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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1943)
PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 1943 JUNIORS DEFEAT G: PASS JUNIORS SCORE 22 TO 3 Med ford Junior High school's cagers came through their initial conference test with flying col on Friday night, defeating the Grant! Pass Junior! 22 to 3 on the Medford Senior High school court. The icora at half time was B to 3 In the locals' favor and with only four minutes to play the count stood 11 to 3. At that stage Coach George Harrington' boys found their scoring eyes and started dropping in the counters. High scorers for the winners were Jerry Ross with 0, and Dar rell Riggs and Glenn Bostwick with 9 each. Eighth graders of Medford and Grants Pass tangled in the pre liminary, the locals copping this one also by a lop-sided score, the final count reading 38 to 10, rioyd Whillock of Medford caged 14 ol his team's points while his teammate, Kenneth L i n d 1 e y swished 10 points through the bucket for second high scoring spot. Floyd Baker and Walter Kresse officiated. The juniors' next conference game will be with the Ashland Juniors here on January 29, BASKETBALL KLADY STARS PLAY DETROIT-U. POST TO Detroit, Jan. 8 (U.K Charles t. (Gus) Doru- ended one of the longest coaching tenures in eolegiata football today by sign ing a contract as athletic direc tor and head football coach of the Detroit Lions, the pro league's most ineffective team last season. . Owner Fred L. Mandel, Jr., of the Lions proudly announced the appointment of Dorals, team mate of Knute Rockne at Notre Dame and for 18 years athletic director and head football coach at the University of Detroit ; The short, wiry Sl-year-old coaching veteran succeeds Bohn (Bull) Karcls, whose contract with the Lions expired January i. narci himself succeeded Wil liam M. (Bill) Edwards, dis charged by Mandel last October 4. Neither Karcls nor Edwards was, able to win a single game for the Lions In the National league. By United Press Navy 38, Dickinson 22. Long Island University 80, North Carolina Pre-Flight 40. Purdue 89, Chicago 22. Indiana 43, Ohio State 37. Gettysburg 48, Lebanon Val ley 38. Mt Union 49, Ohio Weileyan 38. Illinois 47. Michigan 34. Pittsburgh 48, West Virginia S3. St. John's 83, Canlslus 43. William & Mary 34, Washing ton & Lee 33. Davidson 48, North Carolina State 37. Penn State 38, Temple 28 Wisconsin 87, Northwestern 83. Niagara U. 52. Syracuse U. 38 Simpson 57, Lores 92. Seton Hall 38, Rutgers 18. Detroit, 38, Michigan Nor mal 33. Albright 70, Urslnus 38. Toledo 52, Darmouth 48. Bucknell 48, Muhlenberg 41. Oklahoma A & M 23, Wash ington U. (St. Louis) 21. Maine 80, Bowdoin 27. Upsala 44, Newark College if engineers 43. Eau Claire Tchrs 39, Lacrosse Oberlin 72, Kenyon 46. Tchrs 37. Illinois College 58, Knox 40. Cornell 49. Harvard 34. Tufts 78, New Hampshire 39 Northeastern 40, Boston U. 39 Hamllne 45. North Dakota 28. New York U. 64, Manhattan 49 Arkansas 36. Southern Metho dist 29. Rider College Coast Guard 50. Ellis island 43. Mississippi State 48, Louisiana State 40. Camp Grant 63, Selfridge neia ex. Dakota Wesleyan 73, Eastern Normal 34. Rhode Island State, 60, St. Josephs 65. Vermont 99, Norwich 45. Worcester Tech 69, St. An- selms 37. Concordia 43, Gustavua Adol- phus 41. Commerce Tchrs 39, Howard Pjyne 32. Kansas 48, Oklahoma 44. Brooklyn College 41, Wagner College 34. y IT RACING New Orleans, La., Jan. B (U.ffl . W lit A Bit trailed far back n the small field of four for the first half mile in the Shreveporl handicap at the fair grounds to day and then charged swiftly down the middle of the track In the stretch run to score a two and one-half length victory. The four-year-old son of Es plno carled the purple silks of William Zlegler, Jr, to his vic tory as he stepped six furlongs In 1:13 39 over a slow track. Highborough was second and Madlgama took the show. Rich mond, the thrce-to-two favorite, was a distant fourth. Clotlne Urn lor cisasirieo ftdi a. m. Too lata to Clusiry 12 to p. m. New York, Jan. (11.19 Promoter Mike Jacobs will stage two 10-round bouts at Madison Square Garden Jtn. 19, Instead of the 19-round scheduled light weight tournament contest be tween Bob Montgomery and Joey Peralta, it was announced today. Montgomery suffered a badly bruised hand after last night's victory over Chester Rico. Chalky Wright of Los Angeles will substitute for Montgomery and meet Peralta, of Tamaqua, Pa., in one 10-rounder while Jackie Wilson of California will trade blows with Jake Lamotta of New York in the other. NET MEET TITLE Mexico City. Jan. 9 U.R5 Pauline Betz and Doris Hart, top-flight U. S. tennis stars, eas ily won their semi-final matches In the Pan-American tennis tour nament today. They will piay fur the championship tomorrow. Miss Hart defeated the singles champion of Mexico, Aurora Legorreta, 6-0, 6-4, and Miss Bttz U. S. singles champion, made quick work of Chelo Roldan, Mexico, 6-1, 6-1. In the men's singles finals to morrow, Francisco (Pancho) Se- gura, of Ecuador, and Bill Tal bert, U. S. doubles champion will battle for the title. Today, Segura and Talbert, teamed up for the first time, de feated Pedro Hernandez and Oc- tavio Martinez, both of Mexico. In a semi-finals doubles match, 6-3. 6-4, 6-1. Segura, playing as though It was a singles match, was all over the court, making sensational returns that ordinarily would have been taken by Talbert. The Segura-Talbert combina tion tomorrow meets Mexico's doubles champions. Brothers Ar mando and Rolando Vega, who eliminated the team of Gustavo Vollmer, of Cuba, and Eugenlo Tapla, Mexico, today, 6-3, 6 0, 6-2. DEFEAT CLIFPERS 5 T0 1 IN. HOCKEY TILT Hockey Standings USO Artillery Infantry Hospital GP 3 3 4 4 L 0 1 2 2 T Pts 0 6 0 4 1 3 1 1 Quickly taking the lead at the Medford Ice Arena last night, the 91st Infantry Snipers de feated the General Hospital Clippers 3 to 1 and stepped into tuird place in the Hockey League's standings. Musialowskl of the Snipers drove the puck home in an un assisted play after two minutes In the first period. No further goals were scored until the be ginning of the second period when Perron of the Infantry unassisted, drove one in after only 19 seconds of play. He rap idly followed this up with an other goal made on a pass from Krieve. The Snipers probably would have scored again during this period d Gerue at the Hos pital's goal had not made many good stops. Early in the third period Box er on an unassisted play pushed TIGHTEN GRIP ON KEY RAIL POINT Fall Of Georglevsk Near Axis Suffer Heavy Defeat On Lower Don. Moscow. Sunday, Jan. 10 (U.R) Russian troops thundering through the Caucasus have tightened their plncer about Georglevsk, a key rail town 50 miles northwest of Nalchik, and captured 20 more Inhabited places, a Soviet communique disclosed today.' Red army unit captured Sol- datsk Aleksandrovsky, 19 miles northeast of the rail Junction of Georglevsk on the spur line leading to Budennovsky, 60 miles to the northeast. Soviet troops previously had been re ported 10 miles southeast of Georglevsk, Indicating that the town might fall soon under heavy Russian pressure. In the same area of the Caucasus, the Soviet midnight communique disclosed, Russian troops captured the district cen ter of Volsk and Koltunovskaya over the puck for the only Hos- j an Miranoysky, both Inhabited puai Kwt ui me game, oowr . points on a railroad, 3 LIGHTWEIGHTS RATED CHAMPIONS DEFEAT SOLDIER QUINTET Corvallls, Ore., Jan. 9 OJ.RV Oregon State college outclassed Camp Adair 85 to 24 In a bas ketball game here tonight Except for a ragged period at the start, the Oregon Staters dominated throughout. At half time the score favored them. 23 to 18. Durdan was high point man for Oregon State with 12 mark- ers. Brown led the soldiers with 10. New York, Jan. B (U.R) The National Boxing association threw the already-scrambled lightweight situation into hope less confusion today by recogniz ing Sammy Angott as champion, a move that gave the division three titleholders. Angott, who announced his re tirement last Nov. 13. is the chief cause of most of the dif ficulty. His quitting the ring brought about a proposed elim ination tournament, two new champions Beau Jack and Slugger White and a feud be tween the NBA and New York boxing commission. MINNESOTA EKES was hurt in this play and was out of the game for several mln utes which further handicapped the Clippers who were playing in the area of the lower Don," the announcement said "our troops January 9 con tlnued their offensive in a num In ALLIES HIT BOTH ENDS AXIS LINE IN NORTH AFRICA Planes Bomb Bizerte And Rommel's Army Fight ing French Gain. without several of their best ! her of Inhabited localities. men and p'aylng a short string, the area of Zlmovniki (a rail ...uo.njwnon. w ure n .a,, siauon oo miles soumwesi In the next two goals for the Infantry, the first on an un assisted play and the second on a pass from i-.oloney, of Kotelnikovski) our troops cap tured inhabited places. The communique listed the following places captured by Next Saturday night the 9Ut j Soviet troops in their offensives tlllcry Gunners are scheduled to meet the General Hospital flppers, the game starting at 7:45. It wil lbe another Ladies' rruht at the Medford Ice Arena, ladles with e torts beinj ad' mitted for a small tax c'.ta e. No hockey League game is scheduled for next Tuesday night. OUT 45 TO 45 WIN 32ND DEFEAT IN Iowa City, la., Jan. 8 (U.R) The University of Minnesota to night opened their bid for the Big Ten basketball conference honors by ekeing out a 48 to 43 win over the University of Iowa. with but one and a half min utes left in the ball game Iowa was leading 45 to 43, when Exel. Gopher guard, mt de a set-up for two points and 'irlckey, Hawk eye forward, fouled Br wter Minnesota guard who cashed in on the charity toss sinking it tor me winning point. Fights Last Night New York, Jan. B (U.PJ Lulu Costantino, 130, New York, outpointed Billy Pinto, 1284. Rome, N. Y., in the feature eight round bout at the Ridgewood Grove tonight before a crowd of 1,800. Pinto continually pushed the fight but Costantino's experience gained him a wide edge and he won easily. """l ' I ft BuT NOW while you can! Plan Tour ..77!!' i n ii w atr Buy NOW while yon canl Plan Tour A. a. . month tn V...111 . .. - " GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Nnnn-Bush Shoes On Sale siVJonow $9.85 $n"oo Now $8.85 Values T mm n SI 0.00. Now $7.85 Edgerlon Values To $6.83. Now. Values To S7.50. Now. Values To S8.S0. Now. Shoes On Sale -...$5.35 -.$6.35 -$7.35 MAC MACKENNA The T(QBEEY 34 NORTH CENTRAL AVE. ART HESS Lafayette, Ind., Jan. 8 (U.F0 Purdue handed the University of cnicago its Una consecutive Big Ten defeat tonight when it wal loped the Maroons 99 to 22. Purdue hopped into the lead in the first minute of play and me napless Maroons never pressed them seriously. The Boilermakers held a 24 to 10 lead at half-time. In the second half Coach Ward (Piggy) Lambert substituted freely in the Purdue lineup, but all combinations possessed too much class for the weak Chica go quintet yesterday; Krylov, 58 miles northeast of Zimovniki, Novorotoshansk Trofimov, Korelovsky, Kryukov- sky, Yermuov, Savelyev, Boya yavlenskay Kastorcchny, Sen- noy, Zkavuded, Torgovy, Kova levsky, Krasnoktabr, Grushev- ka, and Vesely Ostrovyabsky might be two towns. Along the lower Don, the communique said, the Germans threw more than 100 tanks in to a counter-attack, suoporting large infantry forces. The Axis troops suffered a serious defeat in the ensuing fierce fighting, ii reported, ,F Bloomington, Ind., Jan. 9 (U.R) Indiana University over came a second half rally by Ohio state tonight to win its first game of the Big Ten season 45 to 37. The Hoosiers, sparked ty Ralph Hamilton, took an early ltad, and, except for a few min utes In the second half, were never headed. Hamilton, a doubtful starter since injuring his back in a pre season game, led the Indiana jcorers with 12 points. Al Wise scored 12 for Ohio State. San Francisco. Jan. 0 (11 Pi Stanley W. Taylor. San Fran. Cisco apartment house operator. ioaay was convicted of "rent- gouging," sentenced to six nonths in Jail and fined $1,000. It was the first such conviction in this area. A Jury found Taylor guilty of i counts or violating Office of Price Administration ceilings including boosting rentals in his apartment house as much as a month above the ceil ing prices, and illegally evict ing tenants who refused, to pay the Increases. Federal Judge A. F. St. Sure sentenced Taylor to six months on each of the 17 counts, but or dered the sentences to run concurrently. Champaign, 111., Jan. B (U.R) Illinois, the defending Big Ten baixetball champions, opened its conference schedule with an easy 47 to 34 triumph over Michigan tonight. E BEAR FIVE 49-40 Los AnffelM. Jan 0 Aim I The University of California at Los Angeles Bruins defeated the ! University of California basket ball squad 49 to 40 in a rough, hnrd-founht match In the West wood arena tonight. Los Angeles, Jan. B flJ.PU James C. Brazell, 92, described by police as an heir to the Pull man car fortune, was found dead in his hotel room here late today. Trapshoofers Invited To Cenlral PI. Today The Central Point Sportsman's ciuo win noid a trapshoot this morning at the club grounds north of Central Point, Harry Elden of the club announced Friday. The shoot is scheduled for 11 a. m. and will be for merchandise and war stamps. Mr. Elden stated that the general public is Invited to attend the shoot. London, Jan. B (U.R) The allies were tightening the North African nutcracker from all sides, sending British and Amer Ic. planes to blast both ends of the Mediterranean front while a fighting force dashed to withlu 350 miles south of Tripoli, dis patches from Tunisia said to night. Blzerte. Tunisia's chief port of entry, was bomber three times by American planes yesterday. 10 the east, planes of the Brttisn Eighth army harassed Rommel's retreating Axis forces 35 miles east of Tripoli and struck hard at ports on the Tuni sian east coast The major land develop ment was disclosed in a com munique from, the headquarters Brig. Gen. Jacques uecierc. whose fighting French forces were driving north on Tripoli from equatorial Africa. He re ported that the enemy outpost of Brach, 350 miles southwest ot Tripoli, had be on occupied. Seizure of Brach represented an advance of 200 miles in one day for Leclerc's forces. It was believed here, however, that the fighting French unit that cap tured Brach had detached itself from the main army which cap tured the Italian outpost at El G.trun, 590. miles south ot Trip oli, yesterday. A radio communique from Leclerc's headquarters said: - 'The defeat of the enemy in Fezzan (Southwestern Libya) is becoming a rout. Our advanced elements have occupied Brach. C .her enemy outposts have been (Circled by our .troops. Opera tions continue." LOCAL and PERSONAL PRAISE SHIPYARD MANPOWER Portland, Ore., Jan. 9 (U.R) British labor leaders, visiting Portland and Vancouver, Wash., shipyards as part of an extended tour of inspection, said today that British yards were far short of the manpower required for top-speed production. A. Gunn, undersecretary of the British ministry of labor, said the manpower question found British shipyards "cbsoluteiy desperate." The entire man and woman- power of the country has been mobilized and allocated to their proper work," he said. "But we are still short of our needs." The delegation of nine came to the United States at the invi tation of the department of la bor and leading shipbuilding un ions. They also inspected numer ous Canadian yards at the do minion s invitation. The British labor officials, some of them high-ranking di rectors In British shipbuilding trade unions, evinced particular interest In welding techniaues since tne slower riveting method still widely used in Great Britain. CITRUS PIONEER PASSES Riverside, Cal.. Jan. 8 (U.PJ Frank B. Walcott, 72. nloneer citrus grower and manager of the Highgrove Fruit association. died suddenly at his home here today. 1 Phone 2119 for Towing or Wrecker Service Anywhere Anytime Lewis Super Service THE CHATEAU So. Oregon' Liveliest Night Spot 2i Miles North of Athland RE-OPENS Wednesday, Jan. 13th Open 5 P.M. to 12 P.M. Daily except Tueaday GOOD FOOD GOOD DANCE FLOOR Phone A.hland 6136 Report Flue Tlra Medford firemen made run to the home of J. M. Bali, 728 S. Newtown street, this morning when a flue burned out No damage resuuea. Coal Stoles Mn. J. R. New man of 632 Plum street reported the loss of four sacks of coal from her garage sometime Fri day evening. Club to Meet Talent Garden club will meet Tuesday with Mrs. Roy LeVander on Bagley ranch, officers announced yester day, e e Visits Here Reese O'Neill former Medford resident, has been spending a short furlough here from Culver Field near Sacramento, Cel., where he Is stationed as sergeant with the U. S. army air corps. Lorens Here O. C. Lorenz Klamath Falls hardware dealer and lumberman, was in Medford on business Thursday. F. O Whitney, assistant super r sor of the Rogue River National Forest, returned to Klamath Falls with Mr. Lorenz to transact forest business. e Minor Accident Lieut. Col. L. B. Hanson of Ashland and John Carstensen, no address listed, were operators of passen ger cars which were involved in a minor accident on the south Pacific highway about three miles north of Ashland yesterday about 8 a. m., according to a re port on file. m m w Son Graduate s Lloyd E. Pitts, a son of Mrs. Almeda Budge of Route 1, has been graduated from the naval train ing school for aviation machin ists at Norman, Oklahoma, Mrs. Budge stated today. Pitta was then transferred to the naval sta tion at Banana River, Fla., for advanced training. V Daugherty Promoted Word has been received here of the promotion of Raymond Daugh erty to first lieutenant tn the army air corps. Lt. Daugherty is with the maintenance division of the Lincoln air base at Lincoln. Neb. He has been in the service since June of 1841. Lt Daugh erty la a son of Mrs. Blanche Rinabarger. Bchade Graduates Aviation Cadet Lawrence N. Schade, a son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Schade. 988 S. Oakdale avenue, graduat ed this week- from M inter Field army basic flying school near Bakersfield, Cal. Cadet Schade will now enter advanced school for the final phase of his train ing as a flying officer and will then receive his silver "wings" and a commission as an army lieutenant. Russell Now Corporal Mr. and Mrs. Nate H. Russell of Ross Lane have received word from their son, Glen E. Russejl, that he was recently promoted to the rank of corporal. Cpl. Russell is with the south Pacific forces and this is the second letter the Russels have received from him since he left the United States on Oct. 15. Cpl. Russell asked to be remembered to his Medford friends. 10 Aitena, r"" of the Rebekah lodge arT?f que.tedbyMrs.InaHu,on nob 1 grand, to meet at the tZl Funeral pa.Ior Monday noon at 2:45 o'clock to attend' funeral of Minnie Heine. j OfOTe. Here-Irl GrovJ boatswain's mate who has b stationed at the U. S. recel?; ship at Bremerton. Wa8 ' spending a three-day leave at h! home here. Groves is on his J to California to report for faJJ' er service in the navy. t Jewels Lest Mr. n , i Wood of 411 South Front I i reported to city police yesterdw I 1 - - i.iau xoio Trt . containing three diamond stk f tiags one of which was missi!7 1 Another gold ring continin. t t diamond set was stolen from tas ' 1 dresser of Mrs. Lloyd Kirchw sW1 315 Haven street ' f e Unit to Meet Oak Cm - I i tension unit will meet Tuesdw I I at 10:30 a. m. with Mr. I . t I rence Gober on Lozler t..M ! 'i Covered dish luncheon will b ! " served at noon and those attend. I1' - nig Kicea io Drmg a veget able dish or salad. Tonic will k noooies ana ramily Recrea. uon tea dv airs, ttena Sater Receives Wines Gradual!!,. from the army advanced flvin. I school at La Junta, Colo., this f week was Ned J. DeVrles, for- j merly of Phoenix, who received I his "wings" and commission at a I" second lieutinant Lt. DeVries, who attended high school in ', Phoenix and participated in ath. ! letics, took his basic training tt ' Pecos air base in Pecos, Texas. ! Course Offered A home , nursing course Is being arranged - for women of the Phoenix di. trlct and anyone interested may phone Mrs. R. H. Wilcox, 6070, before Jan. 13. Instruction is to j- be a 24 to 30-hour course given ! under the auspices of the Red ; Cross and will be directed by 1 Mrs. J. F. Hays. The time ot meeting will be arranged by C those enrolling in the course. GEN. GIRAUD PAYS 1' OUTPOSTS VISIT ! Dakar. Jan. S (U.R) Gen. Henri , Honore Giraud, new French high commissioner in Africa, visited French colonial outposts in the French Sudan, Ivory Coast and Niger Colony to day. Giraud, accompanied bv Pierre Boisson, high commission er of Fren h West Africa, flew eastward from Dakar yesterday and made several brief stops in the desert possessions before heading back to Algiers. PORK VS. PUBLICITT Los Angeles. Jan. 9 (U.R) Publicity-loving Guy A. An thony, now In his ninth day of a hunger strike because he doesn't like the way congress and the president are running the coun try spurned the offer of a sizzling pork chop tonight. BUY U. S. WAR BONDS AND STAMPS MAKE YOUR CAR LAST ... FOR UNCLE SAM! taW. r.",m,J'.? " r Unci. . - - easing 11 in often for competent, complete check ups. Cut your speed and means longer wear . . . Drive In to see us today. Use our Budget Plan! Come la TOCAY For A Check-Upl YOUR FORD DEALERS LAKE MOTORS SIXTH AND IVY PHONE 2297