via Huntington, dally 9:80 am 5:110 pm Hpokane Flyer for KhhUtii Washington. Walla Walla. Lewlatoii.Coeur d'Aleneand Ureat Northern points, daily 6:15 pin 8:flU am Atlantic Express fortheKast via Huntington, dally 8:15 pm 7:15 am Portland-Biggs local, for all joints between Biggs and Portland, daily : am 6:00 pm RIVKB SCHEDULE KoR ASTOUIA and,:00 P. M.i6:X) P. M vny points, connecting llh steamer for 1 1 aco and North Beach steam Dally Dally except Hunday. except Buuday er Hassalo, Ash street dock (water per.) Naiuran; !B&. 10:00 P. FOR Dayton, Oregon City and Yamhill Rlv- 7.-09 A. M. 7:30 P. M. Dally except 6unday. Dally except Sunday. po: dock (water per.) FOR LKWIBTON, Idaho, and way points, from Klparla, Wash. t:40 A. M. 4.-CK) P. M. Dally except Friday Dally except Saturday orvirc hoi'ks Freight House S a. m. to 12 noon; I to S p. m. Nofrelglil received or delivered after 6 p. m. Passenger Depot I lours lor delivery of ex press and biiggntte will be 8 u. m. till G p. m. WW. IVcMUHRAY. liener-i l';t- u --r Asoii, I'oi'iitiiiri, or. II , . ini 1 1.... V. . II H . r O, K. & N. I I .UK r.VBI.E. El 1 ieiH' li. -i. h No. i r-is-clMl, ll:' m. til. K'yxr. p. Vo. I. M:ii' illtl Kj" t"CHK. UI:W p. m. No. h. o:.ri i. mi. No mull. .. .M. .. rrrltfhl. I'.':l'i p In. Vo. l- s.l l leluhl, 4Mn. III. So. I. 1'orUnhil Special. 2:15 p. in. ... :i, IWHumi Kher.5;:a. in. Mo., Mall Me Ks press. 4:12 a. m. No. 7. &40 p. Hi No Ililltl. No. '. M) Freight, :i a. in. V Kast Krelultt. U p. m. SEE Nature's Wondrous Handiwork Through Utah and Colorado ('antic Gate, Canon of the Grand, Klack Canon, Marshall and Ten nessee 1'osbes, and the World Famous Koynl tiorge. For dcucrlpllve and llluntrated pamph lets, writ to W. C. McBRlDE, General Agent 124 Third mroot, fOKTLANIJ, OR. Farm Wagons Vehicles and Farm Implements Exclusively i Orchard and Garden Tools a Specialty - Colne in whether you want to buy or not, I welcome visitors just us cordially as I do customers Corner Fourth and Columbia Sts., T "O KTIfK FT aVRN What Ails You? " Po you fuel wpft, tlror), dosnondBUt have frequent headaches, cnatiM tongue, bitter or bad tast In inortiini;, "heart burn," belching of gas, avid risings In throat after eating, stomach giu or burn, foul breath, dizzy spWIs, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms? If yoiNiave any considerable number of thSbovesyiptoms you arc suffering frornillousnrsrpid liver with Indl- gftStionTlopS Dr l'ierce' Oolrien ytedlfl fliseoycv lsniieU- u i, of the nui Valuable medicinal princiiiTis known to medical sclejice for the l r:ii:u)eiil mre j such abnormal condilloii. It is n m,n emcient IKer tnvigorator, stomach tonic, bowel regulator and nerve strenpthener. The "Golden Medical DNc every " Is not patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full list of Its Ingredients being printed on Its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at Its formula will show that It contains no alcohol, or harmful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, trlple-reiiued glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of the following native American forest plants, Viz., Golden Seal root, Stone root, Hlaek; Cherrybarlt, Queen's root, likiodroot, and Mandrake root, The following leading medical authorities, among s hot of others, exio ihe foivifotnif roots for theruro of just Mich ailments as the alcove symptoms Indicate: I'mf, It hurtholow. M. I)., of .luffnrxon Med. College, I'hila.i Prof. H.C.Wood. M. I)., of I'nlv.of I'a.: I'rof.Kdwin M. Hale, M. I)., of Ualiiiemanii Meil. Collegis Oilcagii! Prof. John Klnir. M. II.. Author of American llsp,nsatory! 1'rof. Jim. .M. S uil der. M. 11.. Authorof Stiecllic Medicines; Prof. J.aursnee Johnson. M. I.. Med. Iiept, I'nlv.of N. V.i Prof, I'liiley Elllngwood. M. i Author of Materia Meiliea and I'n f in llcnnett Medi cal Colleife. t'hlcairo, Kend name and ad tlresson Postal Card tol'r It. V. I'lerce. Buf falo, N. Y., and receive irr hooklet girliiff extracts from writing's of hH the alKve medi cal authors and many others endorsing. In the stronirest possible terms, each and every In gredient of which "Golden Medical Discov ery" Is composed, f Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet.s regulate and Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Thef may be used In conjunction with ''Oolden Vertical Discovery " If bowels are much con stipated. They're tiny and snuar-coated. CHICAGO AND THE AST When purchasing ticket to Chi cago and the East, see that it reads via the Chicago & North western Railway. Choice of routes via Omaha or via St. Paul and Minneapolis. It la the route of The Overland Limited and the direct line to Chicago from tho Coast. Four fast daily Chicago trains make connections with all transconti nental trains at St. Paul and Minne apolis. The "Best of Everything. All agents sell tickets via this line. For further information apply to R. V. HOLDER, aanaral agnt, O. a. N.-W. tas Third St., POPTIAHD, ORS. N H unts Faint Wall Paper Co. Have added a complete line of PAINTS, OI LS, VARNISH ES and BRUSHES. HEATH & MILL1GAN MIXED PAINTS. Our stock of paper includes latest designs in Blanks, (Jilts and high Grades, From l()c up. A full stock of room molding, Picture rail, Plate rail and a small line of novelties in Framed Pictures. CAU'lMO, the latest thing in room t inting, mixed to order. Painting, Paper hanging, Sign work etc. Phone 671. First and Oak Streets. jLX-"-s1fc ..r ' : -V---EsaMi ii! hoes,.SHoes, We have purchased at Bankrupt Sale a $2,000 stock of Men's, Women's and (Children's Shoes mid us wo wore fortuimto cnoufih tosoonro those goods at a') ,afc Fifty Cents on the Dollar . wo art- in a position to moot any and all competition. Most of those shoos are of" the well known SMITH, WALACE & CO. make, a line that has been sold in this town for the past ten years, and is well and favorably known. When you want anything in the Shoe or Clothing Hues fall on us. IT WILL PAY YOU BLOWERS BROS. Hunted Position km fanner on strawberry farm. Am well experienced and willing to work Address T. .1. Ilainliioiid, llox UK, Sprinjjtield, Ore. As a dressing lor sores, bruises and bui'iis, t 'hamliei Iain's Salve is all llial .can be desired. It is soothing and lieal ng its effect. Price S cents. Kur biiU: by Keir iV C'a.-s. DF It H your i,t Httrs'tl-e duty to ni si Ice yourself t. Ht(rr1('tl II M tXIMHlhlf . If J'oll llllVd BCALlllUi tn u d 0 y. Hulliiw, wrinkled, tllislirhtlv iniilexlin, leitrn liow to m.MiIre h prftet tkln hy tiiiriuliNH, gutinnitieii nietiititls. I will lend you h fret pHinplilet, in tt plain DTelop", RlVltlK nil pHt'tb'llilirH, ir you write todHv. rivi yetirM i-Htntilllifd. MADAME HUDSON, LM7 Mnrlpny bld , SNA Wnshtnittnn ut., 1'orlliind, Oterui White Salmon- lood River Two big sail boats, two big- perfectly safe gasoline laiint'hes and two big ferry SCOWS. charge hxpert sailors in 15outs leave at all hours. DEAN & PEARSON lAcenxed Ferrymen, C P. R. Next Door to McOuire Hrotlieie. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired All work done with Kleetrie 1 ron and guaranteed RALPH REED Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle Buggies Runabouts Spring Wagons Surreys, Etc. State Normal School at Monmoth Regius its 2."th year September 2i, 100(5. Three fill courses of study. I Uglier course recognized in Washington and other states. The best and shortest way to a stnte and life paper. Additional work in both general and special methods; Also school management for graded an I ungraded schools will be given this eoniirg year. Longer terms, higher wages and better opportunities are open to normal graduates. School directors appre ciate the superior ability of Monmoth graduates and t he demand far exceeds the supply. Catalogue containing full informal ion will be sent on application. Correspon dence solicited. Address J. B. V. BUTLER, Registrar Houses Coe's Addition Cheap for Cash or on your own terms. Now is the Time to Buy. Phone Farmers 1233. H. C. COE. Hal New Location. We are now located in tho Smith Building, in the room formerly occupied by J. F. Rand, where wo will ho ilensed to see all of our old customers as well as now ones. This large and well-lighted store has been fitted up with the best, and most complete) stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour and Feed ever displayed in the City. Fresh Vegetables received dailv. Call and inspect our stock. SPOT CASH GROCERY WOOD k SMITH PROS., Proprietors. Bartmess' Furniture Store ON A CASH BASIS Malleable Iron Reds, guaranteed against breaks by the factory for 2 years, and yet cheaper than the cast bodH. Wo get them direct fromtheEust. Call and look them over. S. E. BARTMESS Building Material, Carpets, Paints, etc. LICENSED Undertaker and Embalmer. FOR OREGON AND WASHINGTON RKMICTIOX OF TEN t'KIi CENT ON ALMOST ALL HOUSEHOLD (iOODS A Large Linejof Mew Spring: Goods MATTINGS and CARPETS At prices never before quoted Shoes and Lots IN This Bank Free Wlintour moo Biid women of fltty yeara hmice will be tluptinilH on the children of to duy. Is it not worth our while, even at the cost of eoneiiloruble ell'ort, if necessary to teach our hoy or girl tho value of money, the hubitti of thrift, economy and savings. Her bert Spencer says "education la the prepara tion fur complete living." One of our Home Saving" Hanks which you can have FREE upon opening an account with ono dollar or niojo, if in your home, is a constant appeal ing educator, teaching the habit of saving silently, forcefully, aud not to be denied. Savings Department First National Bank HQQD RIVER OREGON ! A