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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1916)
PAdE TWO medtokd arm, Tiunrre, medtord, omtfiov. tcksday, jita- is, win i i .,2 ' 41 TOCALAND JL' PERSONAL Qlrf .1.1.1. . ...-......... ..... . . . . A three liorni. nowcr motor wn Installed IhmI week In the r.nnual training department or tlm IiIrIi kioo1. All. and Mr. Walter Imtfne will I oft re In their car tomorrow iiiiirn liiK'or Vancouver, II. G. IlntliB 2Rc. Holol Ifollnnfl. A nflnlber or Mrtlford moiorWta Iikvo been pereletautlr violating the Inw rofhlrflif automobile not to pitm h Mtiwl our 'illvehnrftltiR or takltiK on imasojiRer. All future violator, utiyn Chief KlliOii, will Iih (leu It with auiutiinrlly Hint will ho nhown no len iency. tlray'a iilaco for dgnra, to- hncrooH, .Mr. IM Wltto who Iim liotui upsnil Ing six wuolia lu Sun Prnnclaco, Oak land am! Lot AiiKolim will rottirn till afternoon. Do Voo rIvch trntllnR stamps with nvorythltiB oxcojit Krocorlim. It. It. II row n of Cortland In inuil- ItiK a fow darn In Medford on IiiihI- IltlfS. i A hrcakfnBt you ran nfforrt and ho tlnllRlitPd with. HubhoII'r Cafo. Hoy I). Hodsoii arrlvnd In Mndford frotrt Portland Innt nlKht. .Mr. Hod pon formorly llvoil In Medford, driv ing n our In thn auto ractm or throe youm ami. and two year ro driving ii Crater J.ho motor cur for Court Hull. Oct your milk, crnnni, liultor, crku nnd buttermilk nt Do Voo'a. Don CoIvIk left thlri inoriiltiR ror his monthly trip to OrnnU Pan and (llouditlo In tho IntarofltH or tho Cal ifornia Orofion Power Co. Typowrltor pnpor of nil Itlnils nl Medford Printing Co. (Irorfiii SoraiiHon or (Irani Pa l spending today In Medford on IiiihI iiphh. Tho worltl'B Kioatnnt coinpnulpn. Holme,, T'io Innuriinco Man. 'During tho porlod from Juno 1R to .Inly I ft tho olty olurtrlclan ImiiuiI ISA electrical pormlln. Try n KIiib Hpltr. cigar nnd on coiimko homo Industry. tf Tho .linllilliiBfi occupied hy Walk or' KiirnRO on South Kir tfcot, nnd Hint on South Kroiit treet to ho oo. cupled by Nu mil' Imkory, nr0 lining rowlrotl. Dr. KlrohitOHHiior will ho nt Hotel NaMt ovcry wotluondny. Hour lor uonsillQttlun 10 to 3. Tho Jackann County eroemery ha ItiaUtllod a 16-linraeptiwor eltiotrle motor te drive their now iefrlituntt Ins mnalilHe. Orojr'a nlitee. rold, rtrliik. frulta. It. V. UftKHnl of Twin KkIU, Idaho, went hut Hldht In Medrnrd. For rout, S-ruom fiirulehed liousn. 0. A. DoVoe. Georo Oannoway ha iurrliaed h IHNilohntft? U our. IIlK So MllkahnKoa at Do Voo'a. Mlaa Merle Davie, or Medford, who win operated upon yeaim-tlny at the Dow Central Point hoapltal ror ap tieuiiloltla, la ratting comfortably to day. Soo Dnva Wood About thnt lire In aumiiQo polloy. Oirico Mall Tribune UldK. Albert fry of Orlfftn creak pur cliwawl h Hnxon Ms JIuHttny. ill. A. Triifl lMHily, Nh-Mohh otir aet rotirMMUtlv. PttoR IS. IT N. OraHg. Ill C. W. Owona. of wmt 'fateHl. drlv- Iiik h Cblmira lu, Uh arrived from I'BrtlHHd. Oatoa aolhj I'onl osm, JliiQ down ami Ml a iiiutith. J. W. PWtvr la m raceut aurthaaer ii f a I'onl. Whlimlilf oroMHi nl DVoo. II. CI. MotwOey hiw ircWat-U a Urlacoe onr. IliittBrmllk lUe al. at DeNWa. lluWlwrd UriM. wantbourw uh Klav. utk kmi4 PrtmU I balug rowtrod h4 ftltwj to hi occuplad by Uuy Couuor m fmit sackluf Iiohm. Do Vua lugn bMr bfittloa. C. ". Uohlt and Ptlir MiCarty of Vraka, will Ibvh thla artrnuu far Portland They will drtva ba.-k r'irttiw MeOai ty'a iryw Chuliura rod- ur. V wall a apclftlty of ploule laijAliW. ItiiBMl1 OHfeUrln. Mtae fra Wbltcomb la apeudlu: tkrv twki Uh friend aud rela- tlvta In Klamath Kalla. Tithe tboae Ioom auto wheel te llllllHg CHrrtaie and Auto Work ami hut them made like new. at a annul tjqmna. The ttitr water department la over hauling number of the clt drlnklu& louutalna, among them, that t the torner of Malg and Central. 1'MUtt aUnya at U Voe'. The Mooae lodge or Urant !'. Aahland and Med'ford will hold joint Initiation at the Medford ball tonight Tu candidate will be prf nt fiom i he three town. Hurvalrirt in ue and aecoud-haud blkrx. i.k and H Shop. Sparta Build- ins- tot Jpjne,. Audeiaon dP ((S131 Nil) fgl huafuoaa, smoko '8sj fifth clrt tc Tfifni hnnip tf T Air. nnd .Mr. 14. C. .laromp. who worft inttrflotl Ifi Sii ,too Mondin .July 10, nrrltml Iri Mitt ford thlH nrornlng. TIley wero'lnot itt' tlm ir- i, by a number dr Callfornlti-On .'m I'owor Co. rmjlyen, ltdfil on ir toiuiiHiiyV truck nml with uu n pnultnenl of bugle blant and i' t thronlnB. wpre parndfd up M ilu trort. Mr. .Tpfomo wm .Mln Hi1 nbctli Schooftlirtfgdr, dailNlller r lr and Mr. A. ttehrtcuWrgor, or .ni Joep. Pear lahel tlmu I hero. Htrni lahelf (H; Kfiotral lahal ( the Mnl rord Prlntlfig Co ttlfttem i. Morgan arrived thl morning from St. I.ouia. lie uii" ientl a fow week Irtoklnn nTtm hi orchard InUroat CHt of iletlfonl Ddllcate ropnlrlng of uvery uiiturr, kodaki. Dpuwrllora, ovorythliif.' Modrord liook Mtore. I'. I. Cmn pa or Alhlniul whs In town thl nioriilng. Durlnx Ahlniid Chnulniitiia Inter urban par lonvo Hotel Mudford dnlly oxcopt Rnturdny nnd Sunday nt 7 p. in. Itriturn after proKrnni nt nlnht. Hound trip 25 emit. Tho IIIk Cray Car. (Iroiiml wa hroktin thl mtiniliiK for tho $lo,noo rmddonco to Jio oroi'tod for Waltnr llowiio on tho JactiMinvlllo-W'lllow Sprlnie road, four uillctf wont of Mt'iirord. IC. P. Hnltora I tho contmctor. I'llliiK MyMtonm f in m (ho little Caro lllllox, (O (OlliplutO Offll'd L'lllllplUUIlt. Medford Hook Bloro. Ml Inez Coffin ha rolgnod hor piiltlon In tho .Mtulforil pity aahool. whoro ho linn tniiRht ror the pnl four your. Sho ha iiccoptad it poll Hon a miilo nuporvlnor lu tlm llyron, WyomliiR phoolit. .Mine Cof fin tiiURht mimic In tho city hcIiooI tht pnt yoar, and hn had clmrxo of tho Christian ohiirrh rholr. Kho will b0 Krontly mlMod In niuleal ami plat rlrcloM, Tho Indlt'd of tho Loyalty Clrrlo will Rlvn it lawn nclnl nt I). T. Jaw ton' Wodncwday dvoiiIiik. (Initio, iiiiiMle nud n royal kooiI I lino for all. loo rroitin nud cako ID cent. Hvory hody Invltud. Dr. H. A. I.opkwood ruturuiHl Sun day nlKht r in m Chicago, having ntopppd off lu Portlnntl on hi ro ttirn trip. A Corona typowrltor. 2nd linndj for nlo. Medford Itook Storo. Mrri. K. .1. Kmlth anil Mr. I.tiuu IIiihIcIiih nud ohtlilron roturnod IliN inoruliiR from n threo wcok'a Htay nt' .Newport. (lot your lahol onrly. Don't wait until tlm ut uilniito. Tho Medford Printing Co. I tho plat'e to gel thoin. Tho front fir tho building for merly ocouplod by the lluglo Cafo on Main trtot will bo romodelwl and tho room will ho ocouplod by the llcnmril inlllluery. Tho Amount clan or the linpthtt church will hold their inld-monthly bible ittidy uiettlug Wwlueatlny ovtHiIng, July 19. at the home or Mr. II. .1. StHwait, .100 PennaylVHiilH ave. All old and new member art refl.uetod to bo profunt. Mr J. P. mon or I IT Olaen atniHt, returuml (hi morning from Portland. I'OUD ear for rout hour or dny. See Illllott, Olty Hall. mi J. HI Day la a bualueaa vlnltor from Portland. Don't fall to attend tho gteateet pear blight donioiitrH(loit ever held, at the eperlmout (atl Talent, Oregon, July HO, at 3 u'rloek harp. Mrx. Ixwter Urant, Mtea Ahh Urant and Mlaa Ituth Morrilt arrived In Medford thla tuerHlng from Mlver Ide. III. Itemember you oen get a new Max- cll for 5U. lowell Auto Co. Mra. C M. lekueHfeld of .'ew York In eueudlng a few deya In Mad- foitl. Penra and apfde lab til prlulera for the Itogue river telle. Mwdford WrlMtlug Co. . Dog owner who fall to tie up or uiuail their canluea daring July, Augut aud September are ubJtHt to a fine up to iih. i See the aieck Utbela carried by the Medford I'rlutlng Co., If oh are In a hurry. J. VV. Hock of Jat'kaoNVltle la auMNdlug the day lu Medford. Iltmembi'r tou ean et a new M Hell for &o. Powell Aule Co. A Throt'kmorten of Ituch la lu Medford ou btialuuae. llHttermllk So quart at DeVoa'g. Heyel K. Hebb of Ceutrai IHKit (a lu m today. Mr. Uebb reoeutly mM hU iutereet U the CeelreJ INelnt HtCAld. KtuMbf jew ra get a aetv Ma ell. for $.55. roe ell Auto Co. William Brut of TKut U In to a Uniay on buiduee. Pwekerta tally rtrd Is tock ut the Medford Hrinil Co. The Rev. Alfred A J Hog l at landing the Hnod of Oiegon at Kit geue tal week lie III rtlurn next Friday. Uu the way to Synod todav. Ihv Hogg, Hallee and SMeld took u wrv trerul tole of train II At tuoat rveiybod voted. vote being S)t for VYtlaou and 'J for Hughe. Wgnted. lx girl, between I and lor (Hi I h nf .i ,.iHon v, . ii r . i i u - Tg BF-jyygi- 4j((vtf , 'agf t . i A utv tsm '-. ty lenKirfWsTztnR yVCiv F JST !? 2 'J Uw i-fuV aFi&'ZJKtl m&mzzp& Bs&rt- .s&MmwmF:: mm WiMmm R-! KtuWiEsc 1 anw flyj 'f'lysiianiv5n'5 I 3L i iiofjHHPtMl ePjSv. i.,i Bk Ki srirSS57x5MS3?. ioiKSuf I nwcPanaut'rf t&i'mff T iwk3cv5S' a Hal? 1 MHBnVw .fclHj ii LOUISE LOVELY IN W ll It'll lllfU till II IMip I Italph I'lcne apont liint nlKht In Anlilaml. William A. Aitkin rnttl this nioriiliiK from Klnh Lake. William Cottrell or tho MphiIowh I lu .Medford on htialut today. Ilnrroy Stanley o,r Hullo crook l apoiiillug tho day In Mod find. John MhmII of Agate I traimatt Iiik I undue In Metlforil loday. ; .Mamli lliiirtwlu la a bimliifMH vlaltor from A'pplogate today. Chrl Natwlok of Knglo Point I NpotidliiK tho day In .MtHlfonl. (I. V. IlodflRh, a mining man from San I'runcUco, I ponding n fow tlay In Medford looking ovor mining properlle, with a view to buying, lie I apondlng tmlay lu Ahland. Judge C. II. Walaon or Aahland la in Medford todn and thla evening ho will go to Oolil lllll on biialneaa. Tho rntuiuwork for tho dredge be ing t'oiiAtrucled at tho mouth of Ster ling ertek I all In place and braced according to Captain Dobbin of Koattle, who la iiporlnlendlng the etiuRtrurllon. I1ih machinery will ar rive within I lie ilex! week and the drodge will probably begin operation within two woeka. Harvey I, lug of Aahhtnd la lu town (hi nfttruoou. Ifi. V. Cartor or Aahland la epunil lug tlij, artoruonn In Metlfonl. Tho railroad colohrntlon which will bo held lu Marahrield and .North Send, Auguat it, J and Sffth, In honor or the rouiplotlou of the ('m bay branch will be oho of the big goat apeclul (M'ciuIuhn in title ectlon lu yoar. Iliilne men' apeelal train will be operated rrem flan VihhcIm'o, Portland, 8a It-in nml prob. nblv one or more train from Ku geue. The 8. V. will give round trip fart, one aud one third the rom of the tiHiial otto ay rare. TlekitN on mle AiiRtiMt i to a; intltiKlvp. re turn limit VuRtiHi :Uh. i' V WIImiii .irrlteil totlav from Sun l'i. tin Into and will pt-nd a fe llMtK III It' till lllll-llll'KM TANGLED HEARTS" ? r Ml l' ' i V !! l, I V AUSTRANS m i RUSSIAN AIMS CARPATHIANS MATE HAMU 10 RESERVE BOARD WASIIIXtiTttN, Jillv IS t II. Il.imlm, uiiM-niiH ut ill,' re-ert hoard, will he reiiiuiiiii.iie.l n a member or the iHiunl when In- , nn exjunw next iiumlli. Ailmiiiitriiliit orYieiiiU allnwi-d Ihl- to hemme kntteu totlnv t iy u ileni.t! nt i'M't. thai pVerelnrv Mi-Adt.t. w'llil MUtt the eamnet lo t.ike tlnv ernor llnmliu'x fdaee. WCDOINn DELLS 'I - t- tiiitl Arthur WVhl of Hn-. tin lllntltlie Ulmlto Maille, nlo t( tin-. eil, were anitetl in murriiige In the We. F. W. I'nthteu", wrlitr t the lhiilit i hui rli. nl the Ihyni' 1. 1 i Ii.' IukIi'k luullter, Mix. K. Manli. DM KhM Nttilli Mlrvel, Medlt.ttl. nt s ill o'elot k Kuittlev morning, Jul li. lUltl. Duly immediate u.. iu, weic present at the wetlduiu 'I In letl miiiietliiilel. lor the tli,iui.iiiMn.i ut Abiiiinl. I ben Inline boiiii ti be in M dt'oiil. VIKNXA. 1 Au tnaii n.l Mint'ptl j i. tr t - in tht ti'i'inn nl wine nml Tnliirow, smith ! Knldiiiiii, in Ihe ('nrpHthiiiii rei: mi, have heeu pivwM'tl hnek lv Ifii-hinn utt.iek, a,x Ihe wnr itfrtt' i-tti lenient iinuetl today. The main Atf-trmn ponillonH, however, hnve been I irmly heiiL In Volhynin, in the region Hiiiith vvtt of l.utnk, I(iiMiin uttneke fmo fa fled. .. i' MIMfl.lN, Julr 18 (by wiirlc lo Snwille.) Tlm oHrnlioim uu the IfiiMHinii front, in Vlhynia, whleli re Hiiltetl in h withdrawal of Teutonic line-. Kiinthwpt of ,nl.-k behind the lower l.ipa, together with military itelivities mi nl her seetnrN of Hum frimt, are reeonled in the AiiHliinn lluii'Tiriuu lientltiunrlerK Htaleinent of July 17, reeoivt'tl here from 'i- I'llUH. the Klnteroenl gf): "The renewed mlvuneeH hv tho iiiiHMinnN ni iitiNoiMHiit iiint (ur ioition xnntli ttf-nthwewt nf the Mtaldpnliiwejriv.yijdt ...uWl-Hf Hml eoh the eneniv heavr ItiMNex. "(Ill both niil.'- u tile l'ilt iliHtliet mirth of the Prixbdi ritle there hh ligliluiV between reetinniiileiin tle tuehmenl). and -irtiug partii. "AtUiinee hv the' l?uiiiiiii near Xnhiba ami Talaiov were reptiUed. "Our Hcntrte north we -I tf Itiif kiiiniw (on Ihe Ntrfttrt in ea'-ttiu (lalieial frutrultil an enemv uttempt to Mtlvnwee fnmi hit trentlii." ItaM b falorrh I Ikla wlln o( tU wanlrr iMkt U 'llwr ilUnWi pat Utlr, ul Willi tbr bmi Urn tnn ui'i- -J t tw Imtirabh-. fvt a rl eumy ).i- ,l..- ptt'tMiuiU'nl II m Imal ilidM. huiI ir, -ii',, l,N4l itiihill, uimI Uy fnwiaullii lllluii t ir, hUIi Iim1 tfi'MttUflll, mil'lllHa It III, Ul il'l, H It'll lii iioiit 14ur.l1 I, Ui xi-tliiin mi ill M ml t Ik r r ,r iuU,a eaalllitl' .1 ir. ulm. c.l IIbU' lutrh I lirr klMriii iuii.I . K . n. Ala. T 'Iril . Ohio, U llii' "Hi) lmlltil llim.,1 .urn on thi- niurkn It b tak. u Im. rnltjr In !-, fr..iu In ill t li'aaKmfiil ll .l, ill silly thr lilk wf niu,'ii on'v, ,.f III!' ' .1 III 111 ilt.r .KM ll'IM I" 'I ,l,illim Ti.r ant , ir folk 10 curv. Vtl l r ilnulji. anil loilm 'I III. A.I.I. ... ! 1 i IIKNKT f. T I..I. nu.o. . I.I I irti'fc ,i TN-. Taka Haiti I au 11 fllU fr i.u.tliullMI, TWO TRIPS DAILY MEDFORD and EAGLE POINT 8 II. Iim iii-li'it auto will it'Hve IfiitKlo Point nt s A. M mid t P M J dall.v, Suittluy; If. no Medlord . A. M. and .. P. M. Will i. ill for j poMieitger ut biiiol In Mt'.lfnrtl ntui i hotolt aud biiMiieei bonne.- lit l'HIe Point. PlltM -'J OU :-:. PRESIDENT VISITS CAPITOL ASKING CIO LABOR LAW WASUINdTON, Julv IS. Shortly '.tMer tiinin ttitiuv 1'iiwitlpul Wilmm ,. nt to tho cnfiilo. It Wm tjirf fhx! im! he linn leatle there m month. t the enpitol the preMitluut etm- , in.! in hi private" itHHit with See li 'nv Kern, the rTeimwrtilfie lender. It v t- nmlemltiotl tlint tin- ireuleul m ileniniuii of liavinu Ihe work- in linn' t'iimieiif)lim nud eliilil lu lioi IuIIn inefiideil iu the leginlative iiii.jrnm. They wcjo mtlottneked hv fhe en iien. The prewldimt'a vinit to the enpitnl w.ii uuexlaiiiu(l. There wn no niif to meet fiitw. Seoing n eeimte ut tendiint, the president nttiil: "Voinitr mini, eonlil you gut Sinn tor Keju for nioT'' The clerk ri'turiiuil wJHi Hie nm jiitilv lender from Indipfiii. Thev tiitil'erreil for nweml inintileK, alter wlneli Sennliir Mgrlfnn of Vitvntin nml Viee-I'ieeiilont .Mnmlinll entcritl Ihe preniileiit'ft mum. Tin urerent-e eiiiieernOil the le; il'itivp pntjrriiui nml Ihe (line id' nil linn ninetu or ettngreMH, wmeii tin ilemiieriitu have tentatively fivd nt Aiiiruil II. The president, .it i im-ler-ltMid, urged tlm! the eliilil lulmr anil wiirkmetiV eouiienHnlitiu nii'ii--urt-H he inetmlpil in Ihe imperative iegivlutive pniginm. He koiicIiI In lirinir nhniit nn nrrnngement Hint Viiulil not tlelay adjournment, ni lit wlxhetl to hejtin the enmNiigii nut Inter limit September 1. Sir. Wilniin wa lienieveil for up evilHimlion of liis vieit. "It ie eiinply matter of pmBram," ilcelaretl the preeiilout. "I wntiled In ee newml of tlie ennlnri ahout u legielnfive program nml thought it Wimlil h,f.impler lo rome here nil Iter than cull them In Ihe while linii-c." Good Merchants Take Their Discounts? Why not get yours through &C Green Stamps? They are redeemable in cash Always ask for &C Green Stamps Got your coupons oxchangctl for T Green Stamps and your books cashed at MH snt iflnHI JiT-al?J 1 Me aLTaaW C H. H. Dept Store m E3UVUI.I1' 5lr. and Mr, (leorxo Kail and llt tlo tUughttir left thl morning In tlmlr oar for Cretcent Oily, cxpettliiK to ho gone two wook. WOMA.V A.l WAIt A woHtent woman doctor dcelart that womon are pliyalcully fit ror Mrvlre at the battle-front. Prolm'- Ueoiiiu oJfeepUonar women may ') , but are not tho majority prone to ailment which trako even hoinu-hnM raro a burden? Hence the iiei'CHM ty for that. great remedy which clur lug forty )ear ha done more tliiin any other to relieve attrlt alliinni. and mitigate the Buffering of Annrl ean women I. villa K. Pink ham V Vegetable ('.impound. -Adv. SouUiorn Oregon's Greatest Plnco of Amusement T D A - Beginning Thur., Inly 27 MATINEE 2:1D Sharp Doom 1:1S EVENING 8:15 Sharp Doors 7:15 AMUSEMENTS w D prOIKIU'OIMP.S 1 ftUL,4'IM""B Slot Ion Plrttut) Theitlte LAST TIME Tin I'l.iiimtic MIC li D. W. Griffith's Masterpiece 5000 Sconos 18,000 People TSie mv H KMttM Wit) Hnud, lilt CiKitr- Whttu l.a (ittnduM nre ouly lee -U- - VI ' JI..IP"! ii TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY a a aiata-em' Ha,--., j,. WANTKU- l'c- or mlleh n mi eaie and lead for throe moiiin- i Phoue t;:;'-Y. im flVCjKj4jlt f&b&' AaT' 1 rfBSm&t&TfgS&M - The Royal . , is the tvpv writer with tho 8a r.iptil-tiio .uiion unii :.!- IJ 1 jusdahlc frtsoiKil touch Si rs j anil I'retl Mace in the Keystone Gusher An Oily Scoundrel TOMOKItOU Till: WOlll.H'N thT pop. 1 1. l( ("l()It tt.M, I Alt.M'.M IN " AIW OK SOItltOW 3000 Horsoe N Coat $500,000 Direction of Elliot & Sherman 30-SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA-30 PRICES SEATS READY TUKSDAV, JULY 25 Kvrnllm-. ..lie, 7'.e, $1 nil, f I . n Moxtt. f ; on .Matint'tH' .',i, .'.iii, 7..I, uu, i mi MAIL ORDERS NOW ACC0MPANIK1) HY CIIKCk UMPHitnaim ihJjj&xjdtrmisarrtr,vrMfjym!fH L08T Plbhln rod auth nd lv. Kwiim'it liua Store nuked from torner l.evr a i No IJUl'alt.illa I m 1 SOIMi the machine that fires letters us an gutonutic jinn spits bullet I I i Built ft tks Exowi I Typdt Bstisrferiha Star Theatre l i In ,i si.tmlitnl, n( Down In Prltf. Itlue ItlHl Plinto Phiji. 1'uv.eii FO Reduced Fares rou a i i A good blow-out boot I ZEZZSZZ is iuic ucsi insurance a tm w..m M ai. rli 'lit V. ! aa1 Loviise Lovely IX insurance against delay in case of tire trouble. We hnvcall sizes. ay oi van Hng tho n'.a, i "4 a the clllKi, Fit nug- 81 on .a te.viaiM " i'1- " JS the Jail OagMii is any aiiv rkphei. Get tk$ FaMs! FROM C. E. GATES 'Medford Book Store "Tangled Hearts" rlt'inn sottetv drama with Lqn Chaney Hllll M UllllUllt (V-t MSO M s I'KTOItlM Summer Trips When summer ii.mcs nnd a vafo litui outinjr is pimiiK'tl, iviut-iiibor Nfwimit ik i-otil. Tho brtH'M front off (iiu mifchty Pm-ifie never fails. Willi the many divcrioiui ami at iiwlioim to )i4uw the liuun awny, surely ,vkj euuhl find wo liettor plwu tor y.Hir vacation. Th Oot Is Low Round Trip Tietn are on wile diUJf,fmj a , Kouthern Pneilu- f.tiitioux in Western OrtJWB. The return Imitti "jUber Jl. It DaRy Train frm ANnny and CtrvaiOs malu excellent connectiani. Write fin J.ilu. M illi.-tr.Ui9l I i', . a-. : i..r ni ).',. , .,,t, r.i f,.n. i . - .1 A 'l"r, i.r ak loeal (i.i P. '1 mil, Oiegon iSOUTHERN PACIFIC '' . . a rirrnmimtrnf i rniTiriiiniiiiniiiriiiiii iiiiiiiiiMiiTiaTriiiiiriTi'atai'iiaiiiirtimn!i K i ? v i i ii V?