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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1903)
Hood River Slacler. THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1903. spltteraught practicing bis art In the streets wilt be fined from $2 to $5, ac- oowiinffto the irravltv or the c-nense. r " : p - . . . , it It Is tobacco cnewers inai we pouue are after especially Th mnrrlncea and cl vorces 01 tue i . 1 ; i . i . . .. . I l-tjK r.1 i rvMI I ( r ! I. n njifluvl in I - - . , , TheUoiumDia mver m , thig wor n xhev win pr0uaoiy r!fl and nredictions are tor men water. more in tbe next. The cold weather for the past week has Unless some of those good roads are mused the snow n the mountains to hunt tterore long we may in uo causea tne bdow .u balloon, and In that case the cease meUing while at the head waters dwm n()t needed of the Columbu in the Kock . mountains additional snow has ". . .,, ,. , tfo rlnht to work This leaves a greatly increased amount ttll(j tul 11 them and not depend on tr. hA thawed. When this does start t cheap talk to do tbe work, w i - , ... ... 1 1 i . ,. Tf the tresent The cost omce scanaai in wastiniK- men UB.11K0. - - . - - tr ik. ,..nH.linn f weather continues mo im" ) '."l, t '"T" . of the building, although It embrace almost everything else in mem. Advices from St. Louis Indicate that some of the governors and their roil- aieee causes a delay in the final thaw, the wtonk incomes more critical, because it Anm -nmo it. will come with a ruBh. TheouUc.kinl894,tlyear o. r the big flood, it.sciain.e-, w gayg (he of cany me nam q v tne army eanteen was a good ming. Can jj be possible that he is preparing An article on the Oregon fruit Indus- , run for preident on the prohibition trv in the Portland iraaesman eay; tlcKet 'A few examDles ol what nai oeen done in apple culture tells a most con- winAino torv. At Hood River D. II. Sears, on VA acres containing 297 trees, part of which were 7 and the remainder 8 years old, gathered SHUU Doxes oi ap ples, which at ruling prices at that tiim peace among the powers. A 1 j r,ri ttnon I itt e fe nwa are running to hi (last season) netted him nearly $3000. J. the)r q. When the king of England met the king of Italy at Rome the two mon- archs Kissed eacn omer lour ume. What a lot of essence of life wasted on barren ground! Uncle Sam la slowly but surely be coming a big policeman to keep the All OI inr m with W.JNorcross oi centra, x o.ut, Thev aav the kinaof Enirland made a tingle acre received gross returns Ronie bowl. At all events the entire amounting to $870. Hon. J. W. Merntt, populace was out to see his greatness also residin. at Central Point, from 2 arrive. Who wouldn't be a king with - . . I .. ltlV. I acres obtained a yield bringing htm in $1399.20.'! a .lie jou ni a uig aaituyt The post office department of tbe Un ted Slates employs loo.lKW men, one-half of whom are Dost masters. They are a Dower in politics and are opposed to rotation in omce. tew aieana none 1 '3 n fi lhl t235l FAS THE HOME OF LOW PRICES. G)tton and Silk Medallions. We have just received a hew'lotof cotton and silk Medallions that we are sell at just half the price formerly asked for these goods. If you are going to use any, do not fail to see our stock. Ladies and Misses' White Underskirts, We now have a most complete line of Ladies and misses' muslin and knit Un derwear. Misses' White Skirts, 35c and up; Ladies' White Skirts, GOc and up. Hosiery. For ladies, gents and children, in plain and fancy designs, . Our hosiery, is all firse class and our prices below all others. Campers' Supplies. For this class of goods we are headquarters. We have knives and forks, spoons, fry pans, stew kettles, plates, blankets, quilts, etc., and dozens of other articles that you need. You can rely upon our prices being the very lowest, We Are Leaders of Low Prices. NOTICE FPU PUBLICATION. Tnit Office at The Dalles, Oregon, .Apr , .Si - Notice lx it. Comnilu-i'iner, MonUit.v, June ruOi at Hood Hiver, Oregon, on lttt-l vie: UC A. HOAD1.EY, of H.m.1 Uiver.ure.).!. H. w, ir . nortlieiinl Yt eeiiim j, iv--r - - "HI?: bwS heMfilwlng wltnetomjm her wiillnuouH reslUenc upon andcultlvtt Uon of .id land. ylf: , , ,lMrvr. Rivet '.or. MICHAKL T. 01A, River,.)r. lllisier. LIST OF LANDS For Sale AND FOR RENT Shipping Season Begins. Strawberries are beginning to come in lively now, and Wednesday night 16 resign. crates went from Hood River. The cool jf tlere g any paw niore dangerous weather during the week has been good than behind the gun we have not yei . : . i :.. ii kn.nM in heard of it. It has tieen remarked that or Kruw.a - the man behind the gun" Is getting uYo ran is ' .- ---- biown to smithereens pretty reguiany ton ot Kiversiue irun iaru. iurumueu mc 0f iafo first full crate from the Hood River side. xhe internatioiiHl Kd roads con The Fruit Growers' union received the vention at St. Louis has given the same. D. D. McCIure of White Salmon got the first crate of the season. He feels proud of this, as this is his first year iu the business. The union aleo shipped this crate. Mr. McCIure has sfiiit out four crates already and will realize over 30 for the same. Hood River will furnish strawberries for President Roosevelt. The Davidson world some new and liilt-edned aruu meuts for the cause of good roads. But we need something more man argu ments. The Russians are said to be building a submarine boat which will make ob solete all the fighting ships of the world. However, we have not noticed that the powers have abandoned any of their battleships. When Andrew Carnegie and J. Pier- uffuir. It was simply essentially Butte A HORSE AT THE' SHOW. Fruit company has arranged 'to supply pont Morgau Bailed for Europe on the the presidential party with berries in SfiZ" rortianu, lacoma, oeame, cpo,,0 m.u fJe wag probably disappointed, as they Montana points, i nose growers wuo never gave mm a ceut will have the honor of knowing the pres- Butte, Montana, the burg that gave ident will feast on their fruit, shipped Mary McLane to the world, is now u .I., n-. o. makintr another bid for fame. It has 'nZnCilnv-TaviA UU8t ?lve" birth t0 tl,e "female stag . W E Wheeler, S C Zeigier, G F Ad- ' 5, and , enlovluir the usual ams, GFLamb, N C Evans, G W Mo free advertising in the newspapers of Intoeh. J N Mouier, C D Moore, W LI the country. It appears that a aozen Ppaitpr H C rn A R Bvrkett RLau-V0Un8 women, memuers ot tne oesi Register, 11 1, Coe, A K KyrKeu, K iau M , dre8ged tbemselves in the terbach, 8 F smith, U J i,amar, Mart evenn)g costumes of men and made Bros. A L Phelps, Cook & Owens, C E I merry at a Dartv from which the sterner f! A Ahhott. A O sex were excluded. But then there tt t 4i n a n n was nothinir rfDrehensible about the 1 1 1. 1 H T 1 , V H II . HWtu.L. , . n OUUI IU. ' J .1. . Ktiutison. G. J. Geealing, of the Fruit Growers union will supply berries direct to the Portland hotel for the President's ban quet tonight. lie also has orders for the ' banquet at Tacoma. Following are tie growers who supplied the berries: S C Zeigier, D D McCIure, J W Morton, J P Egan, Hoyl Green, M Willis. STRAWBERRY NOTES Florin Strawberries sold in Portland last week for $1.50 a crate, while South ern Oregon berries were quoted at from 20 to 25c a box. The first strawberries for The Dalles market were brought in from the Hoer ing place on Mill creek Friday morning and sold to J. A. Carnaby. There were five boxes which brought 30 cents a box. Smallpox seems to be general among the Indians ot the w arm spring reserva tion. W. H. Bishop, who is in the gov ernment service at this agency, in a let ter to the (jlacier, says: "We are receiving many communications from Hood liiver relative to the Indians pick' iug berries. Smallpox, of the lighter tvpe. is much in evidence on the reser vation. As many of . the Indians will not submit to vaccination, we deem it desirable that they have this light form of the disease, and so no steps are taken to prevent its spread." This means that no Warm Spring Indians will be here to pick berriee tins year. Iht agency authorities will likely see to il that no Indians leave the reservation during the smallpox epidem'c, and Hood River certainly doesn't wantany of them here. The following report on the strawberry market in Chicago is taken from the Chicago Packer of May tH "Market in good condition with hotter feeling for nice, ripe, sound berries. Louisiana berries coining rather tender. Main trade is in Tennessee stock which selle well. Arrivals from Mississippi light. Stocks from that section have been so small and poor and had to be sold so low that it has not paid shippers to send them in. Train service is still bad and some berries e en in carlots which should be in one day' are not received until the next. This causes them to ar rive often soft and in bad order. In case of delayed berries some often leaked so badly they were constantly dripping. Illinois berries sell about the same at Tennesse, as there is little difference in quamy. oome Illinois very common, poor color or soft. " Note and Comment' June 4 the Glacier buggy will be given away. If those naval accidents continue our jolly tars will all be blown to kingdom come. The enlistment of Filipino boys as naval apprentices at uaviie Das been authorized. One by one the legislatures have ad jnurned in the several states, and not a tear nas been shea. General Miles thinks, with the sul tan of Hula, that there are too many mings ioiiowing tne nag. Don't be a stick-in-the-mud. Fufch along that good roads proposition, and do something besides talking Whv doesn't Mr. Carnegie brelu nearer home and give a temple of peace to aome oi the political parties. The sight of an automobile drawing delivery wagon around is said to be enough to make horses go on a strike. An exchange thlnk9 Missouri ought oil her to seud her state senators to the penitentiary or her convicts to the senate. a few states hare enacted laws mak torr f Kikkta Wlanla Twm mm Ela Viewpoint. One of the popular features of tht annual horse show In New York Is the suuad of park police horses that Is al ways entered. The winning of a blue ribbon by one of these police horses is told In "Horses Nine," by Bewell Ford, from the viewpoint of the horse. The author says: So It. happened that one morning Skipper heard the sergeant tell Reddy that he had been detailed for the horse show squad. Reddy had saluted and said nothing at the time, but when they "were once out on post he told Skipper all about It "Sure an' It's app'arln' before ail the swells In town ye'll be, me b'y. Phat do ye think of that, eh! An' mebbe ye'll be gettln a blue ribbon. Skipper, me. lad, an' mebbe Mr. Patrick Martin will, have a roundsman s berth an chevrons on his sleeves afore tbe year's out" The horse show was all that Reddy had promised, and more. Tbe light al most dazzled Skipper. Tbe sounds and the smells confused him, but he felt Reddy on bis back, heard him chirrup softly and soon felt at ease on the tan- bark. Then there was a great crash of noise, and Skipper, with some fifty of bis friends on the force, began to more around tbe circle. First It was fours abreast, then by twos, and then a rush to troop front when, In a long line, they swept around as if they had been harnessed to a beam by traces of equal length. After some more evolutions a half dozen were picked out and put through their paces. Skipper was one of these, Then three of tbe six were sent to Join the rest of the squad. Only Skipper and two others remained in tbe center of the ring. Men in queer clothes. wearing tall, blade bats, showing much white shirt front and carrying long whips, came and looked them over carefully. Skipper showed these men how be could waltxwla.tlme to tbe music, and the people who banked the circle as far up as Skipper could see shouted and clapped their hands until it seemed as If a thunderstorm had broken loose. At last one of tbe men In tall hats tied a blue ribbon on Skipper's bridle. When Reddy got him Into the stable, he fed him four big red apples, one after the other. Next day Skipper knew that he was a famous horse. Reddy showed him their pictures tn the paper. ' OUR SENATE. Aa Baalish VUw at its Pawer, Aa taarlty aa Farfarautaaa. The senate has played a very great part In American history, and, on the whole, the tremendous power and au thority wielded by the senate have been well exercised. The majority of the senators are statesmen of great polit ical ability as well as men of high char acter. There are few sights in the political world on either side of the Atlantic more impressive than the senate in ses sion. The sense not only of a very high standard of personal capacity, but resent not mere localities, Dut states, In their corporate capacity, and states which are often as populous as Euro pean kingdoms, naturally fill each indi vidual senator with the sense of per sonal distinction. A United States sen ator is a yery great man, and he knows it and the senate, as a whole, is in tensely conscious and proud of the might majesty and dominion wnicu it wleids. To make a comparison, it mat ters very little what an Individual member of the British house of com mons thinks and means to do, still less what an individual British peer thinks and means to do on any given subject but it matters a very great deal what a single United States senator thinks and means to do. . The senate can veto every appoint ment made by the president whether the man nominated for omce oe a Judge of the supreme court or an am bassador or merely a collector oi cus toms. Again the senate can, by refus ing to pass it veto any bill sent up from the lower house, no matter whether the bill is concerned with the raising or spending of money or with alterations in the law. Lastly, not a majority, but any minority which num bers over a third of the senate can re fuse to ratify any treaty presented for ratification by the president. Thus the executive can make no binding treaty with any foreign power unless it can obtain a two-thirds majority in the senate. In other words, the Senate can say the final word not only in regard to all legislation, but Da regard to a., finance, all appointments to high office and to foreign affairs of the nation. London Spectator. Bar Trlcic. A cantankerous old farmer, who hardly ever agreed with anything his wife said to him, came home one wet day and, placing bis back to the fire, stood up to dry. After some little time bis wife turned to blm and said: "John, you'd better watch yourser or you'll burn your flannels." To which John replied: "I think I'll need to burn my trou aers first" "Indeed, John, you'll need to do naeth ing of the kind. They're burnt al ready." London Tit-Bits. Improve. It is a solemn duty devolving on all to make the utmost possible out of themselves. Men seek the highest de- Telopment of their flocks and herds and grain and flowers. The result is the Improved flora and fauna of these days over those of prior ones. Bt should this evolution cease with the lower order? Should the body of cre ation Improve and not the head, which is man? , nin Line. Hook-So he Is a poet, eh? What is his particular line? Nye Tbe Market street line prln Clpally, although I occasionally see bis verses In some of the other cars. Phil adelphia Record. ( Notice. To (he Larikg of Hood Kiver nnd virlnllv I am martins c le lu Kmbral1-ry nnd Palming In all their brnnrheH, a oil, f.s;IIc and o -ayon, ana win ie pioaxeu to imve you call a id see my embmldery nieces nnd paint Inga, at my home Jimt west of the eoliool bouae. Will aloomnke paintinm, orembroid- ry pleoea to order at ieaonaule prices. See ma for terms fur lessons. Very respectfully, MKH. Ol.A I.ITTI,KKIKI,I, m21 - Ho Ml Klver.Or. of the Immense Dowers which It wields. ii g an attempt on tha life of the pres- seems to perTade the assembly. The ident or a foreign embassador punish- Ugliness of their numbers, the fact able by death. thsl lfh .ntW,rr Tbe anti-epittinir crusade is on In full a-hit-ti ! HMI tA n mm w.ll mm lavt.U. i ir. i.i r rw j I - - -.. wxn ... u.utwu, v. v., auu every Ut tn(j knowledge that UttX Notice to the Public. I hereby give notice to all whom It may concern that on and after Mny 21, llM. I shall not be responsible for any debts or hills con tracted by my wife, Mary HHkcl, she having len my nea ana nosrn. .iiit-i.t! u.Aivr.ii. Hood K.ver, or., Muy 21, ivm. jeu Fine ork In Carriage nnd Wagon Repairing, HorKeshoeing and General Blacksmithing is done bv SNOW & UPSON. Thin firm is competent to do all repairing of ve hiclesno break so bad that they will not repair it. (jive them a trial and be convinced of their capac ity to do fine work. Phone 125. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. r ..a nm,. at The Dalles. Oreeon. April 2T UW!. Notice Is hereby given Unit the follow- lint-named seuier iu uicuuuu ...?.i..n ... M.mmnin and iniike final ntoof !r,.u.ri ,,f bis claim, and that said proof will h.., ..,. hwfi.ra Oeo. T. Prattler, U. S. Com missioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Hatur- day, June s. . jjmtricaN. of Hood Kiver, Uregon, H. K. No. M. for ti e west V, southeast and south Y, northeast section IM.towiiHblp 2 north, range U east, W.M. Ho names Hie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon auu cuiuvu- George Wiulth, C. I. Richardson, O. n. Hartr ley and 0. J. Hayes, all of HikkI River, Or. . j4 M 1 CjlA tTN OL AN , Reg Ister " ITImber Ind, Act June 8 1X7H.1 NOTICE KOH PUBLICATION. United States Land Offlce, Vancouver, nrnuK Movj tarn N'otlcji Is hereby itlven that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of JuneS, 18;8, entitled "Anact for the sale o. timber lands In the state of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August. 4, 1HI, RALPH SAVAUE, of Hood River, county of Wusco, ste of Ore gon, has this day filed in thlsoltice his sworn statement No. 3i)l, for the purchase of the lots I and 2, southeast northwest , and northeast M southwest of section No. 1H, in township No. 5 north, range No. 12 east, W.M. , and will olfer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this ottice at Van couver, Wash., on Wednesday, tbeDtli day ol KpnlKlllhei'. lUUi. lie names as witnesses: uuvcr f.;. uciti., Theodore K. Bheplerand Allred J. Kliepler.ull of Hood River, Ore., and H. A. Kalmer ol ;ilmtr. Wash. Any ana an persons claiming Huvcrsciy tut above-described lands uro requested to lilt the rc In ins in this omce on or Detore aaiu 9th day of Septem ber, 11KM. AT THE EMPORIUM. Park addition Money to loan. 1. Lots in Wauuoma $135. Corner lot in front of school house, I ho Oeo. Melton lot ami Barrett-Sipma addition, $373. Fine improved annln form n, r... Side for sale. 8,IJ00. Terms ,, 22. The Emerson hoim.ut.m.i ,..,'1 mile eat of town ; fine range; f 1,500. 1 V P,'"'r!tt-Sipma addition ; $100 per lot: $10 down and $5 ver month ; no in- M3rt?Bl. 8 Shirt Waist Sale. Monday and Tuesday, May 25 and 26. per cent i On all Shirt Waist price irom M 50c to $10.00. If you miss this Bale it will be your fault, for this offer will positively be withdrawn after above date. R. B. BRAGG & CO. - REMEMBER, The Glacier Buggy WILL BE GIVEN AWAY June 4, 1903. Examine the label on your paper and see if you are not entitled to a ticket. A ticket is given for every year's subscription paid, whether you are in arrears or pay in advance. Team for Sale. fienlle team, lltiu and 1200. Will fully ex plain good and ohcctionabletraltsof each an imal and sell them for less than their actual value, lmiulre on A. 8. Uisbrow place, '1 miles south of town, of J. L. HEAV1W. Seed Potatoes. Rural New Yorker No. 1, and Carmen No. 8, T5c a sack, for sale by 3. H. KOUKKl. Ice for Sale. Also, pasture to rent andlionse fgfififap. Lost. . On streets of Hood River, package contain ing three pieces violet embroidery, a piece of liollv (milmilderv. one niece of drawn thread work, and one piece of forget-me-not em broidery. Kewara u. ire GlscleroJIiee. , I the m7 Packers Wanted. Four strawberry packers can get work at my p umw. mil I. C. NbALKluH . Wanted. School teachers and students who are open tor a traveling position ftirthe summer. Write to H. W. Norton, The Dal lea. Or. Jel I Wanted. Reliable nfrawberry picker, ami on exr riencd packer, to work cUtee to Htot Kiver. irti; i u, LititiriiMrU, u tr 'U Strawberry Piickers Wishing to work for nie on that tine 10 acre patch opposite Mrs. Alma Howe's place should eel on my list right away. ml4 T. R. roof. Bids Wanted. Bids will be rewived for building a school house In Rose Hill district. No. "S, until 2 o'cloc k K M , .lune 7, 1!. Hpeclficiilions can lie seen at Hie honse of the district clerk. The board of directors reserves the right Ui reject anyoralUiida. MARK THOMAS. jiv,gr Clerk DIsU No. 78. Berry Packers Wanted. I want to engage eight berry pi m'M I- M ackers. WILSON. For Sale. Two fresh Oows. with calves, $4) each: one second hand stncii-baker wagon. 2'Jtneh, i"; cook stove, fl.j; :a-lncli (liver chilled plow, Ss; i dot chickens, 40c each: spray pump, one vat empty barrels, and all klndsof oilier tools lor hale cheap by ARTHUR IHsHUoW. m!4 Hood River. Or. Horse for Sale. One small riding horse, will work In bar ess,? years old. A h renin at J.n. Je M. Il . VI as. Ml. Hood, Or Spring Wagon. Light rounlnf spring wapnn for sale hv 8. K. BI.YTHE. Government Land. I can local hom-reker on government land good fruit land, with springs, some with water tn Irrlrnle-, easily clesrvd; Ii to IS miles from Hood Kiver: near conn'v rrwd. P21 K C.MILLER. Hood River. Or. Help Wanted To take homestead. I hsv several qoarter of good wheat land, fail on T. I). TWEEDY at Hood Kiver or The Ltell.a, Oregon. Notice. REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLE. In the ms tier of I he application of K. 8. M ayes to register the title to lot, block 2. Wlnans Addition to the town (now city) of Hood Kiver, count V of Wasco and stale of Oregon, In the mime of the stiiteot Oregon, To Mrs. O. 1. Dodge and all whom il mar concern: TAKK NOTiriS. That on the tilth day of May. A. D. 1MM, an application was tiled by said K S. Mayes In the circuit court of Wasco county for initial regi-tratiou of tlie title to the laud above de grilled. i Now, unless yon appear on or before the22d dav of June, lint, and show cause why said application honl;l not be granted, the same will be tasen as confessed, and a decree will lieenteicd according to the prayer of the ap you will be forever barred from disputing the same. Wiu.e mv bund and the seal of said eonrt hereunto afti'xed this lh day of May, A. D. WHS. A. LAKK, Clerk. John Lelund Henderson. Ally lor applicant m'.'lhis Team Work. I now have a team license and can do plow. Ing in town lots or hauling of any kind In Lhecilv 1-mII me bv Uhone I1M. Am also prepared In do wood sawing In the country with mv steam saw. I wiuid like to liave neighbors i-hib bstethcr and rail on me when thrv have en-ngn to pay for hauling ont and setting up the '. II will he cheap er fur them, m Acme Cement Plastering. I do Acme ( enieiit ris.u-iing w :ll List along as the home si.m,ls .-v !, rem' tn KHindstiona. s. s-iln' l- 'I j-s ud get prii-e belure htuug -v-i. vi. ' JH r RANK PRIITT. Cow for Sale. A n Al cow, fresh, for sale cheap. mil J. J. JORDAN. Money to Loan. tiVX) to CtlitlO to loan on Improved Hood River real estate, gilt edge security, nt 8 cent ni7 r. C..AWUL.EK. ITImber Land, Act June S, 187H.1 NOTICE FOK FUBLICATIOX. United Ktates iMiid Offlc, Vuneouver, Wash.. March 2. lm. Notice Is hereby given l.liatin coinullance with the provisions of the act of conir ress of June 8, lli8, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the Hlates of California, Oregon, Nevauu anu Washington TerrlUiry," as extended to all the public laud states by act of August 4, 1X!, . NETTIE ALVORD. of Portlund. county of Multnoiiiuh, slnle of Oregon, bus this day tiled in nils olllce her sworn stuteinent, No. Hill, lor the purchase oi the east hail northeast quarter of section No. '25. In township No. 6 north. range No. 12 east, w.M., and s-UI otler proof to show that tne land sougni is more vaiuiiuie for its timber or stone than lor aKricuitural Eur ix wen, and to establish her claim to said md before the Regisler and Receiver of this otlice, at Vancouver, Washington, on Thursday, the 20th day of June, 1IXM. She names as witnesses: louie ussio anu Henrv Hosteller of Portland, Or.: Krmie Trough and Herman Kuluihauseu of U len wood, w asn. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above-described hinds are requested to file their claims In this olliue ou or before suid 25th day of June, 1U0:. mar2UmZi w. it. uufm.iu, negisier, Timber Land, Act. June 8, 1878.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Slates Land Office, Vancouver, Wash.. March 2. 1WW. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of tbe act of congress of June:!, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale oi iimoer lanus in ine states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to ail the public land states by act of August 18U2. OLE 8. OIXON. of Nortliwood. county of Urand Forks, state of North Dakota, has this day tiled In this oltiee his sworn statement, No.81811, lor the purchase oftbe north half northwest quarter, south east quarter nurth west quarter and northwest quarter nonneast quarter oi section v in townshlii No. 4 north, range No. 11 eiisl. w. M.. und will otter proof to show that the land souirht Is more valuable for Its timber oi stone thau for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Rtulster and Receiver of this office nt Van couver, Wash., on Tuesday, the li'ld day of June, He niiines as Witnesses: (leorge W. Gilmer, Melv.n Munley, Charles W. Ollmcr and Will- lam c. Miiniey, an oi uiimer, w ssn. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above-described hinds are requested to tile their claims In this omce on or before suid Xid asy ot June, imci. mar20m22 W. R. DUNBAR, Register. Timber Lund Act J li ne :l, lH78.j NOTICE KOH PUBLICATION. United States Land Ottice, Vancouver, Wash..March 20, Unci. Not ice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June H, 18:8, entitled "Anact for the Rule of timber lands In the states of California. Oregon. Nevada nnd Washington territory, us extended to all tlie public laud elates by act of August 4, IMr2, EMERY OLIVER. Of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this otlice his 8177, for the purchase of MONEY TO LOAN. As the National Homeseekers' Association would like io place tiflv 11000 contracts In Hood River In the next sixty days, parties wishing money to purchase homes, farms, or build houses al the lowest rateof I merest ever heard of in the West, should consult J. W. RIUBY, Agent. Persons carrying heavy mortgages can re lieve themselves at a very low rate of Interest. sworn statement No, K U HE Va section SI. and N section 211, In township No. 8 north, range No. II east, w. M., and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for It timber or stone than tor agrlcullura nurnoses. and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this ottice at Vancouver, wasn., on Jhursuuy ineiMi anv oijuiy, itsn. He names as witnesses: John L. Henderson of Hood River, Or.; Andrew H. Richmond and Homer C. Campbell of Portland, Or.; I-rank Davenoort ot noon liiver, ur. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to rile their claims in tins omce on or beiore said 28d day of July, 1WM. m27in2 W. R. DUNBAR, Register, Blacksmithing And wagon repairing attended to promptly It my shop on the .Ml. Htsid road, south of town. Oood work at reasonable prices. sepl7 i. A. HOWELL, Tomato Plants. If you want Tomato Planta send to Jewetl's, White Hslmon, Wash., and get some of those early sorts that have made While Maimon famous as tne earnest and best tomato sect ion In the Northwest. Pine plants, 75 cents per 100; ti per 1000. A. H. JEW KTT. Wanted. Customers for SOO loads oflie ends and lum ber trimmings, at !l per load In the yard. s23 MT. HOOD LUMBER CO. FOR SALE. A good 10-horae steam Boiler. Inquire of ai SNOW A Cmm, Water & Light Notice All water and light bills are payable at the Hood River Electric Light, Power and Water Co. s ottice from the 1st to the loth of the month, iu advance. Oiltf w. C. EVANS, Manager. NO 1 ICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 8, :W.- Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his In tention to make flnsl proof in support of his elnltn, and ttial said pnsif will be made be fore tlie Register and Receiver nl The Dalles, Oregon, on Tuesday June ti, IWI. via: CHARLK-s R. STARK, of Mosier, Oregon, H. K. No. 5Vi, for the N W VWi section 22, township 2 north, range 11 eat,w"M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ..r l.,n.l Leo Root of Mosier, Or.; Alexander Watt of Tne tsiiirs, dr.; 1. A. Murgisa and George ntisseyoi ffm.1T. irregon. '.I, 1. IllltjelS M It'll AKI . NOLAN, Register.' NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April II, Itstl. Notice Is hereby given thai tbe fo. Hiu imroained aettler baa tiled notice of his futentlon lo eoiuinute and make final proof in supfion of his claim, and that said prott will be made before Oeo. T. Piather, J. H. Commissioner, al Hood River, Oregon, on Friday, May 2. Iw. vlx: I H ARLE8 R. BONK, of Hood River, Oregon, II. E. No. 10,047, for lots a, 10. I.i and K section a township 1 north. iante Iiie.i.1. w. M. He name tlie following wtlnwwg to prove his eontlnuoue reside ire a poo and cultiva tion of said land, vuc P.H. l-nvirt-.n, r. i'. Bni.lus, K. B. Barnes and r, W. Murphy, all of Hood River. alm2 Mil. HALL T. NOLAN, Register. nge in CONTEST NOTICE. United Slates Land Ottice, The Dalles. Or, April 14. 1WW. A sntticlent contest iirtldavl having been tiled In this otlice by tieorge W. Huskey, contestant, agiilnst homesuad entry ino. nui, mane April a, int'i, ior norinwest southeast section 10, to nshlp2 north. ran; H east, by John H. WheiHer, conlesloe. which It is alleged that said entryman has wnouy atmnaouea saxi irset tor more than four years last past. That the alleged nban donment Is not due to militarv or naval sen vice. Said parties are hereby not I tied to ap pear, responu anu oner eviaence touciitn said allegation nt 1 o clock 1'. M. on June Ifi. lWW, before the Ri-glsler and Receiver nt the L nlted states Ijina ottlee in The Dalles, Ore. The said contestant Imvlm:. In a tiroiier uill- davit., filed April U. HOI. set torth ftu-ts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, tt is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given ov uue anu proper puoncaiion. a30m28 ANN P; M. LAND, Receiver. prov uillva NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Toe Dalles, Oregon, April II, Not Ice Is hereby given that the follow. Ing-named settler has filed notice of ills in h-n- tion lo make final proof in supisirl of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Keglsterand Receiver at The Dalits, Oregon, on riuiuraav, junea, imri vix; WILLIAM C. -WEIDNER. of Mosier. Olegon, H. 10. No. SS-'il, for the west 4 souinwest v., souineast a souihwest and southwest southeast section ;i, towuship t ....... t. K.... ll ,..,ut U' u ' He names the following witnesses to his continuous residence cpvin and cu lion oi saiu tana, vis: William Duvls, r"eter HennlngMn and C r.. Davidson, all of Mosier, Or., and Ralph uovieoi i ite Danes, nr. safmai MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. (Timber ljuid, Act June 8, 18,8.1 " NOTICE KOK PUBLICATION. United Slates Land Office, Vancouver. r asn., Apiu di, law.!. notice is nerstiy given that In compliance with the nrovlsion. of ibeactof i-ougressnf JuneS, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the aies oi ijiiiiornia, ureaou, Nevada an vt annul 'on rertitory,' as extended to the public Isntl sau-s ly act of August 1, Ittsti ii.i.iaji .i. r It" ri I . of Portland, enmity of Multtionuih, state of rTJoii, him mis otty n'etl in mis omce hi sworn siatemeni, -o. s-.'ii, tor the nntehsse toe southeast norihuct t and northeast I oulhweM section 4, In township. Nn.x north muse .'o. in etutt, . .M., atltl will ont' uets'f to show that the In mi aoiorht I more valuable for its tinsber or stone than Nr agricultural pnriosi.. ii',l ( establish his emiiu hi sum uin i the Kegi'.ier am Keri-iveroi tins ntuer .-.I nncntiver. Wssh on 1 uemiatf, I tie isili nay ol Aiikuhi, 1HH, He nani-s ss witne-s: I. Cnrnev and lames K. C.imeron of I'oriUinl, l;r.. and Jo .pb Sullivan and IC D. Cameron of White Salmon, W ah. Any and ail p rotla claim ine adversely the bovede.-rllH-il laii.l. s-e requesteil to file their claims In this on or beiore said 1Mb day of August. (Hilt. PRANK C VAUUHAS, Register in the 12,500. 2 One of tlio most vuluablo ceiuer ot Hood River. curnorg Price Kluiible resiilt 'nt'ol.itu I,, C,,.,,,. ,l- BubtliviHior., near cannon house : onW IU0; terms easy. ; line 6. The Koplin tilace at Fraiikton. 17 acres well improved : true, water. Price tism. 4. 320 acres of timber land nt tho fait. of Hood River. belotiL'ini? tn tioortm K Forsyth; price $10011. 21. H 8. K. H. 8. K N. E. t 4 'V Ok' It 1 .r.'. . ' t, i. o it. it a uiauj suimu,, timber land ; $10 per acre. For Stile Tlie Howell cottaL-o and 3 acres, east of Mrs. Alma II days, at $1,000. After 5 days, $1,900. 32. EnnnaG. Robinson's 1(10 , roa fin hills east of White Salmon, known as the Dryer plat; fine timber; unim proved ; $785. ll0 acres, house and cardon natch. Ml the corner 10 miles Month of Thn Dulles. Known as the Woodman place. Price filOO. Persons dueirinit to nnrclinsfi tickets to or from any points in Europe or South Ainca may secure the same from John L. Henderson, who is atmnt for t.h Beaver line of (steamships. 4. IliO acres fine timber. Al lnnd near White Salmon, on west bank of White, Salmon river, known as the Hamre tim- Der claim. About tour miles from Hood River, for sale cheat). The new company now offers for sale lots formerly belonging to the Hood iwver lownsite company, ot winch com pany John Leland Henderson is secre tary und the Hood River Bunk treasurer. For Sale Thirteen acres in Wind River, at Carson, quarter of a mile from school, partly cleared; $4!)0. Terms easy rive acres at rrankton. known as the Charley Rotters' place; house, barn and plenty of free water. Price, $1,050. lerms easy. House and trnrden for rent. by the mouth at $5.00 a month. Persons who have made desert land entries and have abandoned the same may (jet their money refunded. Persons who have made stone and timber entries, which entries have been suspended by the government, may have their entries completed and get titleB to their lands oy conlerring with John Leland Hender son, attorney, Hood River. At the Emporium is kent a first-class solar com pass, and tlie nronrietor being a practical surveyor, is well pre pared to do the work of laying out acre age property in lots nnd blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying and platting. rrom and alter this date, April 9, 1003, the rates will be as follows: 17.50 a day and expenses, or $10 a day if I pay my own expenses. Jot corners estab lished for $5 a lot; two contiguous lots for one owner, the same price. For SaleThe N. 40 acres and the east 20 acres, in one body, of the Hen derson 80 acres west of Lyman Smith's. Free irrigating water for 'the lower 40. Pric-j $5,400 for the two tracts if sold to gether. If sold separately, $2,750 for the 40; at least $500 down, balance on 5year8 time at 7 per cent interest. Subject to McCuistion's lease. This 20 has six acres in apples and cherries just beginning to bear. Five acres of straw berries between the rows of fruit trees. Price of the 40, $2,750. Special Bargain. The undersigned desiring to build a brick building In Hood River must have some "cush" and for a few weeks oilers for sale his 100 acres in Crapper neighborhood for 12500.00 "cash." Dav enport's ditcb runs mile through same and all the land is under his two ditches. This land has about 40 acres good timber on the flume, nnd is nil good land, About 80 acres quite level and the other 80 Is a speciul bargain, as tbe purchaser will get about 100 acres of surface See. This is a snap. Ab stract of title furnished. Trice holds subject to change any day. John Lkland Hen-derson. A Bargain. One Jt'f-lnch truck, has been used !t years; one 4-horse wood rack; one new hav rake; one mower JtiS. W. V. hl.lNUKRI.A.M). 15' Acres For sale at a hnrgnin ftVM. Five acres In slrawb.'rries, H aeret in clover, i acres more reatly for berries. Farming Itsils Included. m2l FRANK C.UH'V. For Sale. . (rasollr.e Knelne, nearly power. Trice t'ii. new, 2K horse 11. C. COK. For Sale. A .1-seated "lack, almost good as new; one double hack harness and one act light har ness; both In good condition. ai H. W. WA IT. L0St, Strayed or stolen, a heirer ealT, 8 months old: had a niie round Us neck. Information re garding lis whereabouts will he tbaiikfullv re ceived by m'JS T. XTK.IN H I I.HF.U. Buggy for Sale. A sccond'huiMi li.iggy forsale I'll F At. Ap- pt.y to i r r, r. r. krwin. Notice. All bills for material, rendered by us since the l'th of Msn-h, are payable to our success ors, the Mount li'sitl Luntis-r Compsnv. lisT I.AKF. I.I MBKK CO., fly Win. F. tH.vlilon. I'resldenC Single Buggy And double light harness for sele cheap. , A. K. BL'jWr.RS.