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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1916)
nrM, of QrMon Lii-rixr v Medford Mail Tribune FORECAST TONIGHT AND TUESDAY l'WIK AND WAHMKIt WEATHER Slav. Vcitcrtlny 01); Mln. To day nil; Pre. .!. Total ,HM Forty-sixth Yesr. Dnllv Klivinlh Ypnr. f MEDFORD OKKGON, MONDAY, JULY 17, 1916 NO. no VICTORY FOR SLAV FORGES IN VOLHYNIA Pctrograd Announces Taking of 13,000 German Prisoners and Ber lin Admits Retirement of Von Lln singcu Behind River Lipa Rus sian Advance Continues Along Transylvania Front and In Riga Sector Cossacks Victors. PHTKOGIIAJ), July 17, via Lon don, 1:30 p. m. Tho Russians aro continuing tliolr successful ndvanco In tho region of tho lowor Llpa, tho war offlco nnnouncod today. Tho nuinbor of prlsonors takon by tho Russians In Volliynln yostorduy wos nonrly 13,000. Tlio nnnoiincoinout follews: Success in Volliynln "In Volhynlu, oast and southoast or Siitnuho (Svlnlskt) village, our bravo troops linvo brokon down tlio roslstauco of tin onomy. In battles In tho region of 1'ut.tomty moro than .1000 Gorman and Austrian prlsonors havo lioon takan, togothor with tlirco light guns, two hoavy guns, machine guns and much othor military booty. In those bnttlos bravo Gonoral Vlad imir Draggmlroff was wounded In tlio log by n shrnpnol spllntor. "In tho region of tho lowor I.lpa our succotisfiil advanco coutlnuus. Tho onomy Is making stubborn ro slstanco. Wo also captured 24 guns, of which twelve wore heavy plccos, togothur with 1 1 innclilno guns, a fow thousand rlflos and othor equip mont. Wo also luivo captured In this vicinity 2Ti officers nud 2800 men. "Tho total number- -f iwlsonors takon on July 10 In battloH In Vol liynln, Is approximately 311 officers nud IS, 07 men. Wo captured thirty guns, of which 17 woro heavy piocos, a groat numbor of mnch:ne guns and other material. On Other Front "In the direction of Klrllbaba, on tho frontier of Transylvania, we havo occupied a new sot of positions. "In the region of Riga sklrmlshos on both sides have boon successful for us and part of tho onemy's trenches have beou taken, together with prisoners. "Caucasus frent: Tho offenslvo on tho right flank of our Caucasian front Is developing. A grout huocoss was obtalnod on July 10 by tho Tins tuny division of KuImii Cossacks, be longing to the column of Gonoral Gornastneff. .The Turks sut fire to tho village of Ralburt during their busty retreat thence" Gorman Statement IU3UL1N, July 17. A withdrawal of German troops under General von Unelugau southwest of I.utsk to a point behind the river I.lpa, is offi cially announced by tho war office today. i Today's statement on operations along tho oostern front says: "Army group of Fleyld Marshal Von Illndenburg: Increased fire west and south of Riga and on the Dvlna front, preceding Russian enterprises, Near Kutarluehof, south of Riga, con siderable enemy forcos attacked. Lively fighting doveloped here. "Army group of General Von Lln singen: Southwest of Lutsk a Rus sian attack was arrested by a Ger man counter attack. Thereupon, in order to strengthen the line of do fense the troops were withdrawn be hind the Llpa without being molested by the enemy. At other places the Russians were completed repulsed.'' L WASHINGTON, July 17.-The right of the ftty of Astoria, Or., to the Hume freight rates as Seattle, Taroina and Portland van reaffirm ed today by tba interstate rmainerc B)uiitiMi in drayiag a iietitioo by western railroads for a rebMring it decisio of January 22. 1018, which ordered Astoria to b placed m a winl with other North Pacifie coast ports. TERMMA RATES TO ASTORIA UPHELD :; 0.00.0 0 ,9 F Flood Waters Sweep Parts of North and South Carolina, Virginia, Ten nessee and West Virginia Hun dreds Homeless Train Service Paralyzed Ashcvillc Submerged. RALUIGII, X. C, July 17. Flood wntors, which swept parts of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tonnosseo nud West Virginia yester day, taking a toll of nt least nlno lives, rendering hundreds of por tions homeless and doing property damngo variously estimated nt from $10,000,000 to flfi,000,000 were re ceding today. Tho worst conditions obtalnod In wostorn North Carolina, whoro tho flood was doscrihed nB tho most dasastroiiB In tho history of that section. Ashovlllo and Its environs woro tho hoavlost sufferers, but with train sorvlco at a standstill as tho result of washouts, slides and lost bridges, tologrnph sorvlco badly crippled and roads almost Impas sablo, It probablo will bo somo days lioforo tho full oxtont of death and destruction will bo determined. Ashcvlllc Flooded. Lowor Ashovlllo still was flooded today by tho waters of tho French Ilroad rlvor. Two donths woro re ported In tho city propor, while another death occurred at tho town of niltmoro to tho oast and two score persons, Including members of n railroad construction gang, who wont down with a brtdgo were listed as missing. llotwnon Ashovlllo and Salisbury railroad bridges wore washed put on tho CatawbR "river. Saw mills and other property, as woll as livestock, suffered throughout this section. Similar conditions oxlstod on tho Yadkin rlvor around Loxlugton, N. C, nud doud animals, wreckage from mills, cotton, tobacco, oil and othor debris tloatod down tho raging stream. In tho I'iodmont soctlon of South Cnrollna, crops suffered groat dam ngo, highway brldgos wore washed uway and railroad fcorvlco was badly Interrupted. Tho Southern I'owor Company's plant near Spartanburg, wns floodod, tying up tho Intorurbnn Hue between Spantanburg and Greenwood and Gastonla and Char llotto. Ihtiiuigo Widespread, From Goorgotown, S. C, enmo re ports of diuuago to wator front proporty and stores. In southwest Virginia flood wators oarrlod away bridges and tracks, tying up traffic on tho Mine field nud Rrlstol divisions of the Norfolk and Wostorn, Hosldos tho damnge to railroads In southwost Virginia, many buildings woro washed away, including some nt Radford and one man was drowned while ferrying aoross tho rlvor, at that plnco. Jn eastern Tennessee floods also Interrupted traffic on tho Virginia Carolina, the Kant Tonnessee and Western North Carolina and tho Car olina, Cllnrhfleid and Ohio railroads. INSULIN, July 17 The ontlre first-class mall of the Danish liners Frederick VIII for New York, and Osear II from New York, was confis cated by the British authorities, the postmaster gonoral of Denmark re ports, according to the Ovorsoas News agency today. A report from the Norwegian pos tal authorities given out by the same agency states that the mall or the liner Rergensfjord from New York, also has been confiscated by the Brit ish. ITALIANS flErORT RIPULS 01 AUSTIN Itk TREUTINjO ROUE, Julv 17. Tm r.ilw f ba attack by. the ra te upper Poeina talley, ia tfct Tfalino, as a result of an Italian counter-at-flick, wii announced ida by the war of net, o o H CAROLNA t TALK MERGER OFPROH WITH PROGRESSIVES Rival Factions In National Dry Party Old Guard Would Retain Control-Newer Element Willing to Change Party Name, Unite With Progressives and Enlarge Program. ST. PAUL, Minn., July 17. Nival friction in tho national prohibition party art lining up their forces today for their convention next Wednes day. Whether the control of Hlu party shall lio retained by tho old guard which lias fought for forty years for n principle, or captured hv the newer elements which is willing to change tlio party's nnme, adopt John .M. Parker of Louisiana or Home othor 'regressive, ns n vieo-'rosidon-tiul candidate is tho chief ipiostioii nt issue. Virgil fl. Hjushnw of Chicago, nn tioual clmirmnn, deolnred today Unit he helieves the remunutH of the pro gressive partv are nwnitiii" anxiously for nu invitation to join with the pro hbitionists. "It was Colonel Pnrkor who urg ed Viotor Murdoch to hooomo a oitn didato for tho prohibition party's nomination for vico-prosidont," fuid .Mr. Hinshnw. "His action of Sntnrdny in calling a new progressive convention leaves mo in the dark ns to his intentions. Since Roosevelt disowned the parly lie founded, many prominent progres sives in addition to Colonel Parker havo made overtures to us. One of these is Raymond Robins of Chi cago. "Prohibition loaders have discuss ed seriously tlio .alienability of changing their pnrtv name. Kugono X. Fos of MusHiicliusctts has said the ticket could win in tlio coming onnnmign with himself us its lender, nud a new iinmo that would embrace more than the single issue of prohi bition." Opposed to the new ideas of fus ion, changes of name and adoption of the surviving progressives nro a number of Icndinc prohibitionists, among them Kugene W. Cliafin, pres idential nominee in 11)08 and 11)1 'J. U I :T LONDON, July 17. - A now chap ter opened today in Sir Roger Case ment's legal fight against being exe cuted for high truusoii for his notiv Itiew in the Dublin revolt. Sir Kogor's easo retU'lisd the court of criminal appeal, and although the new pro ceedings hardly ooniwro in point of public inturofct with the trial, privi leged spoclMtorw began to take sohU an hour before the court win called to order. .Justice Darling, by icason of his seniority lis king's bench judge, presided with .Judge llray mid Scrutton on his right and .Justices Lawrence and Atkin on Ids left. Sir Roger's counsel immediately upon npeniuif argument einphasixed the technical point that the law gov erning treason doc not include any offense of adhering to tlio king's ene mies outside ot tlic realm. OF BATTLE (MISERS WiASHJN&TON, Jul 17. -Discussion of the relative value of battlo cruisers and battle ships on which authorities differ, was renewed to day, by publication of a letter, writ ten by Rear Admiral Knight of the naval war college, to Secretary Pjinlels, upholding th worth ef the crulmr, as brought out In the Jut la ad battle between the British and airman floats. The engagement, is known, tald the admiral, to have enhanced the Impoiinnr of the bat tle rruiser. ROGERS F AGAINST EXECUTION HIGHER RAILROAD LAWYER, BUT RADICAL, IS FEDERAL JUDGE CLARKE aaaaaaf aRaaK PPBJt aaaal I r OVDGE UOHN H CLVRKE1 " i ' r v -1 SUBMARNE MA E LONDON, July 17. Tho question of tho possibility of a dlsputo be tween Great Urltaln nud tho United Statos over tho status of the (ionium commorclal submarlno Doiitsohland, which arrived rocoutly In tho Unltod States was ralsod In tho liouso ot commons today by John Dillon, who asked Lord Robert Cecil, mlnlstor of war trado, to prosout Immediately to parliament the communications which had pnssod between tho two governments and to uudortako to keep tho house fully Informed of tho courso ot noKOtlatlous in this mat ter. Lord Robert replied that tho cor respondence wns proceeding nud that it was not In tho puhllp Interest that it should be published now. Ho would soe that the siiKKostlou to keep tho houso Informed of tho course of tho negotiations was fully recogniz ed. "Will you see," said Mr. Dillon, "that parliament Is not committed to a dlsputo with tho United States without the house being given an op portunity of discussing the whole subjeot." Lord Robert roplled: "I don't think the house would wish me to glvo such an understanding as that, but I will present the suggestion to Sir Kdward Ore." I NUW YORK, July 17. (Sonera! Clprlano Castro, waited Impatiently today for tho commissioner general of Immigration to act upon his ap peal from an order or tho board ot Inquiry at a local iminlgratlpn station for his deportation. The former president of Venesuela, who arrived here Saturday with his wife from Port of Spain. Trinidad, said that If his caso was not decided favorably he would ask hl attorney to sue out a writ ot habeas corpus. RUSSIAN SUBMARINE SUNK BY GERMAN SHIP LONDON. Julv 17. -Router's Stockholm uorrci indent report the siukinir by a Italian submarine of the Osnoan htennhii Syria. Her iww and Hwedish pilots were ra coed. The Syria, 3607 tons gr. a owiifj m IJatubury. AUS DSPUTE m BRITAIN TO PUT GINGER INTO SUPREME COURT WASHINGTON, Julv 17. The nomination of JiuIkc John II. Clurlte of Ohio to he assistant justice of the supreme court of the United Slulcs to succeed former Justice Unfiles wiii consideicd by the senate judiciary committee today and form ally referred to a suli-eoinmitteo con sisting of Senators Overman, O'Oor nian, Flidclier, Clark of Wyoming and Dilliunhaui. No objection to the nomination have been filed. Chirk u Itaillcnl CLUVHLANI), O., July 17. John II. Cliuko of Clovelauil, as justice of tho United States supremo couit, places another radical mi Hut bench. Not ns radical as loui Hmudoiu, puihnM, but radical enough to inject a little ginger into the highest trib unal. Three ovents in his caicvr point to radicalism: Pirat-Am f(leral district Judge he ordered the car siow of the Wheel ing & like Krio railroad at llnnv ster, O., ieK)ued when tho road's receiver closel tliem to cut exMtuos. This saved a town's waga-oanior their jolis. Second- lie advocaled teaching nlieiia American citiaeitship, ami sought to make mm impix'sitive cere mony of a foreigner's induction into the privileges and duties of a citizen of the United States. Thinl In a "prewt redness" ad dress in Cleveland he declared pre imreduoMM must start with the wirk ingmuii. "If we expect labor to fight our nation's battles we must give la bor a nation win th fighting for," said Clarke. Is Still a llnrlmlnr Clarke's a bachelor at 09. He lives at the University club and he's a highbrow. (Continued on Page Two.) WASHINGTON, July 17. -Siig-getioti that a campaign of exter mination against hark along the Atlantic be undertaken by the coast guard service were abandoned today by treasury department officials af ter considering a report bv Captain Cardan of the cutter Jlohiiwk, saying such a campaign would be iniprm-tic able and that the only sure method of protecting bathers was the exten sion ot the sleel wire nets already in use at moi renorK CLARK ABANDON CAMPAIGN FOR BIG SUMS A DI BILL IS SIGNED BY PRESIDENT Wilson Expresses Gratitude for Hnv Inn Completed Legislation Benefi cial to Farmers of Country Bill Puts Agricultural Producers Upon an EqtiPlity With Others. WASHINGTON, Julv 17. Presi dent Wilson today signed the rural credits hill passed recently by con gress. Just before signing tho meas ure, which creates it system of twelve laud loan banks under direction of a federal board, the president made a short address. "I cannot go through tho simple ceremony of signing this bill without expressing the feeling that I huvo in signing it," said tho president. "It is a feeling not only of profound sat isfaction, hut of real gratitude that wo have completed this piece of leg islation, which I hope will he im mensely benofioiul to tho farmers or the country. Uni'iucr IfauillrapiKiil "The farmers, it seems to mo, havo occupied hitherto a singular position of disadvantage. They have not had the same freedom to gel credit on their real estate that others have hud who were in manufacturing nud com mercial enterprises, ami while they have sustained our life, they did not in the same degree with somo others share in the benefits of that life . "Therefore, this hill, alone; with the very libera! provisions of the federal reserve net, puts them upon no equality with nil othurH who huvo genuine assets nud makes (ho grunt credit o'f tho country available, to them. "I look forward to tho honufttH of this bill, pot with extravagant ex pectations, hut wiih confidou! ex pectation that it will bo of very wide reaching benefit, and incidentally it will he of advantage to tho investing community, for I can imagine no more satisfactory and solid invest ment than this system will afford Ihoso who huvo money to use." 17mm! Two Pons The president used two pens in signing the bill, ami gave one of them to Senator Fletcher of Florida, who naked poi-mUsiou to present it to the southern oummcrcial congress. In addition to the number of mom boii of the house and senate, the signing wns witnessed by David Lu hiu, one of the originators of the bill, and representatives of the Na tional Orange, the Fanners' IMueu lionul and Co-operative Union, the Fanners' National Congress nud the National Conneil of l'nnnora' Co operative association. Site Hilary McAdoo conferred with tho ''resident later on thu ipiusltioii of selection of members of thu now farm loan board. Among those un derstood to he under consideration are: Herbert Quick, W. W. Flanagan, secretary of the joint congressional committee on rural credits; P. J. II. Von foigolken of Florida; C. It. Keg lev of Washington state, II, M. Hals, ton and L. It. Clore of Indiana, J. L. Coulter of West Virginia and II. A. Alochnleiitali of Wisconsin. Secre tary McAdmi is an ex-officio mem ber and four will be appointed by the president. A UUU LONDON, Julv 17.- llntish ex Mnditurc liue now reached a total o more than ,UI)U,ll()(t imjiiiiiU daily, according to a statement made iiv Itcgiuald McKoiina, ohanoollor of tho excheouer, in the houso of oouimonu today. isi NO MORE VISITORS " AttQARD PEUTSCHL'AKfr HALTIMOIU:. Md. July 17.- An nouncement was miide lodu that af ter tomorrow un inoie vinitors will I allowed ou board the German merchant submarine Deotsehlaud. This was taken as an indication that I he underwater liner will leave Ihtlti more before the middle of the week. Kleedoies resumed stowing tbb cargo of richer o"1' nickel tyJoy. BR AK ECOND LINE German Positions on 1500-Yard Front Northwest Bazcntln-le-Pcllt Captured Berlin Reports Artillery Bombardment of Intense Violence in Profjrcss From Somme North to Sen, With German Lines Heavily Pounded by British Guns. LONDON. Julv 17. An official telegram from llorlin says that Km- peror William is now in the Somme battlo sector, according to Itcutcr'a correspondent in Amsterdam. Tlio emperor has received reports 'from the chief commander, visited hospi tals, distributed iron crosses and mndo speeches, the telegram slated. nuitLIN, July 17. An artillery bombardmont of Intense vlnlonco la in progress nt many points from thu Soiiuno district north to tho son on tho western front, tho war offlco an nounced today, tho Gorman linos bo ing honvlly pounded by tho Drltlsh guns. ' Second Lino Taken. LONDON, July 17. Tho Oormnn second lino positions northwest of Ilrunntlno-lo-I'otlt wood havo been stormed and captured by tho Ilrlt- Ish, tho war office announced today. Tlio positions captured in which tho stntomeut characterizes as n "fur ther Important success, extended over a front of 1,500 yards. A strongly hold position at Wator lot farm, east of LoiiRiioval, also was captured by tho Mrltlsh, whllo tho remaining strongholds of tho fler maus In Ouvlllors and La Dolsollo also woro taken. Tho stntomont snys: "A further Important succoss baa boon galuoil by us. Northwest ot Itiuontlnu-lo-Potlt wood, wo stormod nud captured Gorman second lino po sitions on a front of 1.500 yards. "Knst of Longuoval, wo widened tho gap In tho Gonnnn second lino by completing tho strongly dofondod position on tho Wntorlot farm. "On tho left flank In Ovlltora and La Dolsolls, wo captured tho remain ing strongholds of tho enemy. " Trench Is Oiptiuvd. JHtlTISH FRONT IN FUANCK, July 17. Tho Ilrltlsh today cap tared a Germnn trench In tho neighborhood of I'ozloros. Tho capturing ot tho trench strengthens tho now Ilrltlsh Hue In this vlolnlty. Tho Ilrltlsh also have olonred out nosts of German machine gnu operators, who had boon holding out In collars and behind barraendea In tho ruins ot Ovlllors and La Ho soils. Othorwlso, the situation along tho Ilrltlsh front Is unchanged at this hour. A total of about 100 offlcors and men surrendered to tho Ilrltlsh, who had steadily olosod In upon thorn, using bombs and trench-mortars, thu Germans being short of food. Wounded In Cellars. "In an enormous cellar at Ilosnn-tluo-Ie-I'etlt the Ilrltlsh found sovo- (Contlnued on pago six) IN POLES BEHALF WASHINGTON, Julv 17. Pur- NHi letter- niohabl- will bo sont by I IriIvut Wilson to the kintr of Kmr- lu, the president of Fritnoo, tiio eiiiHior of Qarniauy ami the ompgror of Itiissia urging thoiti to allow opd. to be sent iroiu the United Statos tt the stadving H-oide of Poland. Tho presideut ba asked the state depart meiit to advise bim as to the most, desirabU wav to ruoeed. So fur all efforts to :ii range for tho shipment of food inl iHirtinn of Poland ooou Hcd by Germany have failed. It will be necessary to got penniion for passage of Biipphoa through the al lied bhiekada ami assurance front (lenaiinv that they will he used by the Poles and not h the Germaa umiy PRESDENTAPPEALS bf Ofi'optioii, ... , . yM. a & ?