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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1905)
HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1905. ORGANIZATION A FACTOR FOR SUCCESS ArttlroHS of Lciiiu I'.rli at tli Apple ShippoiH Convention nt Put in-liny. In view of the tiict that upple grow ing lms hcon ulmoft a failure in the Koulliwetit, ami parurunny in wuni is known as the Ozark rniuim, iluriiiK the pa8t few yearK, nmi that porw qnently no money has heen inaiie, it may Boom a little out of order for an apple grower who hails from that cec tion to attempt to offer Hii'eHtiotiH to the apple thippt'H. liut it i al ways ho. Men who do not micceed in making money thoniMlvi'U are ever ready to otfer ailvieo ami hiikohU'Mib to others how to do it. And thin in herent weakneHH in human nature in my Hpol -(y for takind "P your valu able Mine a few minutea at the recpieHt of your Kenial wicretary. lint before 1 pr c.eed 1 will Hiy that if any of you apple BhipperHhiiveany adrico or nun fjestiona to oiler to tho apple grower in my part of tho country, how to prevent tho crazy notions of the weather and row paying crops of ap plos, 1 will he glad to hear from you now or any time hereafter. I assure you, Mr. 1'iesident, it U no fault of ours that wo have failed to produce paying crops. We have culti vated and mulched our orchards, pruned and sprayed the trees, and our conduct in other renpects as pat riots and law-abiding citizens huve been above reproach. Yen, we have dono all this, and in old Missouri even went ho far as to elect a Democratic governor in a republican state, who forbids horse racing on week days and keeps the sal ohh closed on Holidays, and in Hp to of all, hu ge apple cropi fail to materialize. Some of you apple shippers who h vo gono to ricw l ork MUilo and other favored point during tho past two or three years to buy your supply of apples, and thero beheld tho tree in the orchards loaded d 'wn with fine fruit will tell mo that the Southwest Isn't the right section for growing nu ll los. Perhaps that would be 'rue if the oliinatio conditions In this sec tion of tho past few years were to con tinue, liut we can only judge tho fu tore bv tho past. Apple crops, lik history, will repeat themselves, anil what has lieen will ho again. Old Bottlers in MIuhhoiI and Arkan sas who have grown gray In the civil llzng cause of fruit growing have often told mo that prior to lhsl) then had not beon a complete failure th aiililo corn in the Ozarks for forty years. I myself have bought apploi- In Missouri and Arkansas for nmnj vear. and hotter fr Int. or more of it ti the aero I never saw in my life, it win this kliowledg of large, regular crop of lino appp) th t induced me to em bark In the IiiihIiioss in the Ozarks 1 saw visions of wealt ', comfort am! happiness In the enterprise. Well, 1 have reaped some comfort, consider able happiness, and have no doubt the wealth wiil come in the sweet bye and bye. Some scientists to whom 1 have talked, claim that the planets are largely responsible for the unusual climatic conditions that have prevail od during the last few years and which paused the sever d failures of the up plo crop on the Ozarks. In their travel thr ugh the universe they n r supposed to have run against cch other in such a way as to cause ti oubh and confusion. Venus, the goddoHS ot love and beauty, Jupiter, the, son .if Saturn, Mars tiie god of war, the sun and tho moon are all held responsible. Now, whether any ono or all of these and other planets hail anything to do with the failure of the tipple cop in on tho Ozarks I am not prepared, to say. One doubling Thomas, to whom 1 mentioned the matter, Intimated that the devil hail a hand in tt, and he may be correct; b it at the same time it. Is hard to comprehend why the "old boy" should interest, himself in tho apple growers while there are so many apple shippers ami cominissiou merchants abroad. II is my opinion that if It is the fault of any particular one of the heavenly bodies it iiiuM have been the moon, as nothing but a lunatic would have brought about such preverse conditions. The moon is capable of plavinuall sorts of tricks on the i (lairs of the world. Kven so great an observer ns Lord Itaeou re coided ill Ills time that, eggs laid in the full of the moon breed belter birds, and that you can make swal lows white by putt iug ( intmeut on the eggs before they are hutched. Kurd llaeou failed to say, however, whether to apply ' he ointment during the light or the dark of he inouii. And even to this day no succohful farmer in the Ozarks will think of planting potntoci nud corn, u r of cutting sassafras sprouts except in the dark of the moon. On the other hand, some of the good wives of these farmers ser iously object to having the hair ol their boys cut. in the dark of the moon, lint claim that the lli'-t i'ridiiy in the light of the moon is the proper time. One old fellow, a nat ive of the en lightened state of Ohio, bid now a Mlsourian, with the wool on, told me about the middle of hist April, when my frees were get I iug into good blnn sem, that. I would be sure to have a big crop of apples t his year, beeause fruit was never killed in blossom dur lug the light of the moon. When two days later a col l I I u -1 tioni the hoary .n to T.i percent of the blossm, 1 al.rd liuu Imw about the moon. He n'li"il: "(Hi, well, the moon is clmiiKi'iililo and you must make some allowance tor that. " liut no matter what (lie scientists may say, no matter what the planet may do or the vagries of the union may be, as sure as Phoenix rose f rum the as'ies and bleeding K.uiMix freed herself from t he t liralldom of mortgages, old Missouri will conic to her own again. She will again raise a I. .matrons crop of apple, which will tempt every apple shipper in the country to pay us a visit. And, my Iriends, when you buy Missouri apples, nu. I especially Missouri lien I'avis, like you saw iu St.. Louis last summer in t hose glass jars, you will eea-e Pi lo-e money on the apple deal. liut us every cloud has a silver lining, so our misl'ort no have brought ns in sympathy with the apple shippers, who, in a financial way, ' ave fared no belter than the Western apple growers. As the mis fortunes nf the apple shippers, how ever, as a rule, are not the result of climatic conditions, but rather to their own acts, it has occurred to me fiat they call lie prevented. I assume that the International Apple Shippers' Association was organized mainly for the purpose of the mutual protection of the interests of its members. If so, why don't you co operate in some way to prevent losses in the apple deal? Many years' experience, both as an apple dealer and an apple grow er, has convinced me that the surest way to avoid losses on the apple deal Is by proper distribution that is, for each dealer in the ditlVreiit markets to buy no more apples than his trade demands. Whenever an apple dealer buys what ho can reasonably dispose of to Ills customers there is little dan ger of losses. Hut when ho buys double or three times tlnf quantitiy his trade justilles him in doing and allows himself to become leepl.vohli gated to banks an I cold storage com panies, ho takes chances like any other speculator, with the disadvantage that nppcu are perishable, and that therefore ho can't sell "futures" against IiIh purchases to protect Him self like the dealer in grain or cotton. On an advancing market, wlncli is tho excetion in these times of Inrge production, it is an easy matter , to mako sales . lid take up outstanding notes, but on a stationary or declin ing market a surplus of apples in warehouses mi l matuiing notes In banks are like undigested dough on a man's stomach. It gives hnn moral It creates a tired bilious feeling all over and ho can't think and act with clearness; his judgement ho comes warped and ho will either sell too soon or hold on too long ami winu up with a balanco on tho wrong side of his books. It is a well known fact that more men go broke from over trading than under-trailing. in no business is conservatism n ore nn nnvtant than in the apple business. Plunuiiiu iiiiiv so - etimes win, but, as a rule, it results in h ss to these who attempt it and an injury to mo gen eral trade. .No man can make money on million where some other fellow Is uuloadinu a surnlus at a loss. Many years ago, when apples used to como down to Memphis in flat boats, I Hometimes bought tho whole load of several thousand barrels to keen tho other fellow from getting any, but tho other fellow got appples all the same, and in that way the market became overstocked, ho that none of us made much, if any, prollt. When Iter several of these expert ences 1 found that cornering the market on nunles didn't work. I let the other fellow in uu our deal ; each man got out of the boat when his trade demanded and the result was entirely satisfactory. 1 had less in vetsed, took les risk and made more money. In the fruit liUHiness, more than in any other, it is a wise maxim not to begrudge your competitor the sumo degree of success that you like to enjoy yourself, especially If from In nroHiierltv no injury results to you. In other words, the best policy iu the fruit business, or, in fact, in any bus bies, is do unto others ns you would havo thorn do unto you." It will make life pleasantor for you hero, ami if there Is a heaven when apple shippers go you will stand I belter chance of getting there. Viewing this matter of proper dis tributloii from the standpoint of an apple grower, 1 contend that iu the long run it is better for the producers if the apple dealers make money than if t liey lose It. the Interests or the apple dealers and the apple growers ari llargely mutual In t Heir Joharaclor, and If the liusluess ot the one Is un protllahle for any lentgh of time it. is necessarily detrimental to the others. The apple growers need tho apple dealers, or apple shippers, as they are called here, and tho more prosper mis tho latter are t lie better it is for t he former. I'.y nature and instinct tho aveiage apple shipper Is liroail-gngueil, altru ist ie and liberal ; he has nothing of t he skin Hint about him, ami when he makes money he is generous am) anx ious to divide it ' some body. Next to his family tho apple grrwer is his best friend and will therefore come in for a share ot it. I say this not. in jest, for it is a fact that when ever apple dealers make gooil prollts they are inclined to pay good prices. The good Lord made them that way and they can't help it. Hence 1 make tho asesrtion that if tho International Apple Shipper's Association, by co operation and by a policy of "ilvo ami let live" between its members will bring about a more equal or proper distribution of the apple crop among its several members, so that they will all make prollts Instead of losses every right kind of apple grower in the country will say amen to it. It is a well known axiom that the best customers a man can have in any line of business are those who make money on their purchases, not those who lose. I'.very sensible ami fail minded apple grower realizes this and would prefer to hear the apple ship pers talk about the profits they made instead of listening to tales of woe concerning their losses. As I have stated on a former occa sion there is no over-production of tipples in the United States mid proh ably never will be, no matter what croakers may say to the contrary. It is my opinion, and tho opinion of ob serving men ueneially, that, with prop er distrhutiuii' which can largely he brought about by such organization!, us this, business of the grower and I he dealer can and should be one ol prollt ami not of losses. With the in crease of population in this country and the ennst an t ly growing demand lor American apples in foreign conn tries I preedit a great future for the apple shippers and the apple growers All that is required to meet modern conditions iu this progressive age Is organization and co operation. As an illustration of what organization ami en operation will do in the fruit bust ness 1 deem It. proper to mention I hat the strawberry growers of Missouri and Arkansas, by reason of operating through tho Ozark j I'Vuit lirowcrs' Association during the past set sou got about 'J." per cent, more for their i rop this yi tir than they did last, am' crop and weather conditions wen i l.out the same; ami this was all dm 1 o proper distribut ion. No mat kits i. or any paiticulsr house in the sever al markets were at anytime overstock e l as was for m rely the case. Ily tlii n r 'iiigonient" the commission men and dealers lined betler than usual and lliiaucial results to thein were t inre sat islactory. What organization has done In n curing railroad and refrigerating rrg ul it ions i.-, tno well known to riiptin icitcral ion. liut I repeat, (he most i npoitiint thing to accomplish by or i;aniations, he they composed of ilealers or growers, is a more even 1 i; 1 1 ibut ion of the apple and all othei truil cro s to insure more prollt able i esu It to the parties interested. If I hi objccl will be accomplished as I ir a- it is possible, through the Iu trrnatioind Apple Shippers' Associa tion, its existence will be a great hen i lit inula lasting blessing, nut only to the men engaged in the fruit, bnsi t ess, but to all who follow the uohle calling of Horticulture. ! ''rw l;tr'rs Cured. Mi. i'i V, Favlerof lligbtower, Ala., r. lale i an xrT!i)!l3ti!ie bad while serx hif, on jiu'lt jury bl a inurder cac at I'.uwar l ; 'i;!o. oo'fit V seat of I'lcboiirtie eoiin'v, '.!:;ba "a 'le hiivm: "While Hi t' I il urns 'rash meat and souse I if ti M'lioU ra morbus in iv s-V"rt) r i.. 1 never was inure in W llf i I sent to the drug .()"!' 'ai.i Hilda mixture, but '' : ' t'. '.' ie a bottle of t'bani I : i" . . 'oleta and I'inri linen ' -'ci l laying that be had ' : it that tins medicine '' l'er he would rather he tlx 1 was iu. I v it and was better iu It's a Dandy. Twenty acres of inrlv strawberry, ap ple, cherrv and vegetable land with ft line southern slope. Only one half mile from town of While Salmon. II (uiiiiiainls a uuighififciit view of Mount Hood and city of Hood bivcr. The soil is rich, deeii and moist. Four acres cleared and ready to plant to orchard, balance only light brush, easy to clear, sume timber for fuel. It is all under fence, nmi a line well of cool soil water. There is no better soil and location for an orchard or a finer site for a home east ol the Cascades. And now that we are sure ol the Northern I'acilic build idg down the north bank of the Colum bia river it is dirt cheap al fiuu per acre. It will uo worm mrce limes inai ill three years. Terms, f 1 500 cash, bal ance iu three years. Don't let this slip if you are looking for a home. White Salmon Land Co. White Salmon. Wash. live ...i -He second dose cured me entirely. Two fellow jurors were alllicted in the same manner and one small bottle cured the three of us. For ale by Williams' Pharmacy. Warm Time All Winter. White Salmon I 'nterpi'ise. iiYiim i,i.,..ent. Indications it anoears that While Salmon will be warm the i ,,f ihn vein' Tho mamr will give a dance and refreshments on Halloween to raise ruuus ior para improvements. The United Artisans v ill ,nv their annual hall on Thanks giving the Modem Woodmen their an niversary good time Christmas, and the flowers that bloom in the spiing v. ill he looked after by Saints Valen tino and Patrick, me clearing nee of the grange will take placj next Sat unlay, October in, weather permitting. A Splendid Idea. A new idea in a Cough Syrup is ad vaneed in Kennedy's I.axat ive 1 loney anil Tar. Itesidcs containing I'ineTar, llnliey anil other valuable remedies, it is rendered Laxative, so that its use in mrcs a iiromt and ellleienl evacuation i.flhe bowels. It relaxes the nervous xvntcm. and cures all caughs, colds ei'iuin whooDing cough, etc. A red clover blossom and the honey bee is on every lint lie of the Oiiginal l.axntlvi ('niidi Svtiup Kennedy's Laxative llmiey ami Tar. An ideal remedy fm children. Mut hers praise il. llishesl f ir all. Sold by ti. K. Williams. His claimed that the Steamer llailey Calzeit lias earned t-' above her i perating expenses this summer since I he opening of the Lewis and Clink fair. She has been run exclusively as an excursion boat between Port land and Cascade Locks, and has been loaded to her full capacity nearly every day. She is valued it is said nt, MiU,('l00 mid has made her owners, I he Kegiilator Line, in four and n hair months, more than her worth. Faith Not Necessary. You may he ju.-l us skeptical and pessimistic as you plea-e. Kndol will digest w hat you cot wlrther you eat or not. l on can put your b ml in a bowl, pour a little Kodnl liyspepsia I 'me on II and it will digest it Ihe Mine as It, will in your siomacu. n can't help but cure indegeslinll and Dyspepsia. It is fining liunureiis anil thousands-some had faith and some didn't. Kodnl will cure you if medi cine run cure you, whether yon have filth in il or nut. Sold by (. F. Will buns, W. L. ('lark who was up from Cas iiido Locks, last Thursday, s'atedthat (ho government rain gaguo at that place recorded over six inches of rain fall during the first 12 days of Octo ber. The annual precipitation is sev en feet or more. For all kinds of Files. To draw the lite out ofahiirn, heal a en', without, leaving a scar, ur In cine boils, sores, teller, eczema and all skill and scalp diseases, use DeWil t's Witch Hazel salve. A specilie for blind, bleeding, itching and piulrinling piles. Slops the pain itislaiilly and elites per manently. Oct the genuine. Su!d by ti. F. W illiams. Have Von Sprayed Vet J (let your material of Clarke and save uiuiiev. Dragging Down Pains are a symptom of trie most serious trouble which can attack a woman, viz: falling of the womb. With this, generally, comes Irregular anil painful periods, weakening drains, backache, heaJache, nervousness, dizziness, Ir ritability, tired feeling, etc. The cure Is I The Female Regulator that wonJerful, curative, vegetable ex tract, which exerts such a marvelous, strengthening influence, en all female organs. Car Jul relieves pain nnj regulates the menses. It Is a Sure aikl permanent cure for all female complaints, - - At all druggists anJ dealers In 1 1.00 Kittles. "I SUFFERED AWFUL PAIN In my womb anJ ovaries," writes .Mrs. N.ieinl Bake, of Webster Grove, Mo., "also In my right anJ lett sides, arid my menses w ere very painful and irreg ular. Since taking Cardui I feel likea new woman ai.d 6o net suffer as I did. It Is the hest medicine I ever took." UPPINCOTTS MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LtDRARY The Best in Current Literature 12 Complet Novels Yearly ' MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 PER YEAR ; 25 CTS. A COPY NOc CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF TCanhri Rivcrview Park and Idlcwildc Additions Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water ALSO MANUFACTURING SITES FRONTING ON 0. R. & N. TRACK WITH DEVELOPED WATER POWER Cheap lots for building Small Houses near Flour Mill FRUIT LAND FOR SALE IN TRACTS TO SUIT " HOOD RIVER DEVELOPMENT CO. Office OUR PRICES ON BOOKS $1.50 BOOKS FOR $100 Here lire some of the Titles: The Main Cliunie The (ientleman from Indiana The Call of the Wild I'Bnlnera The 8ei(e of Youth A Courier of Fortune Trixy The Minority The Wings of the Morning The Flight of the Moth And niiiny others at SLOCOM'S Hit Wall Paper Co CnrrieH everything Krinked Silks, Sik Embossed, Tapestries, Moires, ngrains, Varnished Tiles, Banks, etc. Up-to-date Paper Hanging, Sign, Carriage and House Painting. Phone 071. DAVIDSON FRUIT CO , . .. ' FRUIT DEALERS and Manufacturers of all kinds of Fruit Highest Prices Paid A. J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FOB ALL KINDS OF Cement Work Estimates given on short notice. Building Work a specialty. Phone 5)91. Hood River, Oregon. HOOD RIVER TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. TICLET OFFICE FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Phone 131. Square Deal Store. Do not forget that you will get full value for your nionrv everv time vou trade with me. When in need of Groceries, Flour and Feed ( all and sot? me. You will find it pays to trade here. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and all kinds of Agricultural Implements Alfalfa, Clover and All Kinds of Field Seeds. 1 have just added a stock of PAINTS and am pre pared to guarantee price and xuality. Come in and make your w ants known and get prices. It will pay you. Yours for Business, D. 3rd and River Street. CHOICE RESIDENCE next to Waucoina Hotel in the line, including First and Oak Streets. 0X6S for High Grade Fruit. FLOOD, M'DONALD Hood River. Ore. LOTS FOR SALE IN- HOOD SNOW & UPSON Blacksmiths and Wagon Hak ers The most completely equipped power plant in Oregon. Contract work a specialty. Grubbing supplies and Log gers' tools always on hand. The care Of the horse's hoof is essential. V e are experts in that line and cure corns and interferes. R. D. GOULD, . PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. Dealer in Building Material, Doors, Windows, Lath, Mouldings, AND ALL GRADES OF AGENCY TROY LAUNDRY R. E. WITHROW Has accepted the Hood River agency for the Troy Laun dry Co. of Portland, with an office in the 0. K. Barber Shop. He will call for laundry Wednesday and Thursday, delivering Tuesday. These dates will hold for a few weeks, owing to the rush of work in Portland. Dates will be changed later and notice given. Wagon will collect and deliver goods. Phone Main 114-3. -TRY "North Coast Limited" The Electric Lighted Observation Car Train between Portland and St. Paul. Pullman First Class Sleepers, Pullman Tourist Sleepers, Dining Car, Day Coaches, Observation Car. The Acme of is found on 3 DAILY TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAINS 3 Send four cents for our Lewis and Clark Booklet, or six cents for "Wonderland 1905." Yellowstone Park Literature can be had for the asking. The Ticket Office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St., Cor. Third. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. BESX MVEli THE- Travel Comfort anv of the