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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1905)
if-. 1 i Be Sure to Use Only Cream of Tartar Baking Powder Food made with alum baking powder carries alum to the Stomach unchanged. Scientists have positively demonstrated this and that such food is partly indi gestible and unhealthful. REGULAR TRIPS BY STEAM FERRYBOAT OFFER PRIZES FOR FINE FRUIT At tlio Junimry nmotititf of tho Ore Kn llortkuijl.ur, 1 Horiety, eiht handsome hron(wiiiH will bo diHtrib ted by eiuht of tliu I'ortluml cuimniH bIoii moil for Dm liext oxhihitH of eiulit vnrietloH of fruit. The rules governing tho entry of fruit for theo iiiIuh reiiuireH that there b live pIntH of ouch variety on terod, and five uppliw on each of the lilatvH. Jhiiioh It. Hold, fruit iiiHpeetor for i'lackaniHH ami Multnomah countinc, oilers u handHo:i!o sweopHtukes silver cup for the Iwnt eouimereial exhibit of five varieties. exhibitor's choice. The ooiimiinHioii men and the variety ror wlilou tlicy oiler their tiups uro. Northern Hpy (lliilllai &, Co. liiuly AppleH Mark Levy ltalilwiuH I'eai'Hon A 1'hkh. Vellow NewtoiiH liei it tin. WineHiipH Dryer OWIiilIury. Jonathan Piie A Hon. Kpit,enlier,'H iMcKwen & Koskcy. ArkiiniiHS Jlliicks -tiliurlcH Levy. At the Himiiiil meeting of the ilm tieiiltural Society liiHt January li. Hiector Iteid unmmiiced that le wonlii oiler t h i h silver cup mm a prize lor tho heHt display of apples, anil A. 1. Mason i ciniii kid at once that the naiiie of Hood liivor inlulit just us well he liiHcril oil on the cup thou mid theie, for he was determined (his section of the state could win hand down. It Is now up to tho Krowirt hero to take siilllcieiil pride in seeing that they save out siilllcient of their fancy apples to compete for the prize cup. Medal Winners Must Walt ,t nil lie. Colonel Henry 10. Dosch, directoi of exhibits at the fair, is authority for the slalom nt that it is improli able that otllelnl lists of the award ol to exhibitors will be fiiriiisbed before the latter part of the mouth mid possibly not befoie November I Dissiipolntm lis the anuoiiiiceiiieut will be to exhibitors mid the public Konorully, he says that circumstancef liiako it Impossilie to complete tin necessary work before that period. As regards fimiiHliitiu liHts ol award, says Colonel Dosch, "Not I Hlnulo depnrtmeiit from which appeal: have been taken lies been lliuilly, pni-s- oil on by the superior jury, there an ubout 10,(KK) papers wh cii have to bi typewritten alter the omei'Koncy jurj nave llnished llieir Inborn; tins type writing alono will require a week' time. 1 do not beliuvu it will be pos sibleto tin nii-h an oltlcial lint uiucl. before November 1. KvorythiiiK h lieliiK Hurried throuli as test as li- oonsisteiit with careful attention t detail." Fxuiiiliiiitiiin for I'erestr) Servlc Adolf Aschotl, forest supervisor foi the north half of the Cascade reserve, with headquarters id, .Marmot, ( lr has been advised by department lettei or Heplemlier 'Jo, that civil service ex ainlimt ions tor the position of forest supervisor will be held at. the follow Inn named places and dates: Weaverville, Oiiinev. and San Her ardino, Caliloruia, beiuuiiift Octobei ill, UHio. KoseliuriJ, OreL'oii. boL'inn inn ( Iclo ber It!; Lui iriindo, Oregon, beiuiiin OcloDer Zl. Wallace, Idaho, lii'KiiiiiiiiK Octobei l(i; Idaho City, Idaho, hi'KiiiniiiK Oc tober -I. Ilo.oiiiini, Montana, beiuniiif; Oc tober iH; Missoula, Montana, bein 11 1 1 IK OctobiU' Z. Ilailey, Colo., hetfiiiiiliitf October 15; 1'anosa Springs, liolo., beiniiiiinn October I'hiKHtalf, Arizona, ImKimihiK Octo bei lti. The (mioiI Old Way. A severe cold or attack of la (jrippe Is like a lire, the sooner you combat it the better your chances are to overpower it Itut few mothers in this no are w ill ing to do the neecfsnry work required to give u K'M"I old-ta-bi,).eil reliable treatment Midi us would be ministered by their grandmothers, hacked by ls ciiee's (ii'iiiiaii S.vrup, w hich was al ways liberally lined in cotincclion Willi the home treatment of colds and is still In greater household favor than any known remedy. Hut even w ithout the application of the old-fashioned aids (iernian Syrup w ill cure a severe cold in quick time. It will cute colds in children or crown people. It relieves the congested organs, allays the irrita thin, mid cll'eclively stops theconli. Any child will take it. II is invalua ble in a household id' children. Trial size bottle, "fie; regular size, Tfic. I n mile by C. N. Clarke, 'oiijfres-.niuii tiiven Jail Sentence. Coiirnessinaii John N. Williainson and Marion liipt were seiiteiiced la.-t Saturday to ten months itnprisoninint hiki to pay a vii mie. ir. aiHiesner was uiveii live months and rliiiKl by United States District Jndtfe Hunt. The ditrereiico in sentence was stated by the judye to be on account of t lie fact that llesner's physical condition would not permit a longer term of im prisoninent. I'revious to sentencing Williuinson and Ilia's the juclp lee ttireil the defe'idanls. culling at ten tion to the poor example set by wronj; dointf by men in exalted positions. He Hilded that the prevalent belief that wrongs by individuals may tie committed with impunity against the government, is a dangerous doc trine and must be suppressed. On application of the defendant's attor ney a stay of judgement was granted pending- perfecting an appeal. Ollices anil Kiienis. Tiie very best for rent iu Smith Hlock A steam ferry now unite White Salmon and Hood Kiver, the White Salmon Transiiortation Co., J. Larson rnsnaiier. having placed their steamer the White l-'lyer on the r n, Monday of this week. It is the intention of the company to make regular trips between here and various landings on the north bank. The boat wlil leave Whito Sal mon dock at (1:4.") a. m., and return every !K minutes thereafter. Keturn ing tho ferry will leave tho Hood Uiv- er mill at 7 o'clock, mukiuK tho trip every half hour. lia'es have been placed at i") cents for tho round trip, with an excursion rate of for the round trip on Sun-dav. The staunch little steamer, the Whito Klyer, made the trip Irom Portland unassisted. This is the lirst instance of a launch coming through the rapids at the entrance to do lower locks, and was accom plished without a mishap, says Mr-Larson. The steamer left Portland at (i o'clock in tho A log was kept of the entire trip, giving time of each lauding along tho river. It was 7:40 when the Flyer passed Vancouver and at l'J:fiil Sheridan's Point was passed. At 1 :'M tho boat was cutting the waves of the upper river, and tied up ut White Salmon dock at exactly 4 o'clock. The Whito Flyer is M feet long, lias a beam of 11 feet six inches, and a ca pacity to carry 40 passengers. (.nut llliirjay Klllliif,'. Sacramento J lee. Tho biggest liliiejay killing contest ever held in Shasta County took place early in September, and as a result 0,(XKJ bluejny scalps were handed in to A. H. Dobrowsky, a local jeweler, who conducted the contest, and oiler od tho prizes. As a result of the con test nearly all tho Uiiejiiys in Shasta County have been exterminated, and tho following are the prize winners: It. M. Johnson of Happy Valley cap tured llrst prize, a Winchester shot gun, Mr. Johnson brought in 022 scalps. Matt F. Jhilfiim of Pineland killed '21 1 birds, and got the second ijiizo, a llshing rod. Clarence New man of Kedding came in third with 210 jays, ami was awarded a lino 22- culiber Komiugtoii rille. (ieorge O. Ilowers received a cash prize of 2. II. He killed '211 jays, and Dr. Kdgeco nl. of Sinistra gave one cent for every jay. ilia contest was a huge success, and next season hunters will llnd a vast difference in the number of quail in the woods, the extermination of the hluojays allowing the quail to hatch large families ami thrive. Hun' .ensiiiii'rs llcin llt a Town. Speaking of what a newspaper does tor a community, United States Sen ator Daviil Davis ot Illinois, made an address that remains ever green in t he memories of newspaper men. Ho said: hvery year every local paper gives from I00 to 0,1100 f reo lines fot the henelll of the community in which it is located. No other agency can or will do this. The editor in proportion to his means does more tor his own town than any other num. He ought o bo supported, not because you happen to like him or admire his writing, but because a local paper is the bent investment a community can make. It may not be crowded with great thoughts but lliiancially it is ol more benelit than both preacher ami toucher. Today editors do moro foi less pay than any men on earth, l'at ronize your home paper, not as charity, but as an investment. Pleasantly IHI'cctlvo. Never in the way, no trouble to carry any to take, pleasant and never faili oi' in results are DeYwtl s Utile l.arly Kis ers. 1 1 use lamous little pills are a eel lain guarantee against headache, bil iousness, torpid liver and all of the ill resulting from constipation. The Ionic and strengthen the liver Cut Jaundice. Sold by (1. K. Williams. Young Man 1 have called, sir, I request the Hand of your daughter in marriage. Old ( Irumloigh Has she accepted your Young Man Yes. sir. inn uriimieign ilieii what do you want to come around and bother me with your troubles for? A lti dy Without a Pier. "1 llnd Chamberlain's Stomach anil l.ivcr Tablets more hencllcal, than anv other remedy I ever used tor stomal trouble," says J. 1'. Klotc, of F.dina Mo. For any disorder ol Hie stomach biliousness or constipation, these 'I'm I lets are without a peer. For sale bv Williams Pharmacy. Lawyer Have you tunned any opinion on t his case? Juryman No, sir. " Do , you think, alter the evidence on both sides is all in, you would be able to form any opinion?" "No, sir. " "You'll do." A Pleasure to all. No Pill is as pleasant and positive a 'cuius i. mie r.ariy iviscrs. men famous little pills are so mild and i lective that children, delicate ladi and weak people enjoy their cleansing eltecl, vviiile strong people sav tbcv an ineiiest liver pills sold. Sold liy Hi I hams I'hai nuicy. eke What did do doctor sav about de boy today, Lize? Lio-llo dun say he were mud bet I ah and lie could eat a littl sinpin, speciully a piece of chicken. eke Huh, den 1 speck I'se got lei go out again tonight. W ll Stay in HimiiI Kiver. The remedy that nuikes von eat, sleei and grow strong, called I'almo Tablets will be sold regularly by Williams I bannacy, Hood Kiver. lhcsc great nerve and const it lit ion builders cost onlv otic per box, six boxes f2.o0. A NEW STOCK OF FKKSH Groceries, Flour and Feed litis been instiilled by LAMAR & DUNN at tlie old stfind, just soulh of Indian Creek bridp', ant tho firm extends an invitn tion to their former patrons to call find see them. Cordially yours, LAMAR & DUNN. 0 30C 30G tesmmmm YOO WILL BE SATISFIED WITH VOI R JOIUNFY If your tickets read over the Denver and Kio (iraude Itailroad, the "Scenic Line of tho World," BECAUSE There are so many scenic attractions and points of interest along the line between Ogden and Denver that the trip never becomes tiresome. If you are going Fast, write for infor mation and get a pretty hook that w ill ten you an aoout 1 1. W. C. McHltlltF, (iciicrui Agent, 121 Third Street, POUTLAND, OliFOON. We are aain ready to supply our patrons with FRESH Eastern and Olympia OYSTERS S, L. YOUNG, Prop. l'hone, Main .")". Doyouwantasnap? Ilesl Spraying Material It the lowest prices at ( Inrke s sto re IF YOU IBER WE CAN CURE YOU wN rimin Mrfrlt InMltutc nni fVhool for im r I'- in'ti. Michigan tsH,,vu,, ,,f,.n no run.! IIm-ilhikU (l,.it Mf.lul wii.-4 ;tir M 1,-nt- Hivon.nieii.Uil . j.Iubio- itiT". i ll it.'! men. nhd it.'i.tUrttr rn-n mIm'KV n( inn Im :t 1-M i ni Urn iii h ii I', n 1 1 itui w U h. f t ni'iln tn HlH ti.inu.-v nun Mint i M i d b Mtr.i -ek. Iut Hi,. ,.tt w.-. k- t tltn W illvl.'n- tn l'urtiiitMoiitVtoU'r i mi win accitt Hiil at. Ill St'iii'iiiWT Itt J'ONITIVE. AltSOI.i; TK t'l'RE OU AliANTKKll. i H. nt t.t,,-,. t.. I it 1 1 1 n.-iii.n,t tttiu 1 V" nuiill.'ii till- I'JIIHT Ulllt lit'lul b .'('Til!, til l(AIIIH. tt rnT I'OMlftkEP, I lii m ti.l o our rioth bviiiu). .Mil i"tfv l.'k ' Ilia i'niii tttul tn'.itiiH nt staniHitiiitt live I'fcbarirK. k,Mnn Wltl.IAM T. LKWI9 Wentt n KutTfkeiiiHiiv Amkih inle IMdciimU OB. W. Nr lath wnrt RalfiKh 8trt'U lOHTLAND. tiKKUON Note No pui'ils txvilcU at l uitLkna ftr Ppt, 1st. You raii'l. lose if you buy a tract in lainous MAINE & BOWMAN PLAT 1 H-Vr ... 1 Cut up in tracts to suit you. lust sold ten acres I'ortWO thousand dollars ami the rest, tlinu which we re serve will soon lo' sold. The ti iii-pit berry and the world. Within the W hite Sul in. .ii tracts just the vegetable. apple hind in i-it v limits ol Ton-acre or Hinuller tiling lor berries uiul After you have looked around coine and see us and you w ill lind just what you have have been looking for. Cherries from tract ire the winners iu fruit exhibits. I his year the nv;it MAINE & BOWMAN, White Salmon. W ash, Do you suffer from Chilblains? You need not, for they can be cured . for the small sum of 15 cents. Clarke's Chilblain Cure will do it G 0 Williams' Pharmacy Fine line of i Drugs, Toilet Articles, etc. Also ' Spray Material G. E. WILLIAMS, Prop. Uriii"' in your lVcHcriptions. LESLIE BUTLER TRUMAN BUTLER Established 1900. Eitiduitf ol WauoCo. for 24 Yiar BUTLER & CO., BANKERS. A little reasonable frugality while one is earning money; a little money put carefully aw ay in the keeping of some good institution, may mean a bar against w ant, care and trouble that the improvident person will fail to cope with. Why not the old and tried BANK OF BUTLER & CO., Hood Kiver, Oregon. V Gold medal a Lewis and Clark Fair Awarded to White River Flour Also special mention by Jury of Aw ards 5TRANAHAN & SHEETS Selling Agents Hood River, Oregon Buy Your Fruit Boxes AT THE Hood River Box Factory and Patronize Home Industry. Best Quality Lowest Price Home Made Phone Main 71 St: I Mil This is the Mill that makes the BEST FLOUR ever put oil the Hood l iver market. "CUPID" is the Fancy Patent. "HOOD RIVER" is the popular priced Flour. Ask your grocer for our Graham, Whole Wheat & Farina Also Bran, Shorts, Middlings and Barley IT IS TIIE It EST. Hood River Milling Co. 'White River Flour Makes Lighter, Whiter Bread" OC J -SmOT STABLE ..Livery, Feed and Draying., STRANAHANS & RATHBUN. Hood River, Ore. Horn's Imunlit, sold or exchange'!. I'leasure parties can secure first-class rigs. Special attention given to moving furniture and pianoB. . We do everything horses can do. P ANOS While Snlnioii-I loml Kiver Two lti"- sail I mats, two ii"' perfertlv safe "rasoline launches and two jx ferry scows. lAperi sailors in harp, l'.oats Icive at till hours. IUvVN PKAKSOX J.ii fiim c I l rnjiiuii. ir I 'in I ii-ii la is Addrrss he Pacific School for Stammerers llc.l ;llllhlll SI. roi; n. a NP. ok. The very finest line of Pianos, from the cel ehratcd Chickerinf?, the renouned Welxr, the fine Kimball, which is used and known for its purity of tone and easy action, the silver-toned llobiirt M. Cable, and on lown the line of Tiiinos to suit your .means and pocket book. Be sure to write for ternjs, or come and see PARKINS & HUGHES, At EILERS MUSIC CO., The Dalles, Oregon. SPOT CASH GROCERY WOOD & SMITH BUOS., Proprietors. Groceries, Flour and Feed FRESH VEGETABLES RECEIVED DAILY. Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Free Delivery. Phone Cnn get a First-Class 250 MEAL at the HOTEL WAUCOMA P. F. F0UTS, Prop. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Free Delivery. Phone (Xil HOOD RIVER, OR. A. D. MAINE & CO. White Salmon, Wash. General Contractors and Builders. Estimates on all kinds of work flieorfnllv furtiisWd and the liest of work nisnship guarantefd. We are doing the liuildiii); of this section at iiresent. Our work will epeuk for itself. Who Wants It? W an ill w iml Mow no mmmI T1h llt,n( rtutrtmit tins mi m littm in two (nieiK. Hint 1 am yoiiti: lo -.11 our ol thrin rhi'up. I Ih iv in utont V- urn i " ol ulurli N m In Nt w low n miit i'H( nit ii: h i- tn-fs; (joml soil; w.u i,"i, !, -nil. m in ihr htMii ii our Invtt mU' .ttsii h i; rlo-r o a -room mmti il nooj iioiiv,, uiul rui ii I ih'hxrrv miiI tt'!i- photic scrv in- at our ttooi Trt ins ra . I or pari'.v'uluif, iu.(iunof A. I. Mummi. J. E. NICHOLS UNDERTAKER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR ..Ul liivnec from the State Hoard of Oregon and Washington, and am qualifliil to flup bodies to any poiut. Prompt service either day or night. i me at lmili Tailor " Schittler Buildiug, and Residence " Hood liiver, Oregon F. 8. STANLEY. Tree. E. L. SNl'jH,-Vii-rt. K. 0. 1 1.AXCUAR Cathier I!ie First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER Remember That this hank is a Home Institu tion and we invite your business on a basis of mutual helpfulness. Our Motto: "A SQUARE DEAL FOR ALL."