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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1905)
0C3C DC 3C 3 CZ 9C 0 The Upto The Leading Q tore CLOTH 1 ER Headquarters for Reliable New Goods The Store of Quality, Enterprise, Square Dealing and Modest Prices Men's Clothing-, Overcoats and Cravenette Rain Coats a: :"iir:::i ess::1 r:3 cd r "mu:L 'sb ,Dctt 3 I FRANK A. CRAM AT COST 9 QOOC ""C It KIEF LOCAL MATTERS. I. libber heels at Donovan's. Shingles, See ua for best Oregon Lumber Co. prices, Mantle, wall and cookoo clocks on any terms at Clark's. I'se Williams' anti-septic liair tonic ami keep off gray hairB. Sidewalk lumber. Delivery same dav order is received. Oregon I.linilier Go. 1 guarantee a fit in glasses. Clarke, tin- optician and jeweler. Tlie Tny laundry does good work; you know tnat. To make room for new stock all cut glass w ill be closed out at cost. Clarke the jeweler. Do you use Lath? Get our price and compare it. with that of competitors. You will make money this way. Ore gun Lumber Co. Well, don't you see that if you wish to see well, you should see Clarke the optician. Guaranteed work in glass lilting. ( losing out all but millinery, Kniqp. Now that all important question is settled the next thing is the ring a fine new line of engagement and wedding rings. Prices right. Clarke the jeweler For surveying, see John Leland Hen derson A Son. All watch, Clock and jewelry repair work guaranteed by Clarke, the jewelur Kvcry man owes it to himself and hi family to master a tradeor profusion. Read the display advertisement of the si Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this i-sue and learn how easily a young man or lady may learn telegraphy and be assured a position. Hard wood baskets for picking apples, only 50c at McDonald's. io to Mr. Ontliank for abstracts and notarial work, renting and collecting. Legal papers carefully drawn. I to you iih Napthtt soap? 5c per bar nt McDonald's. .-hoes at manufacturer's cost, Knapp. Mr. liartmess is on a cash basis. I'or work w here satisfaction is guaran teed, patronize the Troy laundry. Agen cy at O. K. barber shop. Radios' bund turned and sewed shoe work a specialty at T. 11. Donovan's, aeru-s from William's 1'harmacy. All work strickly first-class. Those contemplating putting in wheat this fall should see the Hood River Milling Co. first. In order that their patrons may take advantage of the discount allowed on ; bills paid before the tenth of the month, I the Water and Light Co. hag arranged to keep their ollice in the Davidson building open till 8:30 p. m. the first, ninth, tenth and every Saturday even ing of each month. Groceries, flour and feed at Lamar A Dunn's Men's hats and Bhirts at wholesale price at Knapp's. GET IN THE HABIT OF TRADING AT 50 Toy Knitting Machines Free Ifflr!:. will tell tiH-ir iiiivinin.'is to ooiiif and sot tin nice umlerwrnr wo are selling ho clieap we will give a knitting machine; they're lots of fun. Underwear gucli gixsl garments, but it s your ga n It you I. conic beloie tney re gone. Just think of buying a fine suit of fleece lined boys' underwear for 50 cents, and others in proportion. Lanterns. Dark nights now ; Glove. We sell the kind that Mufflers. The new Perfec you'll need some light. Our new wear. Apple polishing gloves,:! tioii cravat sbaite with collar swing out globe lantern is a fine pair 25c; oiled canvas gloves, 25c; spring; fine for ladies or gentle one the most improved lantern asbestos tanned working gloves, men ; are quickly put on. Light made. 65 cents 50c; heavy calfskin gloves, si cts. and dark silk, $I.OO each Sweaters forlsiys; all wool, Ladies' Q Misses Caps Warm Bedding is whatone Solid colors and striped, made with in velvet and felt, all colors. I hu thinks of these cool nights. We new style waist hand ; good wear- new automobile shape. They're are offering some excellent vslues ing gai'menls. 75c to $1.25 very pretty. 50c in warm fleece coiiifurts;ee them. Boys' Knee Pants, only a Tarn O'Shanter Caps. Golf Cloves. We've got the limited lot; extra good quality, Woolly reds, grays and mixed new, prettv patterns in wool and worsted and corduroy, pretty pat- colors. Special lot while they mercerized" cotton. It's tune to terns. While they last, 48c pair last, 25c each wear warm gloves. 35tooO Si New This Week A large shipment of beautiful New Rain Coats & Empire Coats in the latest three-quarter and seven-eighths lengths. Don't fail to see them. Winter Underwear Special lots on our counters. Ladies' Natural Ribbed Underwear 50c values for Heavy Fleeced Misses' and Boys' Underwear, 40c to 50c values, on special sale, DC DC Mayes Bros, get a fresh supply of meat every morning. Mayes liros.' meat market has been supplied with a cooling fountain for keeping vegetables fresh and clean, liny your vegetables where they come fresh as from the garden. John Leland Henderson and eon are equipped with two Ourley transits and will be ready to do surveying for the next two months. Hat?s per day are f") and $10. Watch our w indows for Kail Styles. Abbott. All persons knowing theinselv- ose be indebted to Frohn & ileaton are ret quested to pay same at my ollice within 10 days from this notice. K. 11. 1 1 art wig. Remember Riggs' shoe shop, next door to McGuire's meat market. All work strictly lirst-class. Also bouts and shoes made to order. Don't forget the new shoe shop across from William's Pharmacy. All work strickly flrst-class. Call and examine my new line of watches. I can save you money. Clarke, the jeweler. Watch the Troy grow. Patronize home industry by l ining ranch butter at McDonald's. Mimes half soled while you wait in 20 minutes. All work liist-class mid guaranteed. Ladies' sewed soles and O. Sullivan's rubber heels a specialtv. Donovan's Shoe Shop, opposite W'il liums' pharmacy. Chicken dinner at Kmstrnm's every Sunday. All the latest styles Photos at the Deitz Studio. Fresh Olympia and I'astern nyster-i at the Gem Candy Kitchen. See that dandy line of Ko! tiers at the Deitz Studio. Fresh vegetables, butter ami egts at McGuire Hro.-. F'or rent Two or three good houses, furnished rooms for light housekeep ing, or nicely furnished house tor a short time. See W. J. linker. MeGuire Pros, have an up-to-date meat market, clean anil neat, ami solicit youi patronage. Their meats are the best, and onlers filh d promptly. Phone Main 731. Some men spend their money and time for things; others invest time and money. Invest in a season ticket to the lecture course anil you w ill make an in vestment in yourself. Tickets for the entertainment course on sale at Clarke's drug store, Monday, October it. Season ticketf $1.50; sin gle admissions 50c; children 15c. No charge for reserve seats. Two-quart combination hot water bottle and fountain syringe guaranteed for one year. Only $l.f) at Clarke's. A. V. Ontliank invites his friends to call on him at his new ollice on 'I bird street. He would like to include all among his friends. Our strong suit. We thought we had bought too heavily, so we marked them way down to move quick, hut we won't have enough to last the s-ason. The price is ridiculous lor 25c. 3 Cmh9 Cm The Gem Candy Kitchen makes fresh candy every day. Do not waste money buying a poorly finished fruit jar, but get the genuine Maeon jar at McDonald's. 0. E. S. NOTICE. Hood Kiver chapter No. 2, Orrgou Eastern Star, will celebrate its l'Jth anniversary in Tieman hall, Tuesday evening, October 4. A cordial iuvita tion is exttined to every member of the chapter, and to all visiting mem bers. A. O. U. W. Regular meeting of the A. O. U. W. in K. of P. hall, Saturday evening, Oc.'olicr 21, at 7 o'clock. A full ut teu mice is desi d in order to make i rrangeii'ontg for the coming anniver Bi.ry celebration. New Today. For lien A desirable houge town, ii quire nt Knapp's store. Wanti'd To cxehnme .ri-nern down fruit farm, II improved atid near Hood liiter for r(.ui(i,.m.(. property in City. Apply to (i. o. D. 'ulbertson & Co. F. G. Coe, the carpenter, will move his shop ). t, her 23 to the Dallas build ing on fomth street, between Oak anil River streets. ICO u ie mountain ranch, all under ir rignt. on dit'li, twelve miles from Hood River; six acres cleared, one acre or- chard;! I bunch marketable timber. Also f..ur lots on hill near residence of Ch nl, (' isi ner; terms reasonable. In quire of John Leland Henderson. Wav'e.l To trade ten acres of partly imp- v d fruit land, buildings etc., in llo d River valley for improved acreage at M.i e Salmon, or Pacific county, Vash.iigt..n. Apply to (ieo. D. Cul bertsoii iCo. Order your supplies at once for mince meat, and not wait until the day you want to use it. This will insure having it on hand for you when you want it McGllRK BROS. K. G. Coe the carpenter, will move his shop to the old Cox A Cook shop, one half block north of Morgan Bros, ollice. For Sale at a Saorillce. Fifteen acres close in on the Fast side. iood apple land; must sell. What will yov give for if.' For particulars see II. M. Abbott. For Sale. One safe, cost f'KK); will sell fur f 175 One oil tank, coHt $.5; ill sell for $25! Large connte.' scale, cos $L'3; sell $.15. Geo. P. Crowe)!; Advertised Letter List. October 10, 1005 Mrs. S. O. Mosher (2) Susie Nor wood, Nellie Wicks, R. C. Baker, Mrs. (i. Eastings, Henry Fisher, Arnold odd, P. U Wise (2i. W. M. VATES, P. M. THF BIG STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES i W 4 ; f ' mm m - it. u T Iplf MM' 3 CMS James McDonald of Bethalt.o, 111., I was the guest last week of his old ' friend, C. bZ. Day. J. L. Johnson of Kingsville, K, arrived Thursday and is visiting friends and relatives in Hood Kiver. W. P. tlomey left Thursday after noon for St. Johns, where lie has no cepted a positiou iu the machine shops of that thriving manufacturing suburb of Portland. II. E. Kickseckur, former owner anil publisher of the Oaksdale.Wnsh., Tid ings, is spending a few days in Hood River. Mr. Hicksitcker may decide to locate here and enter the fruit bus iuess. Rev W. 13. (iilmore, who is a mem ber of the visiting committee of Paci fic University, is at Forest Grove vis iting the college aud attending the annual meeting of the Congregational churches. Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. Davidson re turned Saturday from a week's trip to Portland and the exposition. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson are plunning soon to move Into their city homo from Willow Flat for the winter. (ieo. McUuire, of Thornton, Wash., and three children have been visiting his brothers, Henry and Walter, for a couple of weeks. Mr. McOuire return edhome last week, and the children were taken back this week by their grnudomther, Mrs. Motluire. S. A. Skinner left last Saturday for Columbus, Wash., where he is visit iug with the son and daughter of Mr. (Joss his neighbor in Methodist lane. Mr. Skinner will look over the wheat country of Eastern Klickitat, and ex pects to secure a good horse while there. George Eaton of Dolgeville, N. V., was the guest during the week of K. A. and liruuo Franz. On his way to Hood River, Mr. Eaton stopped oif at Spokane, North Yakima, Taconm, Seattle aud Portland, and of nil tin places visitel. he regards Hood River the finest. He expects to have his parents locate here in the near fut ure. Enoch Brayford of the Rock ford store called at the (llacier ollice Mon day morning and asked to have the little ad. offering his wagon for rule taken out, as be has beeu kept liu.-v answering inquiries since it appeared. The wagon was sold the first night the paper appeared, his neighbor, Mr. Ilelme, reading the ad. and making the purchase at once. A few davs ago a Dalles man wrote to Mr. liniv- ford saying if the wagon was as repre sented be would be down to buy it. Hart A Foster are the new proprie tors of the blacksmith shop on the heights. They have purclu sed the shop and business of W. E. (iodsey, and expect to remain here. William Hart comes here from The Dalles, while W. A. Foster, the other member of the Arm, has been a resident of Hood River a year or more. .Mr. Foster was formerly a member of t he examining board of blacksmiths in the state of Washington, and for several years did shoeing iu the government barracks for the cavalry horses, lie baa had wide experience in this line of work. The handsome new residence of Oeo. P. Crowell was the scene of n merry company last Friday after noon. Over fifty ladies met at one of the popular "teas' given by the ladies if the Congregational church. A game with clothespins as the mascot fl rat) started the fun. Miss Hershnier sang a solo very sweetly and was re called, and Florence lirosius gave one of ner attractive songs. After all had partaken of the generous supply of refreshments, the company adjourned, feeling that with Mrs. Crowell as host ess, it would be impossible not to have an enjoyable time. William B. Quartz, mention of whom was made last week as coming all the way from Pennsylvania to see Hood Kiver valley after be had read of the country in the Glacier, writes to Roswell Shelley, the Glacier's Odell correspondent, that he is now in San Francisco, but thinks seriously of re turning to Hood River to reside here permanently. Mr. Onartz has been a con tant reader of the Odell not is during all the time he has taken the Glacier, aud upon bis arrival here secured a horse aud buggy and made a special trip to Odell to make the per sonal acquaintance of the Little White Store man, and valued Odell corre spondent of this paper. No one inns is doing more to advertise Hood River than Mr. Shellev, which has been proven time and again by just such Instances a thia. The grandest opportunity ever presented to the people of Hood Hiver nnd viVinirv Hnndrprlc; of J-. V. - - . - - . v - v. -. I r? . i . . . . ' i i kA11,1l lllls ana inallllitiu'crs' cost. See us before 'i . buy in r i here s money in it. No trouble to show goods. Much can bo ivivod here. fecial 18'' doz. stiff Brown Shirts, worth 1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. This en tire lot will be on sale Saturday at a. m. for 50c each. None sold before Saturday, 21st. See window, Dry Goods Dept. II. I'', lielieii is i n el ing n cottage on Knst Sti.te htieet for Joseph Tomp kins. H. I', lielieii is draw ing plans for t he erection of a hotel by the Oregon Lumber Co. nt I nglis. Kenneth liobeitson a fruitgrower of lloise, Idaho, i in I Ion, Kiver a view of local hit; here. Rev. W. (i. Ki,,t, j,-., a huge congregation in church Sunday moi ning preuched to lie I llillllilill Mr. an. I Mr. .11. 1 1, l'arkins and Mrs. .Myrtle Stone St pi, of The Dalles were in llond River hij-t. week. Charles I'o.-ter made the record catch of tlh in Hood rier last, Satur day. He lauded lio trout, the total of which neighoii IS pound.-. I''. A. Thomas, secretary and liiiina ger of t he I'ort la ul Cigar Co,, made a busines trip to Hood Rier, Tues day, going on the miuio day to liiggs. Watts the marble man was down from Tim Dalle-', Tuesday, nod m! up a hamlsoiiiK moiiumeio, uer the grave of the late C. L. Gilbert, iu Idlewildo cenieteiy. C. II. Ileiiiolt, who recently pur chased the I in I lei fai in north of the Valley Cliri.-I inn church, is pleased with his purcha-e, and is busy getting his fall work underway. Hilly Shipiunii, niclit cleik at, the Commercial house, 'I he I lalles, was in I loud River during the week. Mr. Shipinan will .-; einl some time at, his iMosier lann beloie resuming bis po sition at the county seat. C. K. time is spending some time at Cambridge, Idaho, where be is improving a home-tend relinquish ment. Cambridge is On mill s noi t h of Wci.-er, in one ( I he l.esl sections of the glow ing .-! :te el' Idaho. W. I ). I lavies, i ; 1 1 c -r ami w hole sale dealer of tauey liuits, at. I 'loi in, Calil., spent I'ri lav in Hood River. He was necoaii aiiii'd by R. Husk ing of Tori l.uel, and the two men took n drive t hruiigh t he alley. Supen isor I1'. A. ,l:i.-see has had a folio in" men and teams at work since Monday putting giavrl on the David son hill. The most, of t hi.- win k is donated, us the tun. is of t he d istrict. hale been used up in doing other very necessary and very heavy work. 'I he members of Wi, nu ns' Alliance and friends are l . , , i i , -1 1 -, I to ne el at William G. Illiot. jr., hall l-'riday morning, al !' ::;u, v. it h lunch tor aii all day wink meet ing. Gentlemen in it i'ii to lunch at noun. Hostesses: Mrs. Ilii.xley. Mrs. New by , .Mrs. Watt, Mis. Chi ping. Carl Gilinore, v, ho n ci nt iy m Id his East Side farm, is planning to leave w ith his family lor an esteuded trip to I'orlland nod Willamette valley points. .Mr. ( .limine dent of llooi( ;j. or !i i i w r 1 be says, and i ' er taken a 1 1 i , a n.i-i- i HI'S. Mr. and .Mi of North Val . i Mrs. Thouip.-i I to Mrs. CI. I guests of Mr. i I son. Mr. 'ha son are bro! r wtnn Chainlv! lain ai-eolnpnli ied by Ml . a sister a'.e been i A. Wib Mrs. Wil r. Mrs. r home in ei lain, Mr-. I'lnill ; and i.l- - . on of I le.-day 'Ibiiuipsou let! the East. Rev. O. .1. x chinch left V. .e I' itarian morning for liil he pul t Sunday. NelsOII, i I will till lielliughuui, v ' he pit of the sue 1 t h During the i:i . William G. I.: of the pulpit t hi in Rev. Mr. Sn . f I I I lay. and I 'nil land possibly the tol- low ing Solid, M V. Ran.: -I nmht Mr. and .Mr-. I lield iu'ti . justice court . i oriland. 1 1 involved bcii J .. 1 he i i asserts t hat it ; r ago he it gainst 1st side in. mint i i a. laiuant " i-iiuiniis-to .11 three :.t ;.n agreed : gi s t hat he but that, to d no pal t of hieh is 7 j i-r sinned by t In I . tlield.- lots ill I'liiw v Park price of s'2. loiml i sold the Jot. ; ,;r. ed . this time he I n t i the legal coir, ' n . cent, of the t , .v. The Duke's met Sat.urd.i. for the wilt.:. ry society l ,-ul g ini.ed l.llllttee (III ei.u-l itu- V n i --t ion in. i : . lit constitiitio'i r. i i j tion which wn- nib.,.!.- I. ; of ollieers resulted as fi.;i j dent I). L. Da bison ; u , ! A. T. Dodge; Seer, M j Trensiiier .J. (I Cameron: C !,! S.-argi ai i. at-Arms Mi-. W. ! Mrs. M. Catiscroi . Dodge; Kditoi The society com mences its wiuti i 's v.oik v.-iy auspi ciously. Net Sal hi day there will lie a question bo iii n.. tit ion to the lit erary program. All are cordially in , vited to attend. -' A- A A V T -M- V A VX V J S i it" i wvercoais onereu Saturday Sale Famous Ostrich Plumes The genuine Fatton line. Nothing better can be bought. We will sell them to you at man ufacturers' cost until November 1st, providing we furnish the hat. We show the same styles found in Portland's most exclusive shops at much lower prices. Entire Shoe Stock on Sale at Cost J. Williamson of lone is in' the val ley seeking a location. Evangelist llandsaker and wife be gan u revival service at Odell last night. Charles H. Prat her left Monday for liosoburg, where he will enter the Sul diers' Home. Mrs. J. E. Duganiie of 1'ortland is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Gilmore. Miss Miuidi) Gee was up from Port land Sunday and spent the day with her mother Mrs. E. Gee. Ed iiyorleo, manager of the Oakdale Fruit and Poultry farm, spent last week ill Portland, whore he took in t he closing days of the exposition. Robert Leasure, Henry Thomas and Mrs. Richmond were iu The Dalles Monday as witnesses for Mrs. Riggs, who made final proof on her h.unstoad at Mount Hood. .lames R. Davis of Grand Junction, Col., has purchased the Carl Gilmore f'iii'in, paying .'),ri(NI for '.It acres. Mr. Davis has moved onto the property w ith his family. I). McDonald returned Saturday night from Portland, accompanied by his lit' I,' daughter who had undergone tri i.i a i i t for appendicitis iu a bos-pi'- I i! eio. 'Die little girl is now out nl danger ami is recovering nicely, Walter Upson went to Lyle Thurs day, returning Sunday with two rain bow trout, one of which measured 'Ji inches long and the other 21. Mi. Upson reports splendid fishing at Lyle, the fish there biting at any thing. Mr. and Mrs. W. (). Sanders left Tuesday morning for Seattle, where Mr. Sanders goes to bring home his father, whom the doctors have found is siilfering from a fractured thigh, after a fall received sixjwoeks ago. A moil h ago Mr. Sanders, sr., was walking witli the aid of crutches. His leg became worse, and an x-ray ex amination revealed a broken bone. Mr. and Mrs. Sandeis expect to re turn today, A. R. Ingalls and J. R. F'ields of New Plymouth, Payette valley, Idaho, spent last Wednesday in Hood River. These men are fruitgr wers iu the Payetto valley, but having heard so much of this famous section of Ore gon, came here to see for themselves. Mr. Smith took them over the valley. They left nut nothing in their praise ot the orcliarils anil the trees loaded with apples. Mr. Field is horticul tural inspector for his district in Idaho. Rev. J. W. Mayes, who was recent ly appointed to supply the circuit for tlie Aletliodist chiircti at lilekleton, writes to his sister, Mis. Gee, that himself and family are pleased with their locution, and aie getting all ug nicely. .Mr. Mayes supplies the fol lowing circuit in Eastern Klickitat county: First Sunday of each month. morning and evening at liiek.dton and 1 l.-a.-.inl.Kidge nt :i in the afternoon; second Sunday morning at ltluelight ami evening at (ilade ; third Sunday morning and evening nt Rickelton and afternoon at Eutei prise; Fourth Sunday morning at Glade and evenim; at Itlueligbt. First Tuesday of each month services are held at Huth s. at i C3 Mrs. II. H. Richmond spent Monday ill The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. F. Heavener wero vis itors in The Dulles Monday. Mrs. C. L. Gilbert is visiting rela tives ami friends in Ohio aud Indiana. Rev. J. it. Spight of the llanlh-t, church will hold services Sunday nt muster. Mrs. W. Ii. Gibson of Elkhait, lud , has been the guest of her sister. Mis. I). G. Treiber. Mrs. J. Ellington left Mondny fur Wasco, where she will visit with form er neighbors ami friends. V. O. lirock. of the Mist, Nalioiu l hunk, attended the Knights of Pyth ias meeting in Portland Just week. The Ladies' Aid society of the Con- gregational church will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. G. I-,. William-.' Mrs. John Songer and Miss Elhi Sweeney were in Portland n few dais last week, attending ti e Lewis and Clark fair. Charles Prat her made sale last wei k of 40 acres of his Cast, Side farm to James Chitty of V lento, ('hurley Max s he "gave it to the mayor of Vionto. " Miss Ella Sweeney from Hrndfm.l City, Pa., is visiting at. the home i f Mr. and .Mrs. John Songer. Mis.- Sweeney is mailing a I of the con tinent. Mrs. Riggs of .Mount, Hood, widow of Dr. Riggs, made final proof on In r hiimesteiiil cliilin lief oi e the regisl. r and receiver of the I nitial States lai d ollice at, The Dalles, Monday. Members of the .Modern Won. Inn n of America and Royal -Neighbrrs went to Mosier last night, in response to an invitat ion from the lodge then to join with them iu i banquet mi l good time. Dak in and bent are busy tln.-e days, with numerous painting con tracts, lliey will do the work on tie Sherman and Staleu buildings, in.d also have work on the Wilson coltai.e in The Dalles. C. I,'. Dakiu, Pert Kent and Orvill Laliiii are winking in The Dalles this wi ok. Fouls A: Darby, attonu ys at law, is a new sign in larg gold letters on a second story w iinlow iu the llr. sios block. 'This lew firm e i its to In located here by November !. young men are leieut giio'i ates of the Oregon law ,-chool. Inning left ti e institution with honors ami a splend id standing w it Ii I he lending attorneys of the city ot Portland. Mr. Pouts expects to continue his partnership with a Poiihinil olllcc, wliile makii g his residence heie. With the advi nt of these two young men, HuodRivir will have the attorneys. J. J. Mears of Grand Rapids, Mich , aec'impaiiied by his wife and four children, nrrived Sunday and tune rented the Coe house, intending to remain here at b ast a ;,e r, aud if they like the country may locate In is permanently. Mr. Mears is a br.ith, r of Dan Mears of this city. He is em ployed as a chemist in the factory of the Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. Mrs. Minis lias so fur recovered from her attack of typhoid fever that she is able to he up and around the bouse, but her little girl is now a vic tim of the same fever, and is repotted very sick. lip W Q