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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1916)
lUKDFOttT) MATL TRTTtt'XK, W.nFORT), ORFCiOW KATT'fiP Y, .TTW W. ' 101H PAGE TITTER ' f '' lfd l MilTaPITT?XB i I. -,--,, , , - . - A iro(ty ehureh wedding took plneo at thu Huntibt olniroh Tuesday pvpninjf, whon Grace, tlio dnujjhtor of Mr. mid Mrs. Jnuios M. Flaming, bo camo the bride of Gcorgo C. Spiokor mun of The Dalles, Or. The ehureh wan nrtistioully decorated with ivy and pink and white ioos by the Am oinrt Sunday school dnsi, of wbieh thu bndo wiih a meinbcr. Preceding thi' ceremony, Mins Vuiiitn Hamilton Ithiyeil noft nnihic' interspersed with solo, "Somowhcre a Voieo Is Call ing," snug bv Krnest Mnddo.v with Sli'M. ('Iiildcra nt the piano, and "1 l.oo You Truly," by .Miss Ornoe llratnoy, necoinimnioil by Mias llernn Hubert. At 8-M the bridal party entered the ehureh to the strain of JiOlieunriii's "Wedding March," piny oil bv Mi Venita llnuiilton. Thu head lulicr. .Wessrx. U. ('. Gurnet! nnd D. W'nllnee, stood at the door holding- white ribbons, throiiKli which the bridal proeeHion imsied to the nltnr. The usher, I'Mward Haskell nid I.oMer Wilcox, led the proec sion, followed bv Fnv Oamett n tho ring-benror and Mm. F.dwnrd Kun-ell, sister of the bride, n matron of honor. fliMc were succeeded by our little flower girl, Joyce Maddux, Bllen r.nd Ornco llcmJiaw and Alta (In met I, carrying pink and white rose and being driven with white nh Jhiiih bv Mis Jtmnita Cnrolcm, the biidesiimid. Then (nine the bride on the ii riu of her father. At the altar they uero met by thu groom nnd the bout man, Atitlimv A. Stuinpf. The iniprex-ive ring eereniony wn per formed by Nov. Ficdeiick W. Cnr MteiiM, pnfctor of the Haplint ehureh. The bride wore a gown of mnriii ito or iory white taffeta trimmed with pen rln. Jler bridal veil was caught with white rosebuds nnd who carried n bompiet of white roao. The matron of honor. Mr. Kdwnrd Ku nell, n bride of InM September, wore .her own nuddiiur die of white erepo I do meteor mid Chnutilly luce and jiearK The briilcHinaid whs lovely in n gown of while organdie with pink jrirdlo end earned n boiifuiot of pink rMa. The little flower girl mid ring-boa rer nere charming in their white Clocks and ribbon. Immedi ately following lb1 ceremony the bridal party and immediate friends repaired to the homo of the brideV mient, where a rerepticm was given them. Mr. nnd Mm. Spickuimiui will leave wnon for Tho Hullo, where thev will make their home. They will isit in I'oitinud mid C'hiiibn. Mr. 'J K, Seantlin entertained with it birthday party for I.indle Seantlin Thiiradnv eveninfl; at their homo on N'orth Oranpa street. Tho oraninpr wah pont with Riiraes and music, nfter which refroahmontii were on-ed. Tlio umIk nreient weie: MUw Urtxel Antle, HliiMheth Hill, Kranceit l'errv, Wlna Uarriuon, Junuitn rrawfurd and Drowning; Punlin: Donald Hunvard, Bol) I'usldn, Hubert Seheuek. liar! York, AVoodford Ilarrbwn awl Lin- die Seantlin. Mm. (". H. Buiterrield nnd llrs. R Jtoberth will entertain tb memberx af the Octette club and their bua hand at the homo oT Mr. Roberts on I'eaeli street, thu eveuiiig with four tables of bridjje. The inxitwl inichtd are: Mr. and Mm. hV W. Ter rill, Mr. nnd Mm. V. W. Thoiua., Dr. and Jim. Knunens, Mr. and Mm. Kd ward Soulier, Mr. and Mm. George PolUus, jrr. and Mm. 0. C. )tonr, It. S. lionnett. Mm. C. 8. Itutlorfudd and Mi. and Mm. V. Koberls. . The Miaionary society of tho Presbyterian eburpa will meat at the nome or Aim. Ii A. Welch on Uaat Mi street Tuesday afternoon. An inteivstiiiff prugrara is bviwr urranged and all riaad and memWm ure urg ed to l.e present. Mm. R. W. Clancy and Mm. Welch h ill be boteea. t Mr. and Mm. W. A. Kolger enter tamed a dinner party at the Hotel Austin Thumdsy evening. The guets Mvre: Mr. and Mm. Knight, .Mr. and Mrs. KoluHM. Dr. and Mr. Darker, Mr. and Mrs. Uke, Mr. and Mm. Itiuuxdea. MU-i Dorothv Wicl left thi roorui'ig for San Francico to rexume her voeal work under Professor Ut' mann Qensa. She was aceompanied ' by her sister, Mildred, who will visit friends at Mac Doel. Calif. Mr Ofoi-.'o ('tdiin.. entt-rtain.-.l ut I in. . i ..n.-.l.i f i M'- tin V v H Mi Ii u in. l.l ,r T i J Olne llebekah lodjje, No. "28, enter tmnid .Hid wn entei tinned bv about rony in akiiihiki Itclieknlis Tuesdny evening, Jtitte 0. J. Uemmer and W. Lesher had charge of the cveningV piogrnm. The Uebeknh lithia troupe put on a playlet entitled, "The Oidy lining Man in Town." Xeed'ess to my, all the parts weie well taken. Mr. 1'i.her'rt fi fends seemed quite siirprii'il that he objected to being "the only young man in town." A rending, "The Twins," by Mr. Camp bell, "Dick Poscj," brought .sihs nnd laughter from the audience. In re sponse to an encore, he gave, "Solil oquy of a Small Hoy on His Father's Farming." Mi-s Wilson of Ashland delighted the audience with her whis tling and kindly responded to nn en core. Interesting reports were iriven by Mrs. Wiley nnd Mrs. Turner, dele gates to the Hebeknh convention. Mrs. Witt kins nnd Mr. Demmer gno some of their experiences nt the conven tion. At e'oio of the program an in vitation was extended for nil to fall in line for n march to the banquet room, whore delicious refreshments were served by Mm. Doirmier nnd her able assistants. After lunch dancing and n socinl time closed n ver pleits- nut evening. At bor beautiful home on South Oakdnlc, Mm. Dulroy Oetohell enter tained at nn afternoon tea Friday, honoring Mm. Iteginnld H. Parsons of Seattle. Mrs. (letchell's guests in eluded: Mm. George Howland Par sons, Mm. (iuorge Morrow, Mine. Ar nnan, Mm. Holloway, Mm. George Carpenter, .Mm. Frank Madden, Mm Lninb, Mm. Fred Hopkins, Mm. Itieh n id WiUnn, Mrs. Hamilton Patton, Mm. . Manning, Mrs. Fred Lewis, Mm. Frank Owens, Mm. Herman Joy, .Mm. II. I j. Irwin, Mm. Dave Lewis, Mine. Fiero, Mm. Albeit Clarke, Mm Don Clark, Mm. V.. 11. Hanley, Mi's. Martin Kriekson, Mm. Gardiner Mul- bs, Mm. Coming Ivenley, Mm. H. f, Washburn, Mm. Iteginnld Parsons, Mis I C nt It .Mannintr, Mi-s Martha Hullis, Miss Helen Hullis, Miss Eliza belli Putnam, Mjsh Susan Deuel, Miss Louise Mill ke. Mr. nnd Mm. It. I). Cnrwllc. Ron- in-law and daughter of Mr. nnd Mm. W. W. Wntson, At Rose avenue, this city, arrived in Medford this morning from Nw York to sK)iul the MimmoY. Mr. nnd Mm. Cnnille came direct from New York Winter Garden and Castles in the Air, where their en gagements will be resumed next Sep. (ember. After a siieinl engagement Washington, I). C, Mm. Carvilln, whoxe stage namo is Itarbnra La Marr. cirticluded to enjoy the summer months in a needed test with her imrents in Rogue River valley, in stead of a professional season nt At lantic City or n summer oiigngument wiih the rnmoiis Players at Now York. Tho Greater Medford club will hold A reception and informal tea at tho residence, of Mm. Jap Andrewji on Mnndav June 11!, nt 202 S. Orange street, in honor of Mm. Kramer, a on. time resident of Medford, and sister of Dr. Pickel. Mm. Kramer has just been attendinit tho biennial meeting of the National Federation of Women's Clubs in New York ami has kindly agreed to give a rejMirt of same to tie luoul eluli, and any one eUt interested. No formal invi- is lions win tie sunt out, all mcu, whether club mewibem or not, will be welcome. Mrs. R. J. Conroy entertained for her cousin, Mr. Fisher Ituckingham, of San, ho will be the Kucst of Dr. and Mrs. Conror for sev ernl months, with a theater piirtv nt the Page theater Wednesday evening, after which the imnv went to the home of the hostess, where dancing Has enjo.Md the remainder of the ev. ening. The guests were: Misses Leah Walthem, I-nuru Page, Dorothy Churchill and lues Crass; M"esrs. I'Hsher, Ituckingham, 1'lroer Fimw, I.ylc Clnrchill and Rv Hill. ' The annual Hue day exercises of the Klks lodge will be held nt the Klks tempdrnext Wednesday evening at B o'clock. At thu time the world orer the Elks pav tribute to the Ktam and fttrine. The beaiilifiil and impres ie flag ritual ot the order will be git en. C. M. Thtuuas will be the or ator of the day and there will be pat riotic music and songs. Mm. Homer Rothrrmel entertained the GirU Thumdov lindge dub at her home on Geneva aveuue Thurs. day afternoon. Mrs. E. R. Beelv returned home Thurlux from a visit Hith friends in Porllsiid and e.Klcrn tlrcoii Dutii rr. ' I i r (. rr ii M . .! )l A pretty June wedding was solemn ized at the Catholic chuuii Tuesdnv luoming nt 8 o'clock when Miss Red itli Joney becamu the. briii o Hai- vey E. Murjihy, Rev. Father John Powers officiating. The bride was attended bv Miss Hircher nnd Frank Sanders was iet mini. Nuptial mass was celt bra ted for the bridal couple. ilie altar wim beniititullv decorated wiih pink and white enmntions. Af ,ter the eeremonv a wedding break fnst was sen-ed at the home of the groom for the bridnl party and a few intimate friends. The bride is well known in Medford, having Attended the Medford high school, and has been taking u course of training nt the Snored Heart hospital for several months. The groom is the son of Mr. nnd Mm. J. II. Murphy, who came to Medford from Portland about a ,eiir ago, and is ngent for the Dodge Motor t o., having his headqunrters .in Ashland. Roth young ieop!c arc well and favorably known in Med ford and hnve a host of friends who wish them joy and happinoss in then new undertaking. A children's iartv wns given Mon day afternoon bv Mm. Walter Rowus at her homo on Siskiyou Heights for Miss Ruth Rowne in celebration o( her fourth birthday, followed later by a ten for tfie mothom. Games ap propriate for tho occasion were plnv- wl, lollowed by a dainty luncheon. Tho guests were: Ruth Rnwnc, Far well Kenley, Snndy ami Hniec Guth rie, Peggy and John Hnmill, Rosannn Ruhl, Jack Seudder, Hilly Hopkins, Mary, Louise nnd John Connor, liar barn Owen and Stewnrt Patterson, Mm. F. C. K'euloy, Mm. K. F. Otith lie, yh. Phil Hnmill, Mm. Robert Jtnhl, Mm. Seudder, Mm. Frederick Hopkins, Mm. Guy Connor, Mrs. Pat temon, Mm. Lincoln MeCormnek, .Mm. J. It. Pa i sons, Mm. Morrow, Mm. Sooy-Smith and Mm. W. J I. Taylor. Mm. Harry Stoltz and mother, Mm. Hunting, unterlnineil Thursday afternoon nt their ranch homo south of .Medford for the pleasure of Mr. Kdwnrd and daughter, Miss Edwaid of .Milwaukee, Wis. A veiy pleasant nftornoon was enjo.ed. Miss Glmlvs Ilinmnn delightfully onleitained with several vocal solos and Miss Lornine St.dta: rendetcd several piano selec tions which woie very much nnjoved. A delicious two-course Inuehiron was scried by the hostesses t the close o fihe afternoon. Those present were: Mm. 0. O. Alenderfer, Mm. A. II. Cunningham, Mm. Roy Davis, Mm. George T. Kojes, Mm. William M'u Coy, Mm. Stimrns of Central Point, Mrs. John Cnrkin, Mm. Cleever, Miss Olad.vs Hinmnu nnd .Miss Elinbeth McCoy. Mm. A. L. Loomis entertained with n birthday party at her home on West Tenth street for little Miss Gene Loomis in celebration of her twelfth birthday. Game woro en joyed tho greater part of tho ul'ter noon, uftor which u dolieions two course luncheon was served. A pret ty color scheme of pink and white was carried out in the table iliwom tions mid a large birthday cake prov ed to be the center of attraction for the guest. Those present were: Lil lian L'ssher, Constance Yanee, Edith Garrisou, Ruth Smith, Cleono Car penter, Margaret Harrison, Margatet lluney, AiHlrey Robert h, Gene Al- Mion nnd Adelene Loomis. Mre. Riley D. Heiison entertained Jlhe junior choir of the M. IS. ehuroh south Wednesday afternoon at hor home on IWrkeler Way. After the choir relit. j ma a social uoud time was rnjoxei'. The h-tcss served ic freshments, assisted h Miss Item ice Linnuig. Those present were-. Mise-i Roue ond luth Hillings Nel lie ami Hemic,? Inniug, Jtssie and Ruth Stringer, Marvbelle Henson, Nenmun Rilliugs, Jnwis ond hiuulo Rice Hnoa. The regular monthly meet ins of (ho C. W. II M. of the Christian church ns held at the home of Mrs. D. W. Drukel on Kul Main street Wednesday afternoon, followed bv a social session. Mm. Yan Gilder gate a very enjoable reading and Mm. Reulah Pawner tendered several pretty instrumental solos, lollowed by refreshments, which were bv the com mittee under the direction of Mm. L. J. Quifley as enairwun. Mm. Frederick C. Page entertained Iks' NuJlo Bridge club at her home on KisWyon Heights Thursday uftcr noon. Mr. and Mrn. A. W. Walker are spending the week in Portland visit ing friends and taking in the rose cruivul. Mi - IIi T n D i)i) '.it s i,. I w ' n . i ' , J, I,,, .4 K . liJ iv i r r The C. W. H. M. of the Christian church met nt the home of Mmi K. W. I Driskel on Enst Muin street Wednes dn afternoon. Mm. Harry E. Tucker being the leader. The following pto glum was given: Song by the soei it, Scripture reading, Mm. Dninell, pra.ver, MesdnmcB Driskel, Kirkpat-. nik. (uiglcy, Tucker; talk, "Obtign j tion oC Women's Missionnrv Society j m Interesting Young Women m Mis sionary Work"; solo, Heulali Pun cher; leading, Mm. E. L. Ynn Gil der; roll call nnd business session, at which time thn following oflieem were elected for the coming year: President, Mis. Kirkpatrick; vice president, Mm. Darnell ; secretary, Mm. Quigley; treasurer, Mm Bellin ger. Dclinioiis refreshments were served by Mm. Hillings, Mrs. Darnell, Mm. Seely nnd Mm. Quigley. The Julv meeting will be held nt tho homo of Mm. S. S. Smith. The last mu.sicalo of tho venr of the Grentcr Medford club occurred nt the Page thonter Monday afternoon. The audience was largo nnd appreci ative. Every number was enthusias tically reoeived and in each case nn encore was given. The mtisicnlcs of the 0. M. C. have always been a suc cess nnd it is to be hoped that more will be given in tho futine. Such events ns tho nnihicalo of Inst Mon dnv and the concert given by the Medford Choral society have dono much toward creating a love of good music in Medford nnd should be en couraged In crory way. Mr. and Mm. Thomns Carlton of Wi'lleti mitertnined nt their home with a dinner Sunday, Juno 4, in honor of the thirty-second wedding nnnivem nry of Mm. Carlton's father, Mr. and Mm. William Ulrieh of Medford. Tlio following guests were present: Mr. nnd Mrs. William Ulrieh and daughters, Annn and Lorain, William Young nnd Mr. mid Mrs. Thomas Carlton. .Mr. nnd Mm. V. II. Kramer of Ynlde-, Alaska, Nnre guests nt tho homo of Dr. and Mm. E. II. Picked. Mm. Kramer is n sister of Dr. Pickel and was formerly n teacher in the Medford high school. Shu waH dole-gnte-at-large to (he nationnl conven tion of Women's Federated Clubs held in New York Inst month nnd is now on her way home. Monday evening Miss Hernieo Levy of Snn Francisco, Cnl was n complimented guest ut a party given by Miss Youitn llnmilton. Those present were: The Misses Howard, Theiss, Lamar, Levy nnd Muiidy, Me Cullough, MeCreigh; Messrs. Snn dels, Sholtz, Ynwtcr, Alford, Mundy, Isniics, MeCullough. Mm. Edward and daughter, Miss Edwnrd, of Milwaukee, are guests at tho homo of Mr. and Mm. William McCay. They are making it tour of the west, including Yullowstoijo Park nnd sovernl other pluces of interest. Misses Elizabeth and Ellen Hon drickseii of Portland nrrived in Med ford Tuesday and will spend a lew days visiting Misses Florence and Alice Johnson, on their way to Snn Francisco. Tbo W. II. M. S. of the M. E. church South met in n brief business sossion at tho church Friday after noon. The Indies wro planning sev eral socinl function in thn uonr fu ture. Miss Marion Shannon, who has been visiting friends here for several weeks, left Saturday for her home in Portland. Mrs. C. A. Knight was hostess to the Friday Hrilgn club Friday after noon at hor home on East Main street. Mrs. Gcrome returned to her home in Portland Tuculnv after a teu-day visit with rcliitivcs OOOOOOCCCX3CO 300000CCXOOOOOOOOOCXXXXX)OCfOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOCW30CfOOOOOOOOOtX TJio txixt and most oMnslre (ho. nlrw, tlirniiKi'nui k fnllisl hlatci ') Minn- tlio -ini() flliiii, ttlioiru by tlio Sfiir. Paramount JKSSK L. I.ASKV PivwntK thn TTAMMTTT ArAPrs Tu an Kalaborato Piftturiimtion of tho ; Photoplay Knvonto of Two Cimtinciit' rislNiNIil VY1JL AViiU-ly Keiul Story of tho West j; 'oundo(l on tho plav bv Scott Marblf, stigsostcd by Bret of Uio plains niai'vclous J-'ardnor a masterpiece nt filnw. .j j F A TT V A R PIT 1CV T TfT l, Two-Reel Ritlo- r r X X 1 rtXJ -U s-AKIJU splitting Keystone Comedy. COKIMG, THBEE EXTRAORDINARY BIG FEATURES IN SUCCESSION l TOMORROW JOHN nAltRY.MOUK in the Kive-Pavt r ........... -. --. DA.NMK, Till', YUlJhhlC, me js not a ino uitf pu-tiuv. Coming Monday The WmM (ir ai i (Jp v.i stiir, is said to be ( wii In ttir than that i "(".iriiuii." IN C. JR Mm. Ellen Andren of thi.s city has charge of the ooronntion ceremonies of tho Mny queon, nnd she nnd Mm. Woods nro arranging tho detuilH of tho whole pageantry, which will come off in the forenoon. The rest of tho day will inuinly be devoted to folk gnmos nnd races, which nro laid out by Mrs. Mary Raymond and Cnrl Pearson. In faot, tho solo object of the soeioty is to reproduro festivals as they were celebrated in the Scnn dinnvinii countries thousands of curs ngo. Artistic yexhihitions and fancy dunciiig nro not the nims of tho soeioty. Hut the efforts of thu Scandinavians in Roguu River valley have been so sut'cessful that recently in nearly every city in the valley Swedish folk-games and Scandinav ian conceits have been given by the pupils of the public schools and oth ers interested in reproducing bits of ancient northern culture. . Tho Home Guard and Mutlm' Juwels of the Methodist chinch held a joint mite box opening in the cburi-h Tuesday afternoon. The following program was rendered: Song, nil, prayer; the mite box, girls ot Houu Guards; exercise, Mothers' Jt I . solo, Albert Hilton; piano s.Jo, Ktli.l Whipple; duel, Sarah Whilloi-k audi Marian Newman; recitation, NiIIk Glascock; duel, Esther mid Khmmr Palmer; talk, Ethel Andemou; upm , ing of mile boxes. rhne pn- nt then adjoumed to the bflsenient, where sherbet and wafers wt aen'cd. Mra. M. E. Griffin and dmvhtrr. Miss Marguerite, of Rerkclev, ( a I , nrrived ia Medford last Suiulnv in spend the summer with her parent , Mr. and Mm. D. B. 8oli-, of I Oakdale avenue. Misses Lin and Haitie en tertained at cards in honor of tlinr aunt, MmQeroine of Porllaml lnt Thursday evening. Mm. D. Hus,.l .n.,1 Mm R. y Swan f-pint Fnilav in A-lilm.l with relative nnd fiu-iuN. FOUR CHILDREN CATHDR1NC & , ' $ HwH I I . . - - S J W k ML jmi rluoHrs WrTcRFrViE: lSibsM' 'chcyiosjiUr Picture - TODAY - - Paramount Picture "TENNESSEE'S PARDNER" si'cni'ry, faithful n-pn-M-ntations of frontier lift.' exciting . - .. ... in Vodle SonjfH and liUlluhvK, will be the extraordinary F, UE2.ASETI1 v HuciHrja'. Tl iq r nro four rliltilrcii In Hie family of Chariot Krnns llitglns, tlireo ilaughtcm anil ono son. KHa nlHith is nine yisvi-s of uge, Kntlier tno IH nnd Helen ii.". Cliai'liw Kvaus, Ii., Is iiinnleil anil lias (wo cliltdrcn. Dr. 0. X. Nelson spent yesterday in Ashland, consulting with Mm. E. A. Woods in regard to the eelobrntion of the Scandinavian midsummor-fonst in thnt city nn Saturday, Juno 2i. Mm. Woods in chairman of tho com mittee in Asblnud, has hod mm h ox IHirienco in arranging festivals on n largo scale nnd is planning on mak ing this unnivursnry tho most suc cessful musicnl event in tho whole history of the Scandinavian in Uuuthcrn Oregon. St. Mark's Guild gave another de lightful onrd pnrty Thursday nftor noon. Six tables of bridgo and two of five hundred were played. Mm. Ilnntui of Jacksonville and Mrs. Cun ninghnm of Ashland were winners of prize, after which a Ihreo-eourso luncheon wns served. Mr. and Mis. Wabl of RlYcmidc drive have taken up their residence in Medford. AMUSEMENTS FAGEE MKIM-OItl.'.S Jailliig Motion nro 'II i en til) LAST TIME The Din Comedy Bill fTi Ti ms riofiirei in the Paper With the Inimitable Coniodlan Douglas Fairbanks As tho Hero. Also the Keystone Feature Starrlnu Willie Collier in Better Late Than Never DON'T formt your pro gram card number tonight. ' ' it. -l"'l iii.ibi'j!.-'JS Tlartc's story, fiss Ward E. US 1ILY Paramoiint Comcdv, "Ncnvlv a Kinjr." .. . Goraldino Parrar in "TEMPTATION." Her work in this Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Ono package proves it 25c at all druggists. W a I Xssrrff'i'rr .., TT.TTt.y 11 ' fi iMoTTinrnTir err. vT!?!! fr iMpSIMtmI j . .r"T ?4 shows m PICTURES tliats why it is tKe Best stars IB. o ES and get o The tliealrc with the let film sorvlr In tin cntlro unlvoivo. l'lrtiuis. ail pliiultoi' Hiiouiil no Q pioiul to offer to Ills patitjns. in this ni'odiiotion is a girl opisodo. "TennoBSOO's g attraction tomorrow. Dan- R r . -- . . :c PICTUR Asfcrforit KXOOOOOOOOOOOOOCKOOOOOOCK3O0OOOOOCO0O00OO000OOCX00OO0O0OCO00O0OOOCJOOO0OOC00C