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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1916)
Medford Mail Tribune FORECAST FA IK TONIGHT A.VI TOMOItltOW WEAT Maximum Ycstcnh Minimum Today no. s u 4 1 I- la. m Forty-sixth Yr, Pnllv Kirvpnlh Year. SLAVS CROSS MOUNTAINS IN HUNGARY Russian Forces Penetrate a Day's March Into Hungary and Threat ening Austrian Rear Artillery Duel on Rlna Front and Along Stoklioil Germans Claim Offens ive Ayninst Hlndcnhtirg Repulsed LONDON, July 10.- Tho Htmsiniis liuvo crossed tlio Carpathians ntul lmvt' iinutratuil n day' march into Hungary, according to a dispatch to tlio Star from Pctrogrud. Tlio dispatch says tin1 HuKsinns aro thrciiltmiug Hit' Austrian roar in tlio mountains. Tlio udvnuee in being made, ne roriliiifc to till information, lv tho unities of General I.eticliitxky, which n lo again on tho more after an in turvnl of ipiiot. Infantry Advancing PKTUOGHAl), July 10. KtiHsiHii infantry in Gnlicia in udvuncinir to waul tlio passe of tin- Carpathian! which I (Mill is into Hungary. Further north in tlio innrwh region, the offi cial stnleuietil of loilay wivs, an at tempt of Austin-Geminii forces to take tlio offensive was .broken. In tho ('iiiiohkii tlio Itiisnhma have made fuithor udvunco. Tlio uu noiini'uiai'nt follows; "On tlio Kign front nrtillorv on gugomonln continue. At Lnko Mind r.Ial our infantry and lake flotilla, mi liar Lieut onant Olschi'veky, mndo a mtipriHo attack on tlio German in jUi'!"Kl't. llirowlujr them into eoni iilote panic. Kncmy airmen mani fested jtront anxiety from the region south uf tlio Dvinn to the Pinsk inn mho. "On tlio Rlokhod there wan nitil lory fighting at ntMiiy phiec-. Floods (,'ilpplo A lint rla us "Wo tepulsod hy our nrtillorv lire hii attempt on tlio )Mirt uf the eiiem. to take -the uffvtiHivo foitli of the marsh. Owinir to tlio heavy raius tlio Dnoister lia risen almost 2.." mo tow, destroying Austrian bridges, buttresses ami forrv boat. "On our loft flank in the region of the river Hlack ami White TeherowHwohe, southwest of Kuty, our infantry in advancing lownidi. tlio mountain defiles. "In the Caucasus im our right wing in tint ivgioti of Djivixlik, south of Trehixond ami llaihurt, ami west of Itaibnrt, we maiie considerable ud vamcos everywhere, dislodging tlio Turkish roar guard. Iu recent day iHir column have captured 8."t Turk ah officer, mora than 1'JlMl men. ono heavy gttu ami five machine fit us." ' Ccrimins Claim ItepuWo 1IF.KLIN, July 10. Tho Kus-iuii.. navo boon strongly roiuforcod along the front south ami southwest ot Ifilta al tb noKhorn eml nf tli u aimi liM awl have boon heaulv at taokinK I'wkl Marshal von Ilimlt'ii hurg'ri fnraa ther. tho war oltn-o Hiuiounooa today. Tho axttaultx, however, all failod, the KuxHiaiik auf forins iinimnally overe ltMi. The nffioutl atatouiont ou opr tioiw on the wawtoni front wiyt: "Army jroup of lleld Manthal von llUiuenbiHY: South and southwest of Hitfa mil' brave rotfiineuta obumm! rt- uoatoil aUaok by Ruiana, doiiv erwl with Htromdh to brook down with oxtruordinorv hfuw Iukok for the onoiny. "Armv i:i''iip of I'rint'i Loepidd: (Continual on page lx) GERARD TO 'LEAVE' WABHINOTOM. July 1. Ambaa sa4or Oerard at Berlin ku advtMd the tUte department he eooa U1 leave Berlin on a trip to Ua Sen dlaarUn penlneuU. Offidait f the department explains t4ay that Ur. Gerard merely at, aoluu on k vaca tion with apocial iiutrm tluim and that no isnltlranre could be attached to I he trip lie robatl will tUlt L'OiU Nra and $ed?u. BAND OF VILLAISTAS f ' ' t'llllIl'AUUA CITV, Mox., Julv Id A hand of Villiln " atlaokod a train on tho Mo.xioo " " Kortliwpatorn railrund noar "" YhiiIioI, nlioiit fifty niilo vot of hero, yoxtoidny, in'cordinif to n report to Gunonil Jaointo "" f Trovino today. Tlio linndlta 4 woro hcatcii off and cinht of "" "" them, who woro oaptiirod, woro "" brought hero today for trial by "" court ninrlial. "" " The hand was Hiiid to numlior "" " loss than a score. 4- " TOLD IE NOT RIPE FOR PEACE WASHINGTON', July 10. -The uiiniHtor fiom Switzerland, Dr. Paul Witter, todav diouod the proHpuota of poaco iu Kuropo with Acting Soe- retary of Stnto Polk. Ho intimated nftunvaiilK that hia talk had huon without tnnjjililo roNiiltx. Tho iuinitor onllud at the atato dc partuiout primarily to iiHk whethor thoro was any foundation for vari ous icportH lecoutlv oiruulnted re irardiiiK 1'rohident Wilmiii'a dexiro to oo ponoo ui'KotiatioiiH initiated. It i umloilooil that lie wiik infonuod that the attitude of tho American Kovcrumoul wiih unchunKed. White IIoiimo officials have let it he known (hut thev aaw no ovideuito iu iroKent cvoiiIh thut would maku. iuimmiIiIii ii iiiiivk in the ilirecliiin ol 'the restoration id pence. 8T. I.Ol'IS, July 19. Tho St. I.oula and San KraneUco railroad (Krieco ayittun) wna wild to ropro vcntatlvoti of the roiul'a bond hnldora bore today for 115,700,100, JJ00.000 moro than tlio minimum prlco flxod March 111 by Unltod Statea .IuiIko San born. Tha aale ondi the roeolvorfehlp, and (lie road will bo rotumod to tho gtookholiIoM under a plan reeontly dpproved by tho Mlasourl public nor vleo communion. There waa no contObtlUK bid. MOOSE 10 SUPPORT WOMEN'SLIVtNGWAGE MOOBK II1CAHT, III., July 19. AdilrolnK the International conven tion of the Loyal Order of Mooio hero today, Darius A. Ilrown, former mayor of Kanaaa City, made an ap peal for u living wage for w onion workers. "We never can be proud of our clt Uenaulp until we know that gtrla aro getting iwough wagea no they can tight the battle of lite without u tre mendous handicap," ho declared. "The Mooae meuiberahlpSU.OOO now and constantly growlug will be one of the big factor In the tight for a living wage for young women." SENATE VOIES FOR ARMOR PLATE PLANT WASHINGTON, July 10. Hv a ote of ol to 17, the aenate today rejected a motion by Senator Oliver to trike the government armor ijate aeetion from th nayal frill. Senator Taggart waa the only demo crat who supported the motion. A motion bv Senator Oliver to re fer the armor plate manufacture mu -tin t the federal trade comak sion a voted down 4U to It), witfi S-iiiii.r New lauds the onl democrtit ujpurtiuj.' it, IS MINISTER BOND HOLDERS BUY FRISCO SYSTEM atEDFORD I Germans Recapture Part of Delvlllc Wood and Obtain Footlnn. in Out skirts of Longucval at Heavy Cost French Make Proflrcss on Ver dun Front. LONDON, July It). Tho (lerinnu.s have recaptured n portion of l)el ville Wood and obtained n footing iu the northern outnkiits of LoiiKitcvnl, the war office announced today. The announcement snys; "The enemy' attack last niKht, the bcxiuniiiK of which already had been repotted, was directed against our new positioni-i eiiHt of llazcntin mI Iiikc. Very luru Gormnii roinforee ments had been collected for this at tack. After an intenao artillery fire the firwt iiHwinlt wiih delivered in dense masses at about fisHO o'clock iu the afternoon. Tho flKlitiiiK con tinued all night and wua particularly violent iu DelviUu wood. "After ttf forinjr very heavy lnssis. (he encinv succeeded in 10- cajitiiiing ii portion of Dolville wood ami also ooiaiueii a ioouiik in ino northorn outskirts of LoiikuoviiI. Tho strulo in thcM) nreiiH in still vio lent. "Hlhowjioro the attack, inliidln(! throe separate assault) ou Waterlot fat m, completely broke down under our fitp. "On the lenmindor of our front there were no event of importance." (Yi'iiuui Official ItojMii t HKHLIN, July ID. The recapture hy (lonnnii troops of the village of Louuoval and of Delvillo wood is announced today bv the war office. The statement says: "Western frent: In the Sommo dis trict the village of LoiikuovhI and DcImIIo wooil Hiljoiniiii; wore roeap t ii red last iiiiclit from the Hritish, af ter fierce fijshtiiifc I'.v tho .MiigdcliiirK tweuty-sixlh iiifautrv reiinoiit. In addition to heavy saiiKuinary losses, the Hritish lost cinht officers and JHII men in prisoners and left n eon sideralde number of machine kiiiim our hand. "Kucmy attacks ou our positions north of Ovillera, and against the southern edge of l'o.ioros were dis poivcil hy our ourtaiu of file, and had not tho NliglitiMt nueeoaa uuy where. "South of the Kouuiie, Krench looiil uttHoka failed lo the nuith of Mar limiix and noar Ilolloy. At other poinU they wuro cheeked at tho out net. (In Vonliiu I'oout PARIS. July It). Tho I'leneh made sonic progress lust itiuht on tho Verdun front iu tho course of hand gieuHile fighling iu the vicinity of Floury, sayx today's official report. Artillery actioiim continued euorgut icHlly in this sector. A Gorman raid iu the region of I'hscIioikIhmI, HelKium, was cheeked by the French fire, as was a raid north ot the Aisiio near Paez.y, AIoiik the urea I or pint of the front the nitiht uii- (iiii't. submTrjnbclaim LONDON, Julv HI. A Lloyd'a dntsteb friHii Algiers says the Ital ian steainship Angelo has been sunk by a ubuiariue. Tho crow was landed. The Greek steamship, Kvaugulmtriu is boljovwl to have boon unk. The Angelo anilod from WIIuiiiik ton, llal., June 1, for .SMia, Italy, reuobiug that wrt ou June 2.1. She was 330 feet long, of 3oOU tons groaa. The Evangeliatria, XM tous groan and 'J&l feet long, waa owned in Syra. bne waa last reported og her arrival June 0 at Savon, Italy, from Hm. STOCKHOLir, July lfc It i r ported hero the liritua atMM fcUip Adrnu., -'JJ.i toaa, baa ' bean captured bv a German de-trover off Ahiio, SHfdt-ii, while on a o)Hge tioui r'lulaud, TEUTONS REGAIN PORTION OF LINE BR T SH CAPTURE 1 IRE VICTIMS OHKOON. AVKDXKSDAY, EYES OF WORLD ON AS DEATH Airliiliiko CIiui'Icm, iikoiI Ull, lielr nppiiiviit to tlieouo, KraiulMiii of pivs eut einpcroi, Ills wife, fiitiuorly 1'i-lu-cuxs Ha, ilaiiKliler of the Into iluko of raluia, and thi'lr clilldicu... Ik low, ImilK'ioo 1'ran. Joseph. Tlio arrluliiko Is a miu of tlio Into Arch- 4liike Otto and Arcbiliirlic-ss .Mai la- Jiutcplin and most jvopulur, E OF 113 PAItIS, July 19. Ono of tho moat striking oplsodes of tho IS rout of foiiHlvo of tho Sommo was tho tak ing of a field fort nt Illaoboa and tho garrison or US man by nine I'ronoli soldiers. Thu Kronch hud rostod throughout tho artillery bom bardmont and the Infantry uharges had been chocked by uiiirderous mu chlno gun flro. Ily a lucky chiiuco a I'ronoli officer dliroverod the precious Hooret that the terrible bombardment hud made the fort vulnerable at one point. Selecting a sesond lieutenant, two sergeants, a corporal, and four muii, he led them on hands and knoea through the long grass to the spot whom ho knew there was a breach In the defonses. They reached their ob jective point without the Uormans learning of their approach. Abruptly three of the French offi cers leaped Into the work sheuting: "Forward with the bayonet!" and throwing bombs whleh oxploded In the dugout. The other six daring Frenchmen remained behind ready to retrout If the attempt fallod. Hut the Germans, taken unawares, hud uo time to get tliulr weapons and surrendered almost without a show of fight. When one of their number fell, shot ly a revolver fired point blank by the commaudlug offi cer, the German, us In all, rame out of their nhell'Ts and threw up tlulr I'ands, thi l'n-ucb ussort L (JUNKY , I ul IU. The Neuste Nacbrlchteu of Munich says thit It learus from Berlin that the Oertnn noatal authorities are compiling resulatlans and a scale of charges fur a submarine postal service be tween Qermauy and America, gov ernment eorrepondegflft to have pro educ, No arrangements are being made for parcel post service, according lo the uew isjri 'a information. abLmlgmm. ttlwS1aa rJgmmBfok x PfSySJf.'JmW 'k lmaOiu"ibu&riSf CQ m5V?'l!S5?, ' mKSat'XvT'JPT-vijiJ Ws aaarnvM i!lklT ahbb rMM' It Wt 1 IN FRENCHMEN OARSDN GERMANS SUBMARINE POSTAL SERVICE SCHEDULED .ll'LY 19, 1010 GRANDSON BECKONS FRANZ JOSEPH OF .STAFF UNWORRIED 'BY WAP'S CAUSE LONDON, July 10. "No, wo are really not worried by the course of the war," said General William M. Ilobertson, chief of the Imporlul staff at army hoadnuarterk In an Inter view tuday with the Associated I'rosa. "As to the new offensive, a glance at the map will tell the story of our progress. And the happy oxpnwsion of our mounded soldiers from tho front reflects the spirit of thu nion. Do you notion that all published pho tographs show them smiling or luiigh lug?" The subject of general specula tion aa to how loug the war would last oh used the general to shako his head and smile. "That's a question touching human nature, which means dealing with a dubious proposition," be said. "None Is wise Iu Ibis." Iteferrlng lo the complimentary references by military experts to the work of theJilg Hritish guns and the use of cavalry In the offensive, Sir William remarked; "The work ot the guns Interests us not only because of the organisation required to produce them, but ou ac count of the careful trtlnlng wlileit In necessary before the guns are pro ficient. hVleuttficaly accurate gun nery la required In this war probably aa never lirfore. The necessity of firlgg over the heads of advancing In fant r of one's own side makes It so, and It Ii nrcussaiy that troopa thus advurxing hsv perfect confidence In the gunner " FEDERAL SHIPPING IU. AMENDQ1 W4BHINUTON. Jul 1 1 - A lever able report on the Inderal shipping bill was submitted today by tmPseno ate commerce committee. Several Important amendments bare been aded to the ensure as it wt ' " housr and it i eti id lo nave the undivided wipnrt of dtmocratlc rcii ulorn IS CHIEF BORDER ARMY TAKEN CARE OF IN GOOD SHAPE Army Denies Chnrncs of Shortnycs of nations and Lack of Military Facilities Handling of Troops Rctjartletl as Excellent Encamp ments Found Healthy. WASHINGTON. July l'J Koporta from tho army nlohK tho border, which woro Butliored by tho war de partment to nnswor congressional roHolutloiiH of Inquiry na to tho haudllni; of national KiiardBiiion at tho moblllzntlon, nil deny cbnrKos of shortnRos and lack of (military trnns portntlou fncllltloR. Department cominaudorfl report that tho troops loft tholr homo ota GoiiH with ndoqitnto supplies. Siim mliiB up tho reports, tho war dopart munt today Itmuod this stntument: "Tho war department regards tho linndtlnK of tho dotalls ot tho move ment of trooim to tho border as ex cellent lit ovory respect." Conditions Snullury. ' Tho department mailo public n lirollmlunry roport from Dr. Thoman Darlington of Now York City, who has boon mnkliiK Inspection of the national guard's camp nt tho burdor at tho Intorest of the national olvlo federation and with tho cousont ot tho wnr dopartinoiit. Dr. Darling ton's moHRiiKo told of his Inapoctloii of tho camps at Fort Ham Houston, Tex., whoro 11,000 nion aro quar tered, nud added: "ItcasHiiro relatives and frlomlH ot Moldlors. (leuoral medical and sani tary conditions, roiiRHiirliiK thus far. No nontiiRloitfl dlsoaRos." Geuornl dlHtrlbutlon ot ropular trooT nndnatlbilal gfnr1lHmeiT hlfini; tho bordor wag auuoiincod todny by tho war department as follews: Shu Antonio dlitrlot Uefiiilnrs: Third and Fourtoonth ouvalry, Third Field Artillery, Third, Fourth, Ninth, Nineteenth, Twenty-Sixth, Twenty eighth nud Thirtieth Infantry. HUtributloii or 'I'ci Mips. National (luaril Fldrlda, Mary land,, Illinois, Kansas, Indiana, Maine, Missouri, Minnesota, Nebras ka, New York, New Hampshlro, Texas, Virginia, Vermont and Wis consin. Douglus, Ariz, district ItegulRra: Frst eavnlry, 11th, tlth, llth, Slat, and 23rd Infantry. .National guard Arlinun, Coiinoo tlcut, California, Montana, District of Columbia, New Jersey, Utah. HI Paso district Itegulars; Rth, 0th, 8th. 10th, llth, llth and tilth oavalry;i)th, 7th, 10th, 17th, 30th, 23rd, and 21th Infantry; second bat talion Fourth Fluid Artlllory. National (luard MasaaohuselU, MichlKsu, New Meitfou, Oklahoma, I'euusylvnula, lthode Island . and Mouth Carolina. DELAY ACTION ON I WAaillNUTON, July IB. Action on (ireat llrltalii's blacklist of nearly 100 firms doing buslueaa In the United Htates under the terms of the Trading with the ICnemy Act, Is be ing delayed by the atate department, with the exportation that Ambassa dor Page ut Loudon will send a re port At the state department. It was said there were some intlmationa that Ureal llrltaln's latest actlou might bo construed aa unfriendly. lliltherlo representations In behalf of Amerlruu firms placed on a black list hiive rekulted In the removal of their namoH WASHINGTON. JuU l'. tain pa IK ' dan und orv'iiuiutiiiii of the caiiioaign coinmittec will bo di-ciied bv Prenident WiUou tomorrow with Vance llcConnuk, chairman of tha ilc iii 1,1 lii ii . 1 1 1 1 il mil It i Tile president u prepuiing to enter ae- liel upon the litibt tor re election ii inia ai i illicit-? adji'iiiiis. BRTSH BLAKLI NO. 101 DRY CONVENT ON A OR TO NAME TICKET Keynote Speech Attacks Militarism and Preparedness Pronrams of Both Old Parties Sharp Rivalry Between Sulzcr and Hanlcy Adher ents Over Presidency. i ST. 1'AUL, Minn., July IP.-Tlie ooiiveutioii of thu national prohibition paily wna culled to order here ut 10:20 this morning with dcli'Kntcu from prnelieally every stale m nt lendaueo. Tho arrival of John 1. St. John of Kansas, tho party') candi date for president in 1881, evoked the first outburst of nppluuso hy tho dclcKiitos. Mootinrt of rival bodies of dclo StntoH favoriu- tho nomiuatioii of J. Frank llaiilov nud William Sulrer for president preceded the convention Mosalon, nud iiudor-Hiirfnoo talk of IS. W. Chufin iih n compromise enn didute, grew as the bitloruoH of tho Ilanley-Sulrer contest inerensed. Koynoto Aildross Temponiry Chairman Daniel A. Poling of Hoalon delivered the key note uddroaa when he nttucked tho militarism and tho prepiiredness pro griuua of the democratiu und repub lican parties and delegates stood up throughout tho auditorium and cheored. Chairman 1'olintf also nttucked muiiitioiiH inaniifiu'turerrt und exulted at tho proposa of the prohibition and miffriiKC luovementa. Viiil G. IliiiHhnw of Chicago, cliairinan of the nationnl oummittco, culled the convention lo order more limn iyi Jiuuc.iflur,DJA-tmo tyst by Uio prognuu uommlltee. Prayer waa offured lv Samuel D. I'MhiiII of .Minneapolis, bishop of tho Upiiicoptil church in Minneapolis. .Mrs. Francis K. Iteiiuehamp of Leingtou, Ky., seeretnrv of the nn lioiiuU oommitteu, rend tlio official call and Mr. Poling wna Ihon intro duced aa loinportirv chairman, imme diately launching into his speech. Sulor vs. I la nicy An early morning Sulsor mcctitifr was the signal for the uiiniiiskini: of the hntleHea of the Sulxer and Hun ley forces, and hitter debutes took place iu hotel lobbies, in which tho Now Yorker's followers accused llanley of trying to suixo control of the party, while aouiu of IInnlc' adherents accuaed Sulur of accept ing the aiipport of the liquor inter eMta iu Ilia cauilidwcy for tho pioluhi tlou nomination. Members of the Hanlev nud Kulzcr opponeiila will msut tonight and tho New Yorker'a frienda hopo ho will reaeh St. Paul on an evening: train. Alonao . Wilson nf t'hicago, chairman of the llanley dccriu committee, in eonfident of the nom ination of the Indiana man. while Kugene W. t'hnfin, head of the biMiiu, is more eonservative iu his n---rtixii that the New Yorker will win. Dr. Iru L. Ijiiidrith of Nashville, Tcuii., practically is conceded 1io mimiiiatioii for the vice-presidency and i acceptable to all factions. Chairmanship ConluMod A three-cornered ooiiteat for tho IHtruiunont chmniiMiiship may he re ferred to the I'onu'iitlou hy tho com mittee on pinmimnt orgauitation. William K. Kcp.'umiu of Peunivl vuiiia in tin uiiti organiiUltiou oiindi date and tin- or jn nidation bus pre sented Itobetl II. Pntton of Spring field, III, und Fred F. Whuoler of Cnlil'iMiiia. The Paltou and Wheeler lone-, it !. "aid, may unite to de feat Mr. Pfrgiiton. I. i ! .i ii . mm (Continued on page six) WASHINGTDN, July 10.A dk juiteh from General Perbiiif today aid General (icuiutlen, cuortod by fiia staft and 10U men, isited 111 in ut headiiuarici lut night. After nil pxohune nf courtesies DciieraJ Gou salos It-it tor MikIiu in inveatigatu f ompl.'iiiti reyai'diiii,' -i'uni" of thu Jit .ii -I mueh. The Amerioau aeroUaus ahtidou ed wet of DublanJuly 11 ufr beeu recoed. . . j m i SS