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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1903)
lt.9 ii,!'--- J, H, OllfVlty r ; "IT'S A COLD DAY WHEN WE PET LEFT." VOL. XV. ' HOOD KIVER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1903. " .:, V KO 3 . . mmmimammmalm ' ' - ' t - . - V HCOD RIVER GLACIER I'uulishcd every Thurfdas1. S. F. Hl.YTHH & SON, PuhlUhera. lennsof tubhcriptiun (1.50 a year when paid 111 BUVKIiCti. Tin: MAILS. The mull arrives from Mt. Hocul at 10 o'clock . in. Wt'.liiCKlHys and Buttirclftya; dcpartathe innie qui & hi noon. For Clienoweth, leaves at R a. m. Tuesdays 1 hinhdftyg and uturdays: arrive at 6 p. m. Fur white Balloon ( ash.) lea vt daily at 6:15 B. m.; arrives at 7:1.) . ni. from White Salmon leaven for Fnlda, Gilmer, 7 mm Lake and (ileiiwnod daily at 9 A. M. ForBlniren (vtanli.) leaven atj:4j p. in.i ar. riven at i? o. m. NIK IK II K. lorRT HOOD KIVER No. , KOKK8TEU8 OF I A Mf.HH AMeet second and fourth Mon days in each umntti in k. ol I', r.all. II. J. Fkkubhk k, C. R. 8. F. form, Financial Secretary. VAK fiHOVE rot'Xcif, Ko. 142, OKDKR OF t I'hMHI.-.Mrets tl.e Kec.oiiil and Kourth Fridays uf the liionth. Visitors cordiallv wel comed. V. 11. Hhohiuh, Couimellor. ill t'LAKK, Kecretary. ORIiER OK WASHINGTON. Hood River I'tilon No. lrj.neetn In Odd Fellows' hall second and fourth Saturdays in each month, 1:3ii o'clock. c. j. L'urt'LB, I'resliient. J. E. Hanna, Secretary. 1 Al'RKL RF.1IEKAII DEtiRKK LOME, No. it 7,I.O.O. P.-Meets lirst and third Fri day! in each month. Mian Edith Mookb, N. 0. L. K. Morkb, Secretary. riANBY TOST, No. 16, O. A. R.-Mcctsat A. V O. I'. V. Hall second and (onrih haturdavs o( each month at 'I o'clock p. m. AU U. A, K. incmbcis invited to niect with us. VV. II. I'khky, Commander. T, J. Cunning, Adjutant. TANBY V. R. C, No. Ifi-Meets aecond and j fourth Saturdays of each month in A.O. V. W. hall at 2 p. in. Mum. r annus, 1'res. ;Mbn. T. J. C anning, Secretary. I10OD LODGE No. ICS, A. F. and A J I M. Meets Saiuiduy evening on or before each full moon. '. M. Yatks, V. U, C D. Thompson, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. '.7, R. A. M--41 eels third Friday night of each month. (1. K. Castnkb, 11. 1'. A. 8. Blowers, Secretary. IIOOD RIVER CHA1TEK, No.2.', O. K. S. -II Meets scuond and foiiYih Tuesday even lnK ol each month. Visitors co dialiy wel comed. Mks. May Yatks, VV. M. (Iks, Mary B. Davidson, Secretary. OI.KTA ASSEMBLY No. lrw, I'nitcd A'tisans, -Meets first and third Vt edncsilays, work; Second and ionrtli Wednesdays social; Art! tans hall. F. C. liKuMis, M. A. F. B. Bakneh, Secretary. W ACCOM A LODGE, No. 30, K. of P.-Meeti In A.O. U. W. hall every Tin i. lay night. F. L. Daviuhon., C. C. Dr. C. II. Jenkins, K. of R. & 8. J IVEKSIKE LODGE, No. 68, A. O. C, W. t Meets first and third Ssturdavs of each nionth. F. B. Bakne.i, W. M. K R. Bradi.ey, Flnaneler. t iiestkk SHL'tk. Recorder. 1DLEVVILDE LODGE, No. 107, I. O O. P. Meets iu Frateruai hull every Thursday night. gko. W. Thompson, N. o. J. L. Henoekbon, Secretary. TIOOD KIVER TKNT, No. 19, K. O. T. M., J I meets at A. O. C. V. hull on the tint and third Friduys of each month. Walter Gkrking, Commander. O. E. Williams, Secretary. IHVERSIDE LODGE NO. 40. DEGREE OF I HONOR, A. O. U. W.-Mjuits tirst aud third Satuidays at 8 P. M. Kate M. Frederick, C. of II. Miss Annie Smith, Recorder. HOOD K1VKR CAMP, No. 7,702, M. VV. A., meets In odd Fellows' Hall the first anil third Wednesdays of each month. J. R. Reks, V. C. C. U. Dakin, Clork. VDKN ENCAMPMENT No. 48, I. O. O.. F. -Tj Regular meeting second and fourth Mon days of each mouth. VV. 0. Ash, C. 1'. V. L. Henderson, Scrilie. JjU. J. W. YOGEL. OCULIST. Will make regular monthly visits to Hood River. Residence IKS sixteenth Street, Portland, Oregon. 11. JENKINS, D. M. D. DENTIST. f eelalist on Crow n and Bridge Work. Telephones: Ollire, 2M; residence, 9). Olllce In l.angillo bid. Hood Klver, Oregon. 1) R. K. T. CAKN3. Dentist. Gold crowns and bridge work and all kinds of Up-to-Dnta Dentistry. HOOD KIVF.R OREGON H L. DUAIBEK, . rilYSICIAN AND SUKGEOM. Successor to Dr. M. K. 8h,iw. t ails promVtly answered In town or country, Dav or Night. Telephones: Residence, 81; tdlice over Kverharl's Grocery. F. WAIT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Tclephonca: Otllee, 281 ; residence, 2S3. Sl'RGKON O. R. Si N. CO. JOHN l.KI.AXl) I1ENDKKSON ATTORNEY-AT I.WV. AnsTRACTER. NO TARY I'ChLIU and REAL FST'A'I & Ai.ENT. Fit 73 years a risident of Oregon and Wash liictoii. "lias Imii many ears exiieneui tn Leal Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of titles and agent, r-aiisfuctiou guaranteeJ or i;o tharge. pUKKKIUCK A AKNOM) CONTKACTOUS AND BUILDERS. Estimates ftirnisliPil for all kinds of work. Ivepairit f a upocialty. All kinds tii nitp work. ,vliop on 8Ute Street, l.etwwn Kirat mid Second. A. J AVNE. LAWYER. Altr;uta Furnished. Money leaned. . II aid Kiver, Onynu. p C. UROSiL S, M. D. I'llYSICIAN AND SURGEOS. Thone Central, or 121. XMT-t Hour: H to U A. M ; 2 to 3 snd ti to 7 Y. M. gl-Tl-FK A CO., " BANKERS. I general uankin baines. 1K)0D KIVER, OKEOON. tiVENTS OF THE DAY 'UTHCRED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprehensive Review of the Import nt Happenings of the Past Week, Presented In Condensed Perm, Mes Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Readers. " A to nado at Norton, Kan., injured several persona and unroofed a number of buildings. A big rise in the Mississippi ii caus ing great damnge to farm land about ut Crosse, VV in." v -' Six persons on a runaway Chicago t olley car were injured by its collision with a freight tra n. A defaulting eauhier has necessi tated the closing of the SuUthpo t, Conn., national bank. The reservoir at Hatch, Idaho, has gone out. No lives were lost, but crops will be seriously damaged. The American saddlery and ba'nees company, vith A capital of f 10 000, has been incorporated in New Jersey. A Chiri?ti hoottilflck received nnlv $10 for resto-mg a lost (10,000 bill to its owner, whose joy caused hiui to mint. The monito Arkansas which was grounded in the Mis ieeippl, is again aflo.,t. as the result of an unexpected freshet. The Chippewa and Ottawa Indians have decided to press a claim of (750 000 against the United States for vaca tion of territory in 1795. Descendeantsof Washington's French brethren in arms and other prominent Frenchmen propose prefenting to the United States a reprodmtion of the or gins 1 Luut of Washington by Pier e Jean David. Preeident Gompers is in favor of a union of employers. Another union has joined the ranks of the striking Denver laborer'. Russia is deeply hurt at the criti cisms o the American press regarding Manchuria. B. F. Jones, of Philadelphia, a steel magnate and prominent in national politics, is dead. The Russian ambassador at Washing ton says Jewb are responsible for maa- sacre at Kishnief. Sybil Pandetson, a well known act ress, died in Paris. Denver unions have postponed call ing a general strike. Turkey has adopted rigorous measures to stop advance of Armenians. Twenty-one persons at Maricn, Ird., were injuied by the overturning pf a street car. Ex-United States Senator Vest has decided to make bis permanent home in St. Lou in. The American stogie tobacco com pany has increased its capital stock from (5,000,000 to (11,976,000. Canton, Ohio, will install a tablet of bronze and oxydized copper in the courthouse corridor where the body of President McKinley lay in state. All the private papers'of ex-President Harrison, including some unfinished manuscripts, have been turned over to the Hen. J. L. Griffiths, who is to write his life. Horace Pushnell Patton, professor of geology and mineralogy, has been appointed to succeed President Palmer, of the Colorado school of mines, who retires June 30. F. E. Severs, an American cotton growing exporter, who has arrived in London, atier making a trip on trie river Gambia, rays cotton growing id the Gambia colony lias a grand future. New Ycrk builders have organized to resist the demands of unions. A race war is on in Mississippi. The wnites are killing all negroes they find. Bulgaria has again 'appealed to the powers In rgard to the Macedonian troubles. It is claimed a plot was hatched to ill the president during hii stay in Oakland. It is probable that every branch of organized labor in Denver wili be called out. Two npnnla mtrlahed. manr trs in jured and or e man is missing as the re sult ol urilrag-i apartment nouse nre. Property loss, 50,000. President Roosevelt has expressed hi disapproval of the big trees in the Yoeemite valley being covered with visitors' cards and they have ali been removed. Four mskel men held np a saloon at Helper, Utah, and secured (i.000. The large tine plant at Tarke City. Utah, baa beea destroyed by fire; low, 12ft,000. The serf ires of the women immigra tion inspectors at New York hare been disoontinued. The United States has realized (19, 175 froD tbe 581 diamonds seized from Lnnia Ensch in 1899. Hayti h denied the reqnet of the refugees at Kington to return home. Moot of them are destitute. . The Philippine government has sop presided two seditions plays, one in Manila and one at BaUn;. George W. Grnbbs, of Martinsville, has been eWteJ lommander of the In diana department of the G. A. R. CHINA COWED BY RUSSIA. She Is Agreeing, One by One, to All the Czar's Demands. Londtn, May 21. According to -a Pektn dispatch to the Times, dated May 19 the situation at Niu t hwang and in Manchuria, in 'pite of procla mations and assurance, is unchanged. There is a constant flow of Russians and war materials to both the Chinese and Corean banks of the Yalu river. Trustworthy evidence, says the dis patch, confirms the report that num bers of Chinese described as former b igands are officered by Russians. They number at least 2,000 and carry a badge inscribed "protectors of the for est." , Reviewing the Mauchurian situation, and commenting on the apathy of the powers, the Tinms correspondent aver that China is agreeing one by one to all the Russian demands. She has already undertaken not to alienate any portion of Manchuria to any other power; not to alter the present administration in Mongolia; not to open any ne treat v ports in Manchuria, and ha) given an assurance not to employ foreigners in the administration of Manchuria, and whether China gives her consent or not, Russia retains the telegraph lines between Port Arthur and Mukden. China has agreed that Russia shall have full control of the osteins at Niu Chwang, and there is little doubt that an agreement exists giving Russia ex clusive mining ri(;hti in the Mukden province. When Manchuria is gone, what se curity will there be, asks the corres pondent, for the position of Japan in Cnrea, militarry or civil? Does any one know what necret agreement was signed by the eupercr of Corea during the year he resided as refugee in the Russian legation at Seoul? STREET CAR TAKES FIRE. Fainting Women Trampled Upon and One Man Badly Hurt. New York, May 21. In a wild rush of frightened passengers to escspe from a burning street car near Cypress Hills, Long Island, Mit hael Murphy, of Ja maica, was pushed through a window and so badly cut by the glass that his condition is critical. The car was on it) way to Jamaica when a' flas-h of flame shot from the trucks and the motorman brought the car to a stop. Before the passengers were aware of the danger, fire worked through the floor and caught the trim ming of the grata. The 25 passengers jumped to their feet and started toward the rear door. Two women fell in a faint on the floor, but the crowd was too intent on saving themselves to pav any attention to them. It was in the jam at the door tnat Murphy was crushed against the window with such force that the glass broke and he was shot out onto the ground. As he fell fragments Of glass cut his hands and fa- e in a dozen places, and a ragged edge caught his foot. The weight of his falling body sent the sharp edges through his clothing and severed an artery in his ankle. Two policemen helped the crowd out of the cars. Mur phy was cent to a Hospital. SHEEP AND CATTLE FREEZE. Loss by Unexpected Blizzard on Montana Ranges Amounts to Millions. Great Fal'e, Mont., May 21. The heaviest sheep rnd catt e loss in ' the history of Montana, the damage of which will foot up as high as (5,000,- 000, has been caused by the terrible storm which has been raging for the past three days. In some sections fully 90 per cent of the sheep on the ranges have rerished. - Three herders, at least, have wan dered away in the blinding storm and have frozen to death. It is difficult to get names. An aged herder at Portage was lost Sunday. Two more in the She'bf Junction country are missing and there is no hope that they can be found alive. Two thousand five hundred sheep are drifting on the ranges without herders. The latter have abandoned their flocks on every hand and fled for safety tothe settlements and ranches Nothing like the fury of this storm has ever been witnessed in Northern Montana. Of a consignment of fiOO cattle bound from Havre, all but five were found frozen stiff. Losses are reported on e' ery hand, from Harlem, from Leth bridge, from Chinook and Havre. Commissioners Report No Progress. Washington, May 20. No p: egress, is repotted from tire United States treaty commissioners in- China. The exact nature of the obstacle to the con sumation of the trade treaty is not known. The Chinese commissioners make one statement in the matter; the Russian government makes another and coLflicticg statement, anl the commissioners do not know which to believe. It is probable that the tate department may feel it necessary to canse the Chinet-e government to give more definite instructions. Qermin Wine May Be Excluded. Washington, May 21. Acting Secre tary of Agriculture Moore has reques ed the secretary of state to ascertain from the United States consul at Mayence the facts regarding the trial of Dr bchlamp Von Hope, who is charged with the adulteration of Nietiner wines It was aliened in this case that the wines were largely adulterated and im itated. If tuia wete so, nnder the act of March 3, 1903. they would be ex cluded from United States ports. Earnings of Rubber Company. New York, May 21. The annual re port of the United States, rubber com pany rhows total earnings to be (51, 8K8.757 and the total net income (2,. 774,398, which, after deducting interest and bad debts, left a surplus lor the jearot (l,34z,44!3. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON LAND FOR RESERVE. Big Withdrawal Made In Warner Valley Section, Southern Oregon. The interior department has decided upon another foreet reserve for Oregon, this time in Southern, Lake county, in the Warner mountaii country. By direction of So.retary ilithtock. the vacant publi lands in a tract of over 99J.0C0 acres in Lake county, and 44, tovnshipt adjoining iiiTfortbern Cali fornia, have been temporarily with drawn from all ent y, with a view to their examination to determine the ad visibility of creating a foret revive about the town of Lakeview. The Oregon lands withdrawn are: Town- ships 84 to 4 1 inclusive, ranges 16, 17, and 18; townships 37, 38 and 41, range 19; township 36 and 37, range 20; towmhip 36 to 41 inclusive, range 21 and 22. all onth and east. The town ship in whi h Lakeview is located, and the townsbi s immediately north, south and wet, are not included in' the withdrawal. ' A forest reserve in tho Warner Moun tain region i re ommended by the geological turvcy, not enly for the pre servation of the timber, but the con servation of the water- su u ly. . Goo.e lake lies in the center of the withdraw al, and a number of ttieama whi.h tupply it with water have their head waters within that region. Moreover, the headwaters of Sprague river, Drews reek, Warner creek, and a number of other streams would all be protected by a forest reterve in this region. In view of the development of irri gation enterprises in Lake founty and in Northern California, the creation of this forest reserve is con-ii?ered most eseential. The lands withdrawn are to br examined this summer, and su b tracts as are found unsuitable for re servation will ultimately be restored to entry. The remainder, beyond a ques tion of doubt, will be permanently re served. Surveying Crater Lake Park. Superintendent W. F. Arant has re ceived word that Crater Lake national ark will be surveyed by the govern ment as Boon as the snow disappears from the mountains. The boundaries of the park, containing 249 square miles, have never been defined, and until that is done the superintendent cannot tell exactly where his authority begins or ends with reference to posBi b e trespassers or tho.e asking privil eges. Better Catch of Fish. Reports from the mouth of the river are to the effe t that the cat h of fish is a trifle better, but as the tatch d it ing the ast week or ten days has Oeen very small, this does not mean much. The time is fast approaching, however, when big runs are to be expected, pro vided, of co rse, that the weither and other conditions t rn more favorable. Died at Oreat Age. Joseph Bashaw, who, as near as can be figured tut, was at least 115 years old, was found dead in bed at the home of his stepson, near Sidney. He was probably the oldest rnan in Oregon. He was a Frenchman by birth and served in the French wars of 1806-15, under Napoleon. He drove nn ox team to Oreg n in 1847, and was then a gray haired man. Fruit Outlook Bright. Prune growers frcm different parts of Marion and Polk counties report that their trees are in excellent condition and promise an enormous crop. The rains did no damage during the blos soming period. The trees are now bearing mnch more fruit that could be matured, but, of course, much of this will drop off, as usual. Fire at Ashland. Fire which broke out at Ashland last Monday in the middle of the busi ness houses on the west side of Fourth street, between A and fi, near the Sonthtrn Pacific depot, gained such be dway and burned so fiercely that al most the entire block was destroyed, involving a total loss of nearly (25,000, upon which there was an insurance of (10,500. Cutting Down Debt. The semi-annual financial statement of Wasco county, computed by County Clerk Lake, shows a reduction in I t indebtedness of the connty of ( 4 1 ,70 .34 within the last six months, leaving the total indebtedness at this time only (8,191.14, which is the firs' time for many years that theindeb ednessof the county has been materially below (100,000. . Ready to Dig. . Ditch digging implements and sup plies for the Columbia Southern irriga tion company, on the Tomello, have been going in for several days, and act ive operations are expected to be in progress there soon, though no news has yet coine of the approval of the re clamation contract at Washington. AH Are Busy at Helix. The prosperous'little village of Helix, in the vary heart of th great wheat belt of Eastern Oregon, enjoys the dis tinction of not having an idle man, a vaunt storeroom or dwelling hoosi within its limits. Everyone is busy, and all are prosperous. . Heavy Buyer ol Timber Lead. Deeds have been filed for record con veying the title to nearly 3,000 acres of timber land along the Kiatskanie river to W. W. Boman, of Forrest, Pa., mak ing a tract of about 7 00 acres that he baa recently purchased in that vicinity. MILL AT LUCKY BOY MINE. Contract Has Been Let for an Increase of Fifty Stamps. A contract has been made by the Lucky Boy company in the Blue river district, for the machinery to increase the mill at the nines to 50 stamps, and other machjnery for the operation of the mine. The officers of the com pany have been negitiating for several days- with - the 'Union Iron works, of San Francisco, and have let a large con trail tor machinery. There will be an electric power plant, which will be located on the McKenzie river, biz miles from the mine, from which power will be trans mitted to the mine. The machinery will be increased to 103 stamps next season, which will make it one of the most extensive plants on the coast. Work on th flumes, buildings, etc., for the power plant wili begin at once. The improvement now projected will involve an outlay of (95,000. Stripped of Timber. W. H. B. Kent and H. D Langell. of the department of agriculture, are in Baker City from Washington to exam ine the lands and report in regard to the establishment of the Blue mountain iorest reserve Already they have made a partial examination of a por tion of the land, which it is proposed to embrace in the reserve, and they find that a reat deal of the marketable timber has been cut off They will re main in that vicinity for some time. Half a Hop Crop. Much comp'aint is being expressed by the hop growerB around Harrisburg. From some cause the vines have not come up in many hills in the yards thereabout, whi-e many of the vines are blighting. It is the opinion of the growers that the troable is due to worms in the roots. Slill there are those who do not incline to this opin ion. However, all agree that tlure will not lie over half a crop in that lo cality. Activity in Blue River. Following the contract for extensive improvements on the Lucky Boy mine in the Blue river district, the news is now given out that the Sunset mine, in the same district, will begin systematic development. A stamp mill will be put in to test the richness of the ore in a practical manner, and work will be prosecuted in the tunnels so as to open up the ledge in a manner to woik sys tematically. Joining Two Branches. Again it is reported that the long looked for link connecting the two lines of the Southern Pacific between Springfield and Eugene wili. soon be built, and the report seems to come from a reliabla source. A surveying party is to be sent by the company at one a to make final location of the route for the connection, which it is the in tention to construct daring the present year.' Water Supply Fails. There is a shortage of water at the Oregon agricultural college. The source of supply is a large well, which for merly afforded sufficient water, but the growth of the college and the largely increased amount of water required ren ders the output of the well insufficient to meet the needs. Every day now the well is pumped dry, in spite of the fact that there is careful husbanding of water in all the departments. Sugar Beets Need Rain. About 30 Japanese have arrived in Pendleton from Portland k to work in the beet fields of the Oregon sugar company, and 120 more are expected to follow soon. The beets are growing elowly and almost at a standstill for want of rain. Grain, gardens and orchards are also suffering. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 70371c; val ley, 74c. Barley Feed, $20.00 per ton; brew ing, (21. Flout Best trades, (3. 9S4. 30; gra ham, (3.453.s5. Millstuffs Bran, (23 per ton; mid dlings, (27; shorts, (23.00; chop, (18. r Oats -No. 1 white, (1.10(31.15; gray, (1.05 per cental. Hay Timothy, (2021; clover, 10(3 11 ; cheat, (1S16 per ton. Potatoes Best Burbanks, 50c per tack; ordinary, 25 40c per cental, growers' prices; Merced sweets, (3d 3.50 per cental. Poultry Chickens, mixed, ll(12c; young. 13(314c;, hens, 12c; turkeys, live, 1617e; dressed, 20 22c; ducks, (7.00(37.60 per dosen; geeee, (6(36.60. Chetse Full cream, twins. 16, a 17c; Young America, 17gl7)ic; fact ory prices, 11,SjC; less. Butter Fancy creamery, 20 22c per pound; extras, 21c; dairy, 20(22)c; tore, 18(8 18c. Eggs 16 17c per dosen. Hops Choice, 18(8 20e per pound. Woll Valley 12.(815; Eastern Ore gon, 8(314; mohair, 35336c Beef Gross, cows, " 3 V4'g 4c per ponnd; steers, 4-'(g5c; dressed, 7J4c. Veal 8385c Mutton Gross, Tg1e per pound; dreeeed. 8 J So. Lam be Gross, 4c per pound dressed, TXc Hog Gross, 7(JK7e per pound; dressed, ICS. RIOT IN CONNECTICUT. Efforts of Bridgeport Street Car Company ( to Run Cars Ends Seriously. I Bridgeport, Conn., May 20. The attempt made by the officials of the Connecticut railway and lighting com- pnuy iu run ineir cars wnn non anion men today resulted in a riot, in which 32 men were injured. The sheriff fays . mat another such outbreak aa occurred today will make the railing out of the state trtops inevitable. At the present t time it is supposed that the county ( sheriff will supersede the police in the control oi tne city. I This morning six trolley cars were started out on the Barnum and State , street lines. .There were large crowds around the car sheds at the time, and tne cars were manned by 12 of the 130 men brought to this city by the car company. There was no disturbance for a couple of hours. Officials of the trolley company will not reveal the names of the men in jure J. It is positively known, however, that not a man of the 12 who were on the six cars escaped injury of some kind. Every man of them, as they stood on the platforms of their cars while going into the barns, was seen to be bleeding profusely from the head and face. In addition to the trolley men in jured, Roadmaster Davis, of the trolley company, was teverely injured by a stone which struck him on the bead. Sheriffs Hendrie and Plumbe were the principal magnets for the crowd, and each w as struck on different parts of the body at least a dozen times. No at tempt was made to run the cars tonight. CAQAYAN IS PLAQUtD Caraboas Has Rain, Lands Overflow, Lo custs and Smallpox Came. Washington, Msy 20. The bureau of insular affairs of the war depart ment has received the annual report of Governor Gonzaga, of the province of Cagayan, P. I., for ths year 1902. It says in part: "The province of Cagayan, situated in the extreme northern part of the island of Luzon, has continued in a peaceful and tranquil condition since the establishment there of civil gov ernment, which was accomplished with out the least disturbance or occasion of disorder in September, 1901. The most complete peace has reigned. "Prosperity has been prevented by the mortality of Caraboas and other diseases of cattle and horses. This was followed by unexpected rising of the rivers, which overflowed land planted with corn. Then came the smallpox and the scourge of locusts, and the cholera, which, while it has not wrought much havoc, has greatly un settled the minds of the people. "The dire calamities mentioned, to gether with the depression in tobacco, which is the principal product of the soil, placed the inhabitants of the tobacco-raising pueblos of the prcvince in a most deploraDle condition. "All of the pueblos of the provinct should be given American teachers, and there should be established institu tions of higher learning in the island, of agriculture, arts and trades in the provincial capital, for the education of the Cagayan youth." COLOMBIA WILL PAV LOSSES. Supreme Court' Modifies Decree Obtained . by American. Washington, May 20. The United States supreme court today, in the case of the R -public of Colombia vs. The Cauca company, modified a decree of the circuit court of appeals for the Fourth circuit. The case involved a controversy as to a claim on the part of the company against the Colombian gov rnment on acount of a contract for a railroad under an award made to one Cherry in 1890. The courts of the United States secured juris fiction through the fact that the company was incorpora'ed in West Virginia. The conr'a bJow recognized the full claim of the company, including an item of (145,000 to Cnerry on account of the transfer of his charter, and of (29,000 to one of the arbitrators in the case. The opinion given today dis allows thete two claims, but recognizes the claim of the company lor compen sation for rolling stock, for salaries for its officers and for traveling expenses, the total allowance bjing (193,204. Hungarian Peasants Shot. Vienna, May 20. Reports received here from Birseck, Crotia, declare that, notwithstanding tbelenialsof the Hun garian government, the stories of fierce encounters between peasants and the military in the village of Kirizwach sich have been confirmed. ' Forty peas ants are aaid to have been shot. The authoritiee have completely isolated the villages, in order to prevent the news of disorders there from spreading. Wholesale arrests are being made at Agbram and other'citiei. Immigrants Flocking to America. New York, May 20. Immigration continues on the increase. For the 17 days of May this yea-, 50,077 al'ene passed through Ellis island, as against 45,486 last year and 36,371 'in the same period of 4901. This is an in crease of 6,221 over the same period last year, and 23,000 are expected this week, and the last week in May prom ises to be nnuetially large. It is pre dicted that the nv nth will show fully 100,000 aa against 84,000 last yew. Cuba W ill Sooa Act. Havana, May 20. It is officially stated at the palace that the treaties between the United States anl Cuba will be sent to the senate within a fortnight. The senators and rep e eentativea expect a final adjubtrent of congress Before the middle of Jane. Extensive prepa-ations a being mail a for the pnblic and private celebration next week of Cuba's first anniversary. LEAVES THE PARK PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT HAS STARTED ON JOURNEY NORTH. Executive Has Lost All Appearance of Being Tired Rest In Yoscmlte Park Did Wonders for Him-Made the Trip Out On Stage in Ten Hours Was a Record Breaker. Berenda, Cal1t May 19. President RooBevelt broke all road records for Yosemite park travel jesterday when nis coacn came Irom Yosemite to Ray mond, where his train awaited him, in ten hours of actual travel. The dis tance is 69 miles. The president passed his last nieht in camp at Bridal Veil Falls, a few miles from the postoffice at Yosemite. H slept soundly, and when he awoke in tne morning declared he had never felt better in his life. His looks bore out his words. He had lost all apnearanee of being tired, and his eyes were bright. ine members ol his party who had paosed Saturdav aftarnoon and Snndav at Yosemite, joined the president at tne lulls. Here be bid good-bye to his guides, Leidig and Leonard, and mount ed to his seat on the coach beside the driver. The morning was cool and clear, and the dust was not aa bother some as on the trip into the valley. JNo incident occurred to mar the pleasure of the drive, and the coaches rolled into Wawona shortlv before 11 o'clock. Here luncheon was taken, and at 12:20 the trip to Raymond was begun. The driver of the president's coach was on his mettle, and he put his horses to their best paces. When Awahnee was reached the party alight ed and light refreshments were served. me run from Awahnee to Raymond was the dustiest of the trip, and the president and his traveling companions were badly in need of a bath when they reached their train. An escort of cavalrv from Fort Wood. which is situated at Wawona, accom panied the president to Raymond. When Berenda was reached the presi dent found a large crowd gathered to great him. A special train from Fres no brought members of the chamber of commerce and their friends, and they warmly greeted the president as he ap peared on the rear nlatform of his car. He made a brief address, thanking the people lor coming to see him. REBELS ARE GAININQ. Venezuelan Forces are Being Decimated at a Rapid Rate. Washington, May 20. Advices of a thoroughly reliable character received in Washington, under date of May 10. show that the Venezuelan revolutionists are not on'y holding their own, but are making considerable headway. The advices say: The districts of Coro, Barquisimeto and Tucaras, on the west side, and Ciudad Bolivar, on the Orinoco, and its surrounding country, aie still in the power of revolutionists. Within 60 miles of La Guayra, in the Rio Chico district, the revolutionists are holding forth, and, although the government a few weeks ago sent an expedition there to drive them out, they succeeded only in making them retreat, and within a few days they were again back there. A battle took place, in which the gov ernment lost over 1,000 men and a!out 300 wounded were brought back to La Gnayra after a two days' fight. On the other hand, the revolutionists have not succeeded in ousting the gov ernment or in winning any particular nght, but they are decimating the gov ernment troops, and the government has not more than 3,000 men under arms. RUSSIA IS niFFED. Criticisms of American Press Not Taken Kindly by Officials. St. Petersburg, May 20. The Rus sian officials express themselves as be ing deeply hurt at the criticisms of the American press on the subject of Man churia, and say that, "considering the friendship extended 40 years ago, when America needet friends, America might at least inquire whether the Anglo Japanese news was not colore 1 in Anglo-Japanese interests." The Manchurian inci ent threatned at one time to cause serious trouble on tbi Bourse. When th 1 excitement was at its height Finance Minister Witte visitel Foreign Minister Lamadorff and informed him that "under the influ ence of American representations, Jap anese trncnlency and American news-, pap-r attacks," in addition to th Bal kan troubles, the Bourse was danger ously weak. The finance minister also declared that a continuance of the for ekn attacks would threaten Russia's credit. There is a widespread belief there that M. Plsnchon, the Russian charge at Pekic, represents the Grand Duke Alexieff and the war party. Trainmen Killed In Wreck. Grand Junction, Colo., Msy 20. West bound passenger train No. 5, on the D. A R. G. railroad, ran into a rot k slide near Palisades last night, killing Engineer George Stuart, of this place and Fireman W. A. Woods. The mail car plnngel into Grand rive-,' where it lies submerged, and the two baggage ca-s were telescoped. The coaches and Pullman .cars retrained on the track, and the passengers eecsped with a se vere shaking np. T Silver for Philippine Coinage. ( V hington, Msy 20. Director Robers. of the mint bureau, today pur- had 405,000 ounces of silvrrn ac count of the Phil'ppine coinage, at an average of 66.08 rvn's an ounce, nearly all to be delivered in San Franeisco. p