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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1903)
Ml SALMON . NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Cunning of Hood River were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. K Waldo of tliis place Saturday and Sun day. .Mrs. Henderson, a sister of Mrs. A. II. Jewett, and Iter daughter Jennie have returned to Portland. Aeolus Jewett, who has not improved in health, has been taken to a sanitarium in Portland. The Enterprise is responsible for the Mntemt'nt that a law oflice is to he erecttd in White Salmon. It niijrht have been stated in the same connection that Cultus Charley and wife will spend the winter in Paris. One conieB ae near to the truth as the other. Inquiries are already coming in con cerning the whool bonds. Two letters have been received by the school clerk from Eastern firms. The new school building at Trout Lake is a credit to the people there. It advertises them as a patriotic and progressive people. Our old trap is a reproach. Every new comer in a city judges it by its public buildings. A country com munity is judged by its school facilities. If you want improvements, . you muM have people and people demand good school houses. That's why the oppo nents of a new building stayed away from a meeting to which all were invit ed and then when those w ho did attend unanimously instructed the directors of the district to call a bond election, this same public spirited element whet ted their knives and slid 21 negative ballots into the box "agin edicashun." At a recent convention of physicians in Portland it was stated that in a fami ly of hereditary lunatics there were 88 children including six time? twins, twice triplets, and four times quadruplets. Im agine hath night in such a family! Poor, feeble-minded Dad trying to hang onto an armful of w riggling, squirming trip lets, while "Maw" stirs the quadruplets about in the suds with a clothes-stick, Scourin' 'em fer Sunday. It's funny how the freshet in the creek has roiled our village spring water system till it looks like old-fashioned ' molasses with carpet tacks and caraway seeds in it. THE SCHOOL BOND SITCATION. J. P. Turner of White Salmon has filed an affidavit at Goldondale with the object of preventing the sale of the school bonds recently voted at the spe cial election. Mr. Turner is not to be blamed too much. He lias been select ed to appear in the open because of his innocence and lamb-like docility, while the Shack-nasty Jims and the Sear-face Charleys keep under cover. There are others. These others some of them have more to gain and some as little to lose. Schools make taxes, and some men would have the American flag hauled down from the national capital to save their portion of the cost of keeping it there. We have noticed (hat two classes of citizens are enemies of new school house propositions. Those who don't know children, because they have never felt the love of a child, nor protected one, and those whose children never have a "balanced ration" or a full set of under clothing. The comfort ot a half a hund red little folks in winter means nothing to them. There's a moral issue here that won't dow n. We may temporarily advertise our lack of patriotism and lo cal pride, but new people are coming every one of them loyal to the public school, and White Salmon will yet look with pride at a new school house where her children may be housed in comfort. The "hog-wallow" days are about over. There's not a foot of land in this community that is.: worth what it would be if we. bud a good graded school housed la a comfortable and suitable building. Men will invest in Hood River and pay three times as much for poorer land rather than settle with their fam ilies in a place where the woods shelter men who go to bed with their boots on and have a war dance whenever an improvement is suggested. The directors and the people will stand by the school and sooner or later, its enemies will, slink hack into the brush to curse the civilization that reaches their pocket book fbr the bene fit of the children, of the community. , Notes From Underwood. C. H. Cromwell expects to leave for Hood River next week, where he will resume his work as principal of the tranklon scliools. Ed Swetland. Abe Amos and John Dark returned last week from the McCoy creek mines, bringing back a consider able quantity of gold nuggets and stories of vast wealth in the hidden recesses of the Cascude range. Mrs.Hark is home Fort Simcoe,where she placed her children in the. training and industrial school. Ed Thornton accidently discharged a revolver into his foot one day last week, and is now in Hood River L under the doctor's care. Mrs. Lilly Miller.county school super intendent for Skamania county, . visited the Underwood school Tuesday. She spent Monday evening as a guest at the home of Director A. J. Haynes. The high water and storm Monday night tilled the Lhenoweth road with a large quantity of dead timber, making the mail carrier s route almost impass' able. His trip across the Columbia Tuesday morning proved twugh and dan gerous. 1 he Menominee Lumber .company is building a dam at the mouth of White Salmon for the purpose of- turning the river into one channel, and thus make it possible to float saw logs into the Co lumbia. . GEORtiK (IIWTRAP DROWNED. Passengers from Stevenson Tuesday evening reported that George Gilstrap of Drano. Wash., was drowned in the Columbia during theJiigh wind in the afternoon. Another man who was .with Gilstrap managed to cling to the up turned boat and was saved. The river was so rough that the Oregon Lumber company's steam tug Pearl could not go to the rescue until the , Regulator came along and went in front to protect the tug. Gilstrap, it is , said, was a thorough sailor and in the habit of crossing the Columbia in all sorts of weather. . II. M.. Metcalf, teacher at mill A, called at the Glacier office, Wed' nesday morning, and confirmed the re. port. WANT NEW ROAD. Amos Underwood went to Stevenson .Monday, with a petition lor a new bridge over White Salmon, and a re quest that a road be., built from the bridge down the west bank of the White Salmon to Underwood landing. This would shorten the distance to Trout Lake four or five miles ; make an easier grade, and may be the means of getting all the trade of the Lost Lake country to pans through Underwood. This is a STEWART, The Home Furnisher. A Store full of New Things for Fall and Winter, 1903. STOVFS. !!2 styles Heaters, 12.40 to :K); Steel lliuiges, S'.T ? fi; Cook Move, 18.50 to fdO. ChII nt see the new steel rook stnve. Agent" Universal Stoves. Every one wurrnnlcil. KITCHEN COODS. tin Immense line of genuine Chrysolite wine slilpiictt via New York and Panama, places us In position lo meet price of eheap linmltaMon ware. Tin and Copper ware. Food choppers. Blaw eutters, every useful and convenient article. HARDWAR . This department is lull of the newest und best for Carpen ters, House Builders, Lumbermen, Blacksmiths. Wood Choppers' Supplies; Cutlery, guns, tackle, ammunition. CARPETS. A xinuriNU'M, VoIvHk, Tuiwslry. Our atomic of extra ht-avy ail-wool Ingrain contains ohoico patiornst. A liuye VArMy l.imilttnm and oil cloth prtevil lor every demand. Our Kuk ami Art siUtirt Htoek i worth your careful h)Heelioa. FURNITURE. We sre the (INLY CONCKKN In this city thai linn ever been in position to oiler the advantages resulting from cur load shipment. Freights are less: puck ing is less; cost are less. Our fourth ear Is now lielng made up. und we shall be able lo continue the exceptional bargains of past li months. SPECIALTIES. Washing machine. $3 SO to t: Hold Hubbard ball bearing Sewing machines, 41. to $:17. lilass of every sl.e ami style. Pure prepared Paints, Oils ami Ktiindard Varnish goods. 70 styles Iron Beds just in, $3 to $30. Goto STEWART'S for all Home Supplies. .Looking for Soaps? If so call on acksmsthing work left with us is properly and carefully attended to. Why not get your wagons and farm machin ery mended vhere' the 15KST work can he done? We have the proper appliances for heavy work of all kinds. Horse shoeing skilfully done. Try us, SNOW & UPSON, (Successors to J. It Niekelsen.) The Spot Cash Grocery A. B. CROISER & GO'S store Friday or Saturday and save money by buying the right goods at the right price. Now is the time to live well with little money. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. Free Delivery. Phone Main 931. Has a complete stock of Flour, Feed, Staple Gro ceries, Green Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts, Candies, etc, Just received, sweet, sour and dill Pickles in bulk mid bottles. Also, green, ripe and stuffed Olives in bottles. When getting-ready for your camping trip, give us a call. Highest prices paid for Country Produce. Special attention given to telephone orders. Prompt delivery and courteous treatment. Yours for small profits and many sales. R. REED. Phone 491. Kree Delivery. Rea 1 Estate f an Offers the Following r it K HrvniHc Tine ir ... FARM PROPERTY. No 148. Three, acres mile from town; in berries.. .f -850. 12G. Five acres mile from town 1250. 147. Forty acres 4 miles out. in timber. 800. 14"). 40 acres fine apple land 7 miles out 2000. 144. 40 acres fine apple land 7 miles out 2500. 143. 1 5 acres all in bearing berries, 1 mile out on the main road 5250. 1 42. Thirty acres, all in fruit but G acres; good apple orchard; 3 acres in berries; 2 acres in clover; good house; all tools, wagon and stock 0000, 141. Ten acres under ditch 400. 100. Ten acres 3 miles out 550. 137. 80 acres at Hosier, mile from station, at $40 an acre; one-half cash; sub-irrigated; good early berry land; springs for irrigating; 1 acre of apples; 15 to 20 acres in cultivation; 4-room house, large barn; per acre 40. CITY PROPERTY. House and 2 lots on River street $1200. 11 -room house and lot 1000. 3-room house, 2 large lots, near the Firs 850. Three large lots, G-room house, free water, in Iilowers addition . 1G00. Five-room house, large lot 1100. Large lot on Sherman avenue 450. Small house and 2 lots on the hill 450. If you want anything in the way of property, or if you want to rent a house or a farm; if you want to insure your house or insure your life; if vou want transfer papers drawn CALL ON BARNES. Hcriplinn wiliotit tiny tnmlik'. This shows Hint we all lake tin inlt'tvst in it, wliirli in ri'ylit. C. K. Bono is putling up a new build ing on his farm lit Willow Fliit which rvsuniblw a store building. This will he quite n convenience to Dukes valley und Willow Flat. As Mr. Hone bus liwl quite a lot. of experience in Ibis line, we expect a g'Mxl store and hope Mr. Bone will more than meet his expectations in the undertaking. Mr. F.dtfinnton and Mr. Wright have been on their claim west, of here and it may he that they are still on their ranch. Mr Eduingiou bad bis horse picketed out. and t lie horse committed suicide by bivakine his neck. Edging ton says it is pretty lonesome up there with only a dead horse to keep him company. There were several claims taken on the hill wi ht of here some 12 or 18 months ngo, and outside of the Dodge brothers 1 don't think there is a single one that has complied with the law. If they want to hold litem they had bet ter look out, as we do not intend to ! give un our range unless you do Home- thing near what the law requires. Mr. Massee bus dug a well on the land be got of L. 1). B i.yed and struck water at H feet. - Tliw is good for Mr. Mitssee. He is building a bouse now, and camping for a few days in I he old school bouse. X. P. Anderson was in the valley last Monday. The writer from the Crupper district is very forgetful. I would suggest that she keep on tile the obi Glaciers or a copy of her writings. Here ti few months or weeks ago there appeared a badger story that beat the L. 11. and D. cougarstory all to pieces. Now, lo tell the truth,! think this it what starlet! Mr.D. in t hat direction, as nvounglady was one of the prominent actors in rescuing this man irom l lie work teiu li. As Air. u. has purchased ten acres of land on top of l be cougar grade, he wants a part ner who is brave and not afraid of wild animals, so if you want to stand in wiih Mr. 1). do not deny the badger story. Mosb'r Ilenis. Sidney Briggs and Frank Roberts have returned from whertnan county, where they have been harvesting. Fred W. Wilson of The Dalles eient a day or two on his farm here last week. Frank (jinger and mother went to Stevenson last week, to visit Newell War-' Ian and while there Mr. Harlan's infant I died and then they returned honie.Tbey had intended to go to Cortland and other places. There were several men in our virini- i nuking for land this week. Most of the tn were after timber hind. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hunter returned from Portland lust week. The doctor after examining Mr. II outer's eyes told him be could do nothing for him. This leaves Mr. Hunter in pretty bad tdiape as he can scarcely see enough to get around on ground where he is acquaint ed. A. B. Craft of Grass valley, Or., visit ed his mother, Mrs. ,7. P. Carroll one day last week. J. T. Brown, while starting a fire to get dinner one day last week, his wife being absent, took a sinking spell and fell by the stove. He lay there on the Hour until his hired men came for din ner about an hour and a half later. They then telephoned for Dr. Brosius, who came and found Mr. Brown in a (Continued on Phro 6 ) WK DO Job Printing. neatly ami promptly, our othce is fully equipped with latest styles of type and up-to-date- material. We carry a full line of printers station ery, and can till your order for a visiting card or. n full-pnge color poster. Have ' your stationery printed nv E. R. BRADLEY. Rubber Goods A full while you rubber. line just in and display. When of prescriptions, remem ber we make a specialty oi pleasing every tomer. Try now on in need cus- us once. point the commissioners of Skamania county should not overlook. FIHH TRAPS WASHKn OfT. The government fisht raps and crib bing at the mouth of White Salmon were washed out by the storm Mon day night. This will likely put an end to the taking of any more salmon for the hatchery. A number of "green" fish are still on hand, which will keep the men busy for several days yet. l"p to Monday night 10,00,000 salmon eggs had been secured. These were not damaged. i i Clienowetli News Notes. We have been having a clearing up shower for the last four days, but guess it will do better in the near future. Fred Kautz was at Lyle last week for a day or two. . F. M. Arnold went to Hood River, Monday, on business. Mr. Fuller and Charles Tubbs arc in Hood River on business. ,Hr, Arnold and family expect to move over to the planer in the nea future, for the school year. Mrs. John Hensel has returned to Lyle from Drano where she has been visiting her daughter and son-in-law, It. A. Snyder and wife. . Crapper Cropping. Rain began falling here on Saturday afternoon ubout 3 o'clock and contin ued until about 11 Sunday morning, the first heavy rainfall of the season, soaking the ground up thoroughly. A good stand of fall sowed grain is now assured, as It was feared by iminy that the grain sowed early in the fall, and which had sprouted would dry up it therdry weather continued much long er. Most of the grain sowed lor hay hi this vicinity this fall Is bald, or beard less barley, it being a surer crop limn wheat, and it makes better and strong er bay than wheat. The farmers in Eastern Oregon claim that a ton ot barley hay Is worth as much for horse feed as a ton and a half of wheat hay. If this be the case, it will pay to try it any how. A basket and fish pond social was given at the Crapper school bouse lusl rriuay evening. iNeatiy every one present, between " and 100, took a turn at fishing, and si range to say, every one was lucky enough to make a catch of some kind of Hsu or other, us is seldom tbe case with a crowd of fish ing parties, as ye correspondent can testify to. The fish caught in this pond consisted of bags of candy, pin cushions, nigger doll babies, etc. All who were there spent a most enjoyable evening and came away hoping for another one In the near future. I lie money received at tbe social will be used for the bene fit of tbe school. A. W. King was out circulating a pe tition last week for the purpose of get ting his part of the neighborhood cut off front the Crupper district and added to ine uarreit school district, unjec tions are made by some on the ground that they would have to help pay oil' the Indebtedness of the Barrett district, besides, they would be no nearer school than they are now, unless they could get a road through on tbe half-section line. Some are in favor of creating a new district out of a part of Crapper, Barrett and Odell districts, which we think would be the thing to do. I II. E. Blocher isalsocirrultitingasub- scription paper to get funds and volun teer worK enougii to grade ana gravel ! the road from tbe topof the Slingerland j hill to tbe A. C. church. hvery one! ought to take hold and push the thing j along, as this is the worst piece of road B In the country in winter. I The dance at Blocher's hall came , near being a failure last Saturday night on account of the rain. As bail ' as the night was tbe musicians were there and four or five couple came from i around In the neighborhood and en-1 joyed themselves for awhile, going j home as they came, in the rain. Archie Helms wants to know if there , are any young widows (either grass or j any other old kind) who would like to take a boy to raise. He says he is get- j ting mighty tired of trying to raise himself, and do all the cooking besides. ; Now, young widows, here's your chance. Archie Is a fine boy, and we don't think he would be hard to raise either. i . i . Dukes Valley Items. i i-asi ?iuraay aim Mindav we weie SjgSaSS5,S.1W,,,,,,t'!Agents for the Oregon Daily Journal. viir w-iiotii is noiuing in the new building now. We have starteda well. It is nine feet deep and no water, but we did not expect to get water so near the surface. The new houe hs cost something near mj0. It is painted in side and out and looks nice. We are proud lo have a hout-e a good. Al most every one has paid up their sub-: I WILLIAMS' Watches and Jewelry. As I have worked at my trade for 18 years, I can turn out the finest work in watch repairing and adjusting in eight positions. Jew elry repairing of all kinds. 'Tp-j. Cric Fit tl,el" Wltl1 t,ie l,est' ,lite 1Vbu,e Col iUlir CjfCs Ground Center lenses, steel frames, for $1.00. Holid gold nose and tips, $11.50, regular Chicago prices. War ranted to give easy fit and to improve your eyes. C. H. TEMPLE. Five "Carloads of Furniture Sold Since the Beginning of this Year. ALMOST ONE CAR LOAD PER MONTH. This may seem like a fairy tale or a fish story, but it is nevertheless true. AVe art? not inclined to boast through the columns of the paper, but to keep abreast with the times we are justified in stat ing facts. Come to think about it, there is not so very much furniture in a car load $1200 or $1500 worth and sold on a close margin it is not a big thing, nor would we try to deceive any one. Every week word conies to us that our prices are below Portland prices. Glad to show you our full stock at any time. Dealer in Doors and Windows. All Kinds Build ing Material. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. S. E. BARTMESS. When You Come to Town Do not fail to call and see us and give us a chance to fill your order. AVe quote Flour in not less than barrel lots at warehouse: Dalles Patent, per bbl...$4.40 White River, per bbl..$4.1 5 Dalles Straight, $3.5.". Feed fit warehouse in not less than half-ton lots: Rolled barley, per ton. $23.50 Shorts, per ton $21 .50 Oats, per ton 24.00 Bran and Shorts 21.00 P.ran, per ton, $20.50. Yours truly, bone & Mcdonald PHARMACY THEIR POPULARITY of sufferina: What is the with CORNS when use a 15c bottle of Com WILL CURE THEM. Manufactured and sold by CLARKE, the Druggist. Opposite Post Office. Is unapproached in Hood River Valley. Studebaker Wagons and Vehicles. Canton Agricultural Implements. Kimball Orchard Cultivators. Pomona Spray Pumps. DAVIDSON FRUIT CO. Agents. Smokers' Headquarters. for ciioin-: Cigars and Tobacco. Just received a line of novelties, such as Tobacco Jars, Match Safes, Cigar Cases, etc. Bargains in Real Estate. 8 acres, three miles from town, all in berries, a good house and barn. 15 acres 4 miles from town, $200 house and 12 acres cleared. (Jood apple and berry land. 100 acres, (i ir.iles out. 1,000 bearing apple tires, 3 acres in berries, and all kinds of other fruits; 30 acres in cultivation; good house, barn and milk house; income, $1,100 a year. 40 acres 1 miles from town, 20 acres in cultiva tion, 5 in liearing trees; can sell in 20 acre tracts. 5 acres (J miles from town, 300 apple trees, the balance in wheat and clover. 20 acres 7 miles out, all in apples 2 years old. 20a 7 miles out, all cultivated, fine" apple land. 80a, i) miles out; 35a in cultivation; banuVhouse. For prices and terms call on or address H. F. JOCHIMSEN, Hood River, Or. America's BEST Republican Paper. The Weekly Inter Ocean. 52 twelve-page pajiers $1 a year. The Inter Oce and Glacier one year for $1.1)0. in