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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1939)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1939. PAGE FIVE Church Interests and Notices St. Mark's Episcopal. Conner Oakdale and Fifth. Hoi; communion. 6:00 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m. by Rev. H. O. Gardner of Burling ame, Cal. lira. Roberta Bebb. choir director Mrs. Eva Hazelrigg Marsh, organist Church school, 9:45 a. m. Full Goo pel Church Newtown street near W. Main. Leonard Weston, pastor. Sunday school, 9:46 a. m. Morning worship. 11 a. m. Young people, 6 :30 p m. Evangelistic meeting. 7.30 p. nv Week night services include an Informal prayer meeting Wednesday and Bible nudy Friday, services commencing at 7:30. Come be refreshed by the word of God. The First Baptist Church 5th and N. Central St. Wolford A. Dawes, minister. Bible school, 9:45. Classes for all ages. Morning worship. 11 a. m. Ser mon, "The Word of God." Anthem by choir directed by Mrs. Clem Fin ley. Special music. B.YP.U., 6:30. Evening worship. 7:30. Sermon, "What Will Be Seen In Heaven." Special music, gospel singing. Chris tian fellowship. All are invited to worship with us. Unity Room 319, Med. Center Bldg. Tuesday, 8 p. m., inspiring lecture by Marion Clifton. Monday, 8 p. m., men's class, taught by Mr. Clifton. Wednesday, 10 a. m.. Christian healing class. Thursday, 10 a. m., lesson In Truth Class. Saturday, 10 a. m., children's class. Ideal class on fundamental Bible teaching. Rooms open 10 to 4 except Sun day. Rental library. Literature on sale. Hostess present to attend your needs We invite vou to attend any or all classes and lectures. Pilgrim Holiness Church Corner East Jackson tnd Bessie streets near the Roosevelt school. Rev. C, Edwin Cox, pastor. Phone 1573-H. Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. Sidney Tlghe, superintendent. Morning worship. 11 o'clock. Ser mon by the pastor. Children's service, 6 p. m. Mrs. Pleyer and Helen McCrotty. ".PS., 6:45. Mabel O'Nell. Evangelistic service 7:30. Wednesday evening, 7:30 prayer and praise service. Friday evening, 7:30, Cottage meet lng. All strangers welcome. To those having no regular church home, a cordial invitation la extended. The little home church by the side of the road. WWi -STO 121 MACH oft ULCER PAINS Befais msr check you MAKE THIS 25 NO RISK UDGA TEST Thousands praise Udga. Try it for relief of nicer and Btomach pains, indigestion, gas ains, for heartburn, burning sensation, lost, and other conditions caused by excess acid. Get a 25c package of UDGA Tablets TODAY. Absolutelveafetoose. They must help you or YOUii MONEY vrillbe refunded. At WESTERN THRIFT STORE and DrueeHts everywhere PhoenU Christian Church John Prees, pastor; Donald Wilder, music director; Carmen Houston, pi anist; George Wilson, Bible school superintendent. Bible school 9:45 a. m. Worship service 11 o'clock. C. E. 6:30 p. m. Evening evangelistic service, 7:30. M. Brownngg, speaker. Ualde Church 700 block on 3. Riverside Blanche Barton, pastor Sunday school. 10 a. m. Morning worship. 11 a. m. Evening evangelistic, 7 :45 p. m Mid-week services: Tuesday. Thurs day and Saturday. 7 :45 p. m. The word, prayer and praise. Everyone Is welcome. Free Methodic Church Corner of Tenth and Ivy C. B. Starkey, pastor Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. Henry Paulson, superintendent. Sermon, 11 a. m. Y.P.M.S. service. 7 p. m. Eldon Starkey, leader. Junior band, 7 p. m. Mrs. Francis Stevens, leader. Miss Edith Santee, missionary to India for the past 25 years, will be present and speak at 7:45 p. m. Her message will be full of Inter esting incidents of missionary life In India. She also will hold a mis sionary institute Monday at 2:30 p. m. Mid-week service Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. The public is cordially in vited. Church of the Xazarene Holly at First Fred M. Veatherford. pastor-evangelist, will be heard today In reg ular worship services. At the 10.45 morning hour his topic will be "The Wealth of a Christian Heritage." His topic at 7:30 will be: "Getting God's Good Way." Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. under leadership of Mrs. Clara Caulklns; Ralph Nichols. Junior superintendent, and Mrs. Carl Foster, primary sup erintendent. Young people's meetings 6 :30 Three groups of young people meet during this evening hour The N. Y P. 8. with Henry Lacy, acting presi dent; Hl-Ny with Earl Rogers, pres ident, and the Junior society under the guidance of Mrs. Fred M. Weath er ford. The public Is cordially Invited to all services. The Church of Jrtus Christ Of Utter-Day Saints Sunday School every Sunday mor ning at 10 a m. at 123 W. Main. Relief Society, every Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. at 123 W. Main. Primary every Tuesday at 4 p.m.. same location. Zlon EtirJlch Lutheran Church W. 4th St. at Oakdale Werner Jessen, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship service 11 a. m. Luther league, 7 p. m. The sermon subject for today is. "All Things Are Ready. Come." We welcome anyone to our Sunday school and church iervlces. Our Sun day school has a class for all ages with separate departments for the various age groups. There was an encouraging increase tn church at tendance last Sunday. Even more ought to be present to worship to day. Anyone is Invited. Central Avenue Church of Christ Central at Jackson Fred P. Thompson, Jr., Minister. 9:45 am. Bible School. Classes for all ages. 11 :00 a.m. Church Service. Lord's Supper observed. Sermon "The Pre eminent Christ." 7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 8:00 p.m. Evening Worship. Ser mon "When God Forgets." You are cordially Invited to attend these services. This church is de voted to the restoration of New Tes tament Christianity in doctrine, or dinances, and life. "Where the Bible speaks, we speak; where the Bible Is silent, we are silent." First Presbyterian Church Dr. Sherman L. Divine, Pastor. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m., with address by Dr. Walter Redford of Southern Oregon College of Edu cation "American Education and The Church." Anthem "Plains of Peace" (Barnard) Ladies Trio "Steal Away" (Johnson) Catharine Wendt, Edith Rnndolph. Jean McAllister. Church School 9:45 a.m. Youth Hour Senior and Tuxis Groups 6:30 p.m. Hans Horleln, organist will present Bizet's L'Arleslenne Suite 3 numbers 1. Carllllon 2. Adagio 3. Minuet at the morning service. Sdna Elfert is Choir Director. The doors of the Church Beautiful swing wide In welcome to you and yours. Church Of God Haven and Holly. T. O. Satterfield. Pastor. Three general services, with good music and singing. Churc hschool. 9:45 a.m. Raymond Chapman superintendent, with fine staff of teachers. A class and a wel come awaits you. 11 a.m. sermon by pastor "Your Acceptable service." The pastor Is desirous that every member of the congregation hear this message. At 2 p.m. there will be a great mass meeting, members of the two Town send clubs will be present. The pas tor's message, "Let us Build A New World." Christian Crusaders special service at church, 6:45 p.m. Night services fifteen minutes earlier. Evangelistic service, 7:30 p.m. Opening with song service. Prayer and praise service each Wednesday, 7:30 pjn. If you are not In service come let us have a good time and worship God together. Phoenix Presbyterian Church Bible school meets at 10 o'clock Classes for all ages. Mr. E. Lester New bry. superintendent. Morning worship. 11 o clock, con ducted by Rev. Newell S. Plscus of Reed sport. Ore. Senior society of young people meets, 1:30 p.m. In 8. S. auditorium Midweek prayer service Wednesday. 7:30 p.m.. In church parlor. Ladies Aid will bold their annual Harvest Home Supper" Thursday evening in the church. Proceeds to be applied to church painting fund. The public is cordially invited to all the services. Apostolic Faith Church North Central Ave. at Third St. Sunday school at 9 a.m. Devotional service 10:30 a.m. Evening service 7 :45. A 25-piece orchestra and special choir open the Sunday evening serv ice with concert of sacred music and song. Personal testimonies and congrega tional singing, led by orchestra and Hammond Electron, are part of each service. Services each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening at 8. A collection la never taken. Come and enjoy these services M. a progressive church. to Join with us In prayer are urged to attend one of the services this morning and with one heart lift up our voice to God In prayer for peace Since the pastor la attending the Oregon pastoral conference at Sher wood this week, all regular sched uled meetings during the week wit) be dropped. No confirmation in: ruc tion, no Sunday school teachers' meeting this week. Visitors are always welcome In our Sunday school t nd public services. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Authorised branch of The Mother church. The First Thurch of Christ. Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Services are held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, church edifice. 213 North Oakdale. Subject for Sunday. Octo ber 22. "Probation After Death." Wednesday evening church meet ing. Including testimonials of Chris tian Science healings, at 8 o'clock. Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock. The reading room, which is located at 414 and 415 Med f ore- Center build ing. Is open dally from 7 a. m. to 0 p. m. The librarian Is in attendance from 10 to 4. at which time the Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. The public Is cordially Invited to attend the services and visit the reading room. HELD GAR THIEF Less than two liuurs after he allegedly stole a 1937 Ford coupe owned by Fred Cook of Jack 8i "V. John fc. uultihan, 30, of Portland was arrested by state police at 11:20 p. m. Friday on the Greensprings highway near Lincoln. He was returned to the county jail and will appear in justice of the peace court Mon day morning on a charge of lar ceny of an auto. The automobile, state police said, was stolen from in front of Cargill court here. Report of the theft was broadcast on the state nolice short wave radio and apprehension of t'" car and thief followed soon after. Hallihan told police he had hitch-hiked from Portland and was on his way to Klamath Falls to pick potatoes. Two hitch h ikers he picked up south of Medford, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson, were not held. The First Methodist Church West Main and Laurel Streets. Joseph Knotta, minister. E. J, Neu mann, Sunday School superintend dent. Mrs. Elsie Carlton Strang, mu sic director. Mrs, Doris Condlt Lantz. organist. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Morning worship. Sermon theme, "Today: Whither?" Anthem. "Hark. Hark My Soul", by Shelley. Solo, "In My Father's House Are Many Mansions", by Jewell, sung by Mrs. R. W. Webster. Prelude. "Pin Inndia"; Offertory, "Offertolr", by Marchmant: Postlude, "Luther's Hymn", by Stults. 6:15 p.m. Wesley Fellowship Bible group In Wesley Chapel. 6:30 p.m. Wesley high school and Intermediate leagues. 7:30 p.m. Evening worship In Wes ley Chapel. Solo by Miss Marguerite Lumnn. Come and enjoy the hymn singing. Sermon theme, "Discarded Values". Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.m. First Christian Church Ninth and Oakdale James M. Hamilton. Pastor. Effle H. Kurtz, Music Director. Mabel Sims. Instrumental Music. Louis O Gentner. Church School Supt. Sunday 8chool 9:45 a.m. Every man's Bible Class In the court house. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Pre lude, "Poems" by Fibtch. Offertory. "My Heart At Thy Sweet Volve" by Saint Saens. Anthem. "O God. Our Help" by Wilson. Sermon, "The Christian God." Three young people's societies and the Adult Study Group will meet at the church Sunday night at 6:30 Sunday Evening Church Service will begin at 7:30 o'clock with a per iod or gospel hymn singing by the congregation. Anthem by the choir will be Wilson's "I Am The Way" Sermon. "Standing the Strains of Life". All are welcome to the services of the church. St. Peter's Lutheran Church (Synodlcal Conference) E. Main and Portland Avenue Harry H. Young, pastor Sunday school this morning at 9:46 o'clock. Early service at 9:45 o'clock. Regular service at 11:00 o'clock. Theme: "The Ills Of The World. A Divine Call To Repentence". In the services this morning public prayer for the peace of the world and for the preservation of peace tn our country will be offered. All members of the congregation and all who care CLOSE IN" on pavement 3-bedrooms. hardwood floors, large shade treea. $2500. attractive terms. C. 8. But terfleld, Medford Building. FOR SALE Five room, furnished home near Sr. high and Washing ton Schools, electric range, frigid aire, oil burner, lovely carpets on living room, dining room and bed room floors, nice overstuffed Ches terfield set. lovely back yard, at) fenced with beautiful shrubbery Owner sacrificing on account of leaving Medford. Price $2650. reas onable terms. Will snow Sunday by appointment. Charlew R. Raw Room 317 Medford Bldg. Phone 302. FOR SALE 37 Olen Oak Court, five room home, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, piped hot air furnace, concrete basemen:, lawn In back, attractive yard and trees. Owner will sell for 3fl50 or trade for Portland property. Charles R. Ray Room 217 Medford Bldg.. Phone 302. FOR PENT Cozy furnished 3 -room apartment. Close in. 343 N. Front. EXPERIENCED Apartment house manager will msnnfie apartments for rent. Box 3368 Care Mail Tribune. FOR SALE Real old fashton walnut Secretary. Phone 969-R. HAVE Your Furniture re upholstered, refinlshed. reglued. Phone 969-R. Closing time for Too Late to Clas sify Ads Is 1:30 p tn. Too Late to Classify FOR RENT Unfurnished or partly rurnisnea nouse l mock irom courthouse. 113 King St. WANTED Delco or Kohler lighting plant. Must be chenp. Address. J. E. Bartlett, Rt. 3, Box 488, Grants Pass, Ore. WANTED Your watch and clock re pairing. Work guaranteed. Reas onable. C. E. Myers, 116 N. Central. FOR SALE Weaner pigs. Wayne Troxell. South Peach. FOR RENT Attractive furnished Duplex. Every electrical conven lence. Adults. 619 No. Riverside. WANTED Scrap Iron, to supply in creasing demand. Spot cash paid at latest market price. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 North Grape St. Phone 1063 FOR SALE By the lug or by the truck truck load Newtowns. Nice quality, pood sizes. Bring contain ers. MYRON ROOT te CO., INC. Warehouse 47 South Fir St. FOR SALE or TRADE for wood: L. C. Smith double barrel 13-gauge. Hotel Medford Barber 8hop. Phune 1430. FOR SALE 500 choice, breeding ewes, win sen any amount, tel. 1044-J. Address 404 Mc Andrews Road V. J. Phlllppi. 1935 FORD Coupe, new tires, new paint Job. Private owner. Tel. 988- R. NICE. Cozy, furnished apartment just for two. Shower, electric ranee, team heat , hot and cold water furnished, very reasonable rent. Mail Tribune Bid. Apply bustnes office Mall Tribune. WAR DECLARED! on largest stock of Low Priced Used Car in the valley. Used Car Bar gain Lot, 1611 N. Riverside. AL'S TRADING POST la qultlng the 2nd hand furniture buslnes. Start ing Monday morning, October 33rd 1 will close out what stock X have on hand at greatly reduced prices. Al's Trading Post. Jacksonville Hwy. at Lozier Lane. WANTED To hear from owner of 5 or 6 room modern house In city around 41250, reasonable down payment, rest like rent. Box 3184 Tribune. NICELY Furnished light housekeep- Inn rooms, ground floor, outside entrance. Phone 131-M. FOUR-ROOM nicely furnished duplex apartment 22 50. Phone 543-M or inquire 301 Beatty. ROOM te BOARD 106 So. Ivy. FOR RENT 2 bedroom house, com pletely furnished or unfurnished, nearly new. 807 Bennett Ave. FOR SALE Westln$houe electric range. S35 00. Call A.M. or evening. 1416 West Main. FOR RENT 4 -room completely fur nished house. Linen to silver. 1015 Reddy. EGG MASH $2 00 per cwt. Use Snm son Special Euk Mash and Increase your ew production at lower feed cost. If your egg production Is low now, mix about 50- of the Sam son HIGH PROTEIN Mash with the feed you are now using or better still, change over to the Samson's Special Mash 100 and you will experience pleasing and satisfactory results in Increased ega production. F. E. Samson Co. 329 K. Riverside. SEE BARNEY for carefree winter driving. BARNEY'S SIGNAL. 8th and Riverside. FOR SAIE Bull puppies cheap. Henry Brown. Sunset Drive, Just off Orchard Home Drive. u - Your laundry will be snow white and here are other reasons why you'll want to end It to us: Cleaner yet bi gentle as hand washing Takes washday with It muss and fuss out of your home. Less work for you more time for leisure more fun with the family. Helps you keep young and beautiful. SELECT Green Pine Slabs, Big Load 4.00. Medford Fuel Co., Tel. 631. WANT TO BUY Good fresh cow. No scrubs. Young Jersey or Guernsey preferred. Write or phone, giving full description and price. O. G. Robblns. Gold Hill, Phone 483. IT IP ft att 25 So. Riverside 1930 Ford Tudor Sedan, com plelely reconditioned, including feat covert. A value uniurpatted sr $115 '34 Plymouth Deluxe Coupe. Rum ble teat. Original black finiih $259 '38 Plymouth deluxe tr. Sedan, new car c o n d 1 1 1 o n and iermi. Our full 90 day service $595 i We Are NEVER UNDERSOLD Quality and Condition Considered Over $1 5,000 Worth of Used Cars to Choose From ALL MAKES AND MODELS SPECIAL TERMS To Anyone Steadily Employed or Home Owners ( cA BE It 1 Ml b,. m mmmm veawlBieaMaHMi 1 W'VJA i r-V . .i -vie' s 4 wmmA Modern Fixtures At Low Prices Your dealer I now featuring modem fixtures surprisingly Inexpensive! Pin-it-up lamps and adapter base models as pictured at the left ceiling fixtures, floor ond study lamps. See them TODAY! There Is a SURE TEST for the seeing value of light the simple little gadget known as a "Light Meter" does the trick quickly, ac curately! We will be glad to test the light In YOUR home without charge. Open Evenings and Sundays PC