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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1936)
PA HE FOTTR MEDFORD MATL TRTBtTN'E. MEDFOKU. OKEOON, FRTDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1936. American Legion Auxiliary Monday, February 34, the auxiliary will have an Americanism program. Members of other patriotic organi sations have been Invited to attend. Mrs. Georgia Holloway bu charge ul the program. Loreua Leach U chair man of the refreshment committee, assisted by Grace Holmes and Mar guerlte Feldman. , The program will be aa follows: "Tribute to Wwhlngton." by Mrs. Prank Newman; two vocal numbers, by Katharine Larrlson; "Tribute to Lincoln," by Maybelle Church; vocal number, by ElMe Strang; "What It Means to Me to Be a Citizen." by ; Cnroline Johnwin: patriotic mtiMc. i The meeting will be held la the i Baldwin Piano Shoppe at 8 o'clock. I Americanism and national defense activities will be emphasized during February by American Legion auxil iary units throughout the country, according to Ed y the Martin, presi dent of the local unit. Observance of Lincoln's and Washington's birth days will be carried out by many unit with meetings featuring Ameri canism and national defense sub jects. State, district and local con ferences on national defenses, in which other women's patriotic or ganisations will be Invited to par ticipate, will be held In many part of the country. The lecaj unit will take part In the program by giving special attention to Americanism and national meitlnfr. defense at Its February Americans especially enjoy THIS FINE TABLE WINE A true American wiue of tics, including sweet wines moderate price. ..mellowed and dry. Sold in carefully by America's largest winery selected stores and shops, to suit the Ameri-jan taste. Get acquainted right now La Boheme vintages are today with offered in 20 favorite varie- La Boheme! VVIMES ROMA WINE CO., Inc. Lodl.Oilif.-E.ub. 1890 J. Bsttilta Cell President 0 Society and Clubs By Janet Wray Smith H osiery. or 2 for $i;iO Regular 89c value Pure thread silk Hi-twist f ult fashioned Cradle foot-type heel and toe Service and Chiffon weight AH wanted colors all sizes the BAND BOX The store that nves you monoy B.P.O.E. Will Dance At Temple Tomorrow Honoring Washington Elk, officers of the Med ford dls trlct CCO and Invited friends and their reepectlT ladles wilt be guests at a George Washington dance morrow evening at the Elks' temple In observance of George Washington'? birthday. Planned as one of the largest and most festlva events of the spring so cial season for the club, a large crowd Is expected. Flags and decorations In patriotic colors will present a stir ring scene In commemoration of the anniversary of the birth of the first president. . The dsnce committee. In charge of arrangements, has pledged itself to provide an entertaining evening for all concerned, and promises good mu sle for dancers. , Town Club Members Will Dance Tonight Town club members and their. In vited guests will dsnce this evening In honor of Oeorge Washington's btrthday. Preceding the dance, which Is to be held In Merrick's small ball room, members will be guests for i no-host cocktail party at the club house on West Main street, ladles and gentlemen gathering about 8:30. At 10 o'clock the party will pro ceed to the ballroom, where the re mainder of the evening will be spent dancing. Decorations will feature Wnshlngton and patriotic symbols The committee In charge states that Its members have arranged for good music, and that from the Interest In the affair shown so far, the- event will be one of the most largely at tended of the year. Lincoln Night Held AucrrARfnl. A concensus of opinion Indicates that the Lincoln night held last week by the Lincoln school was one of the most successful events ever planned by the school.' A good attendance was reported, the audience greatly enjoying the special program presented.. Pass presidents of the now dissolved Parent-Teacher association and teacher of the school, guests of honor, for the evening, were pre sented with corsages. Mrs. D. T. Newton end Miss Ora Cox presided at the tables, assisted by Mrs. Florence Boussum and her committee. A large bouquet of old fashioned flowera centered the table, other feature of the refreshments being the candy rallfence and log cabin cake. Honor Students Of Normal To Banquet A banquet for members of PJii Beta etgmt, Sigma Eptllon Pi and Tneta Delta mi will be held the Llthla Springs hotel In Ashland at 0:30 Saturday evening. Toaatmaster for the evening will be Bill Cook of Bend, president of Phi Beta Blgma. Frank Van Dyke, city attorney of Ashland, will be the principal speaker on the . eve ning! program and Dr. Walter Red ford, president of the school, will ntso Bddroas the group. - Alumni of all three groups are ex tended a cordial Invitation to at tend. Bride-To-Be Is ' ' " ' - llonoree at Shower ' A surprise shower hdhbring Miss Margaret Warner, bride-to-be. was ar ranged last evening by Mrs. Ralph oreen, nee Carver Realties, and Miss Roberta Plckard. at the home of Mrs Green's mother. Mrs. Charles Reanies on Geneva street. Three tables of bridge were In Dlav during the evening. Spring colors of yellow and white formed the basis for decorations. Guests of the evening were the Misses Jeanne Qulsenberry, Dorothy Paley. Gertrude Boyle, Carol Dodge, Mary, Frances and Bertha Am. splger. Ruby Stone, Prances and Clar. Ita McCormlck. the honor guest, and Mesdames D. Ford McCormlck. Char lea Reames, J. K. Warner and Plckard. Oak drove Club Plans Spring Events At the meeting of the Oak Grove I Neighborhood club Wednesday after noon at the Ciatr Shores homo, plans were discussed for spring and sum mer events of the olub, efforts being made toward activities of special In terest. The hostess, assisted by her niece. Mrs. r. H. Gardner, served refresh ments to the guests. Next meeting will be at the horns of Mrs. J. 8. Lundy, March 4, according 'to an nouncement, l.ady Klwanlans To Lunch Monday Mrs. J. F. Reynolds and Mrs. Maude Clemenson will be hostesses to the Lady Klwanlans for a dessert lunch-' eon at Hotel Jackson Monday after- nnnn at nne-thlrtv Following luncheon. miests will CO I to the Reynolds home, 830 Minnesota. ror an afternoon or nrinue. 'S EASY TO CRACK Those Interested In becoming .n. meshed in the toils of the lVw An geles ponce, enforcing the bum's blockade at Hornbrook, just over the vreson une, win ha,ve to look more like bums, according to the story of a Portland newspaper reporter, which has not yet been published. The story, has been pieced together from reports turned in by various Medford people. During the week a oar. wobbling along on leaky tires, crawled south out of the. city for the California line. The vehicle had 'Just stopped at a Medford garsge to be "depatred." Old tires were mounted on the wheels, the upholstery wis bul.led around, the lights were Jim mied. ' , A It creaked out of the city, the Portland reporter rubbed his grimed and whiskery chin, a light of antici pation In his eye, the stories agree. His plan was to approach the block ado in his dilapidated condition, pose a an "indigent," and. be pieked up by the patrol, to get first-hand in formation on the blockade for his sheet. Approaching the patrol with a hang dog look in his eye, the report has it, the scrivener was prepared to be stopped, bawled out, possibly drub bed, and turned back north. How- ever, th Los Angelee constabulary looked him over with only a casual glance, sniffed In disdain, and paid no further attention to him! He Is said to have bung around Hornbrok for some time, watting to be picked up and heaved Into the city kUnk, but still ha waa magnifi cently ignored. Finally, he decided, the rumor has It, that he had been misinformed as to the local of the blockade, and wheesed and clattered on south to Y relet. - In that village he pulled to a halt and still no one bothered him. Abandoning his ahabby car, he elect ed to force the Issue, and started out to "stem 'on the streets of the little mining town. Begging brought him only rebuffs from citizens, no money, and not a squeak out of the police. A few hours of this pastime and he grew hungry, and unable to beg food, conferred with himself and. decided to fork down through hta rags and rescue the money hidden there. Armed with the coin of the realm, one thing It la generally agreed that Californlanj recognize, the scribe sid led Into first one store and then an other in an effort to purchase some "punk" (bread), or other fare, with no success whatever. The merchants of the city, recognizing him as a bum. if none of the oops had, advised him to move on, that they had nothing to offer him, and didn't want his trade. ' Stunned by this rebuff, the reporter disappeared, and to date no further attempts of his to penetrate the blockade have been noted by the Mall Tribunes informant. : , Before he gave up the attempt to 'make the can," the Portland writer, In desperation. Inquired of citizens and police alike as to the proper method of getting arrested. He was Informed that' the best way was to arrive by freight, but that that meth od was not to be trusted, either. A local police oflcer, who prefers to remain unknown, last week counted the bums infesting a aide-door pull man as It chugged south out of Hilt. There were 37 "btndle stiffs" dang ling their worn shoes over the edge of the car-tops (riding rods la a thing of the past since freight cars don't have them any more), but when the train pulled into Hornbrook, only 20 of the wanderers were atlll perched In their places. The assumption Is that the 17 dropped off the train be fore coming to the "City Limits of Los Angeles," walked around the block ade, remounted and continued their Interrupted Journey toward the warm southern California sun. The Los Angeles cops can't be so smart, after all. ' -' , OPENDRlVEFOR ELKS BAND FUND Fifty members of Medford Elks lodge attended a dinner at Valen tine's cafe last evening for the "kick off" of a money raising campaign which will reoutflt the Elks band and aid In defraying expenses of the band's trip to the national conven tion of the Elks in Los Angeles next summer. Pointing out that the band la civic asset and has donated time and service for many public oocaaions, Exalted Ruler B. W. Winkle and past Exalted Ruler H. N. Butler, declared at last evening's meeting that they were sure the -'people of Medford would co-operate In the effort to provide the trip for the musics! or gsnlzatton. . . . Wlndup of the drive will be celei brated April is when a big Elks frolic and "days of "49" will be stag ed at the temple, with dancing and other diversions for the public. fOO LATE TO CLA88IFY FOR RENT Apartment, 3 rooms and bath, light, and hot water furnish ed.. Frlgidsire. 810 s. Oalcdale. PEDIGREED Roller Canaries. Special prices on pairs. Thrasher's, Jack sonville, Tel.. 173. SUBURBAN ROME Approximately 3 acres; 8-room house garage, poultry house: 3 miles from Medford. Price taioO; terms 150 down, 25 per month. Can be op tioned to holder of bonus certifi cate. ' BROWN Ac WHITE. Realtors. FOR SALE Baled oat hay. 7-F-14. Phone PHONE 909-a for reupholsterlng, r flnishlng, regluelng. Thlbault. LOST Lady's hat. In hat sack. Tele phone 339. ' WANTED An offset tractor disc. kuuui, o-jwh. n. e. wrignt. Phoenix. FOR 6ALE8-months-o!d 'heifer calf, stump puiiec and a-Dottom John Deere lo-inch plows, c. 8. Wright. Phoenix. "34 FORD V-8 coupe, only driven 10. 000 miles: cannot be told from new. See this one for only S510. PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodge snd Plymouth. f Def'cae - " the flavor, lasts. Schilling WANTED Lsdy to travel selling sd vertlslng novelties to merchants. u you like selling, exprlence not essential. Salary and . expenses. Write for Interview, Box 119, Mail Tribune. , . TOR RENT House. 5 rooms, bath. lrta. wooa range, rugs, destrsb.'e location: reasonable. Call 111-x. 809 No: Central. FOR SALE -34 Chevrolet I'i-ton truck, dual, long wheelbase, factory built stock rack and 38-ln. box; slightly used: Tecently overhauled, good rubber; sjso. T. J. Hlght, Box 231, Rt. a. . . FOR SALE One team well-matched , work mares. Oeorge Hilton, Oranta ) Pass. , FARMERS. ATTENTTONI '" " Rebuilt Implements and Tractors at exceptionally low prices. , Agents for .ieimc saies and parts. Rogue Val ley Tractor and Imp. Co., 39 south Qrape St. Phone 208. : ''!' ;'- -A If FOR RENT March 1st, small furnish ed house; hardwood floor, fireplace, bullt-lns; 25. Phone 589-J-2. FOR SALE Seven 3,000-gal. wood tanks. See Jones, Knight Packing ' Co.. Medford. FOR SALE Piano, good oonditlon. mono ja Dei ween, 9 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. WANT to borrow 81800 on fine iome vn rtoue river ana nighway. BROWN & WHITE, Realtors. FOB SALE 1 string of pureamber beads. Inquire 143 N. Ivy. - MODERN furnished half duplex. Key at 319 8. Ivy. BuqGUASTI to CHj'oif th e tsaui in e s Take a h talth and pleasure tip from Europeans. At dinner tonight drink winel. And be lure it's a bottle of OUASTI Wins Sautsms. Cforet or any of the 21 GUASTI varieties bast of California's mast glorious gal lons, priced so low you can afford It tvtry night. - t - r?.r 1 .' . ,.'i..: . tK6' Sf . iS?wV--ie' 16.7 SCHUSS VINTAGE CO. Home of Fine Old Wines, Champagne, Beor and Mixeri 211 E. Main MESSENGER DELIVERY Phone 420 Ho If it's WINE, BEER or MIXERS, think first of Schuss Vintage friendly, courteous ser vice just phone 429 for messenger service. WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY SPECIALS Dux Sweet Wines Pint 25c Quart . . 45c Gallon 85c Gallon $1.60 Bisceglia's Finest Pint 35c Quart .....65c Gallon $1.15 Gallon ....$2.19 CWqe of Angelica, Muscatel, White Port. Malaga, Tokay, Port or Sherry mi riin;r. roil Bisceglia's Champagne, 27-oz. bottle , . .$2.95 C'OI.I AND RI'AHV TO srilVF Paradise Haut Sauterne, Riesling, Chablis, Sauterne or Burgundy 1928 vintage, 24-oz bot. 65c Dago Red, full gallon 95c Zinfandel, Burgundy, Sauterne or Riesling, 20c pint; 35c quart Bass Ale or Guinness Stout, imported 3 bottles $1.00 Pabst Beer in 12-oz. tapacan, each 15c or ..2 for 27c Olympia Beer in stubby bottle8 each 15c or 2 for 27c German Lager or Salem Beer 2 pint bottles 25c Tornberg's Ale or Porter's Stout 2 pint bottles 25c Arrowhead Rickey or Ginger ale pint bottle 10c 1- fTr? cDcri a i ci K7 -T Z Shop at Brophy s , Saturday and Monday WAHL FOUNTAIN PENS ' tfQ Values to $8.60. Special $1.22 to 4Wat-U LADIES' 4 MEN'S FEB! BIRTHST0NE RINOS--(Amethyst) solid gold mounting. 09 Values to $37.50 Special . . 4 I NEW HAVEN ELE0. MANTEL CLOCK flJC ) Saturday and Monday special , aJOasCfcs SILVER SALT AND PEPPER SETS 7 Of $1.60 values .'. . IfaC SILVER BOWLS. 35 YR. QUALITY CO OO Used as center piece, fruit or salad bowl 90asCaCa SILVER COMPOTES & BON BON DISHES 7 $2.00 values . I bk POWDER COMPACTS QO Values to $6.00. Your choice OtCC WHITINO & DAVIS MESH BAGS CO 99 Values to $20.00 Special 72o to 43a. MILITARY SETS C9 99 Values to $7.60. Special IbiCt. EXTRA SPECIAL! Ladies' and Men's WRIST WATCHES 1-3 OFF Three makes to choose from New Natural Gold Ladies' Diamond Mountings Special for Two Days Only $7.22 and your old mounting! . Our lno for other nrU! lI.h'A JEWELER 3 UrDF0RD.ORG Quality Jewelry, Honesty Priced mi as m 60c ALKA SELTZER 49c AT WESTERN THRIFT 15c PUTIMN DYES 6c AT WESTERN THRIFT 35c NICK'S VAPO RUB 21c IVORYSQAP AT WESTERN THRIFT One Large Both - One Med. for 14 AT WESTERN THRIFT 55c POND'S CREASVIt. 39c AT WESTERN THRIFT 500 Cleansing Tissues 1 9c AT WESTERN THRIFT $1 ADLERIKA saaiaaaai asaaaasai wmm AT WESTER 10c COUGH DROPS 5c - A Real Special AT WESTERN THRIFT AT WESTERN THRIFT SI IRONIZED YEAST 63c """"- AT WESTERN THRIFT mmmmmmmmmmm 75c QVALTIWE 49c 1 11 AT WESTERN THRIFT ' HINKLE TABLETS 1 3c AT WESTERN THRIFT Belfair Napkins 3 2 Sic s AT WESTERN THRIFT Choc. Cherries WS Bb, 25c Prices Effective Fri. Sat. Sun.and Monday HI iiJH; iilHiiiii'JiH, I03M jaaasH i