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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1903)
Kood liver lacier. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1903. The city f The Duties and the Sec owl District of Oregon Agricultural So ciety are to I congratulated upon the Hiicccwi of Hie late fair and carnival. The went her was all that could have been desired up to Saturday noon, and the same might he said of the attend ance. The live stock exhibited wax creditable to the district and the state. The races were well conducted and drew liig crowds every day. The pa vil'on was the attraction for everybody The handiwoik of the ladies with the m tl !e and in the culinary line made a fine dicpltiy. The horticultural exhibit mii-pnssed any previous effort of this kind In The Dalles. Hood River did Its share towards making the fruit ex hibit a Mieeees. G. R. Castner was on hand with 12 boxes of apples and car ried away a number of blue ribbons. K. L. Smith, William Ehrck and Chris Dethmaii also showed some fine apples and were rewarded for their enterprise. It. H. Weber, our district fruit commis sioner, made a good display from his orchaulsand vineyards besides making a collection of Hood River fruit. Ar nold's shows, which furnished enter tainment for the crowds in attendance at the fair, gave great satisfaction. Al together, the district fair was a succei-s. The prorpecta for Hood Kiver's high tchcol are very bright. It is thought by l:ext fall a three-year course will be taught, all of which is very gratifying to those interested in educational work The addition of Mr. Coon to the teaching corps inmirus increased activ ity for good schools in Hood River, and particularly in the advanced grades. The school board lost an excellent memlier in Mr. Coon, though in Direc tore Taker and Dumble the school pat rons can rest assured that all school matters will be properly handled. In thin matter, the district has been par ticularly lortunate this year, for it is hard to find men who so conscientiously perform their duties as school trustees. Dr. Cummlngsof Seattle, who is ac cused of having killed a captured high waymau by probing for a bullet in his abdomen, should be commended for his good work. The wounded man hud been shot in attempting to escape after robbing a man on the streets of Heuttle. Before he could be arrested he fatally shot a policeman, who in turn put a bullet in the robber. His wound was healing up nicely, his intestines were in normal condition, and it is Claimed there wan no need of the oper- atiou. But there was need of it; it put one man out of the hold-up business Figures from the forthcoming annual report of Auditor Castle of the post office department have been made pub lic. The report bIiows the gross re ceipts of the Hood River post office for 1903 to be (5,03(1, an Increase over 1902 of (917. There are 37 presidential post offices in Oregon, of which Hood River is the 18th in importance. In Wash ington there are 66 presidential offices and in Idaho 29. Portland's postal re ceipts for 1003 were $301,439; those of Seattle, $310,357. The Glacier is in receipt of the inter ior department's latest publication on "Forestry Conditions in the Cascade For est Reserve, by II D. Langille, Fred G. riummer, Arthur Dodwell, Theodore S. Rixon and John B. Leiberg." The work is splendidly illustrated from pho tographs showing the actual conditions in different parts of the range. With the book are splendid geological sur vey maps showing land and timber classification. A. P. Armstrong of the Portland Bus iness college turned his salary as in structor in Wasco county teachers' insti tute over to the library fund of the Hood River public schools. Hood. Riv er people appreciate this worthy court esy, and will hold a kindly feeling for Mr. Armstrong. A man named Waterhury, at Belle ville, III., recently wagered that he could pluy the piano for 26 consecutive hours, and won without a protest. The Inter Ocean says, his name being Wa terhury, he couldn't stop until he had run down. The county board of equalization is in session this week at The Dalles. If you wish to know what your taxes for 1903 will amount to, now is your time to interview the board and have cor rections made if deemed necessary. Mosier captured a big hunch of blue ribbons at the Eastern Oregon district fair at The Dalles last week. Muster will yet be heard from as a great fruit section of Oregon. The 103 Apple Crop. Western Fruit Grower. There is much comment in all the farm papers over the estimates of the apple crop of 1903 which were cuttmit led by the Apple Shippers' association. It will be remembered that last month the Fruit-Grower published the esti mates for a numtier of the states. Well, it appears now that a tiuinlieror these estimates as submitted by the Shippers' association, wore mt the liasis of com paring the crop of 1!03 with last year's rrop, and that confuses matters. Who knows what last year's crop was, for tne different states? I'pon this basis, let usoe what Mis souri's crop will be. The state had perhaps 40 er cent of a clop last year. This year the Apple Shippers' associa tion cslim.ilea the crop at ft) ht cut of last year's crop, or 12 per ceut of a full crop. And that is about right. Bat think how misleading the esti mates are. There are the stales which me estimated to have 3.H) percent ot last year's crop, for instance. As a matter of fact, these states had but very few apple last year, so that the estimate for 1903 might as well have been made I, two per cent or even more. On the basis of last year's crops, it is found tilt-iv aiv a few of the apple-producing t ie which have more fruit than a year ngn, and a great many of them have a great deal less fruit thau in 1902. W here, then, comes the 7,000,000 in crease over lust year's crop? We confess our inability to 'figure it out. The government estimate is not for co large a crop liy far an the esti mate of the Apple Shippers' associu 'ion would lead us to exect. And the i stimuli's of the growers are more near ly in accord with the latter estimate. The Fruit Grower has received manyj 'et ters of t hanks from its readers for call ing attention to t he estimates which have been made as to the size of th'e apple crop. The commission papers all give the greatest publicity to the statements of the buyers, and their picss agent is working that it is needed that the farm papers pre--ent the other side of the case. An Indiana reader writes: "I note that the apple buyers claim Indiana tins a 0 per cent crop. I have been in all the localities which have apples and there will not be 15 percent of a crop of merchantable fruit and Ohio is no better." Other growers write along the same line. The Fruit Grower does not under take to say wliHt apples should tie worth this fall nothing is farther from our purpose, we simmy wish to present the facts as they appear to us, from government reports and from other sources, nd growers can then use their own judgment. It does seem to us, In wever.that the Apple Shippers' asso- i-h tion is either deceiving its members oi trying to deceive the growers, either intentionally or unwittingly. 1 lie Fruit-Grower wishes to ascertain nil t lie facts possible, and then present them for the hem til of its readers, the uiowets of apples. An apple buyer recently told uh that all the iippte iiMMiiers n ill buy careruuy tliis year, on iiccoiint of llieir losses of a year ng. This Is to lie expeeted.and i lie crowers cannot object to their do ing so. Hut ut the same lime it will not be well to allow the pendulum to hh ing too far to I lie other side, and the growers hold the sack this year. The situuiiou this year has again em phasized the fact that it pays to pro duce fancy fruit mid to puck it in neat packages. 1 he Packer mintes an ap pie buyer in Oregon as saving: "The competition for fruit out through this country is sharp. Chicago and iNew York men are chasing the country over, at (1 growers have got their ideas up so that you cannot buy apples at an v price. At this place (Hood Klver) they will not set a price. Growers could get (1. 50 per box, but will not sen tor that. Don't think from this that because n bushel box of tipples will sell for (1.50, a barrel ought to be worth (4 50. Tliese Oregon apples are strictly fancy and arc packed in the best possible manner. This is the point we would make: The size of t he crop has little effect on the price ot this very fancy fruit it is al ways high. Council Proceedings. Council met last night in regular ad jonrned session. Present- Mayor Coon; tjounuilmen P. S. Davidson, H. F. Da vidson, G J. Gessling, Geo. T. Prather Recorder Nickclsen ond Marshal Cun- 11 ill!!. The judiciary committee reported sub stitute fur ordinance No. 77, providing that the cost of the proposed sewer sys tem shall be assessed against the prop erty directly benefitted thereby, mid de fining tiie sewer streets. The substitute ordinance was given second reading and final passage. Hewer committee reported contract made with Engineer Paget, that he shall receive 3)4 per cent of contract price of se er tor his services. Keport adopted. Carrier's bill of (1.50 for board of pris oner was allowed; also Henderson's bill of (10 for survi v work on River street Wilson's bill for gravel was referred to street committee. Plat of Dean's subdivision was receiv ed and placed on tile. On motion of P. B. Davidson, council adjourned to meet next Monday night to hear report ot viewing commictee on Abner Cox returned, Saturday, from hie hastern trip. Judge Henry has again placed the Glacier force under obligations for a treat to some ot his nice pears. The ladies' aid society of the Congre gational church will meet Friday after noon in the lecture room. The members will please bring theirtliimhles. T. D. Tweedy, who has been on the sick list for a month or two paet, is gain ing in health and gone to work again. He offers seme bargains in real estate, and can also locate homesteaders. See Tweedy if you are looking for a home. Frank Noble, the old veteran of sever al wars, was taken suddenly ill Sunday morning. While eating his breakfast, apparenly in the best of health, he top pled over and tell to the noor. Neigh bora were summoned und he was pot to bed, w here he remained several days. but now seems in a fair way to recover his usual good health. The Oregon Journal of September 25 informs t he anxious and sympathetic public that a young lady is ' recovering ironi nervous prostration brought on by the strenuous social life of Newport. Rats! this strenouosity, of one and an other, from the president on down, is getting to be a bore. Dufur Dispatch. The owners of Paradise farm, Dr. W L. A da ins and wife, have decided to sell a few lots on the east side of their farm and have had them surveyed and platted The street running' north ami south along the lots has been named Paradise avenue, taking its name from the farm and the street will hereafter be known by that name. The Christian Endeavor society of the longregational church was reorganized last Sunday evening with the following officers: President, A. C Staten ; vice resiipiit. Miss Marv Vanirlmn; record- Steamer Mai a Will make a trip to Utile While Halmon butchery, Sunday, October II, stopping at Niculal. levins Hie Hood River mill at :, win return al x:o. rare for trip, .a. Cows for Sale. Two fresh com for s-iie rlie.ip hv ! lJ.tlXKH'HW. Cheap Land for Sale. t-mm one lo 111 nerca V, inllr smith of Hel nil-lit clim-ch. Also, siiaiv amul homestead!. i n is iu giwu uir inree on I v. T. I." TWFF.PY. Pekin Duckslor Sale. o-..i c. P. SH-KM-M:.. Hood Kiver. Timber for Sale. I will sell the timber on in ami A irond pli-ee for Mnatl saw mh 1 or wood camp. I'm)! n K. ('. Mahanry nr n.n C I.. Kim. Kits. For Sale. Four-year old 11 liey. drives siturl or double: rfjunrU: price A. Jerey-I urham row. 2 cars o.n. nrst cm:, legation milk miav: $m, " J H. A. HAI KFTT. Wanted. Man mid wife without rhMdren to work on ft fann. Will ffiveateadv work thevrnrronnd mi l ay good watte, t ali on or write to JOIl r ri r. I 'HI Kit, i:!-' Monkland. Ornron. House Plants. r hve Sonic nice bloominr liouw i.'-.n' far sale. MRS. W'.T. HANfcBERRY. ing secretary, Mis Clara Blythe; cor responding secretary, F. B. Barnes; treasurer. Pearl Treiber; organist, Miss Vera Jackson. Prayer meeting com mittee: A. V. Onthank, Geo. V Stein hauer, Misa Grace Prather. Lookout committee: Misa Emma Bonney, Pearl Treiber, Harold Hershner. Local com mittee: Misa Clara Blythe, F. B. Barnes and Miss Leila Hershner. C. R. Bone has rented desk room in the office of Barnes, the real estate man. Rev. J. L. Hershner will conduct ser vice at Pine Grove next Sunday, at 3:30. Mrs. Fred Howe, Mrs. Tom Calkins and Miss Maggie Garrabrant went to Portland Monday morning. T. Bishop's little ad "cow for sale," sold his cow, and , he could have sold half a dozen more. The demand for good cows keeps, up. V. H. Woodhouse and wife of Van couver are visiting their old neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. A. L Phelps. Mr. Wood house is a veteran of the civil war, hav ing served in the 25th Wisconsin. ""A. L Phelps, wife, Ollie, Ed and Roy, and March Morse, returned from their Yakima trip Saturday. They had gcod weather on the trip and enjoyed their outing immensely. N. P. Anderson came up from Port land, and went out to his ranch in Dukes valley. Mr. Anderson has a good farm, well improved, and is thinking of placing it on the market. Hon. H. E. Cross of Oregon City is vi-iting his eon Percy and his old friend, Captain Shaw. Mr. Cross is the owner of Gladstone townsite and park, and secretary of the Chautauqua associa tion. The little one-and-one-half- ear-old son ol Mr. and Mrs. II. Grosfer of the Kast Side, while placing tecently, fell and sustained a broken nose. 'I lie little one wng brought to town, Wednesday, for surgical treatment. H. E.Macomber was down from Cecil, Eastern Oregon, during the week. He ui d his brother are ri lining a ranch in that country. Mr. Muconiber has rent ed his house on the serpentine road to Mr. Tenold, who found things unsatis factory in Portland, and returned to Hood River. The Btorm Monday night was ton much for Hood River's law-niukers.iind Monday night's council meeting was postponed until Wednesday night. Those present Monday night were May or Coon ; Council men P. S. Davidson, H. F. Davidson; Recorder NickeUen and Marshal Cunning. Alfred Ingalls, who linn been suffer ing from a sarcoma, or cancer, is some what improved in health. His appetite is better and he is much stronger. He recently sold his farm and has since bought a house and two acres of land from F. C. Sherrieb, where Mr. and Mrs. Ingalls will make their home for the present. Earl Bart mess was scriotHiy sick lust week, but is getting along nicely now. An abcess had gathered under Earl's arm, and it required an inch and a half incision to remove it. The boy suffered severely, and blood poison was feared for aw hile. His arm was bruised while at Trout Lake last summer. 8. F. Fouts was arrested Monday by Marshal Cunning, charged witli selling Ikpior on Sunday and after 1 o'clock at night. The case will come up before Recorder Nickelsen next Monday morn ing. W. T. Hume of Portland will pros ecute the case, w hile A. A. Jayne has been engaged by the defendant. Amos Underwood was in town Wed nesday. He has about 75 worth of gold dust in a bottle that he showed his friends. John Dark recently got back from McCoy creek mines and, brought the dust along. Mr. Dark is preparing to go to the mines to remain all winter. He lias had a ton of provisions packed in. 1 he prospects ot a rich strike in their placer mines is very bright. Barnes, the real estate man, made sale during the week of 10 acres on the state road belonging to Mathias Latif fenbergcr to P. F. Bradford ; considera tion, $1,250. Mr. Bradford expects to move on to the place and make it his permanent home. The ten acres are mostly cleared and set to straw berries and apples. Mr. Lauffenberger says he will remain in Hood River, and is look ing tor a larger farm. Three mn, somewhat intoxicated mixed up in a row at the depot last l'ri day night. Abe Amos and John Dark of Underwood mixed up with Indian Jake Williams, with the result that Amos received a deep slash in the calf of his leg with a knife in the hands of Williams. Tlie Indian was arrested the next morning, but by the time he had sobered up, the other two men had crossed to Washington and were out of the jurisdiction of local officers. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the stale of Oregon for v asco county . W. H. Wilson, plaintiff, vs. J. E. Friend, de- inmnim Tn I h- L'an ,.,-... A .. .... In the nameof the atate of Oreiron vou art hereby required lo appear and answer the complaint niea RffHinitt you in tne ntxive en titled suit on or before the lastdxy of the time pre.rlbed In the order for the publication of this summons 88 hereinafter nit'nilntied. hiih If you fall K) to answer, lor wnnl thereof the plulntltr will apply to the court ror the reliel pniyed for In Ills complaint, to wll: Fore Ju. lament uaalnut you for the sum ol tHUi.with merest tnereon et 10 per cent per enmim from the isth day of Jununrv. V.HY1. end foi the sum of 175 attorney 'e feeeaml for Ins cwlh and disbursements nnd for a decree of fore closure or met certain mnrtginre given by vor, to the plaintiff, dated the 2tih duv of Jiine iW2. to secure the Davment of the si'mi of Ami with Interest thereon ut 10 per cent, which fn mortgage i upon the south halfof the south west quarter, the southwest quarter of tin aoutheust quarter of section 4, and the north west quarter of the northeast quarter of ate tlou nine. In township one north, rauttv Wr en!, Iu Wasco county, Oregon. Thia nmmnna la served upon yon by pub Mention thereof for alx weeks In the liooi. Klver Olacier, in accordance with the order o the above-named court niuneon the ITih dm of September. IHCit, directing- that thia suni mona be published In said paper for six con aeenttve weeka. The date of the first publication of till' -tumniona la Keptemtx-r 24, lim.1, ar.d you nn reotilred to appear and aiiKweraald comnluin on or before alx weeka from the dateol sale nrst publication, mill time being the tiim pieacrlbed In aaid order of the court. W. H. WIIk)N. sga Attorney lor plHinttn. PARADISE FARM. Open anmmer and winter. Thia well known " .....j iiiii-w wmik irom tne de pot. l.oely view of Ml Adamaand the '. lulnhtft river with trait t ... ...... "-'- cn-Muumi ceiwrr and aprmc water. Fine cuisine.' WKRHKKT R KNiRIi'Ax, X mane Had Kiver, Ore. Have been this wc'k to wi Watch this space for Bargains next week. And remember that for Dry Goods, Cloth -ing, Shoes, and Men's and IUvs lints You can do better at I have just received a very desirable line of heat ing Stoves, consisting of Steel Box, Hot Box, Vulcan and Bee Heaters, which I shall lace on salt1 this week 'at very attrae tractive .prices. These stoves were purchased last spring before the prices on steel and iron went up. I can and will stive you money on these goods. Alco Decorated Vase Lams. You should see them in order to appreciate them. AH to be sold at Cost. On the Top Stump Pullers. We carry a complete stock bing Machines, wire cable, rope short ners, blocks, root hooks, etc., for which we are general agents for Oregon and "Washing-ton. Write "for catalogue. SEXTON & WALTHER, ONL exclusive Hardware Store in THE DALLES, OR. CENTRAL MAYES BROS.. Proprietos. Dealers In AN Kinds of Fresh, Cured and Canned Meats. Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits. FASHION Livery, Feed - - - . K STEAMER Charles R. Spencer. THE DALLES TRANSPORTATION CO. i.t time l i-i-i n The lmili-s and rmtlnnr. simmer leaves The ttallea, Momiara. w tMKu-s tn s i)ni r ri. !)( , al 7 n. 111.; arriving lit Portland lit 2 p. In. IMtirn ne, leatea rurtlamt Tuwdii)-a,TliuiilH)' and Saturilara, at 7 a. in.: arrl 111S l 1 he tMll, m 11 .t p. III. siI'I'm:j "i Viirei.iiver, WttMiueal, CHcd, Ux-k. Stevenson, I'arwn, fll. Martin', spniii:.. r,, n,,,. White Kilinrn. Ii.xl Kiveraml l.vl... fur hmh frelif In and paaeiireni. .1. . n,-hhn. t;pn,-rl Agent. 'I lie liallea; utnnin f..t of In inn at t' K Kteel n;ith .,,! ivniami; laiid u .t of On .1. 1 npt. K. W. spencer, ileneral Man i!. r. l oriland. K. . 1 l.INUEK. Aaent, Mood Kiver. Stages to Cloud Cap Inn. Ticket'.rf. f.r the lii-tftilntor l ine of Steamers Telephone and I'iiy a I -in i .wrry you to ami from the boat landing If you want a t;r. (.,.;., ;n'r"i;t en' I ! tho HOODKIVLR TRANSFER AND LIVERY CO. For Sale For Debt. S C . J,.ek..... i , .. ...... . .. pay lAl j'"' V "" ""' !" fK' Vt?'V ""'"v.'.'"v ti1 l' i ot'era,:,! ,1. , , . "-'-! -laim-a.i.i.. i 11 h t. IteJ., r " -, ,'Il:iJlXIiHEXPEIW)X.Tr;Ei;,Vii,S: -"HtnrKj.- too busy - ito ads, but cl 1 b of the Hill. of W Smith Ornh. MARKET. STABLE. and Draying. tSTKAWAHANS & BAGLEY. Horxe IxhihIiI, (Milil or exchungeil. Pleiisnre l artiesciiuseiiirelirst-fliiKu riK. So cial nttiiitUm given to moving Ftiriiituro unit I'iunos. V ild everything Imrse n do. .' HOOD IUVKK, OREISOX. NionTm. Vegetables and Fruit. Toiuatma fur running nd r.tsnp II per huniitwl lli . ........ . ' . - - " i" iiu, i-enrv, poiauie ana apple, delivered on Toed anJ i-ridaja. '' Land to Exchange. j 1 Hrnuw rarm -re a.i nr nw timtirr tn t oiumbla '-"". or-, m eiot.amnor R,ver prop ".v.ttwfrn. or town t.,rtT ,oS Timher Land. Act June 3, HT8. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. United State Ijind Olflre, The IHiIlea, )r., September 5, ltH. Notk la hereby iTven hat In compllHiK'B wllb the provisions of the u-l of congress of June S. 1S;. entitled "An ut for the wile of timber luuda in the amies of aillfornia, Oregon, Nevada and waalilnguin lerritory," iw extended to nil the public land dutea by net of August 4. Is2 liKHIN II. HAKTI.EY, f Hood River, connlv of Wasco, atata of 1 ireuon'2. tiled in this oltiee Ills iworn laiement, No. li:, for the purchase of the lot::, HK'i K HWK NKW, K'(j .if aeeiion Nu. 2. township No. 3 north, ranite No. f east. W.M.and will offer proof lo iow that tne lanasongiit ismorevniuaoieior its timlier or stone than for agricultural pur ooaea. and to establish his claim to aald land before the Register and Receiver of this oltiee it rne iianes, uregon, on rnuay, tae inu dav ol November. IWK1. Ho names as witnesses: 8. W.Curran. James Pliltty, A. U. Wright and James Kggerl, all of viento,nreifon. Anv and all nersons claiming adversely the abovoleaeribed lands are retneted to file thetrelainis In this omee on or Detore aaia IT(h day of November, liffl. KlOn iial'H:i ty. NOjL A N, Jlegltl Heating Stoves You want one now that fixll has come. Drop in and nee what Savage has in the stove line. Also ex - amine the many other goods that are unpacked dailv at SAVAGE'S Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate. Notice Is hereby elven that by virtue of an execution Issued out of the I'lrcult Court of (he state of Oregon for Wasco county, on the ith day of September, ItHiil, and to me directed and commanding me to levy upon and sell the p'operty of the defendant hereinafter mentioned, for the purpose of aatlsfylng a ju gment in favor of Kiltie Coe, plaintiff, and agulnstthe Hood River Manufacturing Co., defendant, for the sum of jMl'.i7..iO, and the fur. Ihersumof $VM) attorney s fees, and the fur ther sum of t-i cosis, X have levied upon, and 011 Saturday, the nth day of October. 1801, At the hour of 2 o'clock F. M., at the county court house door In lmllea City, Wasco coun ty. Oregon, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, for the pur pose 01 xausiyiug me sain judgment, tneioi lowing described real estate, to-wlt; Commencing at the N. W. corner ot the N. Coe J lunation taint Claim In Hen. 2ti, township 3 north of range ten east; thence south to the center of the O. H. & N. Co.'s right of way on Hip west line of said 1). I,. C.: thence Iu an easterly direction following the center line of aid right or way iu leet; llience north 3U feet to the north boundary ofsuld right of way, at which point a stake was set for iH-ginnlng or corner; thence north Kim feet; thence east 209 feet; thence south aw feel; thence west 2Uy feet to place of beginning, containing one acre of ground. F. C. SEXTON, sl"oK Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate. Notice l hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution aud order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Waseo-county, on the fth day of Septem ber, VA):. and to me directed nnd command ing me to sell the real estate hereinafter men tinned, for the purpose of satisfying a Judg ment and decree In favor of I.. I,. McCartney, pluintlft, and against Mrs. M. K. Mai kli-y et al., defendants, for the sum of M;!7.5U, princi pal and Interest, and the further sum of 975 attorney's lees, and the further sum of J27..t0 costa, I will, on Saturday, the 10th day of October, 11KB, At the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., ut the county court house door In Italics City, Wasco comi ty, Oregon, sell al public auction to the high est bidder for cash In hand, the following de scribed real estate, to-wit; Coin mencing at the southwest corner of the northwest quar'er of the northeast quarter of section eleven in township two north of range ten east of Willamette meridian; running thence east eighty rods, north twenty rods, west eighty rods, and south twenty 'roda to place of beginning, containing ten acres of land. JJallea City, Oregon, September 8, 1W. K. C. KKX'l'ON, Sheriff. "The Viento." Northeast cor First and Oak Sta., Hood Ulver, Mr. M. F. IIird, Proprietor. Hreakfa8t to 8 a. m. Pinner 12 to 2 p. m. Supper fi to 10 p. m. The tubles supplied with what the market Iforda. Ji Bargain iiiMnkowi One thorough bred Jersey cow for sale by UK. C. H. JENKINS. THE NEW FEED STORE. On the Mount Hood road, 8outh f town, keeps constantly on hand the best quality of Groceries, Hay, Grain & Feed, At Lowest l'rlcea s22 DF. LAMAR, Prop. Horse for Sale. A good, gentle home, 6 years old; weight Km pounds, for sale by J. VAUTHIERS. Mount Hood. Furnished Rooms. Four well Turnlshed rooms, for houae-keep-Ing, with free arater. Apply to ' M , F. J .C01iSjJllowere Addition. Oak Wood for Sale. Address J. F. BATCH EHER, Hood River. For Sale or Trade. A good cider mill, as good as new. Will sell or trade for lumber or hay. Inquire of A.'f. IKJlaiE, Dukes Valley. Horse for Sale. I have a mod horse for sale, or will trade for wood culling. oH A BLTTS BELIEU &RE Contractors & Builders. W-Pi.a Asn Estimates FttKStsH kd- Contractor and Builder Plans and Estimates Fchnishkd. S. H. COX. A. R. HOG AN, General Blacksmithinjr rtcrAit-jirnu. MOSIKR, ORKOOX. Ring Lost. A rh i IH'al Pin Luif ar.riiAia-r. 1 r wni Rmitiiei.c mid th pah Klr mora. h lllflpr Will K rm--As4 i... . Wanted. Man and -ir tak . . - " " vumikc 01 uuaruillK bouse. Innnireatottic. "- M JltX'II.rMBE CO, For Sale 61 Trade. NWlWUMlwl t. ir. . ..... . , ,,. trade for hay. Call at F ASHION BT ABLER. Lost wiiii tmin r. 'r in nHvf-nifm, hi in town, ThiinbUy lat week Hewafd for rtnuin to iWm i-r ..ilice. For Sale. n Hill.-, nmiT mm mm lota with a j.o.l well, tin the hill above the school bouae Call on phone 77t - Cow For Sale. l ' od Imrj cow at my ranch. Kev. J. W. IF..VKIXS. Real Estate 13argains. LIST OF LANDS For Sale AND FOR RENT AT THE EMPORIUM. Money to loan. Hanna house and lot, $1,800. 1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition 150. The east half of the north 40 of the Henderson SO acres west of Lyman Smith's; free irrigating water; 1,1(00. Corner lot in front of school house $300. The Geo. Melton lot and cottage in Barrett-Sipma addition, 400. 2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler'g subdivision, near cannon house; only f 1 25 ; terms easy, installment plan. 6. The Koplin place at Frankton. 1" acres well improved ; free irrigating water. Price t,000. 4 . 320 acres of timher land at the falls of Hood River, belonging to Cieorge E. Forsyth ; 100 acres good fruit land ;f 4000. 8. 160 acres at White Salmon; fine timber land; $10 an acre. 1H0 acres, house and garden patch, located 10 miles south of The Dalles. Known as the Woodman place. Price $900. The Hunt place Jg mile southwest of town. House, barn, mostly in strawber ries and other fruits: Price, $1450. - The new company now offers for sale lots formerly belonging to the Hood River Townsite company, of which com pany John Leland Henderson is secre tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer. Installment plan. A Good Investment. I will sell 100 acres of mountain land on county road five miles southeast of Hood River for $1,000 cash, and will guarantee $200 ad vance in two vears, or failing to sell for $1,200 net in that time I will take the land back and pay $1,200, and half of profits over $200 to go to investor. First come, first served. Of the HH) acres UK) acres fruit land, 00 acres stony. All fenced, small house, well, large spring. A fine goat ranch. J. L. Hkmikkson. Tickets to and from Europe. Persons desiring to purchase tickets to or from any points iu Europe or South Africa may secure the same from John L. Henderson, who is agent for the Beaver line of steamships. First-class Surveying Outfit At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class transits and solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of laving out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying and platting. From and after this date, April 9, 11103, the rates will he as follows: $10 a day; Lot corners established for $5 a lot; two contiguous for one owner, the same price. Special Offers For Sale The old finll acres; $1,800 two-story dwelling, hard iiniBii; uarn ana out outiutngs; 10 acres in cultivation, 2 acres strawberries.some orchard; flume, irrigating ditch and Phelps creek pass through property $4,500; $500 down, $500 December 1, balance in five years at 7 percent This offer is good for 30 days only. The Howell cottage and 3 acres, east of Mrs. Alma Howe's, 1,700. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. fjtnd Office at The Dalles, Oreiron, 0t 2 MM. Notice Is hereby (jlven that the foi lowl inK-nnnied settler haa II led not ice of hta in tentlon to make commutation proof in support of his claim, und that anid proof wilt be made before lieo. T. l'riither, U. 8. Com misKloner, at Hood Uiver, OreKon, on Wed nesday, November 25, V.m, viz.- ARI4.1 ft . 1UIH), of Hood River, oret'on, H. K. No. 11(171. for the WJ KVM, N WJ 8E and V.K HKU see- ...... ., ' " .n.iif a i.l.l III, l HHgC W CUM, YV . M. He numea the following witnesses to prove liiacontiniioua residence upon and cultiva tion of mi 1.1 land, viz: Frank Davenport. Fred E. Newbv, Ohnrlea Hart and Walter Harrts.allof Hood River or osm-i MU'HA F.L T. NOLAN, Keutster. For Sale. 12 acres good apple hind, M) rods from Pine ro e school house. Call on V. Wlm hell flrxt bouae south ol school house, east sldeof road Vr "(1!lrr?" V. WINCH KI.lj. EUREKA Meat Market. -McGriRE linos., l'ropr's. Dealer In Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard . Poultry. Fruits and Vegetables. Jl?J!!1'ZL- Phone IB. E, A. SOULE, Contractor and Builder. Plans ami Est i maths Firnikiikd I'pon Application. L.C. Hayiie janie VTiieio." d EON TON BARBER SHOP. Tlie hlnvi I,. .... " " S " l-lt"Y suave, till up-to-date uir cut, unit to enjoy the luxury of n noiwl nil! hat It tnK r v" ' "' i tun, Feed Store. I hhV Olsten ffl at utnro nl wx. ..1.... , , . carry tn rtwk flour and fwl; hIw. iKilutnc ami h , nut I. u ...... . 1 , 7 ,- "iri.wniinui me can save a Ion j iiaiil and buy Just as cheap of me , , John "' rit of stralirhl Hill. M. E. WELCH. Ti.e Veterinary Surgeon, Has returned to H.kwI Hiver and la r retain-1 "'""J w"rH I" the veierinarv Ue. He nrkva sy.,jrr;."ln' f !'"ln' 4 Plymoth Rock Riawtrra, thnroiiirhr1s. for snleatui rmch X 1W. . F. "HNlAKKK. For Rent. W arm, 2'4 mllw , iown. Free water Pony for Sale. Oieap. Inquiieof Mitil'IME I Rot